Weekly Sun, 31 May 1913

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Weekly Sun
  • 17 1 THE Weekly Sun 126, CROSS STRCET, SINGAPORE. No. 148. SINGAPORE. SATrUDAV. MAY 81. |<)|:3. IMJICK IO CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 54 1 JEFFREY^! PILSENER SEER I Sole Agents f ADAMSON CILFILLAN I AND CO., LTD. f SONGS SUNG by "The gourt (Sards." When Richard the First Sat on the Throne, Etc., Etc. S. MOUTRIE Co., Ltd- United Engineers Limited Telephone No. 362. Telegrams: "UNITEERS" JOSTS RADIO FANS. United Engineers Limited STOCKS IN
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    • 36 1 Sporting Outfits. 0^ I EVERY REQUISITE FOR Football, Cricket, Tennis, Hockey, Etc. Large stocks of Cricket ;m<l Football Boots, also Tennis and running shoes I SPECIAL QUOTATIONS FOR CLUBS. [JOHN LITTLE Co., Ltd. The Athletic Outfitters.
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  • 265 2 Glasgow Sketch Book. The ol>j*<t of Tlie A'tist'g Sketch-Book Series, to which lleflferm. A. k C. Black ar* nbout to add a volume on Glasgow, by John Ms>bet, is to supply the tourist of ftrtiKtic wympathifH with a collection of viewn that will be more welcome than the con-/
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  • 297 2 New York, April 7. 44 The skirts are to be tight but not slit jp further than the ankle. The waist line is high three-quarter waist line and the sleeves are to be made of lace or some transparent material." There are
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 305 2 P. &0. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY For China, Japan, Penan?, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports. Bteamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. Homeward (for Europe). From Singapore, connecting* at Colombo
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    • 474 2 KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSGHAPPIJ. (ROYAL DUTCH PACKET COMPANY.) Undbr Contract with thk Netherlands India Govebnmbm. Aoeits at Singapore Tie Skips Agency. LM M 2-3 Collyer Quay. MAIL TABLE-MAY 30TH TO JUNE7TH 1913. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. STEAMSHIP. From Expected. Will he Despatched for:— Date* D. van Twiat Belawan-Deli... May
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    • 158 2 LISTER BRUSTON \UTOMATIC ELECTRIC LIGHTING PLANT] AN ABSOLUTELY NEW IDEA. QTADTQ ITQFI F FULL PARTICULARS FROM THE SOLE AGENTS:— I CENTRAL--ENGINE —WORKS Ltd I National Mutual Life Association of Australiasia, Limited. Established 1869. The first Life Assurance Office in the World to apply the Non-Forfeiture Principle to Policies. A Mutual
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    • 84 2 UNION TIMES. 1 CHINESE DAILY NEWSPAPER. If you want to make your goods known to the Chinese, advertise in the Union Times.*' For contract and non-contract aHvertisments, apply to The Manager UNION. TIMES PRESS, UD. 124 Cross Street, Singapore. THE WEEKLY SUN. NEW ADVERTISING RATES. INCH SCALE RATES:— One insertion.
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  • 1119 3 It it the daly of erery Aburdouian to titlewl the right hand and the glas«— of welcome to their first champion, Tom Aiken. of Aberdeen, a true Scot and a bran laddie. [This refer* to the Billiard professional who iH now in Australia, but there is another "brmw bMkKe
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  • 94 3 From Sydney Bulletin The Wrong Brand. His right hand grasped the steering-wheel. His left arm clasped the lady The night policeman saw them reel Upon a comet made of steel Along wide streets and shady. The night wind whispered near and far, He's wearing out his father's car N And
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  • 119 3 To-day we walk, to-morrow we tiy To-day w- tliink that we all must die To-inorrow we know that a medicine man Has sterilised Death in his vacuum pan. The day before yesterday all we knew Was that uotbing we'd learnt before was true. And that all the world \ra->
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  • 253 3 SOOCHOW ALSO HAS AN OCCULT BLACK MAN." Red Man's Mysterious Counter* part Added Cause to Wave of Disturbance. I Soochovr, May 1 2, In addition to the red man, .said to have! fallen from Heaven for thn avowed purpose of restoring the Manchus to their old power, rumour has built
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  • 186 3 Mr. Henry Dallas (whose working arraugement with Mr. Maurice Bandmann terminated last week, says the China Press of 1 lth ult.) will give a special performance of The Thief at the Lyceum Theatre next Saturday evening. The play which, will be a new feature of the Dallas Comipany's
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  • 155 3 Mesarb. Keir Hardie ami P. teowdtO, Ms. P., have been assaulted by Suffragettes These are Labour members, too, who pretend to be in hot sympathy with the agitation for emancipation of woman. The assault would not have been so distressing had it been dignified. Had the
    Melbourne Punch  -  155 words
  • 117 3 The mortality returns for Singapore for the week ended May 17 show 248 deaths, a ratio per mille of population of 40.17. The chief causes of death were malarial fever 38, fever not specified 11, phthisis 29, beri ben 24, typhoid fever 2, diarrhoea 8 and pneumonia 15. No cases
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 125 3 I CONTINENTAL I I tf^. TYPFQ I J^J^3^ otor cars otor c y°' es es i I uses aD(^ eaY y Commercial Vehicles. I I jHß^^ KNOWN ALL OVER THE WORLD. I Notice to Advertisers. ALL ADVERTISEMENTS mast, here atfer, reach us by Thursday at 4 p.m Ads. received later
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    • 245 4 A presentation is being madu to Mr. C.\ T. Durward, for four years honorary secre-! tary to the Penang Golf Club, who i« going on leave. It is a coincidence that Pearce's father sculled in the first race for the old Sportsman Cup, and pearce himself is to be
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    • 316 4 K.0. V.L.1. 2nd Beat Wanderers. Ou the S.C.C grouud, on Monday night, the Wanderers inet the K.0. Y.L.1, second eleven in the first round of the Cup competition, and after a game in which both sides were oftcu seriously at fault the Holdiorrt snatched a victory in the last
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    • 191 4 The Interport Shoot. After being postponed from May 17 on .iccoutit of the raiu, the iuterport shoot by the Hongkong team took place ou Sunday, at Kiug'h Park, under conditions almost as bad. mist and rain alternating with sunahiue. While the team were shooting at *>00 yards they
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    • 504 4 The local Bialey was continued last Satur- Iny and Sunday both da\ h being fine though heavy thunderclouds threatened. The attendance fell off a good deal, two of the three competitions entailing a good deal of variation from the ordinary target practice. The Volunteer Cup drew
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    • 273 4 The following is the complete result of the Marathon race held by the Ist Bn. The Kiug's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry at Tanglin on 23rd May. The winner was Lance-Cpl. Cobb of "E Company who completed the course in 37 minutes and 27 seconds. The distance of the
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  • 745 4 Annual Athelctic Sports. Although the afternoon was cloudy and threatening, the annual athletic sports in connection with St. Joseph's Institution last Saturday happily escaped the ill luck in the form of bad weather conditions that had marred the function for several years past. There was some thoroughly
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  • 912 4 Wheu the above sports commenoed last Saturday afternoon Ht the Race Course, there were few Europeans, except officials, present, this probably being due to the many other engagements and the fact that the weather looked vprv threatening just about thnt time, but. us the afternoon wore on,
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  • 703 4 According to to the Berliner Tftftbhtl the Argentine Government has orderc< four fuither torpedo craft of lnr»,- diinen. aiona from Krupp's Germmia yard. The-*--vessels, it is said,- are to take tlin p| n e (J four which wore built in England,' but failing to satUty the contract condition*,
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  • 41 4 The China Critic (Tientsin) of May J states that Mrs. Austin (Miss Neli Compton) of the Dallas Company, l>r°; sented her husband (also a member o the company) with a baby on the *n inat Mother and child were doing well.
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  • 1155 5 dear Cassandra, We in England are just now very specially interested in the Chinese question the new Republic certainly has an en<>rm «us amount of work cut )Ut for it to accomplish. That China has aske<l for the prayers of Christondom that its new kingdom may
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  • 339 5 Mr. A. W. Still, was to leave Hongkong by the Chiyo Maru for the States and England. Senor Martinez Rivas, a Bilbao ironmaster, who died at Madrid last month, left a fortune of about twelve millions sterling. Senor Rivas was a Sp tnish Carnegie. He rose, from being a workman,
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  • 857 5 With the actual payment £500,000 on account of the £2,000,000 to be advanced by the Quintuple Group in connection with the £25,000,000 Re-organiaation Loan, it would seem Unit China ha* at ion* last M turned the corner." With funds in hand to meet the moat pressing
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  • 555 5 PERAK TURF CLUB. Taiping, May 28th 1913. There will be a special general meet ing of the Perak Turf Club at th. Perak Club on Saturday next (31st to discuss the programme of event for the August meeting. There ar< rumours that it is to be
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  • 226 5 Taiping to-night. They will proceed by easy stages to Singapore where you will have the pleasure of seeing them in a week's time. You will see Mr. Tyler, their advance agent, shortly. Doraisamy the Tamil Taining Court Interpreter who was tried and convicted of bribery by the Taiping magistrate, and
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  • 454 5 J At the United Missionary Meeting at .the Princep Street Church on Monday ..June 2nd, at 8.15 p.m. Mis* Stiles wili give an address on work among women > and girls. 1 u ?T Pre9ldent an <* Mrs. Bean will be at Home to members of the Y
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  • 946 6 The Weekly Sun. SATURDAY, MAY 31. FOR CONSIDERATION. Through a combination ot conditions too numerous to detail, this part of the world seems particularly udnpte i to the encouragement of the "growler. 11 He growls at his life, at his work, at his inadequate remuneration for it, at his clubs,
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    • 14 6 Berlin, May 24. The Chinese loan has been covered over five times.
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    • 53 6 Shanghai, May 25. General Hus Pao San, commonly known as M Tiger Hsu," a supporter of Yuan Shih-k'ai and hated by the southern extremists, has been killed at Chin Kiang b/ a bomb sent to him in a parcel of porcelain of which he was
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  • 82 6 [Reuters] London, May 26. Retuer's agency is informed that the provinces of Sliangtung, Anhui and Hunan in which poppygrmving U officially declared to have been suppressed, will be closed to Indian opium forthwith. The officials all report that the suppression has been astonishingly thorough. Great Britain has favourably received
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  • 43 6 The Hague, May 27. Government has reconvoked the International Opium Conference for July 1 to come to a decision with reference to the ratification of the treaties, despite the fact that n >t all States have adhered to the Convention.
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  • 78 6 London, May 27. Sir E. Grey in reply to Col. YaU said that the latest reports showed that hostilities were still in progress between the Chinese and the tribesmen on the eastern side of Tibet, otherwise all the Chinese officials and troops had left the country which was
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  • 48 6 [Relttersl London, \lay 29. A prospectus has been issued with reference to the formation of the Banque Industrielle Chine, with a ca pital of Forty- Five Million Francs. The Chinese Republic have promised to assist the Bank by the development of the natural resources of China.
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  • 230 6 Last week we published a Golfing article, Edward R ty In The Rough," taken from a Home paper. The proofreader passed the proof as O. K. but it was not O. K for the simple reason rtiat one part of the article read. Braid 9 feet at Prestwick
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 128 6 APPOINTMENT jli^^3^L&gE^fefJ H.M. THE KING. contractors to The British Admiralty. The"War Office. The India Office. MILKMAID MILK LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD. A XxJCL JT /tlv^ JL JL JtlA X Milhmaid Milh THE GOVERNMENT u n q Di tl l o nuor I l y IN THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS AND
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    • 66 6 THE NABOB A drama in 3 Parts from the fascinat-; ing Monte Christo novel of Alphonsoj Daudet. Four-fifths of a mile long. 1 hour's duration WILL APPEAR on the screen AT THE ALHAMBRA BEACH ROAD. 2nd Show, 9.30 to ll p.m. to-nTght AND FOR A FEW NIGHTS ONLY in conjunction
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  • 365 7 Dear Mr. Editor, perhaps you would like a few notes about the Empire Day Dince which nok place at the Ho tol de L'E'irope ast Saturday. Here they are. It was a very successful dance, Mr. 1 Editor. Being i blooming 'Orstralimi and it being Empire Day,
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  • 120 7 B Alhambra Cinema have another good Programme this week. x pictures being shown at the borough Cinema are well worth I Hm D l ay Ex ercises in the Drills ,p i the Anglo-Chinese School at Mo Pm. to-day. Hcl^-f" adies Lawn Tennis Club Ame- tournament was completed on i
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    • 201 7 m Home truths hurt but they are beneficial. >re is only one golden rule for Happiness— always have something beyond your reach. One no sometimes means no, but three no s mean perhaps. People s.y that a woman holds alii the winning cards, but she is the most! helpless creature
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    • 261 7 marveil'dwhy a little child, That lightly draws its breath. Should utter groans so very wild. And look as pale as Death. Adopting a parental tone, j I ask'd her why she cried damsel answer'd' with a groan,! 1 I've got a pain inside P I thought it would
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    • 248 7 tlany love music for music's sake; Many became her touches can awake, J ["noughts that repose within the breast half dead, J Vnd rise to follow where she loves to C lead. What various feelings come from days gone by! *Vhat tears from tar-off sources dim the eye
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    • 197 7 She dwelt within unyielding stays That kept her bolt upright, A. nymph whose waist won doubtful praise, She laced so very tight. A. maiden by a kirtle dun Half hidden from the eye. A single skirt when only one Was worn by low and high. She burst her bonds
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    • 202 7 Talk about teaching the young idea low to shoot It shoots of its own ac;ord nowadays when it has Cabinet Ministers for targets. Here is an effusion from a schoolgirl of 15 sum-j ners. The feet may limp a little here' 1 md there, and some of
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  • 20 7 {S C.C. Colours vs. W bites. Played on Thursday, on the Padang Result Whites 3 goals. Colours 0 goal.
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  • 98 7 The tie between the above team* was replayed on Thursday, on the S.R C. ground. Result R-A. 3 goals. K.O. Y.L.I 1 goal; A marriage is arranged, and will take place in June, between James E. Stewart Chinese Government Railways, son of Mr. James Stewart, of Tientsin,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 246 7 AN EXCELLENT VARIETY ENTERTAINMENT 1 in pictures, as interesting and amusing ai could be wished, and quite good enough to tempt you out of door* to enjoy, wet or fine. at the MARLBOROUGH Picture Theatre, Beach Road. 2nd Show, 9.30 to 11 p.m. Athens, the Pearl of Greece. In the
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  • 1859 8 By our Special Police fopbritr Monday. Lee Chiang, a Hokien, pleaded guilty in the second court thia morning, for re-preparing chandu dross at Sambau road. He was fined $30 or a month's rigorous imprisonment. A cart driver named Chiew A Kak. was fined $2, for driving his cart
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  • 1227 8 I Conditions in Chihli Point to Friction; the Judiciary is Influenced by Squeeze Student Class i! Not Making Good." > In view of recent events in the north 1 juml In the capital, the answers to tie, 1 I questions put by The China Press >J
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 224 8 1 Waterbury's Metabolized I COUGHING INTO I Cod Liver Oil Compound. 1 W V n *3 U IM 1 1 1 U 11 j| f^ r .^^p^^^^M^^? Finest Norwegian COD LIVER OIL changed B i Lrfi Hby the latest scientific process to a form allowj B "Only u Cough but
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 280 9 T v WATCHES CLOCKS. A lir;iu!ifui t uHi,,. t/ r r- r 'I Bißs^V' m^JMIVx, f j^ Thc "Vcrcifa" I 0 IoBU j^i i^^^ A^ if nsß* bl*^ J^ mmm t^ f < d i > J^lLl^S^ PfiCC $I4 ThC ru9| P roof N «^> Watch. o M ,tv,.;a. v.,n-i,
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  • 388 10 THE SCARLET MR. E'S AND THF IR Prior to cuwing M out Eaut, where lie i.ow owns and manages the splendid Hotel NorniHii "at Posjing Mr. EL N. ISrunelXor man INM in the thick of things theatrical in London, leading The Scarlet Mr. E'h," managing the Concorde Couoeii Co., and
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  • 207 10 Resignation of Procurator Chen iWay Necessitate Starting the Case All 111 flow of the resignation of Pioeurator Chen, oonaeqnaal upon the lummary dismissal of Judge Huang of lira Shanghai District Couit by Provincial Fudge Yang, it is bettered that another preliminary trial of lung Kwe-shing
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  • 1735 10 Officials Have Cleared Great Acreage of Every Vestige of the Plant. Ichowfu, May 9, An amazing activity in suppreasion uf opium cultivation has developed in iShangtuug duriug the laat two weeka. A foreign deputy, accompanied by >wo ChiueKc deputies, has been making a
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 194 10 ICOUGHING INTO I C ON SU M PT I 0 N 1 I > S M (Jnl\ a Cough but you stop it j| while it i^ ONLY n cough. |p WATERBURY'S IJi METABOLIZED jjl J I GOD LIVER OIL j Ijj COMPOUND jj I I ■f' Tile linesi preparation
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  • 261 11 heroes still loft in this world,, •»ppc?lU-, member of the Lower 1 Ohio Legislature, M one of Mi introduced Bill tu pres-j Faahioiii to be worn bv women itate of Ohio The rablinc eourOappcrlle Sill us with adiniraIJ »unted by previous fai lured of I the daughters
    The Asian  -  261 words
  • 1569 11  -  Hamilton W Mabie. By The following interview, which will be found moat interesting, especially in vievr of recent developments in the political situation in China, wan obtained by Hamilton W. liable, the distinguished author and associate editor of The Outlook. Mr., Air. Mabie was in JHpaii recently
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 150 11 Caldbeck Macgregor and Company. Wholesale and Retail WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, Ales, Beer and Stout Importers. UUthm No. 160. P r j ce Lisbon application. I BRANCHEb AT LONDON, GLASGOW, SHANGHAI, HONGKONC, TIENTSIN AND KUALA LUMPUR WITH AGENCIES THROUGHOUT THE lABT 13-T SLEDGE BRAN Dl ILK IS THE |VlIbK THAT
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    • 432 11 OP THE MLLTITUr L5 who have u**d it or are ow ing it, we hare never heard of any one who has been disappointed in it. Xo claims are made for it except those which are amply justified by experience. In oommending it to the afflicted we aimply point to
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    • 10 11 Waterbury's I PINI APPIE: COMPOUND I H E Ideal Digestant
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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