Weekly Sun, 27 September 1913

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Weekly Sun
  • 16 1 THE Weekly Sun »a*t' 126, CROSS STREET/SINGAPORE. NO. 160. SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 2Al9f&" price 10 cent;s.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 139 1 JEFFREY'S PILSENER BEER Sole Agents ADAMSON GILFILLAN AND CO., LTD. THE If PIANO MOUTRIES Supply it. PRICE $320 CASH. j S. MOUTRIE Co., Ltd. jj Raffles Place. I ■■■■■■■■■■■■■I *l SLEDGE MILK THE MILK THAT'S WORTH ITS PRICE. It Combiiies all that is Best m a Sterilised Canned Milk. It
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    • 42 1 Sporting Outfits. m i EVERY REQUISITE FOR Football, Cpieket, Tennis, Hockey, Etc* mwmm c Large stocks of Cricket and Football Boots, also Tennis and running shoes always on hand. a c f SPECIAL QUOTATIONS FQR CLUBS. ITTLE Co., Ltd. The Athletic Ontlitters.
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  • 1056 2 The Bulgarian Monarch, King Ferdinand, is reported to be m a bad state of health. He suffers from frequent attacks of gout. So full up is a famous German spa that the Grand Duke Paul, uncle of the Tsar of Russia; when he arrived at one
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 393 2 p.. 0. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY Fop China, Japan, Penang-, Ceylon, Australia, India, Adsn, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about:— MAIL LINES 1913 Homeward <f«>r Europe). From Sing-apore /connecting 1
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    • 263 2 KONINKLIJKE PAKETYAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. (ROYAL DUTCH PACKET COMPANY.) Ukdbr Contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agents at Siigipire Tie Slips Agency. IH. 2-3 Collyer Onay. MAIL TABLE-SEPTEMBER 29TH TO OCTOBER BTH, 1913. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. bailing Steamship. From Expected. Will be Despatched for:— Date. Japara Palembang Sept. 29
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    • 217 2 LISTERI BRUSTON AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC LIGHTING PLANT ***** l 111 ■lIIIIMIM— ■—!■■■—^M Hll—llll IBM 111 l AN ABSOLUTELY NEW IDEA. STARTS ITSKI f STOPS FULL PARTICULARS FROM TUX SOLE AGENTS:— CENTRAL -ENGINE—WORKS Ltd THE National Mutual Life Association of Australiasia, Limited. Established 1869. The first Life Assurance Office m the World
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 71 2 TRAIN SERVICE. Siogapore (Tank-rd). Mail leaves for north at 7.9 a.m. and 7.0 p.m. Other trains leave for Johore at 9.0 a., 10.30 a., noon 1.30 p., 2.54 p., 4.30. p* Mail arrives from north at 8.16 a.m. and 6.52 p.m. Other trains leave from Johore §,42 a., 10.15 a.,
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    • 335 3 Five Senators and three members of the House of Representatives were arrested on the morning of the 27th ult., some at their own homes while others m front of the Senate building. The Senators arrested were Mr. Chu Nien-tsu of X angsi Messrs Tins Hsiao? chien,
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    • 33 3 Gen. Chang Hsun's soldiers finally succeeded iv entering N. inking ou the lst aud the city was completely m the possession of the Government M-oops on the next diy.
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    • 48 3 Th Ministry of Finance has drawn from the proceeds of th** Quintuple loan the suras of $14,031,827 »"d $23,495,499 m the months of May and June respectively. The Ministry, it is said, is going to publish a complete report of the expendituies.
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    • 64 3 Owing to the opposition from certain quarters, the proposed retrenchment of the Government lias not as yet been carried out. It is said th it as soon as the organisation of the new Cabinet is effected, Ihe expenses of all governmental departments, iucluding the Presidential
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    • 125 3 Mr. Ivan Chen has left Peking on the lst inst. for Simla as China's special plenipotentiary to the forthcoming Tibetan Conference. He had spent several strenuous days, during which h*» had been received hy Yum Shih-kai anl ■elected a staff, consisting of five, including one English-speaking seoretarv.
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    • 175 3 Tha Peking Daily Xews publishes the following list, corrected up-to-date of Foreign Advisors to the Central Government (I) Political Advisor to the President Dr G F. Morrison (British; (2) Advisors for Drafting the Consitution 1 Professor Frank Johnson Goodnow (American) Prof. Naga© Ariga (Japanese).
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    • 63 3 At a Cabinet conference Dr. Morrison expressed his regret fiat the entire atten tion of the government had been drawn to the suppression of the rebellion and tbat the Kuss > China agreement regarding Mongolia bad boon dropped. 'He explained the danger ol delay ol Che settlement
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    • 88 3 The Ministry of F >»-eign Intercourse has received a despatch from the American L -gitioi wggotting that Mr C D. Jamieso should he engaged ou the Engineering Staff for tho Huai Ho Conservancy work, since m that capacity he would bo very useful, as he had acquired
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    • 83 3 Mr. V T. Tsur, 8.A., (Yale), M.A., (Wisconsin), mho is now m America with a baton of Chinese students for American universities, has been appointed by the Uinistry of Foreign Intercourse as Director of the Tsing Hui College to succeed the late Mr. Tong Kai-son Mr
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    • 28 3 The Customs Reform Com nisnon has been apoointe I oy the Gover* ne it an I Mr. Chao Cheng-yen has been electe 1 c iairman.
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    • 52 3 Tie Cxnnittei drifting the Constitution has decided that all treaties with foreign natious should first be submitted to Parliament for approval, that the Presi dent could appoint diplomatic officers without the sanction of both Houses and that the power of pardoning criminals should not be exercised by
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    • 57 3 Yang Shih-chi and Hu Jui-liug have been appointed by the G>vernraent to proceed to the South S?as, Austrilii, and America to explain to the Chineie overseas the true attitu le of the Government with regards to the Second Revolution and dis^uide thuin from
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    • 120 3 It is at it <1 that the Chinese Minister at Washington has recently reported to the Government that Presi leut Wilson hai held a cm er^ne^ witi the representatives of the Powers re^ardin* the civil War m China. The President declared that all Powers should
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    • 54 3 Mr. Yu Ya-ch ing. a prominent merchant m the Foreign Settlement of Shanghai, was the object of an attempted murder on the morning of the 28th ult. A messenger brought to his house a bomb, which explo led before reaching Mr. Yu. Fortunately
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    • 60 3 The President has received a telegram from Admiral Li Ting-hsin to Ihe effect thit Dr. Stiff »rd C>x has rendered valuable service m the surrender of Woosun^ Forts. The Telegram requested that a military medal of merit be given to Dr. Cox m appreciation of
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    • 45 3 It is reported thtt foreign rs uiv.-* re fused to piv stimp duties on Ihe grniul fchafc according to Ihe intern ition il treaties made wit 1 Cnim, foreigners are free from piyment of any other tax thau the Customs duties.
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    • 93 3 Yum Cj-oniai, tie eight 1 son of President Yuiu Suih-kai, travelling from Peking b/ the Trans-Sibni m Railway, has arrived at Brussels, says the London and Ckiai Empress. lie bai come to Europe to complete his studies, and is accompanied by his tutor, Mr. Yuan
      Republican Advocate  -  93 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 225 3 CONTINENTAL TYRES Ji r J^Hfc* Buses andheavy Commercial Vehicles. I i h 1 0s w> 4*-'%k I jn^ aH 23_S____b^ '*v\ $*h 0 H __B_B__t_e t §B X JT .*ilr H L I a c M^mCr I known all ver c w R| -D- 1 CONTINENTAL TYRE I RUBBER Co..
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    • 30 3 MINING. Prospector (European) is open for engagement. Apply to Box 242, care of Weekly Sua. THIS SPA6E IS RESERVED I FOR Maynard Co., Ltd. Wholesale and Retail Chemists. Battery Road.
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    • 516 4 Yin Shield Final. j The final match of the 1913 Yin Shield competition, under the auspices of the f Straits Chinese Football Association, was j played last Saturday afternoon on the Raf- fles reclamation ground, the Straits United F. C. (A) and the White Star Club being the finalists.
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    • 823 4 K.0.Y.L.1. Tournament. As predicted, the boxing tournament held by the men of the K.0.Y.L.1. on Saturday night ia the 3.V.C. drill hall proved a thoroughly sporting affair The programme was a lengthy oae, but never at any time were things allowed to drag. Tne soldiers saw to that, for
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  • 42 4 The second half yearly pingpong handicap competition was played off last Sunday at the Club house. There was a good entry. Result Mr. Clian Lee Choon rec. 15 beat Mr. Sng Soo Geok owe 40 by I—6,1 6, 6—1,6—3.
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  • 51 4 Keppel Golf Club. The result of the September Medal is as follows D. D. Mackie 49 49 20 78 E. Appleton 43 45 9 79 A. J.Caleman 49 48 18 79 B. J. Henry 46 45 8 83 J. Watt 52 55 20 87 F. Wheeler 67 52 20
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  • 72 4 The following will represent Singapore m the Mid Eist Interport shoot to take place at 3 p.m. to-morrow at Balestier Range.— Messrs R. W. Chater, J. Long, G. D. Neubronner, Tan Chow Kirn, Edgar Galistan, Major R. H. McVittie, R.M.S. R. Moss, W. Butcher. Reserve Sergt. Franks,
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  • 50 4 On Sunday morning, under the auspices of the Chinese Swimming Club, there will be two races A division, 100 yards, and B division, 50 yards. The commencing time will by ten o'clock The Committee of the Club, we are informed, are raising subscriptions for their building fund.
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  • 62 4 Sunday, 28th. Johnston's Pier, at 8, 9 and 10 a.m., 2.30 and 3.30 p.m. Club Bungalow, at 8.30 and 1.30 a.m 12.15, 3 and 5.30 p.m. 444 yards Handicap— This race will be swum off on the arrival of the 10 o'clock launch. Entries will be received
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    • 163 4 A Championship Saunders beat Perkins, 6—3, 4—6, 6—3 A. Class Singles Moling owe 15 3 v. Terrell. Unfinished. B. CLASB SINGLES. Gold owe 5 beat Dr. Clarke scr., 2—6, 6—2, 11—9. Hesselink beat Gold, 6—l, 6—i. C. Class Singles. Keay beat Baddeley, 6 2,4—6,8-6. D. Clvss Singlks. Tonkin
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    • 251 4 A. Class Singlb Handicap. Moding owe 15.3 beat Terrell scr., 6—-2, 5—6, 6—4. B. Class Single Handicap. Col. White owe 1 beat Morgan scr., 6—4, B—6. Wishart scr. beat Henson owe 2., 6—4, 6—4. C. Class Single Handicap. Challen scr. beat Utermark owe 3, 4—6, B—6, 6—2. B^vatt
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 192 4 DON'T RUB -ERADICATE. The Wrong And The Right Ways j With Rheumatism. When Rheumatism clutches do not waste time on liniments— and rub- 1 bing the trouble to another part— but root it out by eliminating from the blood the uric acid poison which is its cause. To do this
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    • 55 4 COUGHING INTO CONSUMPTION "Only a Cough" but you stop it while it is ONLY a cough. _t SWATERBURY'S 1 METABOLIZED XX COD LIVER OIL J jj COMPOUND Tne finest preparation made for combating severe coughs. CURES any cough that is only a cough Very palatable. OF ALL CHEMISTS jiwiii i«
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    • 486 4 MOTHERS should know. The troubles aft multitudes of girls is a f proper nourishment and en of it. Now-a-dayi they condition by tha loaned n. j Anemia. But words change no facts. There are thousands of girls of this kind tnywheft between childhood and young 1 v hood. Disease* finds
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  • 842 5 Ku'U X lagsar S at 21. Ku il K.i»4-«4 i' w»»-.i» ii ac o festivity. Sc >r -s o' Eir »jh lf i visi >r< a*d many tmusaidaof Miliv m oolidav co* tuine are to ba supd on lb* ro*ds, whici. with the hud lings, are d»eoitd and
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  • 241 5 Only a Few Seats. The onl\ seats at the G.C.V.O. presentation cereuon. m the Astana N igara will be those provided for the guests invited by toe Government of Perak. These are HiExcellency's house-party and the Judicial Commissioner, the Federal Council, the State Council (excepting
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  • 1421 5 A Stately and Impressive Ceremony. Kuala Kangsar, Sept. 24. The presentation of addresses of congratulation to His Highness the Sultan at 12.30 to-day at the Astana Nagara, was a stately impressive and interesting ceremony. The weather contiuues favourable. The Throne R >ora of the Astana was ta>tei
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  • 461 5 Thd annual report of Mr. W. E. Hooper, Registrar of Hackney carriages and Jinrikishas, Singapore, has just been published, bearing date Feb. 12. The year 1912 gave a profit of $129,413, which of course means that the Municipality, by this indirect tax, took nearly fifty cents from every inhabitant of
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  • 449 5 There was a fair attendance on vlonday 15th, at the V.M.C.A. to hear Mr. Alfred Lei's most interesting lecture on the Early European influence m tha Far Eist. The night vvas very wet t > begin with, and there was the counter
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  • 327 5 Police Sergeant Martin Blake, at tached to the Louza station, Shanghai and one of the most popular members of the force, died by his own hand yesterday morning, says the China Press of 10i h inst., it being the general impression that this mind was tern;) >rarily deranged, for, during
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  • 313 6 The Weekly Sun SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27. THE ARMAMENTS OF THE GREAT POWERS. The latest issue of The Nautilus," the annual devoted to German maritime and naval interests, once more affords an abundance of material for estimating the military, political, economic and technical problems connected with shipping. It is interesting to
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  • 917 6 [Continued from last week.] It would take much longer than the| iverage tourist has at his disposal to thoroughly explore the ancient Hindu runs that can he visited within a small raduis of Djokja. It w r as a deep regret that time permitted of a
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    • 49 6 Der Ostasiatiche Lj.o\d Telegram. Berlin, September 22. Russian reports declare that m the event of a Japanese occupation of Nanking, England, France and Germany informed the FiptaoM oven, ment that they would alsojand troops m China. This is officially denied as far m Germany is concerned.
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    • 39 6 [RSUTEE'SI London, September The Chinese missionary, the Rev. F. L. Norris, M.A., (of the Church of England Mission, Peking) his been nominated to succeed Bishop Sen;. who is resigning the diocese I N China.
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  • 59 6 Our Leader of 13th inst. has br forth an un-solicited compliment from Batavia. The writer says 'You paper, according to the A' den Dag, published an article ua \ke situation here which gives a better idea of the occurrences during the la*t few months than the other
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  • 94 6 That bright and cheery costume concert party, the Court Cards" open m the Victoria Theatre on Saturday October 18th. Tiiey an on a return tour of the Far Bat! after a most successful seas m throughout India. Writing to a friend m Singapore Edgar Warwick I lin
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  • 70 6 Miss Daisy William- 4 SiugapoWi who is visiting Poona, at present, appeared at a Cafe Chan! ml bold et the Gymkhana Club oa 10th inst. The Daily Telegraph, (Poona) has the following comment on Ififi* Williams singing: "Miss William*' two 44 Bird of Love Divine, and Hollo Tv Tv" m
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  • 175 6 An historic interest attaches to a certain medicine case which has recently been returned t > Burroughs Welcome Co. It belonged to the "Scott" Expedition and could tell, it could speak, what the South Pole looks like, for it h#s been there. Fashioned m cubical form m pto" rot-proof green
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 102 6 YOU'LL LIKE IT— YOU'LL MORE THAN LIKE IT~ WHEN YOU SEE IT BUT YOU'VE CO TO SEE IT FIRST! That High-class and Refined Comedy m Two Parts entitled A DAUGHTER OE EVE Those who have seen it will tell you that it will be worth your while to see it
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  • 136 7 hfi n>. tr tfki 'i i>" 1 r i i gre >• > iui 44 Critic's" attention vis called t an article which appears I m a cm porary the other diw The headio was Lawn Tennis Partnership.' Why cannot Husband aud Wife PI iy Together?" Critic his
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  • 857 7 Don't Worn -Sign A Chit. By B. O. B. The Ring and rhe N >^ As a rule, parsons have a "good' time of it. In the hempen ring you watch tin other fellow's eye. I a the herring ring you watch the other fellow's commissioners. A questionable
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  • 113 7 There was a young fellow named Cox, Who, thinking he had the small-pox, Rode straight m a taxi To a surgeon for vacci., And is now lying snug m his box. There are 4452 bank notes of the value of £445,200 m total, and each of the
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  • 101 7 The Anjon which for a considerable time was laid up at Rangkok inj a somewhat delapidated condition, andi which was brought to Singapore some; months ago, has undergone extensive repairs and reconstruction at the United Engineers ship yard at Tanjong Rhu. She has been entirely replated and once more, put
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  • 321 7 The prospects for a successful meet- ing are beginning to look much 1 brighter than when we first started these notes. Good entries have been promised from both ths F.M.S. and Penang, nd it is practically certain that as many as eight horses will complete for the Governor's
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  • 175 7 Capt. W.A. Moore, R.G.A., has been appointed to the Hongkong-Singapore Battalion, R.A. Capt. Molony, 7th Gurkha Rifles, is granted an extension of six months' tenure with the Malay States Guides. The Batavia papers of the 12th inst., announce the death on the Ist inst. at Kuala Koerven (Borneo), of Mr.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 53 7 A GOOD EVENING'S ENTERTAINMENT is provided by the INTERESTING, HUMOROUS AND DRAMATIC PICTURES IN TO-NIGHT'S NICE PROGRAMME at the MARLBOROUGH Picture Theatre, Beach Road, 2nd Show, 9.30 to 11 P.M. Jim Plays Billiards. Tha Great Winter Industry. THE CONVICTS DAUGHTER. The Image Seller. MARY, THE FLOWER GIRL. 1 TIN ytH*
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    • 219 7 ROBINSON Co. 1 i i j ANNUAL CASH NOW PROCEEDING. THE ALL STEEL I) 4 ¥>¥/*II BICYCLE l\i^ldfl_/lwfl The Popular Model. Fitted complete with Duniop Tyres, Silver Plated Lamp, Bell, Tool Bag, Pump, Repair outfits, Lubricating and Lamp Oil. E $60.00 GRAND HOTEL De I'EUROPE. S I NGAPOR E. A
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    • 606 8 Teo Beo E and Soh Peng, were fined $1 each, for behaving m a disorderly manner m Havelock road, at 10.40 p.m., on Saturday night. They were shouting and creating a disturbance. Crowds gathered to look at their antics. They pleaded guilty saying they felt a bit jolly after
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    • 549 8 Koh A Jee and Tang A Poh (Teochews), were fined by Mr. Talma $5 each, for using criminal force to a Cantonese girl named Yip Siew Fong of No. 4 Fraser street. Six Chinese cart-drivers were fined $10 and $5 respectively for cruelty to animals by working their bullocks
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    • 599 8 A young Chinese lad named Ong Hok, aged 12 years, was yesterday ordered by Mr. Talma to receive five cuts with a rattan for causing hurt to one Lee Hok Geok by striking him on the head with a piece of brick causing a wound about an inch long
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    • 641 8 Cho Koh Kiak, was fined $2 for gambling paikow m public at Albert street. Deen, a Malay, pleaded guilty to being drunk and incapable m Malabar street. He was fined $1. For trespassing on Government House Domain, at 3.50 p.m.. yesterday without satisfactory excuse, two Tamil grass-cutters were fined
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 306 8 IWaterburf 's Metabolized I Cod Liver Oil Compound. ICONSUMPTIUNI finest No rwegia n COD LIVEII OIL d,,,,,! I I 32 bytte latest scientific process fcj a form allow] I "Only a Cough" but you stop it j I Mmk l h CveZoZ'Zd Guaiacol, two valuable l I while it is
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 250 9 WHITEAWAY. LAIDL&W CO> LTD. SINGAPORE. IlUi nn rM Q r variety of chilorens perahsulatj cc- carts now m stock, DESICNS Ifl If Stll p L AND PRICES r<i suit anyone, larc c st s t o.- kin [SINGAPORE. T X Jt\\ \\\\m. mmr^^^^ Amm% O^ mty*T >*^^jjjjjjjH _________________________________H____B ft -^_fl
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    • 2752 10 General Chen Chi-mei, who according to the Municipal Council anl the police has received four distinct warnings to keep out of these settlements, is defying the municipal authority. Not only that but he is using his principal Kuomingtang ort'an, the Mm Chuan Pao, as a medium through whish to stir
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    • 102 10 I deeply hope that the Consular authorities do not incur the hatred of people, and, by protecting the Settlements, the\ may endanger their peace." •> I deem it my tiuty, as intimately ••um* cted with y«»u for some time, to v/ixe \OU this warning, m the belief
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    • 123 10 Peking, September 9. —J tpanese Consular telegrams from Nanking stated that ou September 7, a Consular messenger, earning despatches and bearing a Japanese flag, was stopped by some of Ching Hsuu's soldiers and beaten with rifle butts, while the Japanese flag wis taken from
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    • 76 10 Nanking, September 9 The Japanese Admiral has arrived here with three cruft sers and one gunboat. More then one hundred Japanese sailors were landed on the 7th iuet. m order to protect the Japanese living at Nanking. General Feng Kuo-chang is said to intend to
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    • 15 10 Berlin, ptoamrl —T- e Ok. V 'ersburg Ageuoy ioaru* from luk/u that Ouiinti
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    • 44 10 Nanking, September 8. In (m tQ increasing the guard at the J (>u r^ sulate by 100 marines anl several ..ju.ckiring guns, Japanese gu irds have bee pi (t v] it several business fimee ii tha aettrt c if V
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    • 152 10 Nanking, September 8. L m* is b^H carried across the nv< r by th* n.mt !oad. Soldiers camps are still filled wit tne»«j ill gotten goods, aa I, as vet. no attempt. toward restoration have been made. Op. pression by the soldiers still continue*. Looting goes
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    • 39 10 Gener il Feng Kuo-ehans; is reported ty have differed radically with Chang Hsuu m regard to the receut con luet of his troops, and is hastening his departure. Many of General Feng's soldiers have already started Northwards.
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    • 67 10 Tokyo, September 8. Anti-Chinese demonstrations, on account of trie X inking incidents, continued during the early morning. They were confined to window smashing and tramcar wrecking. It is believed, that the agitation is organized by the Opposition with a view to embarrassing the ministry. The Premier told a
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    • 21 10 Tokyo, September B.— The crowd demonstrated all night outside the residence of Baron Makino, the Foreign Minister.
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    • 111 10 The Tutuh, Lung Chai-kwang, lr« ordered all discharged soldiers and til persons out of employment to leave tne city immediately under penalty of several puuishment. The exodus to Hongkong k renewed owing to fears of auot:i»o uprising due to the resentment of discharge 1 soldiers and dismissed
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    • 415 10 In spite of having* many adverse conditions to contend against, the official* o the Shanghai-Nanking Railway are d-nn? their beat to got the line into thorougn working order again with thelea^t possit>« delay and, the limited service having g»** every satisfaction, it is hoped to
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    • 171 11 The Shanghai public is more or less familiar with the situation at Nanking a*a result of the recent looting, as recorded m the China /Vest luring the pest fewdays. The facts as set forth show that much suffering has been caused and the
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    • 114 11 Mr. Chen Kuo chum, honorary secretary of the Chinese Anglo- A -nerican Friendship Association, haa addressed tbe fallowing hirer to Dr. W. E. Macklin, »t Nanking k Oa Behalf of this Association. I have much pb asure m trantmitting our highe>t appreciation of your noble work
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    • 1682 11 No Express Service on TientsinPukow Railway. Messrs. Thos. Cook and Son advise, with reference to their previous announcement concerning the Tientsin- Pukow Railway resumption of service as from the 1 1th inst., that they have now received a further letter from Pukow stating that owing to the lack of passenger
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    • 46 11 Peking, September 11.— The Japanese presented their demands this afternoon. The Cabinet immediately met and considered them. Both Japanese and Chinese are maintaning secrecy regarding the exact nature of the demands, but other Legations confirm the view that the demands are very moderate.
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    • 123 11 Nanking, September 9. The number of killed and wounded m and about Nanking has been exaggerated. The Red Cross Burial Corps has interred up to date over 900. A few districts have no yet been covered. The total mortality among the Southern forces during the past three
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    • 102 11 Nanking, September 10. Feng K.uochang an i his trouns have iet't Nan king. His troops are encatnpe 1 at various points on the Tientsin- Pukow Kdlway as far North as Hsu.'howfu. General Feng himself Uat Pukow. it is reporte<l that he will proceed to Peking l
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    • 50 11 Chang Hhun Not in Tutuh 's Yamen. Strange to say Chang Hsun has not yet entered the Tutuh's Yamen. He changes his residence daily, staying first with one friend and then with another. This ma\ be for the purpose of eluding assassin* and desperadoes who are doubtless dog his footsteps.
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    • 76 11 Nanking, September 10. Most of the olHcial business is done through his senior officers The five-coloured lag of the Republic is conspicuous by its absence from all military camps and otfici il headquarters. This is causing considerable comment People are forbidden by the soldiers to
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    • 202 11 Large numbers of the inhabitants are leaving the city by train and boat. Four [extra express trains have left to-day for Shanghai. Over 5,000 tickets had been sold by the Shanghai-Nanking Railway for the three morning trains. Since then two additional trains have left crowded with refugees.
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    • 64 11 Nanking September s—The5 The Japanese •re using unu-iuil measures to protect themselves. In addition to a uard of jerliaps 200 provided with several rapid tiring guns, marines ;ire on guard at the Japanese Ciub and at other iuportant places. A squad or marine! accompanies ach Japanese who
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    • 61 11 Tokyo, September 11. A youth named Okada aged eighteen who is alleged to be the assassin of AI Moritaro Abe committed hara kari yesterday morning sitting on a imp of China. He left a letter of confession, giving the reasons for his crime. The poshumous appointment
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    • 205 11 Peking, September 11 The Kuo ningtang High School has beeu re-op^n^d on an entirely new basis under the protectorate of Hsiung Hsi-ling, the Premier. The amount formerly deposited for tho ius*itu tion with the banks will afford the m -ans to cover the expenses. Chen-Huan has been
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    • 51 11 Peking, September 1 1 The Senate has passed Hsiuug Hiding's cabinet, 178 iiembers were present. Sun Pao-chi resetted 151 votes, Chu Chi-chien U3, Liang Chu-chiao 140, Wang Ta-hsieh 127, Jm mg Cbieu lOi*, aud Chew Tz^-chi 103. Cho Ying kuang has be^n appointed Acting Civil Governor of
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    • 97 11 Judge Hsu Chin chang of the Ministry of the S.vvy who wus sent down to Shanghai m connection with the Naval Seizure Bureau during the recent fighting at Shanghai has gone to Nanking to investigate into the circumstances attending the shooting of
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    • 120 11 Admiral T<eng Ju client, the] Commissioner of Defence at Shanghai, issued a proclamation yesterday to the effect that a man lined Chung Chi who was at one time connected with the Date-to-Dies enlisted recruits for the rebel leader Nyeu Teh-sung on 13rd August, and
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 186 11 Toothache! 11l To those who have experienced it/ the mere thought of the word brings fear and anxiety. The tormenting, lightninglike pains following the slightest touch of the decayed tooth, and the dull, agonizllllllllling pain which robs one of sleep and lessens the capacity for mental and physical exertion are
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 102 12 JUST ARRIVED. OVERLAND CARS No. 69 T 30 H.-P. five Seated. Fitted with Bosch Magneto Hood, Screen, Headlights, side and tail lamps, Horn, Speedometer, tools, etc., etc. PRICE $2,175 COMPLETE, J BEST VALUE ON THE MARKETw^mmm^^mwm^mmmmmmMmmmmwmmmmmmmmmMmmmmmmmmm^m^mmmmmmmmmmam^mm^mmmm These Cars are specially strongly built and are most suitable .for. v hiring purposes
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