Weekly Sun, 27 July 1912

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Weekly Sun
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 831 1 20Q Dozen Ladies 1 Hemstitched Lawn Handkerchiefs. W^th Vi inch hefriHtitched bofder. Size it in^. frquar Will wash mid nptr well. Usual price 65 cents. per doze,*. S. price 55 cts. per doz. GREAT ANNUAL CLEARA nT¥l ill Aft SaKHaBB il'inM) 1 CASH. V P B ft i^saaH^ Ma XfiO
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    • 42 1 560 yards Melton Cloth. 48 ins. widf» t f jt iyc#t f suits, ladies. skirts und cobtumcjs, in shalea of black, aavy, brown, grey, myrtle, maroon and moss). Usiutl price 65 cents p ir yard. I S. prii.e 55 cts. per yd.
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  • 535 2 (From the Hongkong Telegraph.) A revolution it at all times, and in any country, a costly indulgence, and even though it may not invariably fall to the lot of those who have incubated and hatched it to pay the bill, it is manifest that §ow€on4 must pay. China
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  • 278 2 Dean A. J. Walker is to officiate for the first time at Chinese wedding in Trinit\ Cathedral, Shanghai, to-morrow morning, J»ly 10, beginning at 11.15 o'clock, when Miss Mei Chin Sze and Mr. Karl Herbert Chiao will be uiarreid with Christian ceremony. The bride will
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 278 2 A Few Reasons Why You Should Buy a fcTrd BECAUSE 125,000 others are using the same make of car, and getting the utmost satisfaction from their purchase. BECAUSE every other car you meet on the load, both in the Straits and F. M. S M is a Ford which testifies
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  • 1746 3 Mr. L. Man-chee, Chief Inspector of th* Official Specie Department, has asked the Governor-General to hive the department abolished as the business transacted there is very small. He has suggested that it should be transferred to the Finance Department, hot begs theQovernor-Oenerai to retain dome of the official*
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  • 377 3 Regardless of race, creed or politics, -'0,000 men reprinting the business, Manufacturing and profession il life of St. Louis have leagueJ themselves together, pledged to promote every interest pertain- i nfij to the welfare of the city's public schools tnd of its tohool children. The
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  • 341 3 I Even the moat prejudiced fisherman is now an admirer of the oil motor. A }t>&r of two a^o every fissinsc village lud inany lou'i-voiced skeptics Nothing could mak<som^ ftsh"r£olk, parti ulany those of the >id school, b»«lipvn thit a few gallons of paraffin would s*nd
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 102 3 I I If you really want a First Class CYCLE TYRE a Cycle Tyre that is known the world over for its durability I and reliability you should I always fit I Tke Continental SPECIAL. Obtainable From John Little Co. Ltd. Robinson Co. Straits Cycle Motor Co. Ltd. Katz Bros.
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  • 2456 4 News From All Soirees. Peking, July 8. It is reliably reported that an agreement has been reached whereby the Tung Meng Hui's members will remain in the cabinet. Hitherto all Tung Meug Hui members with the exception of Liu, the Minister of Marine, have indUted on resigning. President Yuan
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 144 4 S&r TILES- Drainpipes. W e hold lar R e Htockß of KANBEOUNGB." j Ibe following at all times: m mm STRONCEST AND CHEAPEST. Cement Floor Tilea, I. P. B. Mosaic Tile^, Marble Slabs, White Glaze<l Wall Tiles, Large quantities of all Glazed Tiles in all artistic design*, Trench B i
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    • 191 4 Siemens Brothers. MANUFACTURERS Electrical Machinery, Cables Wires, Apparatus and Accessories tor Electric Light, Power and Traction Purposes. HEAD OFFICE Caxton House, Westminster, LONDON. Supplies Department Upper Thames Street. LONDON. WORKS. Stafford. Woolwich. Dalsfoi. BRANCHES. Cape Town, Melbourne, Calcutta, Toronto, Bombay, Penang, Madras, Rangoon AND Winchester House. COLLY EH QUAY. Singapore.
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    • 499 5 The two Cantonese Chow Toon and Lay Wang who stole t\i sides of bacon value $20 from a bullock-cart were each sentenced by Mr. Talma second magistrate to fourteen days 1 rigorous imprisonment. Tang Seh Tec the Hingwah who picked the pocket of a Baba named Teo Swee Hong
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    • 314 5 Tan Poi a Hokien pleaded guilty to selling chandu dross except to the Superintendent of the Government Monopolies at No. 83 Tanjong Rhu. He was fined $25 or one month. m While Mr. Fred. Martens of Messrs. Ribeiro Coy., was watching the football match yesterday evening between the S.C.C.
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    • 577 5 Toong Yet the Cantonese who stole a box containing carpenter's tools from I the steamer Japan at the Tanjong Pagar wharf, was sentenced to fourteen days' imprisonment. For causing hurt with a knife by stabbing to Chia A Tiang, at No. 98 Kallang Road, a Teochew named Chia Soon
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    • 497 5 Ong Twee the Hokien who gtole 40 cents from the rickshaw in which he vas driving at North Bridge R >ad, vvas sentenced to fourteen days' hard labour. Tong Seng the Cantonese who stole six brass hooks value $35 from the first :lass cabin of the German steamer Rochussen
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    • 447 5 A Keh rattan furniture maker, named Shin Foo Loong, was yesterday charged before Mr. Firmstone in the District Criminal Court, with having in his possession counterfeit coins, to wit 11 coins known as twenty cents pieces, and knowingly and with intent to defraud, did deliver the same to a
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  • 523 5 On July 4th, 1910, Jack Johnson bent the eoul-cass out of Jim Jeffries at Reno, Xev, in defence of his heav might title, whilst exactly n \ear later—Ad. Wolgast knocked out Owen Moran, the English 0 tallenger of his position ur lightweight champion And now
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  • 689 5 The man who boasted that he hadn't i new topee for five vears was asked by an interested friend where he purchased his headwear. "Oh/* said the economist, its not so much a question >f where one buys his bats as of the hotel he patronises.** A correspondent
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  • 398 6 The Weekly Sun. SATURDAY, JULY 27. SENSATIONALISM AND THE LAW. Recently there has been con-| siderable talk at home about the effects of sensational"! journalism and literature. On' one hand, many clergymen and others have been demanding stricter legislation against unclean books and periodicals. On the other', the intelligent public
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  • 499 6 First Issue of the Republican Press Delayed. Owing to further mechanical arrangements and the absence of the Editor-in-Chief, Mr. Wang King Wei, the new daily, the Republican Press, which was to be inaugurated yesterday was unavoidably postponed till July 25, says a Shanghai journal. The paper aside
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  • 559 6 The will of Sir E. Sassoon has been proved at £1,013.096. A Hankow paper has this: The death is announced of Wu Chen Under-Secretary of State for thf Interior. 4We all have our little Penangs to bear/' writes an unkind punster to the Bangkok Times. It is
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 72 6 pan— ack^:^: y u7 rrTTT*-VT*4^H 1 1 1 >TT7^^^*^^*^iPW l 1 t Xa rw 1 Jill T~ *~^^H I E f rt X»l MrJ^B fcx^B t NEW RECORDS DOUBLE SIDED 10 inches $1.25. (TEMPTATION KAu. I (SMILER RAG. i VKN US ON EARTH WTZ. UIASKEN POLONAISE. CARRIE. YOU'VE GOT TO
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    • 35 6 ARE YOU PARTICULAR? i i You know quality, j demand value I i We supply only Wines and Spirits of choice quality. Garner Quelch&Co. BATTERY ROAD, SINGAPORE. AND AT SHANGHAI, HONGKONG AND LONDON. 61 i
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  • Correspondence.
    • 182 7 To the Editor of the u Weekly Sun.*' DEAR Sir,— l am glad to see that a movement in conrection with the k Registration of Domestic Servants H is again to the fore. It is a crying disgrace of the Government to allow matters to continue as
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  • 442 7 An "Old China Banker" Draws Upon His Experiences And Gives The Result. To thk Editor of Thk PIWAVOIAL Ncwi. Sir, I b*vo real tin; articles on iioa<». k«ng in your valuable journal with much interest, 'especially tluit dealing with the Future of Hongkong," and there
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  • 46 7 The Koelni6che Zeitung, referring to the reports that Germany has inado proposals to Russia calculated to embroil Russia and Japan, declares that these reports have been spread by a press hostile to Germany. It adde that: not a biugln word agaiust Japan said a* liaitic Port.
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  • 579 7 The following appears in the Hongkong Megraph in a special article;— Tho Ohinege are, an 1 hive been, e^er «inc^ people wrotft «bout them, inveterate gamblers. Tb«? cjolk- m the street toH h e* cash in the nir and watches wi'h a pasnive interest the fall of tiie
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 62 7 Loh's Dispensary. Chemists, I Druggists and Opticians, (Wholesale and Retail). 108, South Bridge Road, SINGAPORE. TELEPHONE NO. 429 TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS.: t LOH, SINGAPORE. Depot for all kinds of Patent Medicines, Toilet Requisites, Perfumery, Medicated Wines jSurgical Instruments, Chemical and Scientific Apparatus Medical, Surgical and Sanitary Avvliances. SUPPLIERS TO HOSPITALS, DISPENSARIES
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    • 441 7 ADVERTISEMENTS, WANTED Young lady for store, must be smart and obliging, no previous experience necessary. Apply 368, Weekly Sun Office. 27-7 WANTED. Thirty Chinese or Malay tappers for Job ore. 40 coi*- per 100 trees will be paid to really first class men. Apnlv G. c/o Weekly Sun. WANTED TO
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    • 100 7 Caldbeck Macgregor and Company. Wholesale and Retail WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, Ales, Beer and Stout Importers. dephsne No. ISO. p rice Llsts on ap p|j ca tj OD BRANCHES AT LONDON, CLASCOW, SHANGHAI, HONGKONG, TIENTSIN AND KUALA LUMPUR, WITH AGENCIES THROUGHOUT THE EAST. l«3-7 'His Master's Voice* GRA.M^'^Ji ONE IS
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  • 1742 8 THE LOG OF THE CHINESE JUNK NINGPO." The following extracts from the log of the junk Ningpo have been kindly supplied by the master, Captain Scurr, and will •u.Tve better than any narrative to show the difficulties of the voyage. The log com. rnences with the morning of June 8,
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  • 529 8 The attempt on the» life of Sir Henry May, the new Governor of Hongkong, by a Cantonese who appear* to have acted directly at the suggestion of the Triad 1 Society of Canton is but another illustration of the complex and contradictory factora which made up the
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  • 210 8 A determined effort is being made to igain build up the trade of American 1 nterasts in Chin.a in salted herriug shipped :roti» the Pacific coast of the United States, vhloh assumed Urge proportions two or i iiree year ago. Af indicated in a report
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  • 51 8 The Hongkong Telegraph has thi& 1 must come back even if you banish me ten times, because I know nobody in the country/* said a Chinese to Mr. Melbourne, at the Police Court, Hongkong, in answer to a charge of returning from banishment. Mr. Melbourne :^-One year and four boure'
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 23 8 Our Advertising repre- w j rPr sentative will be pleased If\ fk Q C V t to submit Up to dats I\* VCIO
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    • 351 8 WATERBURY'S m Metabolized Cod Liver Oil Compound dmm± WITH CREOSOTE AND GUAIACOL OR PLAIN. H555™^5? n Watarlrary'e D Mttabolirrd B Cod Li^c--itni Does Allay Fermentation— Does Aid Digestion— Does Assist Assimilation I But Does NOT Disturb the Stomach. 1 NSsu/rifew />v A scientific preparation of COD LIVER OIL, ||S^g v
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  • 371 9 •'The placiag of passengers in ulumiourn I canes, carrying them upward on aeroplanes to the eastward drift above the storm stratum nnd shooting them from Amorica orer to Europe between breakfast and if afternoon tea is not so wonderful a perfor- mance
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  • 414 9 One of ttie intereBtini: facts brought <>ut jy the discussion of the Lloiuh Rule Bill is :hat Irish-Americans are. rapidly acquiring iOm« of the must valuable pieces of re?i estate in l-eland. It is estimated that th%* number of individual pieces of proper t\ iow own^d by
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 178 9 An Eastern Company for the Eastern ecpie GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE:- SINGAPORE. LIBERAL POLICIES. LOW RATES. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. 0. A. DERRICK Esq., Messr*. Derrick YOW NGAN PAN Esq., of Messrs. Loh <fc Co. Chairman. Kie Seng and Towkay Loke Yetc.l A. FAIR, Esq., Managing Director.
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    • 294 9 Jodelite Registered. The Great Timber Preservative. All kinds of soft timber, such as serayah, are, after treatment with Jodelite, permanently protected against attacks of white ants, dry rot and decay. Protection of Para Rubber Trees. After pruning the trees apply a thin coat of Cold Jodelite to the wounds with
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  • 1474 10 The CMnete Republic. Lang Kai-cbin, the famous follower of tne great reformer Hung Yin-wai, it staying in Tientsin, tai is afraid to proceed to! Peking, as the people there are intertain-j ing grndgns against him and believe him to be a member of the Terrorist Society.
    Shat Po  -  1,474 words
  • 298 10 "Although the number o£ corporation! making returns of their net «arninga for the assessment of the 'exohe t:i\ upon income for 1911 increased by 17,660 over the previous* ye.tr, or from 270.202 to 267,862, ami it is believed that the tux has :been more cioieU
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 15 10 Dr. FDRDMOTO, JAPANESE DENTIST. 98. North Bridge Road. Befct treatment available bi Singapore. Reasonable termg
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    • 445 10 PROTOS MOTOR CARS. HIGH CLASS WORKMANSHIP. STR9NG CONSTWCTWH. YERY SILENT RUNNING. I Largely used by Royalty. j Cars in Stocks i Torpedo and Half-Torpedo Double Phaeton Csrfi to seat 5 and 7 persons. I All finished in theibest style. MONO MOTOR CARS. The [Best Car of the Run-about Type. I
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    • 157 10 For Sale. The British Steam Launch Busso*' built in 1906. Length 60 feet. Breadth 13.5. Depth 5.5. Gross tonnage 10.85. The vessel is in excellent condition. and her speed is about 9 knots. For further particulars, apply to BOEV CHUAN POH, The Union Times Pre6s.' L26, Cross Street. KWANG HOCK
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 495 11 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. APCAR LINE, j The undermentioned mail steamer* of the above Line maintain a regular service between! Calcutta and Japan, calling at Penang, Biag»-| pore, Hongkong and Shanghai en route. FLEET. Tone. Conimftnder. SS Japan 6,013 L. Y. Archdeacon. hs Gregory Apcar 4.600 J. K.
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    • 498 11 KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSGHAPPIJ. (ROYAL DUTCH PACKET COMPANY.) Under Contract with the Nkthbulandp India GovERNMENr. Agents at Singapore The Ships Agency. Ltd.. 2-3 Collyer Quay. MAIL TABLE-JULY 18TH TO 31ST, 1912. The undermentioned daie^ arc only approximate. STEAMSHir. From Expected. Will be Despatched for:— d"}^ 'j_ 'an der Parra Pancfa j
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    • 232 11 THE POPULAR BRHNO. T A v*L. o j StoekcJ U K Y Y THE DENTAL HALL. BRAS BASSA ROAD. UNDEB THE SUPERVISION OF Dr. J. IWATSUB©. DENTAL SURGEON. (Who may also be found at 82. Bras Basah Road). Newly opened for the convenience ol Patiente. Treatment and workmanship guaranteed to
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 86 12 Hal A42Lrt^ll s or2LAo.v. JSIL In England more Martell's Three /gMfy£\ tar brandy is sold than any (film w\ other Brand. Hfti jU n on^ on more than three times the quantity of Martell's is sold than any other Brand of OBTAINABLE PKOM ALL DEALERS. ■ll j ISjj Sole Agents
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