Weekly Sun, 5 July 1913

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Weekly Sun
  • 21 1 The Weekly Sun 126, CROSS STREET, SINGAPORE. \n. 11-H. s A Po ß l-^jj Aj KDA^ .[rLY Ji_J9JB.' PRK.'E i«> CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 70 1 JEFFREY'S J PiLSENER I BEER I AOAM'OM CILFt! LAN j AND CO.. ITD. '*^^^^»^F^F^ I Football, Crieket, Tennis, Hockey, Ete. Large .-locks of Cricket .in<! Football Boots, also Tennis and nmning shoes 1 SPECIAL QUOTATIONS FOR CLUBS. j JOHN LITTLE Co., Ltd. The Athletic Outfitters. THE y^^ I J^ IW
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    • 10 1 DUIHINY CO. I [CHAHPACNIi {adamsoncilhllan} ano en., i (n., J
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  • 148 2 The obiect and reason* of thifl bill, which was read for the Ant time on Pri. day 27th ult., are as follows 1. Owing to the reports oi the Municipal Analyst having disclosed thai adulterated articles of food and adulterate! drug B were sold in Singapore
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  • 445 2 The San Kraucisco Examiner of May 1 I, contain! Ml moount of t lie death of William i H. Thompson, who was tried before the United States Court for China la>t imnmer on charges ol white slavery." Thompson was alleged to be a member »»t ;i
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 347 2 P. &0. STEAM NAVIGA r lON COMPANY For China. Japan. Penan*?, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Kill* oi Idling i«eued foi hina oaet, Persian <-uif. Continental and \merieen Portt. Bteainera will le*v« $ingai ■'< n" r T MAIL LINES HoMKH ABU IFOH El tOPI
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    • 323 2 MAATSOHAPPSJ. t ROYAL DUTCH PACKET COMPANY.) UMDBR Co.MHACI WITH THB NITHBBLAUDfI fNDIA »->s i.KN >\ BN'i \m\^ «t Singapore Hw Ships Aqena Ud. 2-:i Coliver Ou^iv. j MAIL TABLE-JULY 7TH TO 16TH 1913. The undenneiitiouod datea axe only approximate. Sailing STEAMUHIP. From Expected. Will be Deapatobed for: Date. i tpara
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    • 447 2 LISTER BRUSTON AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC LIGHTING PLANT AN ABSOLUTELY NEW IDEA. STARTS ITe STOPS ITSELFjfc^^ bULL PARTICULARS FROM THE CENTRAL WORKS Ltd] National Mutual Life Association of Australiasia. Limited. Established 1869. The first Life Assurance Office in the World to apply the Non -Forfeiture Principle to Policies. A Mutual Office No
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  • 935 3 Prom time immemorial, says the China Rtpublicmn Bacchus has had ardent dertet* is Ihis country. Th* idea aai "iind« of h u h literati brimming over with loamtod erudition that the capacitv to Baocbnalian shrines is a heavenly •mething akin to heior itnong Ilia be>t rh
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  • 237 3 New York, May 10. An exciting race between odible nails took place aboard the steamer France during the voyage from HaviM t-> this port. All th-- paftsengers, when they debarked last night, talked about the race and regarded it a> of grea ter interest ihan the
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  • 738 3 Preliminary utepu to procure i revision I ot tht' decision of the Mixed '..our' that a concubine ia legally bouud tu reiuaiu with 'thf m.lll \\tio ii.i- j i,i. hasod her are under \>;«y. The Chines; Women Association, which was active in securing
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  • 172 3 rhe Rev William Munti contributes i chatty paper m The Church Missionary Review on Women iu China, <»f whom he 9ays From observstioo of women in Chine one would say they aie worthy, as regard* natural gifts, to 1)6 placed ori a level with Englishwomen and an Englishman
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 196 3 j CONTINENTAL j m m Mk I B ffl bP a v^b I M° (or cars Motor cycles. Cycles 1 I BuSBs an(l heav y Gommercia] Vehicles, i BB B fl B *^^^h^ y BH BBi BK^^ y B& BBM S^^^r^E&w. f±**- <», n Bb B IMA iM 9 v
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    • 81 4 London, June 29.— Kent heat Hampshire at Poi tsmruth, by an innings nnd 75 Lancashire v Surrey Svseex v Nottingham nn'i Yoiks v Northantl were drawn. Woroetter bent Somerset hy eight wieketi jL>'rp~«->ti Gtowert team beat Oxford by 206. London, July I Midd!e«ei and fc***** drew »'t Lev
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    • 43 4 A practice game wgs played on the S.CC. ground on Tuesday evening i»otween teaa^ of Whites and Colours. Play vma affeCLod bv the fetftte ot the ground, vet irai quite interesting. fhe Colour? »?t) out u inner* bv three goals to tvro
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    • 181 4 Dr. Yin Shield (1913). Gfn«ral Meeting of the Association war h^*ii «t the Chinese Club on 25th io** Dr. Yiu, the President Iprr-sidv^i After general business, *he drawing for tiie Yiu >iiieKl (1913) look place I with the following te&ult Straits United F. C. I
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    • 308 4 Two matches in the Selangui A.StOoU< tion Football League were pln.ud off a1 Klaug la*t Saturday. The fii'bt wa? between the (Jotted Chi. juese and Sen Mahkotu, the Chinese win ning by two goals to nil, their goals acorors being Meow Chong and Bucl: Che-> Tho Sen
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    • GOLF.
      • 31 4 The men's monthly medal is to be played tor to-day and to-morrow, July 12 and 13. The ladif-a' monthly modal to be played for on Thursday, July 10
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      • 59 4 K eppel G olf Club. The following ii the reaolt of thr Boleotic competition for the priie prpeent-fd by i Mr. T. Rutherford Messrs, Chanet Barrett iiml ivhipuendall will p!aj >ft Tiv* tie bv four ecleotio rouni 4 under the saose cooditioos ni the original competition Lt. J E CiiippMiidall
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      • 105 4 Titt- Spaldtng a^<l il competition at the Tjandi Sports Club irai played on Jun* 21 and 22, mat di play Against bogei tvth two* thirds of handicap, with the following re* Winner J Daltoa I down §of h'cap 8 J, R Owen 5 3 H. C Be,ol>
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    • 112 4 M S. V. R Rifle Club. The following are the principal r.corei inadt* in the Mouthlv Spoon Competitioi Clab^ A 200 500 600 T u T vds.vdB.vdfi Total Hdc P Tot^ ,G. C. McGregor 32 3? 3? 3 09 Win B.J. Eaton 32 30 '7 89 8 9?
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    • 41 4 Tho seure* made on Monday were 300 yds. Delibrate. Shoot Shoot Total jlra W. W Duuklu-: 25 29 54 Mrs. J, Biown 26 87 V3 Mrs. Tftit 26 26 .^2 Bin. Kirluwa, 28 »K 4 0
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    • 149 4 Monthly Handicap Sboot. The June KanilicH^ shoot took plae* last Sunday morning ou th« range. Coudi riona tighter an 1 7 couuting sbuta at 200, 500, and 600 rards under Iff. R A Rules 1912. The ocore!) made >vore at undei- with a Lt. R. Owen
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    • 524 4 Cricket Tournament S. X. R. C. m. B. R. C. The ritura matoh between these team* tjhioh was plaved at Bufterwortfc lait 9a! turnay atternoon, re«uitea in a win ior »u«, Butterworlhiuua by six wickets. Soon after the commencement the rain came down and continued throughout the
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    • 174 4 Puchong vs. The Cave Dwellers Cricket Club Placed at Kuala Lumpur m Juir 28 Score* fUCHOFG D. M. Tibbe, c Allaii, b Linuell 25 |S. Williami, b Linneli iq W. Hinniogg, not out D. B. Candy, lbw. b M'Cullooh 2 Campbell, b M'Culloch 0 H Tottenham, b
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  • 419 4 John Osborne," say. i Ci m iug oontemporary. w** bom ou *tl •ry, 1863. and h thei attained the ripe old nge oi 33 at the present moment ifi 4. ini A hearty as a man ot middle We expect that it 1- oq] How can on* do *urti<
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  • 131 4 An ordinary general meeting Straits Trading Conn- Lin M was held last Saturday a' the I tered office, Collyer Qua rh« rep-, and accounts for the half- March 31st last, being the iecond n* of the business year 1912-13 ceived and approved After wri > off depreciation and ma king
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  • 871 5 Ho** truths hurt out they are beneficial. In* invalid who requires a change ,v froth doctor. Th*- law hue no penalty for stoalinp I heart because the punishment ot hav iff it left on your hands is quite enoush IV can no m~»re continue without a :^«tan f
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  • 192 5 Onft song is silent, 'Tis the one you heard When all was sadly still, And overhend Tho carol of a bird Tbat twilight eve Cornea hack in idlest hours At dawn and dark. The dim sweet night, star-veiled, Just I— and you A queen amidst the flowers. Pointed remarks
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  • 91 5 The F.M.S. Contingent of the EuroIpean Police Inspectors has been in'creused by the arrival often new Inspectors. They arrived In Ipoh via Penan* Three stopped In Ipoh and the others left for the Federal Capital.', The names of those who arrived in Ipoh are Inspectors Parke, P. Crenam nnd J.
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  • 380 5 Sootiaad U brmw wee hug oaths n- rtk 01 gl .i,i it l:as watef Dearly all nund If, aad win Icj r,rrr a r.r* part of It The population i* about four ?d t n ball millions, inrluling Mr Andre* I r.jegie It b«i a peeuliai
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  • 489 5 Mr. Tyte, a brother of Mr. Tvte, of Selangor, arrives from home shortly to j tin iho Btaffof Messrs. Harper and Company, Kuala Lumpur. He wili fill the Taoanoy caused by the recent i lamented death of Mr. Taylor. In America a court decision Htates jthatawoman has a right to
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  • 316 5 (From Impatience M Not by W. a Gilbert.) When I fint put this uniform on, And gazed at myself in the glass. In my bedroom's seclusion I reached the conclusion I looked qiite a blithering ass My garb was like nothing on earth,
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  • 819 6 The Weekly Sun. SATURDAY, JULY 5. UNIFORM OR LIVERY. society the word which is used to describe collective^ people who arcand people who think they are, but more particularly the latter >ociety. satiate with pleasures, now looks for freaks and eccentricities of all kinds to kill time for it under
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  • 29 6 MISSIONARY MURDERED. [Reuters] London, June 29. Reuter's correspondent at Peking wires thut a Spanish priest his henn murdered at Kiarhow, Shenai, where 3,000 people are in rebellion. < <i»
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  • 44 6 Mr. 0. T. Smith, of Messrs. Pritehard and Co., wh'i h is been an inmate of the General Hospital, Penan*?, for some weeks, with a severe attack of fever, is now on the road to recovery and will be going home oa leave shortly.
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  • 1318 6 noted by Mr. Howell w,, :> s-icce^s. When Mr. Hwell r e<ithe »übjeot of folding B>xi t a3i Tl3-U3 in 3in?*pore he wai taS jtn optimist thought o n:v.\, jidxiag iv tlii attendees 1! Theatre B>yal on Tur^;^ promoter has no oause far baokin^i?- 1 PitandOUle^seaiswerea UtSS ha orowi
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 110 6 lib- $mm&£iS To >^y :^f IV H.M. THE KINC. '/OS CONTRACTORS TO The British Admiralty. The War 0,-fige. The India Office. MILKMAID MILK LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD. ;has been chosen for use in THE GOVERNMENT Hfl P I ik I IN THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS AND FEDERATED MALAY STATES PROVES
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    • 111 6 THEWILOWESTIN3I«ItrJ,Ici Postivp]y for 3 Nights only. o urday. Monday and u sday, July 5, 7 and 8. Mermers of the Tr rape of YOUNG ;;UC£^HOT Co. comprising REAL LIVE COW3OYB AND AMERICAN INDIANS v ill present A Ufilqvt Eatortalantnt of co'Vi3OY BPoars a.^d pastimes ALHAMBRA BEAC ROAD. 2nd Show, 9.30
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  • 1 7 Cinomatograpb
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  • 26 7 FOOTBA LL. S. C. C. vs. K. Y. L. Pla\ed on the Esplanade on Thursdav evening, Eesuh 8. C.C. 2 als. K. 0. Y.L.I. I goal
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  • 987 7 NOTES FROM THE NORTH. HIE LATE SIIAIK NITNNAMEAH. v Eisjraphicsi Sketch. (B>j One Who Kneiu Him). Taiping Ist July, 191". The life ofShaikNunnameah, whon« ■adden death last week came as ashoH ;;> raiping, was an example of ho* "»e most unpropitious circumstance^ can he encountered, and vanquished l >y s'aly
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  • 199 7 The Vo/unlorrs co int^ camp a^ Pulau Brani from Augusts r o 4. Mrs. I). Dudley Evans left Sinpa-' >nrc on Thursday l>y P. o. NuLia fora six months ho iday in England. "Rir^n Kigoshi ha* resigned the oflßce t)f ini>ter for War RtTokio and is succocded
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  • 44 7 Mr. 11. T. G^iy, State Engineer, will ro^re^ent the British Resident, Pali i\\z at tha I m peri il Motor Transport C(infore.ice t> o;>e;i at the Royal Autjmoi>ile Club, L'3n lon, on July 21. The (irnvn Aoc^nts f>r tlio Colonies will also be represented.
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  • 60 7 Thoro will be a farewell Hance to Dr. I'rivprs 011 Saturday, July 1 wh*n thera wil t b« presentation* from rhe S3lan^r Turf Club. Tiia Mvliy Mail nays it is hoped that t:i9 ti^'i nommissloner, Sir Arthur Y »urvjc, KdM.G.. and Lady E^elvn Y>in^. and the Chief Secretary, Sir EKvar!
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  • 55 7 Mr. Walter Morris, hnd large at tbo Theatre Royal last night when -ho opened his Singapore sea* n. Magic nnd Sinjnncr nnd Dmcinjr by T^od artist* is the kind of sh >w that should nnpoai to the Singapore public —European end nat ve in 1 Mr. Morris
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  • 168 7 Ifc i-* reported that 1110 mango crop rear in India hi- beeti q very large '^no and ii jo reflection i* to be 9»cmi in the local mark^i where the fr ii irn sold fifty per cent cheaper th in ifg >wing to the large imp -rt fro-n the "or
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  • 105 7 Oi Monday morning, No. I Compa ly liv S >uts, Selang >r, to the number of 61, Left Kuala L impur to go into camp at Port Dickson. They were in charge of Seoul Master Barber, and Mr. Bennett K. Shaw, the head m ister of the Victori i Institution,
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  • 129 7 Mr. G. C. G. Mulier is appointed rrncris rate for P^nang. Messrs. Lee Choon Guan, Tan 300 Bin, S^-ih Et^ T »H2r, Lim Penj? Sianj?, Tan B i Liat, Chee Swee Chens? are added 1 o tho Commission of ihe Peace f >r Singrinore T)r. Whittle*! :o^ve has
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 75 7 A WOMAN'S WIT A thrilling an 1 absorbing DETECri7iiDa\MA IX 2 PART3 Eind MAX UNDER "MAX BEC3MES A YACHTMAN" will be presented TO- IGHT 2ND 3UOW, 9.50 TO 11 P.M. at the MARLBOROUGH Picture Theatre, Beach Road. tojret er with the fi>llowin^ INTERESTING ENTERTAINING PICTURES. The Gltiitr bread Ma-» (AaJra
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    • 323 7 THEATRE ROYAL KOttTH BRIDGE nOXD OPEN ON JULY 4. Wall M-rris PRESENTS. i A NICHT IN THE ORIENT a .'■I.TGie.U E TERTaI X M E X T WITH Yfl UDEVILLO Introducing THE MYSTERIOUS CAVE. Assiatelby Miss MARIE STILLMAN, The Lady W.-dsj Bead Ii Oat O.f tfljht MIS3 F.IZDA Alii A
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    • 350 8 Tan Yeo K*n*and \V»-> A. K v^o were each fined $2 each for g imblinj pitch and tos3 oa the five-foot*way a Tras street. Lee Toon Ki>, a tiyiam, wai nrre^t ed for volunt irily causing hurt to on Seng Tee Tee, by cutting him with ai axe at
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    • 503 8 Four bnlWk-cart driver* w*»re fine'! $5, $10 and $15 respect ivf>lv\ f ir cruelty to animaU by working ba'.ljcks while in an unfit condition. Chua Soon Keon<? pleaded frailty before Mr. Tnhna this mor it in?, f>r being: drunk nnd InoapaMe in Pragei •treet. He siid lio wat no
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    • 563 8 For Striking a Japanese woman lamed Hokaki on the heid with a wooden clog causing n wound which >i»'J much in H via in street, a Hokchew imc.l r i i k A Tay was lined $10 or fourteen days. A Malay name I Syed w.is arrested md j>r
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    • 1516 8 Ko A Sang, assistant to a g.imM- n^ Informer, waa charged before Mr. Talma this morning with playing chiki in a common gaming house and eajdpm^ legal custody. Inspeotor Alexander of Richore ••ation^BaW ar-cused is what is called a 'kaki'Mn malay. He is supposed to give certain siguald belore
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 103 8 WATERBURY'S Metaeolized Cod Liver Oil Compound WITH CKEOSOTE AND GUAIACOL OR PLAIN |lr~^ Vi k V r r" 1 I'll Ca«l I Doss Allay fermentation— Does Aid Digestion— Does Assist Assimilation j But Does NOT Disturb the Stomach. ?i 1 /TS. A scientific preparation of COD LIVER OIL, i^it-re^k entirely
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 64 9 IVWT^^y, LAID LAW OoTlt^sT^g'aßOßE I r£ or toeatfer %ags and travelling goods. I r V W^ M^^ OC^~ With rent uare Ba^. Solid Cowhid,. COLLamib. I u TIENTSEN t ,J I Prices .*12.50. 12 50. 14 50 and 15.50 e»ch. Prices «7.00 ..nd 800 c SiZHi i(s n 1 u^.^.^^^^^^^^,
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  • 940 10 The British Bteamership Indramayo^ from New York for Manila, went ashore at Nordkalah, Hibirah, but refloated undamaged, say" a Lloyd'* d^apntch from Port Said The Japanese steamer lomoy? Afar** struck a rock off Port Hamilton, layi a Lloyd's Tokio despatch, and ->nnk ia «evpn fathorae. A notification in
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  • 1037 10 A statement is going the rounds of the clubs to the effect that the Duke of Connaught has finally decided not to return to Canada, and that his successor will be either Lord Crewe or Lord Beauchamp. It would not be surprising to learn, however, that
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 467 10 THAT MIND DESTROYER INSOMNIA And Acute Indigestion Cured In Burma By Or WILLIAMS* PINK PILLS. The Case of Mr. T. J. Faulkner. For many years interested in the M show business^ Mr. T. J. Faulkner was a wellknow and popular figure in all the ports of the East in former
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    • 52 10 Notice to Advertisers. ALL ADVERTISEMENTS must, her* atfer. reach us by Thursday at 4 p.m Ads. received later cannot appear in same week's issue. PAT T\/r r\ xt nn vDI7 C MOST RELIABLE AND LAST LONOHST. EVERY TYRE BUARANTEED FOR AT LEAST 4,000 MILES. BEHN, MEYER Co., Ltd. 100-a Robinson
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  • 72 11 Singapore (Tanked) Mail leave* for north at 7.9 cl m -uid ?.<> p.m. Other trains leave for Johore ai 9.0 a., L0.30a noon 130 n 2.54 p., 4.M) p. Mail arrises from north a! 8.16 a.m. and ti.Trl p.m. Other trains leave from Johore 8.42 a M 10.15
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  • 283 11 Accortliug i«/ h report tendered i<< the authorities i»\ tin* captain «»t' the S. Y K. liner Yawata-maru, which arrived at Nagasaki <-n the Sth ult from Barope, nt the end of April tin- c.»pt,tiii of H Japanese schooner hound from Kagoebima for Mauila with a
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  • 1396 11 PARLIAMENT AND THt AMERICANS. Peking t Tint- Saturday afternoon from four t<> vert *h« speakeci and ricea of both Hoa«c« of the Cbanghui Republic will give gardea-partj .it the Botanical Garden in honour of all A.neri<'U.s resident in ivkin- KB <)! it* vicinity. The Marine baud of
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 147 11 1 SIEMENS WINCHESTER HOUSE, SINGAPORE. 9 I 1 SIEMENS BROTHERS DYNAMO WORKS, Ltd. I I Caxton House, Westminster. London. I Store* -Upper Thames Street. London. I I lamp <>»<i Fittings Dept —Dalston, London. I Works -Stafford and Woolwich. I THIS SPHSE RESERVED Maynard Co., Ltd. W holesale and Retail 'hemists.
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    • 488 11 MOTHERS should knov. The troubles with ltitud< a of girls is a want of I proper aourishmeni and enough 3 of n Kow-a-daya they call this g ndil ion by 0j r learned oam< I nemia But word- cbange no facts. There are thousands <»f B girli of thifl kind
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    • 8 11 Waterbury's f <fS5^ COMPOUND Ideal Digest ant I
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 125 12 wa^.*-^fi!r-iift^--i3!^ -v iiimgi n i:^iuimu s -wiih^^ ijtu ■'i am TH K C A II I tV I T HOU T 4'*l V -M I N ITS rli IBEST VALUE ON THE MARKET times as great* as any other t Jar ß^v These ('are are s]>eci»]ly strongly Kuili and arc
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