Weekly Sun, 24 May 1913

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Weekly Sun
  • 25 1 THE Weekly Sun 126 CROSS STREET, SINGAPORE =j=___==_=_= -mm __^m i.«»»wee_^eeeeeeeß___BM-____________iMßjK aMi^^ B^^^_^______ SINGAPORE. SATI RDAV. MAY 24. 1913. l*l*B*M| "'""eeeeee~~_e________________________________ PRICE LO CENTS. 1
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 120 1 JEFFREY'S I PILSENER j BEER j I Sole Agents f j ADAtiSOII GILFILLAN ANiJ CO.. LTD. SONGS SUNG by "Tbe (Sourf Sards." Jane from Maiden Lane. I I T* j When Richard the First Sat on the Throne, i_.lv.« f I__ilC« j S. MOUTRIE Co., Ltd. **m &^^mmmmmM&mMmmaMm^m—mmMMMmmmmm^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^—^—^—^-^—^^^^—^_—^^ ww~~~— -_____________^_______Mi^aijjap__^_i_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^
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    • 72 1 I DUMINV CH.MPAGNt I ADAMSON CILFILLAN I AND CO., LTD., M SOLS AGENTS. hi^*m*mß+*mM*m*mm+ m^mmJi Sporting Outfits. I Football, Cricket, Tennis, Hockey, Etc. I I Laige stocks of Cricket and Football Boots, also Tennis and running shoes! I t/ _H __l |3 ■*■■^^_p^ IH SPECIAL QUOTATIONS FOR CLUBS. I I
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  • 223 2 MR DOOLEY ON ST. PATRICK'S DAY. Wall, sir,'' said Mr. Dooley, M if there's w^i. tiling thai St. Patrick did f'r Ireland that I like betther thin anuythiug else 'tis tli day he lived f'r his birthday. He con-j varied lh' hay then chiefs, 'tis thrue, an' hei dhrove out
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 327 2 p. o. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY For China, Japan, Penang 1 Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China < oast, Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about NAIL LINES. HOMFWARD (FOR Et'ROPF) From Singapore, connecting
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    • 540 2 KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. (ROYAL DUTCH PACKET COMPANY.) Under Contract with thr Nbthbrlandd India Govsrnmbnt. .qeits at Singapore Th. Skips Agency. Ltd.. 2-3 Collyer Oiay. MAIL TABLE-MAY 20TH TO 30TH 1013. Tbe undermentioned dates are only approximate. STEAMSHIP. From Expected. Will be Despatched for:— *Datef Kalmoa Retch-River May 20 Riouw, Prigi-Raja,
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    • 116 2 THIS SPACE TC_" AO RESERVED Maynard Co., Ltd, Ksale and Retail Ihemists. Battery Hoad. dtim (80. 6B Battery Koad. SINGAPORE. The Arabian Nights $8.25 each. The Works of William Shakespeare $1.95 Andersen's Fairy Tales $1.95 Grimm's Fairy Tales $1.95 .^Esop's Fables $1.95 Speeches and Toasts $0.55 The Chairman's Guide $0.55
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    • 166 2 LISTER BRUSTON AUTOMATIC mmmmmmmmmmiWM mi iiaiiii_____iHiii_Ma___BMa__M_____M^Bß__» ELECTRIC _i_i.i.__________-_______«___— LIGHTING PLANT AN ABSOLUTELY NEW IDEA. STARTS ITSKI F STOPS ITSKI tm m_^_^_^__ FULL PARTICULARS FROM THE CENTRAL -ENGINE —WORKS Ltd mm—^^^^^^^^mmmmm^—w—wm—Mm—m—mmMmmm^^amamsm——^—wm^^mam^^——i—m^^i^nMMMMmMMMmMmMm—emmmmmm THE I National Mutual Life Association of Australiasia. Limited. The first Life Assurance Office m the World to apply the
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    • 86 2 "UNION TIME-." CHINESE DAILY NEWSPAPER. If you want to make your goodi known to the Chinese, adverti* the Union Times." For contract and non-contrac. ad;vertisments, apply to The lianagar UNION TIMES PRESS. LTD. 124 Cross STREET, Singapore. mr mam^mmmmm^mmmmmmmmMmmmmmmmwmm^mmmmw^^mmmmwt^mmr^^~'^^ THE WEEKLY SUN. M* NEW ADVERTISING RATES. Inch Scale Rates:— One
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    • 654 3 Xhe loan negotiations between the Quintuple Group and the Provisional Government suddenly led to the clandestine •agoing of the loan agreement at 3 a.m., on Sunday morning, the 27th ultimo, m spite vi the strong protests of the Senate and the people.
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    • 67 3 At the meeting of the Senate on the -sth, Mr Chang Chi, a Kuomintang member from Chihli was elected Speaker, and Mr Wang Chen-ting, a Kuomiotang member from ChekUng was eleoted Vice-Spea-ker by large majorities. Both are men of character, and after the election they appealed
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    • 39 3 lao-Shih-tao, the Urga Tutuktus Premier, has fled to Inner Mongolia. President Yuan Shih-kai instructed General Chang Shao-cheng, commander of the troops at Suidyancheng, and the LieutenantGeneral of tho Chahar Mongols, to welcome him with all honours.
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    • 43 3 Aa the permanent Government will soon be inaugurated the Chinese Ministers to diftereut Powers appointed iv the time of Provincial Government have decided to tender their resignations simultaneously for the appointment of formal- Ministers by the pormanent Government.
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    • 69 3 Sir West Ridgeway and General Sir Alfred Turner of British North Borneo lefi Peking for Japan on the 24tb ult. Tbe Chinese Government accepted the principle of allowing two hundrod families of not them Chinese to emigrate to North Borneo, on condition that a
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    • 31 3 At a Cabinet conference, the Minister of Communications has proposed that the postal system be expanded and that more schools be opened to train expert postal officers.
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    • 102 3 On account of the large number of members m the Chung Yi-yuan of the National Assembly it has been found to be difficult to count the number of votes, either by the members standing up or by the raising of hands and a certain foreign expert has proposed
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    • 42 3 Six hundred thousand Taels were paid I on the 17th and 24th April by the Banque I Sino- Beige on account of the Belgian loan 1 to the Province of Chihli, which amounts to seven millions Taols.
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    • 27 3 Mr. Hsu Ting-ling, President of the Riaugsu Provincial Assembly, has tendered his resignation and Mr. Sah Yuan-ping has been elected to take his place.
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    • 180 3 The Central Government has received a < telegram from its Custom officers m Thibet reporting that the Dalai Lama has issued an order expelling all Chinese residents and stating that all wiio did not remove their families within two months would suffer capital punishment. He has also
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    • 43 3 The Kansu Government has telegraphed stating that the Kansu Administration does not receive revenue from the poppy lands. The Tutuh adds that he has despatched troops to uuroot all poppy plants. They are now be_rinninj_j to appear above the ground.
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    • 69 3 In a report lhe Minister to the Hague who was instructed by the Government to study the conditions of the Chinese residents m the southern seas on his way to Holland, states that the maltreatment by different Powers of the Chinese there is due to
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    • 117 3 The House of Representatives finally succeeded on the 30th ult. m electing Tang Hua-lung as speaker, after two unsuccessful attempts on the 26th and the 28th. On the 26th, m a house of 550, Tang Hua-lung, the Chinputang candidate, secured 272 votes,
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    • 88 3 General Tuan Chi-jui, acting Premier, lam fU mmmm mmcmm—m m i appeared m the Lower House on the sth to justify the Government's attitude m rei;ard to the loan question. No other Ministers were present at the meeting, which took a most stormy course.
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    • 134 3 The International Reform Bureau has received a despatch from Washington saying that the State Department is now considering a plan, which was proposed some years ago, of sending special commissioners to consult with other Governments with a view to allowing China to increase her import dutiea. The
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    • 45 3 A proclamation has been issued by the Tutuh of Hupeh announcing that the children of the heroes who perished m the fight for liberty will be granted a free education at government expense on production of reliable evidence.
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    • 32 3 Tha question whether the Confucian anniversary is to be observed has not yet 'been decided. The Central Government has asked that the question be discussed by the various Provincial Assemblies.
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    • 74 3 The Tutuh of Fengtien, m a telegram to the Government, states that since the annexation of Korea by Japan many Koreans have immigrated into the ManIchuria provinces. Accordiug to reports from the interior nearly nine hundred Koreans were naturalized m January and February of this year.
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    • 151 3 9 The passing of the White Slave Traffic Bill into law will salve the consciences of many good folk who imagine vain things of legislation. All complacent pecple will be shocked to read the recent revelations made by Mr. S. H. London, investigating present
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    • 19 3 An asbestos mine at the foot of Daioshozan, near Chinchou, South Manchuria, is being; worked by a Japanese syndicate.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 178 3 I CONTINENTAL j j 1 ____^p- Ra I J J_^r Motor cars, Motor cycles, Cycles I I Buses and heavy Commercial Vehicles. I M^r _fl ____H _______H fl _^_H _^H fl fl fl i^mwe 9 v_^ ,^la_ fl fl fl; ifl R 7 H fl H H s. _F i
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  • 565 4 Jottings. The annual sports of Raffles Institution will be held on the school grounds on June,6, Founder's Day. n V The death is reported at Bowriug Ho->pi- tai, Bangalore, of Oscar Dignum, the vete- t ran Indian trainer, from heart trouble. < Alec Taylor, the professional billiard I
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    • 20 4 Played on the Padang last Monday veiling. Result C.C. (a) 3 g0a1... Government Service Nil. M
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    • 262 4 The Competition for the Peacock Cup prfs..nted by Mr. W. Peacock to the Straits Jhiuesc Football Association for coinpeti- ion among the Chinese Football Clubs aine to a close on Saturday last, before a arge crowd of spectators, on the Police r ground, when the White Star
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  • 77 4 A very one-sided game of hockey was played on the Padang on Monday evening, between the S.C.C. and a taam from the R.E. and R.G.A. The ground was somewhat slippery, but that hardly accounted for the erratic play of the combiued military team, who appeared to lack any sort
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  • 459 4 On Thursday afternoon on the S. R. C.| side of the Padang the R. A. met the K.0. Y.L.1, first team m the above com-i petition, both sides fielding representative! teams. The general anticipation was el fairly eO4V win for the Regiment, but anticipation* were not realised. There was
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  • 565 4 A Protest Dismissed. A meeting of the Committee of the Penang Association Football League was held at the Penang Free School last night (1) to consider a protest of the Old Farquihars Club against A. O. Merican, who played for the Crescent F. C. m the match
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  • 464 4 S. R. A. Meeting. The annual meeting of the Singapore Rifle Association was opened last Saturday under very satisfactory auspices. The enitries this year are well up to average and' jthe amount subscribed m donations audi jfees is quite good. Saturday proved to be ja favourable afternoon, the
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  • GOLF.
    • 51 4 The ladies' medal for May was played on May 14, and was won by Mrs. Hartnell, he following scores being returned Mrs. Hartnell 51— "-=46 Mrs. Marriott 54 6 48 Mrs C. I. Carver 50 2 48 Mrs. Nicholson 54 5 49 Mrs. Savi 51 2
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    • 188 4 The competition for the May Ladies Spoon was played on Monday and resulted n a tie between Mrs. J. T. Newall and Mrs F. W. Lyall, who both returned nett scores of 35. The following cards were returned Mrs. Newall ...40 5 35 Mrs. Lyall 50 15
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    • 61 4 The following were the results of the competition for the May Medal. M en's Captain Vaughan 89 12 77 Lieut. Creery 81 3 81 Lieut Sykes 98 15 83 Eleven Cards were taken out. Ladies' Mrs. Dobson if 7 39 Mrs. Nicholson 53 10 43 Mrs. C.
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    • 65 4 Ihe result of the May medal is as follows; there were 21 players and E. Ap-, pleton qualifies to play for the gold medal Et. Carruthers 44 48^-92 14 =78 E. Applecton 45 47 92 9 83 H. C. Aspinall 49 47 96 10 86 G. R,
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    • 380 4 Bdward Ray m the Rough. London, April 25. 4 At the fourth hole, Ray took ten strokes he sliced into the whins and took six to get out." This was the thrilling piece of news which was flashed throughout the country last Saturday wheu Ray and Vardon had
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    • 143 4 Incidents like these have their in^trti tive side, too. To the long handicap ma who is often plodding and struggling 1 escape double figures, it comes as .1 Rre§ 'J gleam of hope. Ordinarily he is disposed to regard these men as so many ingeniously devised machines which are
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  • 197 4 S.R.C. vs. S.C C. 2nd XI. This match was played on the BipUaadt last Saturday. Scores S.R.C G. James c Chamberlain b Henry ;jfi E. Galistau b Henry 37 A. E. Coelho run out q T. de Silva c Shannon b Heart 0 S. D. Gander not out 37
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  • 195 4 This tournameut game was played on th* Padang last Saturday and resulted iv draw m favour of the L, C. S. etc. Scores and analysis were as follows Merchants S. Stafford b Braddell 0 E. Blackwell 1b w Bevan 0 G. Hughes b Bra
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  • 636 4 The match commenced at 2.43 p.uiThe Merchants batted first. Braddell opened at S. R. C. end son bowled Stafford first ball. Bevan bowled from the Pavilion end his second ball disposed of BlackwtH 1. b. w. At this stage the board read [0 2 o]. Gloomy. Jones livened up
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  • 261 5 This match which was played ou the Esplanade last Saturday afternoon resulted m a win for the P. C. C. by 84 runs. The P. C. C. batting first, scored 140 towards which total Fettes contributed 12, Neubronjner 25, Wright-Motion 33, Prentis 21 and 'Harries 26. The
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  • 69 5 The results of the garrison cricket league are recorded m garrison orders as follows, to date t Pld, Won. Lost. Rs, K.0.Y.L.1. (2) 3 3 nil 6 J 80 Co., R.G.A. 4 2 2 4 K.0.Y.L.1. (3) 2 1 12 (4) 2 1 12 51st Co., R.E. 1
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  • 952 5 From Sydney Referee, of 16th, ult. If as Australian team were being sent to e| England this month, very few of the playI. ers who went Home m 1912 would be chosen on from. A number of them have sone back more or less m th'ir cricket,', temporarily,
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  • 126 5 Drawing for the GRirrivs. The following was the result of the drawing for the griffins for the forthcoming meeting, which took place at the Race Course on 14th inst. No. Colour and Sex. Age. Heght. Drawn by. 1 Bay Gelding 4 yrs. \4.\-_\ F. B. Rickett 2
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  • 375 5 Saturday, 24th Mat. Johnston's Pier, 2.15 and 3.15 p.m. Club Bungalow, 2.45 and 5.30 p.m. Sunday 25th May. Johnston's Pier, 9.10 and 11 a.m., 2.30 and 3.30 p.m. Club Bungalow, 9.30 and 10.30 a.m., 12.15, 3 and 5.30 p.m. The South China Morning Post learns that soldiers
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  • 684 5 The Deli Planters' Union has given f. 10,000 to the Municipality of Medan for the erection of a monument to the memory of the pioneer, Mr. Nienhuig, who fifty years ago established the first plantation m Deli. To-day, at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd, at 4 p.m.,
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  • 313 6 The Weekly Sun. SATURDAY, MAY 24. THE CHINESE REPUBLIC. The stability of the Chinese Republic remains still a matter of conjecture though one or two recent small risings, and the[ action of isolated bands m thej South, serve as straws to indicate the direction of the wind —showing the presence
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  • 494 6 M The present is not by any means the first occasion on which strained relations haye 1 existed between United States of America and Japan, but, whereas m previous contentions matters the question of Hawaii has bulked largely, the present diplomatic tension between the extreme Orient
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  • 42 6 GRAND HOTEL DE L'EUROPE. To-night at the above Hotel there will be held a fancy dress ball to celebrate Empire Day. Admission will be by ticket. A prize will be given for the best lady's costume and one for the best gentleman's.
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  • 71 6 At a general meeting of the Soon Ho Kok Association, the following officers were elected.— President, Mr. Tan Cheng Kang Vice President, Mr. Soh Kirn Lian Hon. Secretary, Mr. Chew Choon Aiek Hon. Asst. Secretary, Mr. T. T. Koon, Hon. Treasurer, Mr.' Chua Chwee Lim; Hon. Auditor, Mr. Neo Kiang;
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  • 56 6 OPIUM TROUBLE Shanghai, .vj Hy Th- press reports that m Western Hunan the local gentry and farmers resenting the action of the tr. r )s j„ uprooting opium at Shen Chow Tine! assembled m the temple to discuss tho matter, whereupon the troops set fir.* to the building and
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  • 42 6 [Reuters] London via Bombay, May 21. The Chinese Legation emphatically denies the statement of the Daily Telegraph's Peking correspondent on 15. h inst, that the Russian Minister and the Chinese Foreign Office signed an agreement conceding entire autonomy to Outer Mongolia.
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  • 335 6 [REUTERS] London, May 21. The Standard m the course of its financial article says the fact that I President Yuan Shih-kia should have succeeded as well as he has m reorganising affairs after the resolution, not- withstanding the chaotic conditions of finance and the need for fresh money,
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  • 83 6 mammmmm Very Succeesful. London, May 21. The Chinese loan closed and it has been largely over subscribed and is jquoted at one per cent, premium j sellers. London, May 21. The rush for the Chinese loan is reminiscent of boom periods and contrasts with the recent financial dullness.
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  • 32 6 This clever combination of enter tamers appeared at the Town Hall Penang, on 13th inst., and had a splendid reception, The company -?ect to arrive m Singapore about June 4.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 116 6 /T*___^tyUryi»/ 1 ~^___s s T__jß iC^_B^' APPOINTMENT -^O^^Sgjjfß^aHp^ H M THE K 'NC CONTRACTORSgIO I ThF British Aomiralty. ThTSWar Office. The:lndia Office. MILKMAID MILK 9Mmem^mm^i^MMMiMmMmiMe^mmmm.-jtammmm im«Mn-nr«aa___--i-_____n___B_i_nß__i__i__ aM H^^_ a i Ba i^ M^ BH i^^ Ha^ LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD. Milhmoid Milh THE GOVERNMENT HOSPITALS IN THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS!
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    • 98 6 PLENTY OF VARIETY is what you want and always get m the, CHOICE SERIES OE PICTURES AT THE ALHAMBRA BEACH ROAD. 2nd Show, 9.30 to 11 p.m. TONIGHTS ENTERTAINING PROGRAMME [includes the following assortment of I subjects TRAVEL, NATURAL HISTORY, THE DRAMA, COMEDY, ACROBATIC DISPLAY AND ANIMATED JOURNALISM. "Wild Wales."
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  • 792 7 NOTES FROM THE NORTH GLIDES AND VOLUNTEERS. l'r>>m ou own Gorreepn indent .y Taiping, May 22nd 1913. You have doubtless heard some ech 1 of the dispute that i< raging betweei th" Guides, the Malay States Volun teers and the Ritle Club, m referenc. to the Club's target practice on
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  • 918 7 The Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes. 100 little known m the East (I believe the Singapore lodge is the only one m British Malaya) is coming ti r enang where a lodge is to be estab- > iished at the Hotel Norman. The mot--1 to of the order Nemo mortalium
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  • 569 7 To explain the conditions for the Mills Challenge cup. Inter Sectional competition M. S. V. R. 1913. [Presented by Captain F. mills, M. S. V. R.] which are couched m the following remarkable terms. 1. Open to any section of any Company M. S.
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  • 72 7 m The Marlborough Cinema are showing an interesting variety of films at present. There is another very good programme at the Alhambra this week This Cinema is very popular. A number of the old boys of Raffles Institution will dine together, for the third year m succession, on June
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  • 38 7 flome truths hurt but they are beneficial. We note that Tom Burrows slept for 28 hours without a break after demolishing his club swinging record recently. That is certainly some sleep as my Amerucan friend.says. i
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  • 33 7 Chits That Pass In The Night. By U. N. Known. The Woman Hunter.— By C. Harley. You can lead a man to a bar, but you can't make him stand drinks.
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  • 128 7 Old and New Molars. By T. O. M. Shorn Locks. By C. O. Oler. It's such a dreadful waste of time getting to know people either one knows a person m a couple of hours or else one never knows him at all. The easiest way is often
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 329 7 THE HAND OF DEATH I One of those short Jramat Which for thair fine acting alwayi fin<l favour with a large .'section of the show-going public is tiie principal film m TONIGHT'S SELECT PROGRAMME I MARLBOROUGH j Picturi Theatre, beach road. The other items m the programme include a GOOD
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    • 397 8 Five Hockchia Chinese, were fined $5 or eight days* rigorous imprisonment each for committing an affray m Rochor road. ■m Ang Mua and Chan Tye, pleaded guilty to being disorderly and fighting m public at Rochor roadL Fined $2 each. m There were several case of drunkenness m the
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    • 443 8 John van Andel, a Dutchman, who described himself as a lawyer pleaded guilty m the second court this morning for being drunk and disorderly at Serangoon road. He was fined $2. i Three Europeans, were arrested for being drunk and disorderly m Malay street and mischief by breaking a
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  • 262 8 Lee A Meow, a Ken, pleaded guilty to being drunk aud incapable at Rochor road. He was fined $2. m Three Hylams, Phoo Hong Lim, Chow Tong On and Tan Teo Hoon, were fined $5 each, for committing an affray m Tan Quee Lan street I Francis Nonis, a
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  • 446 8 A Cantonese, named Chong Vim Chu, was charged m the second court, with removing property while under seizure, to wit, a straw hat value $1 from house No. 445 North Bridge road. Accused pleaded guilty, saying that he was living on the top floor of the house and thought
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  • 797 8 m Mr. Henry Wyatt, one of the best known British residents of Rome, has died at the age of 74. He was formerly commodore of the Peninsular and Oriental Fleet. A good deal of attention is beiu__{ given by underwriters at the moment to the experience of motor-ships,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 230 8 The Man Who JjT" this is it i 1 Gets Thgrg hgfgft* Waterbury's Metabolized WtE 5 Smmmtmrnm V^ Cod Liver Oil Compound plenty of it m his body. I _#3W TASTELESS ODOURLESS _f-\ WATERBURYS Cgf? £S METABOLIZED f ML COD LIVER OIL Am latest scientific preparation of _4 X compound
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 293 9 WATCHES CLOCKS ri«"52.95 «achi ,:1 A^ful^eJl^ Ln win.)" ami se. Ful? j^nf/"' Prk C S3OO each J H^. jl lb_kV^___________________. m^—^—mm I ______________^__!s_______^^^BsB!^^^^^^^^^^C*s___s__ J t_T*J*^^^^_B_l____'l -B^l ________l^^^^^^^^___ _________P_^_M__B__Ps^^^^^^ssPS_____________________. ________P!^_____________E \m\\r^ J '_wZf 1 1 3__________ r The M Bu22er Alarm Clock. case, splendid Movement and Mm .LlifJL* \^T '"Magnetic The
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  • 628 10 Funeral Ceremonies m Penang. The funeral ceremonies, prior to the removal of the body of the late Phya Rasada (Khaw Sim Bee) to Renong for burial, took place on Friday, 16th inst. Shortly after 10.30 a.m., the coffin covered by a costly M Kuan Tah white
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  • 467 10 The Strange Malady of a Burma Civil Enginer He Saya "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a Wonderful Remedy." Mr. E. A. Holder, the prominent Civil Enginueer and Architect, of 22, Lewis Street, Rangoon, says that he feels it his duty to place 3 these facts
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  • 199 10 There is a danger of the overcrowding of the public mind. The increasing complexity of modern life and the evergrowing demands on human interest must result m the neglect of many problems of vital interest," says the Morning Post. A newspaper, however, honest its intention, finds it
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  • 753 10 THE AQUITANIA." New Features of the Biggest Liner. J| Every improvement that long experience and human ingenuity can devise has beeu < embodied m the Aqnitania. The precautions for security will be much more extensive thun the requirements of the Bo«rd of Trade. The most important of them is the
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  • 337 10 said Lord Chatham, i 8 t plill cf slow growth.'* People belitrt m things that they B ee, and m broad sense they are right. What is sometimes called blind faith not faith at all. There must b* reason and fact to form a form dation for trust. In
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 63 10 i mtmmKmmMm****^^^^ I JCOUGHING INTO! |CONSUMPTION| tt "Only a Cough but you stop it m tt while it is ONLY a cough. f WATERBURYS II METABOLIZED I 1 1* GOD LIVER OIL I 1| COMPOUND -^=SSSBS~s_£__S£S I Tne Hnest preparation made for Sj combating severe coughs. CURES tt any cough
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    • 38 10 A SPECIAL SHIPMENT OF PROTOS CARS i CHINESE NEW YEAR jl Mmmm mm Mh _M>U_/m _______r^B_^r^^BSy^*^/^- "iuW&M^____-l t '*^7 i^r*WSy r Full Particulars, Complete Specifications on Application to ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. BEHN, MEYER Co., Ltd. 29-7 100-a ROBINSON ROAD-
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  • 348 11 ORIENTAL GOVERNMENT SECURITY LIFE ASSURANCE. The annual report of the directors of the Oriental Government Security Life Aasuance Company, Ltd., has reached ug. The eport, which was presented at the meeting ield m Bombay, last month, is interesting md reveals the progress which the Company has been making. We quote
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  • 139 11 No Trace of Heirlooms of the Saucy Greens." Complete mystery surrounds the disapjpearauce of two boxes containing regiI mental plate and trophies hurriedly wareI housed m 1899 when ths 2nd Worcesteshire j Regiment left England for the South African War. Many of the trophies are regimental heirlooms
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  • 176 11 We are informed that sanction has been granted for the present lighthouse m the Fort to be abandoned and replaced with a braced iron tower 70 feet high fitted with a third order white occulting light giving two occulations every 30 seconds and having an intensity of
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  • 502 11 Saturday last was a day ol some importance for tbe craft of the District of the Eastern Archipelago, being the date of the annual meeting of District Grand Lodge and District Grand Chapter. A considerable number of brethren came down from the States including Bros. R. Young. A. B.
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  • 59 11 An Americun Divorce Expert ha* prepared some statistics, which show that the causes for divorce m the US&. of America may be divided as follows pei cent. Marriages oi too young people 15 From sickness of various kinds 25 Froei iuturfence of mothers-in-law 25 Troubles as to
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 215 11 SIENSENS] WINCHESTER HOUSE, SINGAPORE. J Trlbobans: SIEMENS, Singapore. Telephone No. 647. mmmmM^me^nmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmm^mmm^^mr. mmmmmmmmmmm 311* SIEMENS _^B ~^^J*E" r mmm Wa "fc t V. •_______B^D ''*Jwwm LARGEST ___i __B_s B y m amount of light r? -ByTffiil.'jv .y SMALLEST "^—wwW I i l _lii jJIWUIf a_________________MM_MM_M__MM_Mß_M_. I SIEMENS BROTHERS DYNAMO
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    • 471 11 LACTOMALTINE REGISTERED TREN«THENING j( FATTENING PALATABLE |i DIGESTIBLE l NUTRITIOUS 8 w H MALT, MILK a G«Eam] H ip**' fWmTibh, St U preserved by a Kew ProCeir, a) H H[Jf f of ,kf Ftnast Scotch Barley. W^r H BWBj YE P re aM> lurpuaea Cod I__fVar Of H BAT f^
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    • 25 11 wm^mammammm—mMmw—mm Notice to Advertisers. ALL ADVERTISEMENTS most, here atfer, reach us by Thursday at 4 p.m Ads. received later cannot appear m same week's issue.
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    • 10 11 Waterbury's \\WI V^nir PINEAPPLE \_^(tiwjr DIGESTIVE COMPOUND THE Ideal Digestant
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 587 12 THE No. 69 T.C. OVERLAND CAR. Those who were disappo ntel m not security, one of these Cars ex the ss "Je seric" (which shipment was all sold out within 3 days after arrival of the ste men may now place orders against the next shipment due per s.s. Aragonia
      587 words
      91 words