Weekly Sun, 10 May 1913

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Weekly Sun
  • 26 1 THE Weekly Sun 126,CROSS STREET, SINGAPORE NO. I 10. m»_Ammmmmmmummmmm m«■ 11 r____M______M^______l_______u______K_________n_i mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm BaH^—lß— mmmmmamamUUm mUmmma mmmav mm^MaMMMMMMMmmmMj SINGAPORE. SATIRDAY. MAY 10. 1913. _*___^j"__^ ■___an_MMu«<_______a_________i'^_____^H_a___Hß__i______^
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 105 1 JEFFREY'S! PILSENER 1 j BEER I Sole Agents f j ADAMSON GILFILLAN 1 AND CO., LTD. Sporting Outfits. I Football, Cricket, Tennis, Hockey, Etc. I Large stocks of Cricket and Football Boots, also Tennis and riinninc shoes I SPECIAL QUOTATIONS FOR CLUBS. I JOHN LITTLE Co., Ltd. The Athletic Outfitters.
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  • 426 2 Chemically pure water is dangerous to drink, according to the declaration of a number of French navy surgeons who have been making careful investigations. After so much has been said during the last decade about the danger of impure water, such
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  • 567 2 9 Rail-less Traction Has Proved Success Elsewhere— Trolley Wires Used. Whether Shanghai is to have M trackless trams," the trolley bus," aa it is known m England is to be decided at a meeting of the shareholders of tbe Shanghai Tramway Company
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 543 2 KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. k (ROYAL DUTCH PACKET COMPANY.) Under Contract with the Netherlands India Government. 4 .Mt. at Slwpore IK Skips Ageacy. ltd.. 2-3 Collyer Quy. MAIL TABLE-APRIL 27TH TO MAY ISTH 1913. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. STEAMSHIP. From Expected. Will be Despatched for:— dS? van Hoorn Bandjermassin
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    • 113 2 Xim 6? (So. M 6B Battery Road. SINGAPORE. I The Abarbian Nights $8.25 each. I The Works of William Shakespeare $1.95 Andersen's Fairy Tales $1.95 Grimm's Fairy Tales $1 .95 -ffisop's Fables $1.95 Speeches and Toasts ...$0.55 The Chairman's Guide ...$0.55 Complete Etiquette and Letter Writer $1.40 Complete Etiquette for
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    • 164 2 LISTER BRUSTON AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC LIGHTING PLANT AN ABSOLUTELY NEW IDEA. STARTS IT SELF STOPS ITSEI Fmm <^^^^^^^^-^l^-^-___________.___^_______.____~ FULL PARTICULARS FROM THE CENTRAL -ENGINE —WORKS Lt° THE National Mutual Life Association of Australiasia, Limited. Established 1869. The first Life Assurance Office m the World to apply the Non-Forfeiture Principle to Policies.
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    • 82 2 "UNION TIMES." CHINESE DAILY NEWSPAPER. If you want to make your good* known to the Chinese, advertise the Union Times." For contract and non-contract advertisments, apply to The Manager UNION TIMES PRESS, LTD 124 CROB6 STREET, Singapore THE WEEKLY SUN. NEW ADVERTISING RATES. INCH SCALE RATES:— One insertion outside pages—
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    • 101 3 It i" reported that President Yuan intends to send tbe following to the foreign ..untried as special envoys presenting Chin*'* notification of the establishment of the permanent Government: ,1) To U. S. A— Dr Wu Ting-faa* (j\ T» England Mr. Weu Tsung-yao. I To France
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    • 27 3 the Barlii sen! Preparation Barean has* l reqnesled the Ministry of Communication^ te iwsue itanips m commemoration ot the opening oi Parliament. I r
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    • 25 3 The Yunnan provinc al government willU d lis itndeate t>; L 7 8. A., four to HJ^ht to Hongkong Univer-
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    • 50 3 x j deeid«*d that the Chinese Go- I il! appi oaoh '>••■ British Minister •> tbe effect thai the opium -tored m Bhang- 1 ..ui be pnrchased n the British Governn.nt. ths Chinese and the opium merchants m eonal shares so as to eradicate this
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    • 48 3 Tiie Government ;ias received a tele- j ma from theMinister to Tokio »t.iting tni.t the Japanese Government has decided lo recognise the Chinese Kepnblic as soon th the permanent Government is inaugu- rated. A special officer will be delegated to pre.ent the credentials to China.
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    • 31 3 The 'Peking Daily News" estimates that the Membership oi parties m the Senate is ai follows: Kuo-min-tang, 150, Kung-h )-tang, TO, Tung-\i-tang, 30, Min-chu-tans.. 1 1. Independent. 30.
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    • 31 3 The International Reform Bureau lias telegiaphed to Washington, urging the new Government to propose to the Powers the postponement to Boxer Indemnity pay- I nta for two years.
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    • 199 3 Cbini ia acsivel) proceeding with the reorganisation ol the Salt Inspectorate ofi Sir Richard Dane, formerly Inspector- 1 o antral ol Excise &t-d Salt In India, wliO| Admittedly ono of the highest authoritiesj m the aorW on suit administration. The following Co -Managers have already
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    • 145 3 The Government hai. received a telegram from the Chinese Charge d' Affaires m Mexico stating that the Mexican Foreig* Office has passed the following regulationin connection with the Chinese immigranttu Mexico (1) The Chinese m Mexie shall he treated as other nationals. (1 Chin* ie traveller*
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    • 75 3 Mr. Chang Ying-tang, Chinese Ministei < lo Washington. h;» telegraphed that all j taerieaa capitalists recognize the promising character of investment I China as private financiers, and thai they a«e organizing a new indicate among themselves. He recommended the sending of a *u:tah lo representative to
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    • 32 3 The Presidnnl Yuan Shih-kai has instructed Ihe Minister of Finance t<> remit a charitable donation to Amerioi for ihe relief of the t'.ooded distri.
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    • 29 3 Owing to the refusal ot ex-Premier Tang Shno-vi to accept the post of Ministei America. Liang Tun__.-ycu h.is been pro-i posed to be nominated.
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    • 151 3 It i-» reported that the government m I tends to appoint thei folio wing a* Speoial Diplomatic Officers for the provinces (1) Szecnuen f Ku Hung-hh. (2) Phekiang. Wen Shih-tsun. 3) Kuangtung, Tsai Chi-tun^, L.L.8., University of Wisconsin, who is at present Commissioner of Foreign Intercourse of
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    • 88 3 Reports were received From Vlnaivoetock stating that recently strong measures have been adopted to include the Asiatics belonging to the Mongolian race, from the Russian Empire. A meeting of the representatives of the military, commercial, and industrial bodies of both the Asiatic and European Russian Provinces,
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  • 571 3 it On rhe exchange of merchandise Europe^ owes America several hundred million j i dollars annually, yet the actual imports of j gold are small. Sometimes European debts L to this country are settled by the return of L our securities to us, and less often
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  • 422 3 The average doctor would shudder at the thought of placing a card m the newspaper, giving his name, address and office hours, yet there is surely nothing inherently more vicious m that practice than there ;is m placing a name-plate on his door. Or take
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 167 3 l j CONTINENTAL I JH^V^ FOR a I _^E^ Motor cars Motor c^ cles Cyc,es I I j^^Bk Buses aDd eav^ Commercial Vehicles. I fl nm P S r r <_B _^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_l_^^^^^^^^^^^^^& w_A 4_BI tf^_^____3___K- .5L ll 9 I 9s| B IT ___T *__4_P^ 31 •••_ift>" s jgi j^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^k iW
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    • 27 4 There will be team practice to-day and to-morrow at 2.30 p.m. It is hoped to shoot tbe match on Monday 12th at 3 p.m.
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    • 46 4 A Golfing Dialogue Old player (to new lady member): v Ah, I heard you'd joined. Been roun 1 the links yet?" Lady Member: "Oh, yes. Went yesterday." Old Hand: 41 What did you go round m?" Lady Member "Oh, just the usual blouse and skirt!'.
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    • 26 4 The May monthly medal will be played for on the 17th and 18th instant, and the Ladies' Medal on the 1 5th instant.
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  • 1454 4 By Archibald Marshall. We started off quite cheerfully. He was to givo me a third, and when he hit h screamer over the ditch I thought I should be likely to need them all. "I was afraid I shouldu't be much use today," he said, as we crossed
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  • 168 4 Etceteras v. Telegraphs. This game, played on the Esplanade, last Saturday, was drawn. Scores.— Etceteras. W. E. Rayner c Day b Chamberlain 6 B. J. Henry c and b Chamberlain 61 B. J. Ward b Hendry 21 Dr. Scharenguivel c Winfield b Wishart 36 Dr. Clarke not out 18
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  • 787 4 Fifty seven overs were bowled during the day. Only one Maiden over was sent down. The feature of tbe match wa3 the batting of B. J. Henry who scored 61 and rather upset the calculations of the Telegraphs. This batsman although he has shown good form has so consistently
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  • 51 4 We have heard that Dr. McC Linnell's bowling was extremely difficult to negotiate m the early part of the innings, nobody played him with any confidence. The Bath-Buns enjoyed themselves immensely and were very plaesed at the attention shown them all through the day. Every member was well looked
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  • 355 4 We read m the Pinang Gazette of 7th inst. that a billard room for the use of ladies will shortly be opened at the E. O. Hotel Annexe, Penang. _b_____m_» Alec Taylor, the professional billiard player, arrived m Shanghai on 13th ult, en route to Japan, after a very
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  • 875 4 The following were the chi.f f managing the meeting ,TIlc »alt Committee.— Hon. K. C. Ellin A. D. Alan, L. E. Gaunt, A. J. Scan^ E. D. Bryce, A. Robertson, J gg^» G. P. Owen (Secretary), f n (Assistant Secretary). Stewards —Messrs. A. D. Allen I Gaunt,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 63 4 MWMMMWMMWMMWMWWWM tl ill ja JCOUGHING INToI ICONSU MPTIONI Oaly a Cough but you stop it I while it is ONLY a cough. I II WATERBURYS 1 METABOLIZED 1 GOD LIVER OIL 1 COMPOUND s Tne finest preparation made for fi combating severe coughs. CURES 2 any cough that is only
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  • 1035 5 VallS $500 and $100 to th* Second Hone. A Haudicay for Pony Griffins entered for ths First Griffin Race (No. 4) on the Find day. Winners excluded. Distance, Rssfl Coarse. H. If. 8. Kongsee'a Kino Blaze 9.13 Thompson 1 SesJi Rag Wooa'f JTinnmmi 10.7 Benfield
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    • 48 5 [Reuters] London, May 6. Hung, who is charged with instigat-j ing the murder of Mr. Sung, is refuged at Tsingtau. He cables confessing that he fraudulenty used the name of the cabinet, and says he intended only to expose Sung's misdeeds. He never) contemplated murder.
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    • 17 5 U. S. RECOGNISES CHINA. London, May 2. The United States has formally re-| cognised the Chinese Republic.
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  • 133 5 London. May 3. A letter from Sun Vat Sen has beeni published m the Jpapers appealing to prevent a loan to the Peking Government. He declares that the effect ofi a liberal supply of money will be to precipitate a terrible civil war. London, May 6. A Peking
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  • 969 5 [Reuters) London, May 7. In the House of Commons Mr. Towyn Jones called attention to the opium traffic and moved that the House again records its conviction that the opium trade between India land China is morally indefensible. jThe motion further calls on the Government to release China
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  • 34 5 Mrs. J. Iwaya, the wife ol late Japanese Consul, left for Japan per Akimaru on the lst instant, and she thanks her friends very much for their kin d sympathy m her last bereavement.
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  • 8 5 l>y our Speciftl Police lirjtort' r
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  • 510 5 A Bengali cart driver, named Noor Amat was fined $25 or a month's rigor )us imprisonment for cruelty to animals by working a pair of bullocks while m an unfit condition. The animals were lame, thin weak and emaciated and had sores on their pecks. For causing hurt to
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  • 482 5 For threatening to strike with an axe one Yip A Sam at Anson road, a Cantonese named Lo Miik Kam was fined $10, or fourteen days. m Hong Heng Swee, a Cantonese pleaded guilty before Mr. Talma to being drunk and incapable m North Bridge road. He was fined
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 555 6 Custom, while it holds sway, is a most inexorable taskmaster and often, against our better judgment, holds us servile yet ridiculous slaves m our yielding to its demands. Demands too that should never be made under conditions so divergent from those unde'- which they originated. Here we characteristically attempt
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  • 43 6 2ND RACE.— Pageant, Miss Koy-li, Little Star, Mermaid. 3RD RACE.— Yeoval, Preopal, Fille Fogi, San Sebastian, Queen's Medalist. 4TH RACE.— Story, Azurite, Tongkah, Phonograph. STH RACE. -Silver Hampton, Seronok, Somnambulist. GTH RACE. Wistful Lass, La Poopee, Tonny. 7TH RACE.— Maori Boy, Flapper.
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  • 211 6 The boxing contests promoted by Jas Christie, held at the Theatre Royal on Thursday night, were very successful. There wai a large and appreciative audience. Mr. Geo Redfern re fe reed. Chick Campbell acte 1 as time keeper. The following contests were put on. Pte. Macdonald [9.1] and L.
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  • 59 6 IST RACE. 1 Royalty 2 Minne-ha-ha. 2ND RACE.— I Lady Windermere 2 Claire Foster 3 Pauline Chase. 3RD Race. 1 Lossie 2 Sweet Marie 3 Boombah. 4TH RACE.— I Seronok 2 Yeoval. STH RACE. 1 Storey 2 The Colonel. 6TH RACE. 1 King Blaze 2 Lucky Star 3
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  • 750 6 Yes he said, m answer to a q UQrv I went to the races on Tuesday .vas for me a first and last exDeri_»nJ T Pressod for hn opinions the new-eon dr gave them, graphically and emnk tically Why," he exclaimed, J r hay seen better meetings m
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 116 6 APPOINTMENT \^P^S^SM^r^tl^ H.M. THE KINC. i CONTRACTORS TO The British Admiralty. The War Office. The India Office. I| MILKMAID MILK LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD. I wmmmmm—mmm~wm*mm**mmm*mm*mmmmmM THE FACT THAT Milhmoid Milk HAS BEEN CHOSEN FOR USE IN THE GOVERNMENT UnODIT A I O n i _x \w i s
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    • 102 6 lIS LORDSHIPS LITTLE LAPSE < 1 A High-Class Comedy m Two Parts, i the play by Alexandre Bisson.jj Comprising nine highly amusing jcenes and with M. Prince m the eading role. Supported by L THE FUNERAL OF HIS LATE J MAJESTY THE KING OF GREECE^ A topical special by Pathe
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  • 1137 7 Home t ruths hurt but tliey are Ijeneficia! A certain library committee d^ob not approve of Henry Fielding. They raise no objection, however, to Tom Bowling. A fashion expert recommends a new -hade of brown for spring dresses. Tt is called "old wall," and, of course, a good
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  • 32 7 J [REUTERS] London. May 9. A telegram from London states that the newspapers express satisfaction i that the export of Opium to China has finally ceased. I i m m
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  • 359 7 Since the severe suppression of opium began, remarks a Tientsin contemporary, morphine has become very popular with the opium smokers, who use this as a substitute. The import of foreign spirits is also increasing. Notification has been received from -j The Incorporated Phonographic Society of London that Mr.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 111 7 MANDARIN SCHOOL FONES BROTHERS* I PREMISES, 48 Bras Basah Road. 3 Evenings a week. 1 English speaking teachers. School will open on 16th inst. For further particulars apply to ||i The Secretary. IMPORTANT NOTICE. M I.C.S. STUDENTS ASSOCIATION BUILDING FUND. The public are hereby warned against anyone collecting on behalf
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    • 288 7 GRAND HOTEL DE L'EUROPE. I SINGAPORE. A few of its many Advantages. Modern m construction, magnificently furnished with elegant simplicity, it offers every advantage and necessity conducive to health and comfort —m Every room has a Bath- Dress ing -room Attached. Self-contained Suites of Apartments. Metric Lights and Ceiling Fans
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  • 116 8 Singapore, May 9, 1913. On London... Bank 4 ua/s 2/4^ Demand 2/4 T V Private 6 ins 2/4} 3ms S/*H On Germany. Bank d/d 238$ Private 3ms 243$ On France... Bank d/d 294 Private I m/s 299$ On India Bank T. T. 174* Private 30 d/s 175 J On
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  • 160 8 Singapore, May 3, 1913. Gambier buyers 7.20 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 13.00 Copra Sundried 11.70 do Mixed 11.35 Pepper, J) lack buyers 19.75 do White 5% buyers 34.25 Sago Flour Sarawak 3.65 do Brunei No. 1 nom. Pearl Sago 4.80 Coffee Bali 34.25 Coffee Palembang, 10% basis 33.00
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  • 181 8 Smgapore.M.y S.JTwelv noon. mmml. Issue 3s i» a 11 Issue !32 Value I Bu > e,s bo,,ers Valued 8*"-* 10 10 Ampanir 8.00 9.00 £1 11 Rahman tia 22.50 2350 10 L 0 Beta! Tin 3.60 380 XI £1 Rambntan 10.00 10.75 10 10 Bruaug 1.30 1.60
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  • 613 8 Issue 'w Value Buyers Sellers. 2/- 2/- Allagar 2 7 30| XI XI Anglo Java 7/- 8/2/- 2/- Anglo Malay 12 1^ 13/. 2,- 2/- Batang Malaka 2 5 210 XI XI Batu Tiga 3.7.6 3.15 0 XI XI Bukit Kajang 2.8.0 2.11. 10^ XI XI Bukit Lintang 4.10.0
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  • 131 8 Issue Value Buyer*. Seller*. XI £1 E. Sin. Iting Co. 18 C 19/6 £l *1 h Pref. 1.3 6 15.6 7/6 7/6 Electric T'ways 3 3 3/9 10 10 Fraser <fc Neave 50.00 51 00 100 ...Howarth Erskine 45.00 53 00 J™ ,_V p,pr loo.uo ***** 100 100 Katz
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  • 477 8 For being m possesssion of two tins dl non-Government chandu value $50, a t New Keppel road, a Hokien named I.cc Peow was fined $500, or three nionths' rigorous imprisonment. The chandu was confiscated. -~m~ Francis Coelho, a young Eurasian, u'as charged before Mr. Talma this ti jorning, tor
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  • 363 8 For obstructing Middle road with their ice-water carts, two Malabaris Abdulrahman and Palikati were fined |$10, and $5, respectively. No. 1 had ;three previous convictions for the same offence. i Arokiasamy, a Tamil was charged before Mr. Talma this morning, with 'being drunk and disorderly m Middle |road. He
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  • 41 8 Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers United Engineers 6% $1,234,500 par Spore Municipal fcf% Singapore Electric ol 1907 $1,600,000 7% Traiuwa.ss% X 350,000 jS pore Municipal H% Spore Municipal 5% $1,878,000 non. of 1909 $1,000,000 10% pm Spore Municipal 4% $602,900 ..."par
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 222 8 WATERBURY'S Mm Metabolized Cod Liver Oil Compound 2ms»-. WITH CREOSOTE AND GUAIACOL OR PLAIN. PHHE^^ ra Metabolite,; i t% m. BlCod Litfe^Ti! I Does Allay Fermentation— Does Aid Digestion— Does Assist Assimilation 1 ,m,%^ n^ But Does NOT Disturb the Stomach. II ""j| >^X A scientific preparation of COD LIVER
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  • 374 9 Service In Calcu ta. In connection with the day of prayer for China a special service this evening at the Old Mission Church was attended by about 400 Chinamen and about a dozen Chinese ladies all dressed m European costume. There were also about fifty European ladiesj and
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  • 135 9 London, April 19. Lord George Hamilton yesterday unveiled on the stairs of the vestibule of the Imperial Institute a bust to Dr. Lalcaca, who was near Sir William Curzon Wyllie at the time of the latter's murder and who m endeavouring to interpose, was shot himself.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 436 9 |__a_B 1 1 W j- I I BBT^'Jp 9 j" Jli J 1 *yrt-| Pnce $42. 50 eachlS 11^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ■^HVf^l'f®?^**'^* IT a El pi __\_J _^__rnX^ Hbl__________ v|BI_W _fc\ _rL> __f3t Wei JL 9 jM^l__Bl_^l^^f^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Bß_BßlßJ^^|||B^^^^^^^^^^^^^p^^^^^fc^^^^\ _2? I B B 8 i -a _r_ ii _nP_l _r^____B r ,__9A M Im
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  • 541 10 x r Canton, April 9. Former Premier Tang Hhao-yi has definif< v refused to accept his seat m the! <t", m spite of the urgent appeals mai. !<• lim. His appointment by the Pre-i -i n as a special commissioner to settle! I Macao boundory dispute km also
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  • 127 10 American Marvel First In Cuban Tourney- Capablanca Second. Havana, March 6.-— Frank J. Marshall, United States chess champion, came off witli flying color* m the Cuban chess tourlament, being declared the winner after play ceased this evening. And this despite, the fact that the American lo«t
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  • 521 10 'rominent Ceyloa Sportsman Tells; of His Painful Experience Through Neglected Headache, and of His Ultimate Cure By Dr. Williams* .Pink Pills. Headache is the warning message sent iy some pn rt of the system to tay that it ia n need of attention. Neglect of headache)
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  • 262 10 protests made against the RooseveltCole bill, providing that all farm products must be examined by a State inspector and a certificate >f grade or condition issued before the pro luce can be sold, are backed by arguments not easily met, and yet which mast be
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  • 1076 10 The Flower-seller from France. How often we have watched with regret, and even a certain degree of cynicism, the street stroller pad her beat with her dull! eye focussed on a likely M mark." To the! unthinking herd such a woman is the butt' for a passing jest. But
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  • 260 10 At last petroleum aud its pro luct hsvs joined the army of advancing prices. Pot ten years prior to 1911 a steady increase is the cost of the necessities of life was shown while petroleum and its product* continued latI at a low level. Now the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 65 10 mmm^mmmmtmmmmmmmKmm _______m_w______mb_________________w_____________i ■■imiiiwi__i_bm M __m > u__ m i j > m < > j A SPECIAL SHIPMENT OF PROTOS CARS 1 CHINESE NEW YEAR. J 1 Torpedo- Double Pha ton Car 22 H.P. 7 seater. 1 Torpedo- Li mosine-Landaulet (EXTRA SPECIAL) 22 H.P. 7 seater. Full Particulars, Complete Specifications
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  • 1706 11 By Frederic J.'Haskin. he J? n States Departmen^fof Agriculture hag ready for^diTTrir^ionTa^iew bulletin upon birds that mil hare an important bearing upon*the~muchJ discussed McLean bird protection bill, which wa* finally included m the bill making the appropriations for the Department of Agriculture and, as such, approved
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 218 11 '---"^■■>i>^nnin_____H____a___.M...H.....MM^^i^ i i _E_^ Siemens" WINCHESTER HOUSE, SINGAPORE. I Telegrams SIEMENS, Singapore. TelephonegNo. 647. K^^^ F**, alir^ I B__^_9h P- «_a_ I Pi ___mfiTm_ __ra__2_sl ft^Kra '_H ____________B-M_____ __n J_H __X Hi _B Wrifi givesjthe ;^h JB_BTir ti WW* Ww^_s W_JR* jiaV-S __ft _B8*B&^' *P fti .1 n_i amount ofjightj
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    • 480 11 "LACTOMALTINE" REGISTERED. STRENGTHENINGS \Z B_BS3L__a"rT:PALATABLE^3^^ zd digestible^ 3B^ nutrltious ___K»''' r '..^__B B w I l!r*^ PMistßkh. sm H Jr^ Preservnd by Mew Proctts, ST* 10 ,he Fmcst Scotch Barl« r Mila^j Ifl Bi NE rea!, y ur T>*»«*i Cod Uvtr OuUfl nj ***~lot creating Tissues of sublc W fl
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 507 12 THE No. 69 T.C. OVERLAND CAR. Those who were disappointed m not securing cne of these Cars ex the ss "Jesseric" (which shipment was all sold out within 3 days after arrival of the steamer) may now place orders against the next shipment due per s.s. Aragonia early m May.
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