Weekly Sun, 26 July 1913

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Weekly Sun
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 199 1 JEFFREY'S PILSENER BEER ADAMSON GILFILLAN AND 00., ITO. P^mh m**. |jr \*r**9wz" >.*».*. «..wi_^if *^^<re_*-_^^>>a^.ig^.__MflrM, Yiftarww^^^g_^ ?r?fjg__t': I V^V Bi fe ____^sm __r m 1 1 m m f_ l#^ I 1 EVERV REQUISITE FOR m I Football, Cricket, Tennis, Hoekey, Ete. IVIuUIRIES L Large stocks oY'tTricket nnd Football Boots,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 502 2 P. 0. i STEAM NAVIGA lON COMPANY For China, Japan, Penang-, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden. Eeypt, 1 Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Hills of Lading i-sued for China, Coast, Persian ioilf, OotllUieatal aad America!. Pons. bittainers will leave Singapore on or about: MAIL LINES 1913 ROMCWARO troa ErnorE). From
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    • 1138 2 KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAAT33HAPP!J. (ROYAL DUTCH PACKET COMPANY.) U.vnfß Contract with mR Nrtiikklands India Govkunmknt. Aqents at Singapore The Ships Agency. Ltd.. 2-3 Collyer Quay. j ■^mrmoMM p^__^.______ MAIL TA3LE-JJLY 21ST TO 30TH 1913. The undermentioned da^es are only approximate. STEAMSHir. From Kspaetad. Will be Despatched for:— IS2a? i i Japara
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    • 360 2 LISTER BRUSTON AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC ,^j^s_TTß_ryi^^^^ w njT-?T___is___-__?_ffn__p_i n__________fifip LIGHTING PLANT AN ABSOLUTELY NEW IDEA. STARTS ITSCI STOPS ITSCI g Mm FULL PARTICULARS FROM THE SOLE AGENTS:— CENTRAL —ENGINE —WORKS Ltd National Mutual Life Association of Australiasia, Limited. Established 1869. The first Life Assurance Office in the World to apply the
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  • 150 3 linistry of Fin-.. rinding* itsolf a t,]H to make both erdi in^et, ba» npon the Ministry of War the. abso Bssit of catting down expends t« la ibis uiinimu a compatioic with maintenance ol penes end du^ proteo ui p:opert. throughout th- ngenoy of
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  • 66 3 to the Im e i 1 el ction ol nt President the Government I Legi aph< d to rtll the pro 85 th to submit eo bioi (1) Tiie proeednr i iti ni i ihe candid I t< a (2 tes an 6 rhe methods to b
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  • 57 3 San Tu sang, the Cnief Direct* n B kof China, has been appointed i Civil Governer of Anhui. It i I :s will he chosen anon). vi n t; three pet-sons Lian# Ju-hao. American returned student. Wu Tins anc end W S. Shan,
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  • 25 3 Tx;e German ambassador nt Peking ha» the government to German vats a franchise for the construction of two railways in Shtutuug.
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  • 28 3 Jht Wuchang Bureau of Education i^ _;ing to establish half-day schools ii the va* ious districts to teach people win have already entered ou busineus careers.
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  • 45 3 T»e Tutuh and tiie Commissioner oi E mention of Shensi have selected mor* than 1 >0 students to be sent to Japan to I no l< r the guidance of Sung Siang and thev are gradually leaving foi their destination
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  • 73 3 A Chinees Mi itary School is now fair] .ei, aa\>a foreign press telegram re airships have been installed a' hai witn French experts. Mornin_ take place over Peking almost daily. On the morning of th- 3 25th ult. a bipl>»n» give an exhibition over the Preeidentia
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  • 91 3 Tuan i.jui, Minister of War, has mad' s proposi: to President Yuan Shih-kai regard to the defence of the Mongo lia.i frontier to the following effect: Ii addition to the fir_t, second, and third divi ibni iu Kalian, troops from Siiansi ano -oae under
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  • 156 3 ±he Bureau oi Preparations in oonnee ion with tli-- Panama Expo ition held i i.st meeting .tt the en j of the !a-r month I which Liu Knei-vi, Minister of Comi< roe and In lo»i y t Chen C i, Direetor i Ue Uur
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  • 80 3 In a lecture* by a Japanese irh« ravelled in Mongolia quite recently, tli ollowing statistics are given Area Mongolia, sq. li 20,00( Mamber of inhabitants 4.000.v>0t forces reared at present 1,300 00. ?owa 1,500.0m -beep 4,300,001 <Jrain, piculs 1 „000,00-->v"ool, per annum catties 1,000,000 hair catties 60 00(
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  • 76 3 It is reported that the E;i>tern Manehu »*ia R.iilwav recentl> ignored the tscritorJH 1 'iglitg of China, which is a vitiation o treaty stipnlatione The Cabinet has In tructed the Tutuh of Fengtien to remim "he Director of the Railway that withii M»e railway tone Chinese
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  • 63 3 A telegram trom Tutuh Chang Sih-lua? of Fengtien to Minister Tuan Chi-jui states that five hundred naturalised Koreans under the leadership of one named Chit. Pi-\uan, have offered their services for th* coming expedition against the Mongolians Minister Tuan has smt them word'* ot
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  • 35 3 According to a report publinhfcd in the beginning of June, there are now 86,057 Japanese in Manchuri 1, not including soliier* and Koreans. This is an increase of 1.398 since last May.
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  • 47 3 It is reported that President Wilaon of tho United States has informed tho Chi- iese Ambassador to Washington that Ameiea will he the Brat to withdraw her onsolar jurisdiction in China, when the adieial syetem of the new Republic has >eeu thoroughly organized.
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  • 49 3 Dv. Wu Ting-fang" has proposed to tin government at Peking that provincial gov•rnment" banks be not allowed to issue »ank notes and that only the National llank be entitled to issue bank notes so hat the currency reform mav be easily carried through.
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  • 36 3 It is reported by several of the Chinese apers that the Government wil enter into negotiations with Fr..nce and U. S A. the purpose of making a special treaty.
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  • 41 3 The Cabin* t has decided that the members of both Houses should he remunerated au follows (1) Senators and Repreeentaives, $',000 each per year (2) Speakers, $7,000 each per year; and Vice-Spea-l.ers, $6,000 each per >ear
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  • 31 3 It is reported that from this month, on all funds issued from the Government treasurv, a btainp tax wdl be levied at the rate of $2 for every $1,000.
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  • 65 3 in time As the various administrative expenses, which are to be paid out of the proceeds of tho loan, should first he submitted in English to the !>>an Auditing Department, the Ministrv of Finance his instructed the various office', an 1 yaraens to submit their lists
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  • 203 3 -A.ng Hsi-luau, the Tutah of Fengtieo, to obUle the sanction o the Uovcrament to his oropesel to unit the civd and military administration of th. Three fester* Province*, placie* the w.iol. of thorn under control of one Tutuh, as wa the case under the
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  • 70 3 As the finances of the cnuntrv need strenuous reform says the Peking Daily News unless it be introduced in time the futun prospects of the country will be extreme]; gloomy. The President has inhtrneted Vice Minister Liang iShih-yi to spare no effort >n such reform, and that should
    Republican Advocate  -  70 words
  • 105 3 Melbourne, June jS£. Mr. Jo.eph Cook oom plated the formation of his Liberal Ministry to ■aooord Mr. Fisher's Labour Administration this afternoon, and the n?-w Cabinet was iwom in eaih this evening. The Ministry is constituted as follows: Mr. Cook, P. im_ Minister and Minuter for
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 170 3 iagg S-MS--MMMMBMMMMK_MtS§g^^ eilW MB IHHW HUB i CONTINENTAL Motor cars, Motor cycles. Cycles g I Bj,ses an(l h;eaY^ Commercial Vehicles. J Ifl A Jm^ot!** 99 9 *S^^ E J______________________f______RH^_______________l _f~* N te Pis •_a m\^____r ___fi_ri i w*-^ ,< Af W_ 9 9 m*Vßmm*mV.<: _s»^___* S_f 3s B________-__________________________________________________________________k m« •^■"■«a__--JT_____S_w__<?!i*.-
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    • 96 3 THE ACID TEST. An article must have exceptional merit to survive for a period of fifty-eight years. STEARNS* HEAD AC E |CURE was fiist offered to the public in 1855. From a small beginning it has grown in favor and popularity until it has attained a world wide reputation. You
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    • 173 4 S. C. C. vs. Azevedos. Phred on tho EUpUnade ground last M>'»d iv cv» ning. 8. C. C. Sfonlt. Azetedos nil. S. C. C. vs. R. E. Played on TlmreJty evening. Beenlt b. ac. mi No.Tiicls vs. Govt. Service. Phi ed on d. H. C. ground, on Tnursdav Govt
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    • 34 4 Garrisoi Golf Club. The. t_.irr.4on G>.f Lin!c.<* will bo eloped on the 1 *t .\UiU-t, on sooonnt of the Troop. in* of [tie Colour bv ths Ist Ba. Kiu^', Own Yorkshire Light Infantry.
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    • 176 4 The Ladies' Spoon for July was won bv Mrs Pierce. Tae fo.lowiug scores were pur in Mr*. Pierce 43 3 40 Mrs Nicholson 43 3 4i Mrs. Hertnell bl 7 47 Mr... Senndsri 5^ 3 00 Mr«. Witkius 6_ 12 52 Tha match between Bepot Linei
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    • 18 4 The monthly hnndiesp of the S.R.E. (v.) Shooting Ciub takes plaoe to-day, nt $.30 p.in.i sharp.
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    • 117 4 The following scores were ran le by the Ft'isng Ladies' Rido Cmb at Kainpong B_l.hu on Monday 1100 yards Deliberate Possible 42. Miss Joan Smith 37 Mrs. Wright-Motion 33 Misi si, B Smith 29 Mini Mathieu 23 Mis. List on qh 150 Yards Deliberate. Mrs. Listen
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  • 35 4 MONDAYS RESULTS Cn.\MPi jnship. IfeKensle beat Bntohart, 19 Elphick v. Norrie, postponed. SIKOLEB HANDICAP. McKean bent Blan I, 21—20. FaicffDLY Pairs. Welsh and Kern beat Hav ani Knowles. Jl— iG.
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  • 37 4 FIUESDLY Pair,. SeouJnr and Cohnitl beat Norrie and Bland, -J I— 2o. Hutchison and Diehl beat Winfield and Critten, 21—15. Doucr.E* Hakdicap. Dr. Butler and Mac lonald owe 3 beat ilaiiiiDond and Marsh, 1. w.o.
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  • 37 4 Cm.irioyjniF. Elphick v. Norils postponed. Bland beat lia 21 13. Singles Handicap. MoKenzi© beat Winfield, 21 12. Doudle-* Handicap. Pniddell and Bath beat Butlor and McFItIENDLY PAIIIS. Welsh and Kerry beat L^all and Beauohamp, w.o.
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  • 22 4 Championship. Ray beat Msedonald, 21—17. Elphick b«it Norrin, 21—14. Doubles Handicap. McKonn and Weigh be^t Knowlea and Threlfall, 21 13.
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  • 96 4 The fcl.owtnsj wero tha results of the ties placed off last Monday CuMivioysnip. Cunrarii bent Ha Men B—6,8 6, 6— i. Hodge w o. from R. C. Kay. Suuthara wo. from J. 11. Brown. Single Handicap B. Adams beat Harries 6—4, 6 —1. Gregson be<t
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  • 52 4 Saturday, 26ih July. Johnson* Pier, at 2.15 and 3.15 p.m. Ciub Bungalow, at 2 43 and 3.30 p.m. Sunday, 27th July. Johnston's Pier, at 7, 9 and 10 a.m., 2.30 nnd 3 30 p m. Club Bungalow, at 8.30 and 0 30 a.m., 19 13, 3 arid
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  • 849 4 Excellent weather, a good turf slightl (softened by tho previous evening*! °rain jand a cheerful crowd of spectators, ah .tended to make last Saturday's annua! ■porta gathering of the Singapore Cricks. Club a ineoets. The general arrangements tor tha conduct of tho STentt w^re excellent jand
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  • 86 4 Cricket Team for Singapore. Kuala Lumpur, July 24th— Tne following players will represent Monger at orioIket versus Singapore, at Singioore, on j August 2nd and 4th Grenier/ H irris, (Linings, Holmes- Brown, MaoLinne!!, io^ kenzie, Sinclair, U. M. Skinner, Wyatt and another. (One name appears to bo inUdim/
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  • 382 4 First Day. [July 22.] Mixed Handicap. Distance one mile. Sirdar, Fenton 10 1 Sweet Marie, Thompson 9.2 2 Gerrite, Samson 7.7 3 Al _o ran G >ld Nugget (Casson) 7 7. 7° n rr hy ,en?th and ba,f i two Dividend 512 Time 147 4-5. Georqe Town Plati.
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  • 335 4 Civil Service Cup. Distance five fu longs. Brown Comet, BenfieM 11.7 1 King Blaze, Thomson 7.7 2 Minnehaha, Hawlev 8.7 3 Also ran Royalty (Samson) 8.4. Won bv half length four. Time 1 1-5 Dividend $9. Thy Aoaix Stakes. Distance six fu Othello, Socman 9.1 Mormond's Pride, Samson
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  • 272 4 THE STAND OF THE LAST TWO MEN. Run bv run— -un by runRun hy run— nj'.var 1 Fiil up tiie toorina sheet— Tuey Ye in for a hundred. Forward and beck the? played: 11 Come when I call," ons <uid "Jjind vou don't u.i me oot Making thi* hundred." Fast
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  • 229 4 Mr. Grant, of the Chinese Te!#graphs, formerly of the Eastern E* tension, has met with his death at tha hands of Mongolian bandits. A relief party despatched to rescue bin has been surrounded and is unable to return to Kalgan. At the Assizer, yesterday, Ifc George Smith w a called
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  • 1323 5  -  Tennyson Tosspot Home truths hurt hut thejarskensjicial/ In a lecture in L >ndon, Sir John C khurn denounced ladies' relit as an evil. Certainly, a veil is only an evil liter illy tra i^p ;st>d. FSAI NCAB DKaS HnER. Oo r_:e- F ar, al a- _N~ r, til*.
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  • 602 5 S Detail* of tho double tragedy at Peitaiho which wa* repotted in t» e China Pr'BB by ipeeisl esljs n few day. Ago are now tol hand In ths "P. and T. Tim* m n which savi J Ths peaceful, holi lay-ni »kin£
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  • 259 5 Information was received in Shing-I hai yesterday, says the China Press of; 6th inet., that the fire, prize in the 1 jvvr ep on the Calcutta Derby to the vahie of £50,000 has boon won by \lr William H->wie, Mr. Howie will bei well remembered by older residents! here* as
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  • 1899 5 Bse_eral Chen Ch'uos-min^, the Army Protector of Koangtung, refui^i to as>u:i e |fhe offi-'O of Tntun to-day vioe Governor General Ha Han-ming transferred. H* will not take the duty of the Tutuh, or military governor, exc« pt on tli«-s*» conditions: firstlv, tin Central Government must r mit to
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 26 5 Waterbury's i yffijf' tinhapple \\^W^ DIGESTIVE *S&m*J^ COMPOUND T H i Ideal Digestant MINING. Prospector European) i_ open for engagement. Apply to care of Weekly Sun,
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 75 5 TRAIN SERVICE. s Singapore (Tank-rd). Mail leaves for north at 7.9 a.m. and 7.0 p.m. Other trains leave for Johore at 9 0 a., 10.30 a., noon 1.30 p., 2.54 p., 4.30 p. Mail arrives from north at 8.16 a m. and 6.51 p.m Othor trains leave from Johore 8.42
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  • 58 6 Sir William Treacher has takcsa 50 tUaj-inaaiijiis oa leave. The death is announced of William d^rtme h n^ teoftheladU,irele r^ h Mr. SunJ Vfont Sharaa, barrister- of Lincoln'* Inn. has filed a CW°P he Supreme uourt, Penang, praying to be admitted an Advocate an d Stlicitor of
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  • 674 6 THE MASTER ARMOURER RETI3ESI3NT Of H,'. W. fitLl KM THE a S. 0. (From Our Own Correspondent.) I Kltpmy, Sj rd j,Y Thero arc many n Penan* li L and throughout the northern^!*. Mi laya, especially volunteers, J* will ho aurprised to here of the i« pending retirement of Lieutenant
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  • 53 6 [Commandant Office.] On the retirement of Mr. Piel 8 the officers of the M 3. G. would hai to state their appreciation of his Mg and faithful services and their n al losing him from the m men h They wish him many happy ft*** w
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  • 45 6 Mr. Walter Piel i h is directed IM repair an 1 cleaning >t ihe HfM M.tf f V,^ aud MiA, ior tins hH eleven years, and his invariahlv given the greateet caiiefiotfon iu tho discharge of his duties. D' A. Elliott Cooper,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 118 6 by «W&^3_&flMi Tn APPOINTMENT > V;^M^'i?^feEg H.M. THE KINC. CONTRACTORS TO The British Admiralty. The Was Cffisi. The India Office. MILKMAID MILK ■______________________B__________m_"-«W__HH_W___^ i «_________p__________W__«»W----__--_-B>M__W_MM_-i_P_-_» LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD. [HAS BEEN CHOSEN FOR USE IN THE GOVERNMENT HOSPITALS IN THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS j AND FEDERATED MALAY STATES I PROVES
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    • 108 6 SEE MAX UNDER AT HIS BEST in his Latest Ripping Creation THE COMPLETE SPORTSMAN nd enj->y a hilarious half hour over t iTou will spond a most pleasant eveni. g AT THE ALHAMBRA BEACH ROAD, over the choice items of the SUPERB PR.GaAIVIVIE 111 Tu_: _mi> sno.v, luu i\) ii
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  • 264 7 10 Walts* field, e^ m. a o. Master Armourer. Dear Sir, We ihe Indian Officers of ihe Mila> States Guides present you this sddr«e* i.p*>n the ocoa-i on of your dep «rtur»-| from the fi^ld of your labours. In presenting this we ;»ro only giving ex-!
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  • 382 7 Security Mortgage on All Mines in the Province. Faking, Ju:v 12. Japanese financial j slroles bnve cff-ied to the Tutuh of Hen* til a loan to the mnuunt of ten millions Do'Ura against mortgaging all mines in tli*- J Prntfoeo. Tho loan will preiuiuably
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    • 68 7 London, July 19. The Chinese press at Hongkon sports that the Gjvernor-Generfc ■>f Canton has proclaimed Ca 1 tone severance from tho centra government, and declares that th Provincial C >uncil has appointed Lin G immander-in. Chief to lead the troop •gainst Yu'in 3hih*(ai on account n the
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    • 43 7 The Horddeuteche lay s stress on the r act that the superiority of the Ho? 1 :hern Chinese troops poi te to Yuar> 3hih-K>.rß energoMc eff )rts in the internal peace, which ia necessary fer Jhina's future. i _^_____M
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    • 235 7 [Routers] Shanghai, Julv 2/ The southern rebels attacked K'vvg j jnan arsenal on tho morning c/Julyl [23. The defender*, aided hy t*© fleet,! jrrpulsed them inflicting he^y InetJi .The attack was renewed yesterday', jand continued till earlv in *he morning 1 but was nprain repuls »d. I
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  • 43 7 D Company of the 2nd battalion of he Lincolnshire Regiment, stationed! it Gibraltar has been ordered to be t •cady at n m-jmpni'n n^tife to go toi rangier if required. Officers' leave r rom the garrison to Tangier has beem[ I **W***MM*M*MMMM*MMMMM*t^_— —^M
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  • 409 7 asdfasdf Ho Um* and Wee Teong Ken •;ore fine 182 eaoh f» r disorderly con ,ct by fifh'mg in North Bridge roa :hie morning. For usirg criminal force to a Tarn irothel nam* I Ac hey at Shaik Mad \r th I.an^.Abnhakera Mnhamedan ws tied 110 )y
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 67 7 NOTHING BETTER in the form of a moving-pioture entertainment reANBB HUD nywhere in the town THa.V THB CHOICE PROCRAMME to be presented at the MARLBOROUGH Picture Theatre, Beaoh Road, TO-NIGHT, 2XD BHOW, 9.30 TO 11 P.M., FOR THE PRICES CHARGED. Native Industry In Madagascar. The Dog and Monkey. THE JOURNALIST
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    • 117 7 THE ACID TEST. An article must have except onal merit to survive for a period of fifty-eight years 8 TEARNS' HEADAC E CURE was fi st offered to the public in 1855. From a small begin ninur it has grown in favor and popularity until it has attained a world
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    • 254 7 GRAND HOTEL DE I/EUROPE. iZ^SI N G APO RE. *£u_*2__l V *SK%#««HinMMaM __V__l^__i^_M_%_!^__B^_M ■r A few of its many Advantages. Modern in eewet ruction, mo«2mi?.c*ntlv furnished with elegtnt simplify, it offers every advantage and necessity con 1 acive to be ilth a id comf>rt. rv:ry roo3i dos a Mfc-lmsbHM. AitaeSti.
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    • 386 8 Govinda Padiachv, a Tamil cartdriver, was fined 6-5 or a month's imprisonment, for working a bullock having sores on i.s neck. i t >H> Wee Gnat, a Hokien, was fined 15, for aseaulrin.; a riokshaw cooly. He bald, ho struck complainant because 1 the wheel of his rickshaw ran
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    • 329 8 11 1 found tie two tins ol wrdinef on I h^ap of coal and took them d a ror»l cooly named Leong A Cheong when charge I srith theft of same. He was convicted and sentence deferred. i By order of Mr. 6a vi, Assistant Superintendent of Police no
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    • 601 8 Tan Chye, a cart-driver, waa fined >*.() for working a pair of bullocks suffering from sor*3 on their nocks. m Tan Chye, a Hokien, was fined $25 vt a month's imprisonment, for repreparing chandu dross at No. 05 Albert -Meet. He pleaded guilty. 1 m For gambling M paikow
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    • 544 8 Chua Tee and Chua Yok, were ined 61 each, for wasting water at a itandpipe, at Crawford atreo f Ng Lye Hong and Ng Lav, coolies employed in a rice-mill at Kalian^ >vero convicted by Mr. Talma this norning, for theft as servants of eovon runny bags value 81.
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  • 1126 8 Foi too Rick eora Line, o; Hamburr, a steam et of 6,000 ron^ carrying eaoaeity wi* launched on tha IvVser on the 17rli > Jure and named the Mad Joins Hiohtnvre At i->t recent aunuil meeting of tliG Tukio FWboui Coui.ni««icn ii. was resolved ♦o rocomaient the speed
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 243 8 1 Waterbury's Metabolized I fCOUGHINGINTo! I Cod Liver Oil Compound.! CONSUiVIPTIONsS fWSWe^«SSKBSSf7 rj c "t Nor^gian COD LIVER OIL eW. I I y.'^^... gH hy tho late-t scientific procon to a for,,, d 1 "Only Co«gh- btt vou .top it 1 i /SN 1 F^taashuilation. i wliiio it i_ nnrv
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 234 9 Whitcaway, Laidlaw Co., Ltd. I SINGAPORE. I AKIMI I A I CLEARING eAI C begins l!lil «_~£j™ OUT w#sjL-i t MONDAY, JDLY 2B I EVERYT -lING V^ ">v«iS^l t'^l -sa?^r?l^^^s?av-^ »»»»w»;»>w»iMinwin»iimij /-'j 11l fj Pretty floral design. Exact to The Wake-up Alarm Ciock. Usual Pricc 83.75 each. f^Of I I\
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    • 306 10 Peking^ June 25. President Yuan has, during the last two weeks, manifested his ingenuity in depriving two southern Tutuhs of their po^ts and threatening two others into submi.tion. Li Lih-chun, Tutuh of Kiangsi. was dismissed from office after President Yum htd leceived inany petitions complaining of
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    • 213 10 H^rr Rump, late Director of the Bureau' of National Loans, died on the night of jt Saturday, June 14th, after an operation for appendicitis. Born at Hamburg in 1860, he came to China in 1881, was first connected with Meyer and Company, a German firm, and then
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    • 449 10 sons: Hsiuug Hsi-ling, General of Jehol < and former Minister in Tfli»«r Sli»o.t_ip Cabinet, will, in Yuan's opinion, become Premier, if Dr. Wu Ting-fang,_ who .is favoured by all the parties, declines the post Wang Keng, who is Military Advisor to President Yuan and who
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    • 187 10 on political science. Dr. Monroe is an Nmeriean educationalist, whose f «me is i very wide spread. There were more than t twenty persons present at the dinner, 1 among them Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Williams; Di» and Mrs. Goodnow, advisor to theJi Chinese
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    • 191 10 The other day Mr. Chu Ch-io hsin, B.A j (New York University), m.a.. (Columbia Universit\), introduced a bill requesting! the Government to send a special envo\ SO the United States for the purpose of thanking American for its recognirian of the Chinese Republic, Tne bill wapassed by an
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    • 160 10 Dr. Wu Ting-fang at Welc one Meeting. Yesterday, in the church of the American Board Mission, under the suspices of the Cnine«ie America I Union, n meeting was held to weloome Dr. Wu Ting-fang to Peking. In spit- of the rain the meeting Ames well attended. Dr. Wu gave an
      Republican Advocate  -  160 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 464 10 ip* 1 1, innrft __E__«2_s2r^ 9999^^ > -;/sv i w __i__i_____3 im&zi-j. r Freny Lodge" Churchill Road. Rangoon. In this beautiful Burma Kome (As in thousands of others the world over) Dr. Williams' P_ak Pills are Regarded As A Proved Friend, m Thp above pirtu r shows one of the
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    • 62 10 CALMON TYRES MOST RELIABLE AND LAST LONGEST. *4'_w?-' "i f*rV_n_i_r_. W?_.~- w r Jt __^_fi__ Ct»j-. ___i^ 'lys \i*i^* J-._s^> lk J____K_P 5? > 's_i_____S___7 »J*" *^|__P__SS^_: r V y 'f »S^:^ *.-_,/'_<'.> "i^ ________B -^4?' V OtlD_j__^ >' Sf _gHSaffy 38^**^j*?V 4K v- <§§> t'-*_^_B_S_____R?^^ **£X Jn< Am***B&^^ _s____p^__is_b
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  • 1909 11 I Provincial Administration. The provinciaUv.tern of adm.nstration hlthu Philippine UUwU is in two part, Ihe provincial system proper i„ the paM which operates .olely in the province.. Tim other p.rt is as much central as provmeial, being the several insular bu.eaus which are located in Manila, but which
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 454 11 rYOU WILL NOT be deceived. That there are cheata and frauds in plenty everybody knows; but it is 6eldom or never that any large business house is puilty of them, no matter what line of uade it followa. There cau be no permanent success of any kind based on dishonesty
      454 words
    • 169 11 SIEMENS J I WINCHESTER HOUSE, SINCAPORE. I I Tkleorams: SIEMENS, Sin^aporo. TeleptiOM N, 6 4> *-?3p^_c3pfa __Rf*__fcr :jt: Be* P 4^* <ja -------I ______rvC_3Js_Bih- _r- i Bfc^*; $U £***** 111'* ______________E___'V>s stt_._ia x-'* _r*^_at S___ l i< j SIEMENS BROTHERS DYiNAMO WORKS, Ltl. i Bead Office:— Caxton House, Westminster, London.
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