Weekly Sun, 14 June 1913

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Weekly Sun
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 95 1 JEFFREY'S PILSENER BEER Sole Agents I AOAMSON GILFILLAN I ANJ CO., LTD. "The (Sourt (Sards." The Admiral's Yarn. Humpty and Dumpty. Jane from Maiden Lane. The Trumpeter. When Richard the irst Sat on the Throne, Btc«, Etc. S. MOUTRIE Co., Ltd. Electpical Department, Telephone No. 362. Telegrams: "UNITEERS." JOSTS RADIO
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    • 48 1 I t»l Sf* iH )IBi P9i Ifef 9fl <$3- f]Tj m| Bsi EV ER Y R EQUISIT E KO R Football, Cricket, Tennis, Hockey, Etc. Large stocks of Cricket and Football Boots, also Tennis and running shoes' SPECIAL QUOTATIONS FOR CLUBS. JOHN LITTLE Co., Ltd, The Athletic Outfitters.
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  • 325 2 Man) Names Erased. x Queen Mary is happily making her influence and strong personality felt in no uncertain manner, and those who wish to be received into the Rcyal favour must look well to their ways and their morals. Never before, is it said, have
    Penelope  -  325 words
  • 96 2 An article must have exceptional merit to survive for a period of fifty-eight years. STEARNS' HEADACHE CURE was first offered to the public in 1855. From a small beginning it has grown in favor and popularity until it has attained a world wide reputation. You will find
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 361 2 P. &0. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY For China, Japan, Penan?, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Biils of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian (hilf, Continental and American Ports. Bteamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES 1913 Homeward (for Europe). From Singapore (connecting: at
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    • 307 2 KONiNKUJKE PAKETVAART MAATSGHAPPIJ. (ROYAL DUTCH PACKET COMPANY.) Under Contbaot with the Netherlands India Government. Aqents at Singapore m Ships Agency, Ltd., 2-3 Collyer Quay. MAIL TABLE-JUNE 12TH TO 24TH 1913. The undermentioned dates arc only approximate. I Steamship. From Expected. Will be Despatched for:— Date* j Kalmoa j Prigi-Radja June
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    • 87 2 "UNION TIME:." CHINESE DAILY NEWSPAPER. If you want to make your goods known to the Chinese, advertise in the Union Times." For contract and non-contract advertiBment«, apply to Lrh« Manager UNION TIMES PRESS, LTD. Vl\ (/ROSS STRLET, Singapore. THE WEEKLY UN. NEW ADVERTISING RATES. i Inch Scale Rates:— One insertion,
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    • 232 2 LISTER BRUSTON AUTOMAIIC ELECTRIC LIGHTING PLANT AN ABSOLUTELY NEW IDEA. STARTS STOPS ITSELF^fc^^ PULL PARTICULARS FROM THE -ENGINE —WORKS L^ National Mutual Life Association of Australian. Limited. Established 1869 The first Life Assurance Office in the World to apply the Non-Forfeiture Principle to Policies. A Mutual Office No Shareholders All
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  • 571 3 m i Bydney, May, 11.— Thomas Watidlesn, aged 20 years, of Lawson-street, Balniain, a confectioner by occupation, with snn^pobarraing as a bobby. He was giviu«< an exhibition of bis mastery orer reptileß yefcJ terday, when a black roake, said to be 7ft. ionff, bit him on the
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  • 694 3 Attempt at Resuscitation. Profeawor Othome, (Melbourne) couinenting ou the rabl.« nemnge yeeterdai f'^ning, said re h nothwn^ inherently surpriniug In fact, cancer haw been from tuouHfc to mousr, i»nd has «ur»"uch longer than the natural term of f s life. Until Home del ailed inforI nrriveh one
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  • 752 3 t The Average strength ot a woman i compared nith that of a man is an 67 to 1 00. I bufferagfc was granted tu women in the Commonwealth of Australia in 190? Guadeloupe, o West Indian island dis-]j covered by Columbus in 1493, was captured' by
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 182 3 CONTINENTAL I I TVDFQ I m 1 I fvILrO I I FOR I ,^4B^ otol carSi otol c y°' es c es I I Buses an^ Commercial Vehicles. I I THIS IS THE I .^^Ko*^^^ M *^^^^BW ■■■1 mtt I Ml Dg w *m fl '•m ■■■1 a^BB B^BW Bk.
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  • 160 4 There will be a meeting of the S. F. A. on Monday next at 6 30 p.m. in the S.C.C. Pavilion to confirm the rules drawn up by the Sub-Committee to run the League Competition. A laughable incident occurred during the cricket match on Saturday at Penang, when St.
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  • 19 4 S.C.C. vs. KO.YL.I Played on the Padang on Tuesday evening. Result S. C. C. I goal K0.Y.L.1. Nil
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  • 75 4 A popular win wa* registered by Mr. Edlin in the June Medal competition play ed last Saturday and Sunday at Singapore Oolt Ciub. Two rounds in 88 for a l6 handicap player is quite good. Mr. Mugliston (-f 2) played two apiendid roundof 38 each and vet could do
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  • 305 4 The June medal competition was played uu Saturday and Sunday and ro»ulted in .i win for Mr. F. U. i1 in who returned the excellent nett score of 72. The sweep was won on the 7th by Mr. Edlin and on the Bth by Mr. U. D.
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  • 139 4 The draw is posted in the Club house. The first round must be completed on or before Sunday, 15th June. St. James's Cap. The following players qualify to play for Ihe above :j J. M. Valon 39 39 11 67 W. Ferguson 46 41 12 75 R.
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  • 18 4 S. C C. vs. R. G. A. Played on the Palang on Thursday eve o ing. Result
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  • 275 4 The protest of the S. R. C. in connec-l tion with their match with the S. C. C. A in the Cup competition was considered. The S. fct. C. were defeated by two .joals to one, and they claimed that a goal disallowed by the
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  • 136 4 K.0.Y.L1. I. v. K.0.Y.L1. 2. Played on the Padang oq Tuesday, Result K.O. Y. I, [T] 3 *oal«. K.O. Y. L.I fll.j —Nil. The final between K. O. Y. L I Ist. and C. {X M A will take place un Monday: Arrangements for League Competition. After the
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  • 345 4 ine Prospects. The Selau^or Football League, as will bt seen by the table given below, has now reached an extremely interesting point, Sultan Suleiman's defeat of the Klang Club on the Victoria Institution ground on Saturday by one goal to nil having put very different complexion on
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  • 88 4 London, June 7. In th« Davis lawn tennis cup competition between Americn and Australia, MoCloughHn (America) b^at Rice (Australia) 6— l" 6 :>, 6 3. William (America) beat Dou<t (Australia) 6-4, 6—4, 1—6, 7— 5. Australia won the doubles by 2 6, 6—2, 5—7, 6—2, 9—7. New York,
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  • 171 4 The following results of ties in the! Straits Chinese Recreation Club's lawn tennis tournament are announced A. Singles. Se<>\v Poh Lens; owe 18 beat Tan Tian Kiat owe 7, 6 2, 6—l. Lee Chin Tuau owe 2 beat Song On^ Siang, scr., w.o. Tan Wi
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  • 223 4 S. R. A. Championship. Below are the results in the Singapore Rifle Association championship which iawarded to the best scores in five events at the prize meeting now in progress. Those events are the presi lent 'a Cup Telephone Cup fir^t stage, N. R. A. Medal, Governor s
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  • 203 4 The thirteenth annual meeting of the! Singapore Rifle Association is now learirii: completion. The following events have! been decided on the Balleatier Rtnge since the Bth inst. Ladies' Match. This event was fired on Thursday. as 6»» B> "=> C "ti 8 2 (M 55 X
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  • 459 4 Ladies' Cup (Ten ihota at 300 and 600 sealed handicap). Twent\-four shot. N. H. A. Medal, Last week's tie in the N. K. A. Medal competition between Lt. Coveuey and Lt. Kemp was shot off Kemp winning at the fourth shot with a bull to Coreney's inner. The
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  • 112 4 L'judun, June 7 Sussex has beaten Leicestershire by an innings and 59 runs, md Cambridge University has drawn its match with Hampshire. Somerset has beaten Derbyshire by Ul runs, Worcester has b^ i ton Gloucestershire by an iuningd 'nil 136 tuns, Kent his beaten Lancashire by ten wickets
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  • 112 4 S.C.C. v. Th2 Garrison. Played cm the Esplanade laat Saturday A. Gardner c Thorpe b Derapsey 57 J. R. C. Bad ham lbw b Dempgey 25 J. Tureley b Thorpe B. J. Henry cde Hofijhton b Black 21 C. H. Davis b Dempgey W. E. Rayner b Thorpe 5
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  • 72 4 Lt. C. Brown b Rayner Lt. Black b Bodging Cpl. Derapsey b Ravner Lt. de Hoghton b Ravner Ji Capt. Day b Ravner Lt. Oliver c Badhain b L Smith 70' Lt. Thorpe b Badiiam Sgt. Watson c Chamberlain h Henrv Lt. Williams b L Smith Major Lovett b
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  • 290 4 8. X. R. C. w. C. H. C The St. Xavier's Recreatiou Club mfc tered their second victory i Q this tourna ment last Saturday when they heat the C. R. C. by 22 runs. The Xaveruna, bat ting firwt, compiled a total of 49 runs lo
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  • 143 4 Sydney, May 11. u the produce oi large and thoroughly interested fttteadai at the Stadium last night, Pat Bradley kuock ed out the recently arrived English welter weight Sid Stagg in the thirteenth round There was only a few ounce* of diffeiuue*in the weigbti of the men. Stagg proved
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  • 124 4 Brisbane, May 11.— At the Olympic Bt»d urn on Saturday night, Jack Cardell, a C»l' fomian middle-weight, triumphed <> vtf "Bill" Souter, of New South Wales, in tl seventh round. Cardell proved a alow I ginuer, and Souter had so much the bettt of it that he
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  • 273 5 Kuala Lumpur Meeting. lljh entries and handic*pn for the. first davofthe S^Urikjor Turf Club'* Summer meeting «-n Tu-hJhv, the 17th Inei follows MerohalTTs a*o Mimbbs Plati. Brown Comet 114 Minut* Ha IU B.G, Tin Magnet 8.2, Uri««'tr<. 7 10, Kc Tor 7.7, Silrit 7-7. 8WI« 10 T, Uprani<» IUS.
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  • 53 5 Williams Beats Lindrum gydnejf May 11.— A. E. WiUiami lla^ won his billiard m.itch, 16,000 up even 4-jairiHt F. Lindrum. by 1,182 points the icoie-, at the finish la«t ni^ht being Williams 16. 0< 0 Lindrum 14,818 The beht breaks in thel.«it eta^je w*mv; WilliHms— 4l."i, 142, and HI
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  • 228 5 The Roberts -Gray Case. The action m»d« r the Fraudulent Debtor- Act, which the attorney of John Robert* brought against George Gray, waw concilded before Mr. Justice Mood, in Melbourne, on 6th nit Gray *t»ted that he wa*» under verbal pngngmnent to hit* father for th« remainder of his life
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  • 143 5 A list it* being circulated among Scotsmen in town soliciting the names of those willing to enlist in a Scottish c °mpany of volunteers. The colonists that nationality who are already roemberi of other companies, however, flot approached as the movement intended to interest only men who not at present
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  • 423 5 x Wliat i% London lif- you aik m; cr iev th« rnaidpn nohly Lorn, London life U fun' ph i t>.,Ho, flirting «ian< iri« till Ui< luon.. lLondon lif<. u.eann lot? of invert, ndniiration night and da\, jDinnora n^ti for thirty ..oven, danee>; partieu, balU, ui i plar.
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  • 218 5 Ah, sterile, silver moon on high, Hare jewel set in velvet eky, While feathered clouds of nigh drift bv, What know you of love's bliss? The pulse tiiat beats to passion's pain, And throbs within the purple vein, The clinging ki*s that leaves a
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  • 52 5 Chua Lui Sane, the Celestial who, for years, has been under surveillance suspected of complicity in many deals whereby poppy juice has been imported into the Philippine islands, met his Waterloo when Judge Charles S. Lobingier sentenced him to imprisonment for five years for having in hii potseasion 75 grams
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  • 1092 5 The other duv we bad Mr. Lloyd George 'it daring in accent* of emotion that he w;.i a poor man with a family nn<J therefore unable to speculate on th* Stock Exchange. rl iving only the £5,000 paid him at> Chancellor of the Exchequer an<l £400 a year of
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  • 359 5 Hon%€ troth* hurt hut they are beneficial. A wise man never pnt9 away •bildish things. Talking of vaudeville, tkfttehefl are often not draw*. No woman, we believe, haa ever been guilty of an ad-age. At the present rate of progress in shipbulding, England and Germany will soon have
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    • 68 5 Major Lovett's our composiKEPO T. TOR. I was 8 >rrv to see "I was *orry to see the S. C C. starr tho S. C. C. «tart with a bad foul." with a bad fowl."* I enquired of the Corap" aa to whether he th m?ln the S.RC.
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    • 81 5 Press vs. The Profession. Two Pressmen and two members of the Dallas Comedy Company played a Foursome at Keppel Harbour last Thursday. It was a very enjoyable game and was won by the Profession on the last green. The Advance Agent and the Star Artist wish the fact to
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    • 151 5 ("A public librarian states that man's regard for poetry is far greater than woman's." Daily paper.) The singer of songs, and the' dreairers uf dreams. Have woven their fancies since time wan young; And little the world has cared for all The dreams and visions that they
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    • 182 5 I have penned my effusions to Milly and Maud, To Dorothv, Daisy, and Jane, Expecting the dear little things to applaud And ask me to do it again Expecting that, noting the way that I treat Their lips and their eyes and their tresses 4 They'll say
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  • 96 5 RULE THAT WORKED B OTH WAYS When he h*d carefully eiauoined tho shoe* the pttytieUn had brought in for repair*, the Oermm cobbler landed them back, uawng: '•D^in shoeu ain't wortn i mending, doctor." '.Very well, Hans." said the doctor, I "then, of course, I won't have anvthin I done
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  • 747 6 The Weekly Sun. SATURDAY, JUNE 14 HIGHER EDUCATION FOF GHINESE. Singapore is one of the most cosmopolitan places in the East, probably one of the m st cosmopolitan in the world, and presents a variety of racial interests that in all administrative affairs requires careful study and cautious and discerning
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  • 203 6 Another excellent programme is ad'ver ise 1 by the Al ham bra Ciaema, 1 Lhe Marbor )ii£h Cineru itograph announce a change of programme. Notice is given in the Hongkong Gazette that Chinese emigrants will from Ist July, 1914, be prohibited from' entering into written contracts to|, labour in the
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  • 618 6 DALLAS COMEDY COMPANY. Mr. Dalian has evidently ing back one of the best pi^ ,V me for his return visit to Sine/ 1 M The Thief," which the OomJa^ list night at the Victoria has the reputati >n of being hP example of the highest ordw craft. Even the long-haire
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  • 82 6 Lieut.-Coionei Marrable, Comminf ing the troops, has much pleasu.v^ conveying to the Garrison Hi cellency the Governor's comv^ satisfaction with the success i parade in honour of H. M. and the fine bearing- of the Fiis Excellency was pieced t eta that "the feu de joie was
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  • 81 6 The output from Bruanft U« for May amounted to 31 picaw t Launches for the Swimmi"? DH Sunday will leavo Johns'. at 7, 9 and 10 a. in.. 2.30 and)) and return at 8.30 and 9. JO am 3 and 5.30 p.m. At the Prinoip street l^| g Sunday 15,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 116 6 El TJSBolsJglßißifcr H.M. THE KING. contractors to The British Admiralty. The War Office. The India Office. MILKMAID MILK LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD. THE FACT THAT Milkmaid Milk HAS BEEN CHOSEN FOR USE IN THE GOVERNMENT MMh M MHL u> n a I C W I W^' "i*. J I
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    • 71 6 GRAND CHANGE OF PROGRAMME Comprising Q NEW PICTURES Q The Scented East— Colombo. Tk* Scarecrow. Gwendoline (Amerioan Kinsma.) A Whiff of Onion. THE ALTAR FIRE (Coloured.) A Drama in 2 Parts. M. Prince's Latest Laughter Compeller. The Amorous Chealnut Seller*' as well as Billboy and the Cinema and Pathe's AnimMed
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  • 24 7 CHINESE AT PANAMA London, June 9. ReuurV Paoania correspondent tea that the President of Panama signed a decree prohibiting the naturalization of Chinese.
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  • 337 7 THE CHERMAVSKY'S WORLD'S TOUR. It i- of Kreat interest to Musi'* lovers ,f the Ea-t that the Cherniavskyb have elected thi* tour to inaugurate their "All Round the Word Tour," which will lake many years to achieve, and January 191*, the date of the inauguration of thi- tour, will be
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  • 197 7 Perhaps this heading to our little Epic will not be enlightening to our readers until we explain. So we explain. The Dallas C >medy Company,: who are showing here at present, adver-i tined three Plays for Pe;ianpr, in Penang papers. One of the Plays advertised to be
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  • 67 7 We nave received from the author copy of the much-discuesed M Apa 3uka Tuan," for review. Our verdict ~a collection of powerful, though rather crudely told stories, which nevertheless have the ring of fact about them. Probably the reason for several ad -rae criticisms on the matter of the
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  • 712 7 The F. M. 3. Government arc ots ?aimn* Immediately a big drive to ure the wild eleph-ntc which have l?ri» tij-h srreat d-imasje on the Sungei WJI Batata, but they insist on estates <n the viciiity contributing $1,000 towards the espa a s. The Matriculation Btimmatioq of the
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  • Correspondence.
    • 344 7 To the Editor of the Weekly Sun. Sir,— Your leader of Saturday last throws a necessary but fotnewhat lurid light upon openly-countenanced immorality in Singapore, and though, as you say, the subject is a delicate one to touch upon, Btill I believe it is one whi<h public
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  • 145 7 The Amateur Drawing Association has removed from 169 Cecil street to new premises in Tank road, opposite Tank road Railway Station, where they will have better accommodation fora well equipped gymnasium and so forth. The following properties were disposed of by auction at Mestrs. Ching Keng Lee and Co's Sale-room
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 92 7 TWO EXCELLENT STAR FILMS well above the ran of pictures of a like nature THE THIEF OF LOVE a splendid short drama very appreciative, THE WEDDING PRESENT depicting one of those pleasant counjtry love stories which always fin4 favour with a large section of show* goers. Prettily coloured. IN THE
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    • 213 7 VICTORIA THEATRE. TO-NIGHT rHE DALLAS COMEDY COMPANY. PThe Famous Farcical Comedy CHARLEY'S AUNT" preceded by THE TOUCH OF TRUTH from the Hayroarket Theatre, London. Booking at ROBINSON PIANO Co. 1 t 1 /1\ 1 I it r*i >^V I Iv. Cj« ONE NIGHT ONLY. MONDAY, 16th. /> LEO, JAN MISCHEI
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    • 413 8 For not being able to explain satisractorily how he came by a piece of wood value $1. a Tamil named Mutu gamy wai fined $2. For slapping a rickshaw cooly on hit mouth, a Malay named Husin was fined $5, $2 fine to go to the puller b\ way
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    • 292 8 Bolu, a Mohamed m f pleaded guilty to being drunk and disorderly in Queen street. Fined $2. LeeSai Tee pleaded guilty to gambling "paikow" in public at Ban San street. He was fined Four cart-drivers, two Tamils, a Malay and a Hokien, were fined $1( each, for cruelty to
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    • 545 8 For selling ohandu dross except to the Superintendent of the Monopolies Tng Seok was fined $55. in the second jcourt this morning. For trespassing into the Government House Domain at 5.20 p.m. yesterdax a Tamil named Armugam was fined $1 He pleaded guilty. He said he had just arrived
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    • 283 8 Ng Kee, who was convicted for stealing 20 lbs of zinc value $8, from Tanjong Pagar Dock was this morning sentenced to seven days' rigorous imprisonment. For driving their bullock-carts in a rash or negligent manner as to indicate a want of due regard for the safety of others
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  • 1100 8 Slam is certainly getrinir eonhinnnlU nore and more np- to d»te(«ftvathe B.D.M Vt the rlarbonr Department the? htwt iow a light, inch as ush.l for hV tbonaes, »uovrt t Htj which U automat io ill v extin(oi«hed in dayiighl and lighted up at »ight. Araonsf theraoat trustworthy ci<ntinc
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  • 56 8 As an instance of the steady ri6e in the price of building sites at Butterworth we may mention that a wellknown towkay who recently purchased a house, standing within its own grounds near the Butt-rworth padang, for $2,500 was offered $3,500 within a few days of the purchase and refused
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 57 8 LOSING WEIIjHT I BY THE POUND j! M Under Weight," a condition of J ill-health, shows your assimilative powers are decreasing. WATERBURY'S i I METABOLIZED > COD LIVER OIL j > COMPOUND I i Sujiulies the blood with tho w.uited iiourishiag and healthv llesh building 1 i material*. V'oty palata'ilc.
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    • 180 8 THIS 13 IT I f- Waterbury's Metabolized j Cod Liver Oil Compound MTZ\ TASTELESS ODOURLESS 1 t\ iiL preparation of JkAW± COD LIVEPw OIL. Docs all that is 4 i i'd^VSHfij claimed for it and supersedes tho old- I < fashioned emulsions which upset the i£§i C M~ Btomach. Jli^hlv
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 37 9 W J\llS2iW2ty^ I^2tldl&W %5 y/0,. I^l d a Ell I I 1 "(ill ill II in rnoi/inn mnrp ivi^t^tp q i nrpp l|p: |B1 In London more than three times 11 Hi I Mil Singapore, Penang Malacca.
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  • 444 10 FROM WORK TO BED FROM BED TO WORK. How A Malaria Sufferer In Ceylon Spent Most Of His Time Until Dr. William*' Pink Fills Cured Him. When duty or other caus<* takes you toi parts where Malaria is prevalent obviousl.v the first thing to do ifi to observe the re-,
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  • 191 10 To-night a special dinner and dance have been arranged to take place in Raffles Hotel, while an open-air concert on the lawn will be given by the band of the K.0. Y.L.1. Next Saturday being the second anniversary of King George V/e coronation, the Seaview Hotel will be the venue
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  • 1224 10 THE ARREST OF A SENATOR. Mr. H*ueh Sbih, Senator troiu bzeuhuen, waa teized by the Peking police, ou the morning of tho 1 7th from the house of Mr. Chang Chi, the Speaker of tho Senato During the union of the Senate on the '19th, Mr. tUueii reported
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  • 96 10 For the second time in the history; of the Ceylon police force, one of its ramnbers has been decorate 1 with the Kfrig's medal for gallantry. A Malay is again thn recipient. On the recommendation of the Inspector. General of Police, consible Jappor Asgar has been awarded this tribute to
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 153 10 Caldbeck Macgregor and Company. Wholesale and Retail WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, Ales, Beer and Stout Importers. Telephone No. 160. Price LlstB>n appHcatio*. BRANCHES AT LONDON, GLASGOW, SHANGHAI, HONGKONG, TIENTSIN AND KUALA LUMPUR WITH AGENCIES THROUGHOUT THE BAST. 10- i SLEDGE BRAND MILK IS THE NHHK THAT IS WORTH ITS P^ICE.
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  • 444 11 The tollovfing "howlert are worthy ot a plaee in anyone's collection The schoolboy, who, aa the Arohtmhop o f CanterVjur^ tells us, derived *ruuu.: from "rubber, and said that it meaut^a "religiou« rule that you can atretoh or twist," is] 1 ooe of mau.y \outhful .^oJomoos who have, made
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  • 553 11 The production by the eiu or prising Mr Eveleigh Nash of a volume of Memoirs bearing upon the tragedy of the suicide of Prince Rudolf, heir to the throne of Aus tria-Huugary, and the sou of the beautiful and ill-fated Empress Elizabeth, recills the figure of the gallant aud irresponsible
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  • 496 11 New Bombay Premises. The now homo of tbe Bombay branch of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, is n fin* addition to the man\ handsome buildjinu'B in tho city. It has recently been .completed, and is now ready for business. jit is a model building for the
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    • 80 11 In the Army Review (London) attention is called to a volume the fifth of the series recently published nt Tokyo under the orders of the Director-General of Military Education, dealing with the Russo- Japanese war. The present volume is devoted almost exclusively to relating acts
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    • 202 11 6ergt, Jutaro Yoshiinura, of the 9th In.fantry Regiment, was in charge of No. 6 Section under Lieut. Kitainura. When the lattf r fell at the battle of Nanshan, the sergeant became almost like a madman. At last he pulied himself togther and took his officer's place, saying
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    • 105 11 Lance-Oorpl. Tsunejiro Yoshiinura, 12th Field Artillery Regiment, received his death wouud from a shell, pieces of which also killed his master, the battalion commander. Yoshhnura always followed close behind the latter ia action, and when the shall burst and the major fell, he cried out: 'Battalion commander
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    • 126 11 Among the possessions fouud on the body of Luice -Corpl. Makita Kawazu, 47tli Infantry Regimeut, who died fighting bravely at tUe battle ue.ir Tu-men-tzu, was a photograph til an old man aud a child tiie father and son of the dead man. On tin; back of
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    • 191 11 Just before the battle of Mukden, Private Fusakichi Ofuji, 42nd Infantry Regiment contracted a disease of the ©yea and oould not see. His company commander accord- ingly ordered him to go to the rear. But his disappointment waa bo evident that finally the captain told him
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    • 120 11 Transport soldier Toyoji lbhii was iu charge of borta that the bquadrou colqnian iti and veterinary considered Rhonld he cast. Tiie aniiual had no appetite, and its condition was deplorable. Ishii, however, uaid that it he lost, his horse to which he w«h devoted, it
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    • 361 11 First-class Private Kinsuke Furuya, ui the 20th 2nd Reserve Infantry Regiment, was -verely wounde I duriug the battle of Muivdeu. The following letter from has wife, Koyo, to hu company comuiander is not a model literary composition, but it shows a loyal spirit I have receivod
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    • 210 11 Firdt-clasa Private Soeinon Matnunioto, Bth Infantry Regiment, was the adopted sou of a family, formerly wealthy, but in recent years unfortunate. Added to this his mother was an invalid. .Mataumoto always sent home a portion ot' liis pay, the whole which only came to
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 26 11 Bfc3s s 'iiiir v^^-^_ S^B^B^B^B^B^B^PJ am. I neuralgia, etc, often takes ns it very I I inconvenient moments. To rid yourself I I Bawtr'fTibltfiof Afpirln. I
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    • 457 11 BEFORE WR CAi^ uee then», iron an I gold must first be ffot out of the oi«. Tho same principle applies to cod liver oil. Its virtues are not in its fatty matters much less in its sickening taste and smell. No consumptive, or puffererfrom any other wasting disease, was
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    • 13 11 Waterbury's Am I I rINrAPPLE %^(fi^r DIGESTIVE COMPOUND T H t Ideal Digestant
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 99 12 HIGHEST CLASS CEMENT. "Borneo" Brand. Fresh stocks every month supplies now available. JODEL I T E. THE GREAT TIMBER PRESERVATIVE, also in general use for the protection of wounds on Rubber=trees after flPHfliflC? £*tc |Ml4lllll£^t vlvi B^ J^ Tropical Ready Roofing complete with Patent Kant Leak M Kleats which do
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