Weekly Sun, 13 September 1913

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Weekly Sun
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 172 1 JEFFREY'S j PILSENER I B£bß I Sol* Agttntt I ADAMSON GILFILLAN I AND CO., LTD. f H rmam»*A^bi,% v <v i TngmrwrraiKt— —^^■W»HßßßiMKßKMlßC3Bßß^a I Sporting Outfits. I I Football, Cricket, Tennis, Hockey, Etc. I Large stocks of Cricket and Football Boots, also Tennis and running shoes I SPECIAL QUOTATIONS FOR
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 455 2 STEAM NAVIGA f lON COMPANY For China, Japan. Penang\ Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Ei;ypt, iMediterranean Points, Plymouth Through Hills of La ling i mcd for China Coast, Persian Uulf, C »ntinental and American 1' -»rts. Steamen '.vill leave Singapore on or about: MAIL LINES ii mi. .vAiii) (for Europe). From
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    • 321 2 KONINKLUKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. k ROYAL DUTCH PACKET COMPANY.) Under Contract with tiik Netherlands India Government. Agents at Singapore The Ships Agency. Ltd.. Z-3 Collyer Quay. KAiL TABLE-SEPTEMBER 11TH TO 24TH, 1913. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. Steamship. From Expected. Will be Despatched for:— 1 Singkruvang Djambi Sept. 11 Moeara-Saba,
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    • 110 2 THIS SPHSE RESERVED FOR Maynard Co., Ltd. Wholesale and Retail I J/, Battery Road. ACID TEsfT An article must have exceptional merit to survive for a period of fifty-eight years STEARNS' HEADACHE CURE was first offered to the public m 1855. From a small beginning it has grown m favor
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    • 290 2 j A 9 AN ABSOLUTELY NEW IDEA. STARTS i-rceri cSTOPS iTggi f i^^ FULL PARTICULARS FROM THE SOLE AGENTS.— I 1 National Mutual Life Association of Australiasia, Limited. Established 18G9. The first Life Assurance Office m the World to apply the Non-Forteiture Principle to Policies. A Mutual Office No Shareholders
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    • 84 2 "UNION TIMES." CHINESE DAILY NEWSPAPER. If you want to make your goods known to the Chinese, advertise m the Union Times." For contract and non-contract advertisments, apply to The Manager UNION TfMES PRESS, LTD. 124 Cross street, Singapore. THE WEEKLY SUN. NEW ADVERTISING RATES. INCH SCALE RATES:— One insertion, I
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  • 719 3 Canton, August 18 A conflict between the First Regimes! of the Becoad Brigade 0 J the Canton Army Mid the mercenary tr oops accompanying Qen. Lu»ig Chi-knag lo Kuau^tung took place here August 1 1- 1 c" pasting 300 lives and millions of dollars with of property.
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  • 495 3 Testimony from the Tropics on the efficacy of Dr. Williams Pink Pills. To eliminate the cause— not m< rely the •ymptoius— that is the right way to attack Molina. T«e duse is paraeitiailljr poisond blood. The cure is m Dr. William*' Pink Pills. To-day m
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  • 66 3 THE NEvV PREMIER PROPOSES RETRENCHMENT. It i, reported from certain quartern that Premier Using Hai-Ung i? goim; to make a gen«ril retrenchment m all the Uovernmontal affair^. Tha report further sa.s that one of his new policies relating to finance is to tloat national bonds w'nich will bo
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  • 111 3 Wan Pans-yen, a member of the House of Representatives, went on the 23rd to tho President's tletvlqirirterfl and also paid a visit to Turn Clii-j.ii, Minister of Army. On his way back, tiie head of the horse of his carriage touched a suMi< r on his
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  • 54 3 More than halt ot* the national Constitution has been drafted by theCoinmitee drafting the Constitution. Mot of tiie important questions m the Constitution are said to have been discussed aud it is expected that before the end of the next month, the complete draft cm be submitted
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  • 70 3 The Committee drafting the Constitution lias decided that the President must secure the sanction of Parliament to declare war. I If the House are not m session, a defensive I war :nay be declared, but the matter must I be referred to Parliament as aoou
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  • 67 3 A Military Conference has been held m the President's Headqu irters discussin.; the following questions: (I) Measures which should be carried out. in Hunin, Cvangtang, Fukien, Kiangti, Kianosu, and Anhui. (2) The organisation of a defensive jt'orce m the Yangtsa Valley. (3) Wayi nnd means for
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  • 28 3 W, S, Shan, m.a., (Columbia), has been sent to England Uv t!»« Ministry of Fin*no« m connection with the eoatemplated flotation of national bo?ids.
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  • 34 3 ll*u En-yu^n, a returned student from I England, and Li rlsiang-ohuan, liave b«*en appointed by the Ministry of Finance an Special Offioeri for remitting funds and disbanding troops at Nanking.
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  • 57 3 Tutuli Cbang of I ton m requested the Government to take i»u iii«-< 1L 1 1 o steps for i b 3 nationalization of the LotOflg btailwat and prop jsed the appointment of *sze Chaot^eng Director of the Haichow-Lanchow Railway to take over the Raid
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  • 66 3 The Ministry of Finance has submitted ijto the loan-audit otficu for ex.wniu.ttion a statement of expenditure for August as follows Hinistry of Foreign Intercourse, $300,000 Interior, 350,000 Finance, •2,130,000; Army, 3,150,000; Navy, 230,000; Justice, 100,000; Education, 220,000; Agriculture, 00,000: Industry, 50,0J0; Communications, 100,000, extniordiuarv expenditure, incln
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  • 42 3 The representatives of the four foreign Ranks interested m the tiokuang Kailway Loan niet yesterday m the Ministry of Coininunic.itions. Tlie loan will probably be concluded jis soon as Il>iuni^ llsi ling, the new Premier, pushes the matter.
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  • 56 3 In the new Cabinet the portfolio for i Finance will be entrusted to Hsiung llsiling, the now Premier. Liang Shih-yi, tho Acting Minuter of Finance, will return to his former })ost of Chief Secret. ir-y to the President's olli^e, .is the President finds that hi« services
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  • 55 3 At t Cabinet meeting it has been decided to pay a portion of the oilkial salaries m Gorurnment Bonds m the following proportion* 60 t<> $160 20 In Gov't Bonds, $160 to $360 30 %m Gov't Bonds. $360 to $560 4U m Gov't Bond*, Over
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  • 59 3 Mr. Wang Tft-hfcieh, Minister to Japan, has sent m his renignatios, and it has Lmeo I accepted. It ia believed m oiliciul circlfh that Mr. Li Snen-to, who lias just returned from a «p"cial SfiMtOa to Japan, will be noininited Mr. Li i* no stranger to Jap:ia
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 121 3 for Motor cars, Motor cycles. Cycles aHB£ uses an^ l]eavy Commercial Vehicles. hH 9 *BPI Sk^L •VA A ■1 KNOWN ALL OVER THE WORLD. 4^^ CONTINENTAL TYRE I RUBBER Co.. Ltd. V -fl Headache I neuralgia, etc, often takes us at very I inconvenient moments. To rid yourself I of
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    • 149 4 Peking, AvgtUrt 23. According to a; Police Circular sent to the Press, telegrams from the South reported that the arrested Members of Parliament, Ting Hsiangchien, Kao Yih-chao and Wang Hung-tang were accomplice* of Po Wen-wei. ex-Tutuh' of Anhwei, and m the Kuo:ningtang con-, ference at
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    • 101 4 Peking, August 89. Owing to the arrest of the Members of Parliament, which he did not sanction, Chao Pingchun has resigned his post as chief the Peking of Gendarmerie. Tbe Seuate Investigation Committee has reported that m their belief the telegrams from various places, accusing the members,
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    • 234 4 Peking, August 29. Special meetings of Parliament were held yesterday afternoon to receive the reports of the Speaker of the House of Representatives and of the Vice-Speaker of the Senate. At the former the Speaker reported that he had interviewed Yuau Shin k'ai and Chow Ping-chun,
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    • 805 4 Foreign Ships Treated With Scant Respect. Little respect is being paid by the Rebels to foreign ships, aud following the Emden, the Ficnch Decidee hay been under fire. Rebels m Nanking have been encouraged by small re inforceuieut*, rice and money. Campaign funds hare alto
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    • 815 4 Chengtu, August 9. Truly the unexpetttd happened a few days ago when Geneial Hsiong at Chungking declared the independence of Eastern Szechuen. It w;is known bere that he was disaffected. And many were anxious about the course he would pursue but few really imagined
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    • 740 4 TWO REGIMENTS OF NANKING REBELS HAVE BEEN WIPED OUT. Nanking, August 28. Fighting still goes ion. E^ery place where there were soldiers or officials is being shelled. The gunners are not experts, but mauy non-combatants are being killed. There was very heavy firing yesterday evening and the soldiers told me
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    • 564 4 Ntnkiftg, August. 26 _I a 70ar km 22nd inst. on tht front p 5 p rh m^^ is made that Nanking U largely de^rltd of population except for the rtbel soldier* If this refers to the foreign <!onees«*n and settlement outside of the North Gtt«
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    • 1187 4 Another bomb explosion occurred m the Settlement yesterday, doing considerable damage at the house of Yu Ya-chin* N° 36 Haining road, Compradore of Tb Netherland Bank, but fortunately nobody was injured. The recurrence of bomb outrages m quite serious enough, but then are
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  • 2003 5 me following is to be taken as representing official views m Java and should he borne m mind, w i tn j lle consideration, m trying to obtain clear understanding as to what ha^ taken pi, ice m that Colony. Throughout the whole of Asia may at present
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  • 52 5 Over 1,500 merchant ship?, are now fitted with an installation of wireless telegraphy. Action hy tho Board of Trade has heen postponed until after the Diplomatic Conference which is to he held m London m November for international regulations, with a view to the greater safety of life and property
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  • 1113 5 Peking, August 21, The Belgian Compaaj which secured the ooacewion from th« Chinese Government to boild the. Hailan Railway, signed an >grei»me*t, on August 14, with the Minis try of Communications, whereby the Comipany got a concession to build a line from Kwei Hua Ctien to Chengtu of
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  • 300 5 *m mm "The Eastern Star" Lodge of the International Order of Good Templars was instituted on Wednesday; m the V.M.C.A. by Mr. E. V. Brown when 19 members were enrolled. It has been resolved to meet on Wednesday's at 8 p.m. m the V.M.C.A. Any information regarding the Lodgn may
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 726 6 The Weekly Sun. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13. THE JAVA SITUATION. Much has recently been written of alleged turmoil and threatened revolution m Java, the most valuable colonial possession of the Dutch government. Ship captains trading to Australia have hinted at grave unrest, newspapers m the Straits Settlements have devoted columns to
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  • 183 6 We intended to publish m this issue some impressions, etc., of our trip to Java but, as certain papers promised us have not yet arrived, we must hold the matter for next issue. How did it happen We are informed that the Band at a certain British entertainment the other
    S.O.  -  183 words
  • 364 6 JAPAN AND CHINA. London, Sept. 9 An article m the Times considers the murder of Abe more deplorab c than the Nanking outrage becau c though the Japanese Government rft mains calm the supposed motive of thl crime indicates that the tides of p 0D v lar passion are
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  • 306 6 The Melchior Treub, which arrived at this port from Batavia last Monday, had on board three leaders of the Indian Party movement m Java, (m 1912), who have been banished from Java. The party, who are on their way to Europe, consists of Messrs. E. F. E.
    P.G.  -  306 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 109 6 APPOINTMENT. '/^-^^^^''SS^^^M contractors to The British Admiralty. The War Office. The India Office. MILKMAID MILK LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD. I I 9R Bi mB bB II vsi I I I I .HAS BEEN CHOSEN FOR USE IN THE GOVERNMENT IVIIIKiiiaIQ IVIIIK JL JL m 4 m. M X 4^J^
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    • 78 6 HELL ON THE SCREEN Vividly Portrayed by the Picture which took 2 years and £20,000 to complete DANTE'S INFERNO Length 5,000 ft, 5 Reels. (The original Milano film which has made such a hit m moving picture theatres all the world over) THE WORLD'S GREATEST ALLEGORY AT THE ALHAMBRA BEACH
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  • 395 7 It is evident that unless good support is forthcoming from Penan* and the F. If. 8., the Autumn meeting of the Singapore Sporting Club will fall terribly flat. With the exception of the customary batch of "Griffins" only thirteen horses and ponies are m training and of these,
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  • 394 7 All women are the same kind of women except those women who are fferent, and even they aren't very different. There is as much resemblance m some people as anybody. This is a deep saying and different of acceptation. There may he such
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  • 359 7 The following are the arrangements made for the festivities during the week Sept. 21 to Sept. 27 when the High Commissioner will present the insignia of the G.C.V.O. to H.H. the sultan of Perak. Sunday, Sept. 21. 11.57 a.m. Arrival of His
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  • 114 7 There will be a grand display of fireworks at Kuala Kangsar on the 22nd and 25th inst. on the occasion of the Knighthood of H. H. the Sultan of Perak with G.C.V.O. and also a display at Johore on the 17th inst. on the occasion of H. H. the Sultan**
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  • 253 7 At the Praise Service at Prinsep Street Church, on Sunday, 8 p.m. Mr. Alex. Proctor will be the Soloist. The b-jok Apa Suka M is again on sale m Malaya and can be had from Messrs. Kirn Co., and all local book sellers. Tlis output from the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 183 7 THE KIND OF PROGRAMME YOU'LL F* BJ Ifl W LiivU I at the MARLBOROUGH ProTURE Theatre, Beach Road, 2nd Show, 9.30 to 11 p.m., You have no idea now ENTERTAINING PICTURES are. See them and get fully your moneys worth of enjoyment The Grottoes of B&ume, The Human Crocodile. The
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    • 132 7 ROBINSON Co. NOW PROCEEDING. I *w~ v* All TT r W 8 t*^^P"^^^. ffl T^^^y V^CPU?^ Bo I^l rani cjflj WL jj j^tts t^k HKj j The Popular Model. j Fitted complete with Dunlop Tyres, Silver Plated Lamp, Bell, Tool Bag, Pump, Repair outfits, Lubricating and Lamp Oil. International Restuarant
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  • 64 8 Prof. Good i aw's Lectures. Prof. Frank Johnson Goodnow, A 11., LL I)., of Columbia University, Adviser to Presi lent Yutn Shih-k li on Constitutional Government, is going to tiko charg«* j of a course m political science m th»»! Peking University Met hodist). beginning October 2nd. The lectures will
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  • 103 8 As a means of temporarily relieving the financial strain m the Fengticn Province. Chang Hwi-luan, Tutuh at Mukden, has! decided to have recourse to foreign loins. Negotiations for two loam are going on One of these is a loan by the Chosen Bink for $1,000,000 and the
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  • 56 8 That the finances of tho province of Hunan are m a deplorable condition is dearly shown by the following figure* Government Revenues $12,690,254.00 Local Receipts 1,585,734.00 Total 114,175,988.00 Government Expenditure. .$1 f>, 151,9 1">. 00 Local Expenses (i, 498,877.00 Total |22 9 650 9 792.00 which give*
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  • 59 8 JJjThe central government's order I'or the compiling of a record of tlie government properties m the various provinces was issued long ago, says the Ta-han-pao, but few provinces have shown any intention to execute the order. General Li Yuan-hung has urged the Bureau of Government Properties
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  • 269 8 It is reported that the Russian Consul at Urga has arranged with the high Lama priest first to draw up the constitution and then to convoke the Mongolian Legislature The draft constitution is said to run as followers: (1) The great Mogul shall rule over the Mongolian
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  • 37 8 The Ministry of Army proposes to nsk for a monthly grant of fifty or sixty thouBand dollars for the Hanyang Atscnal which lias been supplying the troops of the Central Governin°nt with ainuuinition.
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  • 134 8 At a meeting of the Cabinet Minibtors the subject of UiC Chrfoo ll ail our works "was brought up luff dUcmttioo, and it was decided to levy certain taxes and duties to meet the expeusv;, for the harbour m the following wanner (1) A surtax
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  • 46 8 The Dutch gorarnmeat iim phic^rl the severest restrictions oa tie CiltaeM immigrants. When they land m th«j Dutcl colony m the Mai v\ struts they have fco pay £25 eaoh. They must be ■•iluralixeH as Dutch citizens when they marry Duto:i wives.
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  • 41 8 Yung Chien-vun, a ChIII6M merchant* m the Straits Settlements, has started Kuhber Company at Singapore. It is oallad the Ta-Li Rubber Company. The promoter has applied to the Ministry of Agriculture for registration, which has been granted.
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  • 385 8 By our Special IVftM li' porter. A Malay lad named Ketong, aged 12 years, pleaded guilty before Mr. Talma this morning, to theft of a silk sarong value $3 belonging to his aunt named Yam who pleaded to the Magistrate to have mercy on her nephew. The Magistrate
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  • 367 8 Abdulrahman, a Mohamedan, was fined $1 by Mr. Talma this morning, for being drunk and incapable at Shaik Madersah Lane. He pleaded guilty. Lee Cheng Yen, Yew Leong Guan and Ng Sa Mcc, pleaded guilty before Mr. Talma this morning, for gambling pitch and toss on the five-foot-way at
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  • 850 8 Six Hylam boys were charged m the Second Court with playing kk paikow (dice and dominoes) m a common gaming house, No. 162 Bukit Timah road. Inspector McLennon who made the raid s id several escaped 1 through a window and taking as much of tho money winch was
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  • 157 8 A young Tamil named Kandayah, was arrested on a warrant for enticing away with a criminal intent, the wife of one Pakiri with intent that she may have illicit intercourse with some person. On the application of the police the case was adjourned for a week for enquiries. Bail
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 241 8 F»^fedw^^*fe-A^^H^^ THIS IS IT! f********^, J LOSING WEK "iHT j m^+** >< .> v by the pound 1 Waterbury's Metabolized > "Under Weight," a condition of /^> f v i rB s^rr^-M> <O>3! C* > ill-health, shows your assimilative j- I^l VCf wH wOnipOlllld J powers are decreasing. > JLv
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 141 9 WH i N ifEH SE I^V^W.!K ..ft.©?- LJO. »AIQAPO/?E. *i nn II f KIUtS TO SUIT ANYONE, LARGEST STOCK IN IS INGAP fl D C lIC*. 1 i^ y.l J\ <^ !"v m£' AM^^c!3j>lcr£r^*Si E^ r•> "*^*ia.; i —f" s^, > N i CckCIV. No. 04 M. Single cane body
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  • 258 10 800 REBELS KILLED IN LAST DESPERATE SORTIE AT NANKING. Chinkiang, August 25. As the people of Nanking had the idea tint Chang Hsun was going to take an awful revenge, two of us were s«nt to see General Chang to learn his attitude about surrender. We got out of the
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  • 172 10 Fall of Nanking Yet Lacks Confirmation. The fall of Nanking, said to have taken place yesterday morning, lacks confirmation. Up to the time of going to press Reuters had not received any message to say the city had capitulated. Everything, however, is now m
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  • 54 10 Chinkiang, August 26. The cannonading at Nanking on Saturday night was ineffectual and Sunday was comparatively quiet. Both sides appeared to be exhausted. Firing was resumed on Sunday night, throughout which it was continued, beiug ceutred on the Taiping Gate. The Rebels were still holding all the City
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  • 73 10 Nanking, August 25. The batteries of the Northern Troops are bombarding the city from the Yangtse embankment of Haiakuan as well as from the station of Shanghai-Nanking Railway. Last night the, Northerners bombarded the Taipiug Gate from east and south, whereby buildings caught (ire. The Hombardmpnt of
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  • 60 10 Nanking, August 26. Two more Chinese cruisers forced their way last night through the positions of the rebels on the Yangtse to Nauking. Shiakum was bombarded by the artillery from Pukow. Strong rifle fire was heard from the North-eastern gate. At the same time fighting was going on
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  • 54 10 One hundred and sixty men of rebel troops, who joined the Government forces after the surrender of the Woosung Forts, were paid off and transported to Shanghai yesterday afternoon another batch, about two hundred m number, followed m the afternoon. About eighteen hundred Northerners are stationed m
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  • 757 10 Nanking, August 18 We have one revolution following another. The Generals of the Bth and Ist Divisions drove Ho Haiming off hi» precarious perch and he fled to the Drum Tower Hospital on Saturday the 16th. Yesterday some of his officials approached the
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  • 644 10 Foreigners Attempt to Conclude Peace Both Sides Refuse Terms. Two brief messages received m Shanghai yesterday indicate that, even if Nanking is not by this time altogether m Chang llsun's hands, his troops have, nevertheless, established some sort of a footing there. As stated yesterday, he stated on Saturday that
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  • 827 10 6FFECT TO Costs to be Materially Reduced. The annual general meeting 0 U Nyalas Rubber Estates, Ltd, waB hpl(j the registered offices, Commercial I/ui 0 Kuildings, on Thvndaj. Mr. F. C P ec managing director, presided, and the other shareholders present were Messrs Lee Choou Guan, Lee Chiin
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 34 10 I Notice to Advertisers. I I ALL ADVERTISEMENTS must, here I I atfer, reach us by Thursday at 4 p.m I I Ads. received later cannot appear m I il same week's issue. I
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  • 3404 11 DIRECTORS' PLANTING POLICY CRITICISED. Looking to the Future. The annual genen.l mating of the Uergui febbtr Estate*, Lt«l., was held on August 27 m tho registered offices, Com "•ercial Union Bmldiogt, Mr E Uddeley pmided and the other shareholders present weie Messrs F C Peck (director) J. O
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 454 11 THE TRUTH ALWAYS. When you are m doubt tel] the truth." It was an experienced old diplomat who said thil to a beginner m the work. It may pass m some things, but not m business. Fraud and de~ ception are often profitable fo long as concealed; yet detection is,
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    • 61 11 9$ ;♦:< ?m*&m *&mMm% coughing into! consu mption| I Only a Cough but you stop it Z while it is ONLY a cou^h. 5 I WATERBURY'S I METABOLIZED Wj Si COD LIVER OIL I COMPOUND fl 1 Tne finest preparation made for S coiuhitting severe coughs. CURES S any OOOgfa
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 147 12 JUST ARRIVED. OVERLAND CARS No. 69 T 3O H.-P. Five Seatet*. Fitted with Bosch Magneto Hood, Screen, Headlights, side and tail lainus Horn, Speedometer, tools, etc., etc. X J A. PRICE $2,175 COMPLETE. BEST VALUE ON THE MARKET. These Cars are specially strongly built and are most suitable for hiring
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