Highlighted below are resources to support learning online, get market analysis, and conduct research.
How do we make sense of the information around us? Check out our S.U.R.E packages for school, work, and life.
Resources organised by themes such as Pandemics, Upskill and Upscale, and Wellbeing.
EIU Viewpoint provides insights into a country’s political, policy and economic outlook, and proprietary ratings on the business environment and risks. We provide forecasts of 5-years, up to 30-years into the future to help you understand what is happening now, and gain insight on how each country will look in the future. Viewpoint also provides industry analysis for six major industries as well as global commodity analysis.
Power strategic decisions with Factiva's global news database, deep archives, and research platform.
Classical music recordings for on-demand streaming, with supplementary material such as album covers, liner notes, inlay card, biographies of composers and artists, curated playlists, educational resources such as Study Guides, interactive music dictionary etc.
You can use our research databases to get industry news, trade journals, and academic research. Topics include business, social science, the arts, science and technology. See our list of databases.