Weekly Sun, 13 July 1912

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Weekly Sun
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 574 1 > TEH STRAINER HvaWK Nickel Plated on Brasn. i.engtl^« ii 18 A, illustration 0.50 cents each. WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW AND COMPANY, j LIMiTKD. NEW DELIVERY OF SUPERIOR ENAMEL WARE. KV> nß«t*v M^ Mfc ,^^Bl^^ 1 T'l t^'^i!'BJfcfc^^s'^ lltttPn „_^^y t^, .>- 'wjl v^aBBBF* ■JflßjK 'j B^B^^ B^BK V&L W| *^—^BB^JBBBJB^Bj^g^^n^^B^B^B^Bj^ Hb^->
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    • 15 1 TonsT^neK^ POUR DIVISION^ JJent Electro Plated Nickel fcilvAr. $1.50 each. WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW AND COMPANY* LIMITED.
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  • 531 2 A sealed letter which was addressed by Louis XIII. in 1630 to the Sultan of Turkey baa been discovered among the archive* of the Marseilles Chamber of Commerce. It ha* been decided not to break the seal. A tramp who was in trouble through 1 railway travelling without
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 54 2 For Sale. The British Steam Launch Busso' built in 1906. Length 60 feet. Breadth 13.5. 4 Depth 5.5. P Grose tonnage 10.8&? The y easel is m excellent condition and her speed is fcbout 9 knots. For further particulars, apply to BOEY GIIUAN ?O«, The* 1 Union Time* P*#is.' A
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    • 272 2 A Few Reasons Why You Should Buy a FORD BECAUSE 125,000 others are using the same make of car, and getting the utmost satisfaction from their purchase. BECAUSE every other car you meet on the Road, both in the Straita and F. M. S., is a For\i which testifies to
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  • 2368 3 The Curse of Flynn. School was in, and the roll call of class fo«r wm proceeding monotonously "Jaektoa!" I M Pretest Miss 41 Dwyer r "Preient Miss!" "Williams There was a pause. -Williams!" Miss Feathen»tone repeated the name impatiently, and looked up. I' Where ii Williams." she asked.
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  • 125 3 The National Debt at the end of the last financial year was £721,806,428, or £8,266,182 less than at the beginning of j the year, according to a Parliamentary, publication just issued. The debt stood at I over 846 millions in 1836, and did not fallj below
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 100 3 n, i If you really want a First Class CYCLE TYRE a Cycle Tyre that is known the world over for its durability and reliability you should always fit Tke I Continental I SPECIAL Obtainable From John Little Co. Ltd. Robinson Co. Straits Cycle Motor Co. Ltd. Katz Bros. Ltd.
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  • 1834 4 Prisoners Caught in Mao Traps. Eighteen months ago, Algot Lange, a Scandinavian-American, of New York City, arrived at a rubber-plantation 2,200 j miles up the Amazon River owned by a rich Brazilian named Da Silva. Not satisfied with his conquests in the rubber tr*de, Da Silva decided
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  • 343 4 •The Duties of the Citizen of To-day" was the subject of an address by Mr. Li Huai Hsiang, editor of The 801l a Chines* newspaper, before the International Institute Shanghai. That self-help is the force to be relied on in bringing China out of
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  • 235 4 English tobacco smokers may be interested to hear the results of a special study of pipe smoking carried out by a French specialist with very scientific methods which is now published. M. Watteville has studied collective piychoiogy and the design of tobacco pipes with equal affection and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 140 4 I SST IMS. Drainpipes. We hold large stocks of RANEEGUNGE." the following at all times STRONGEST AND CHEAPEST. Cement Floor Tilei, I. P. S. Mosaic Tiles, n^lfJ l^' White laZed WftH TilC9 Large quantities of all Glazed Tiles in all artistic designs, French sizes al in hand Roofing Tiles, Fibro
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    • 289 4 Siemens Brothers, MANUFACTURERS OF Electrical Machinery, Cables I Wires, Apparatus and {Accessories tor Electric Light, Power and Traction Purposes. HEAD OFFICE Caxton House, Westminster, LONDON. Supplies Department Upper Thames Street, LONDON. WORKS. Stafford. Woolwjck. Dalstoi. BRANCHES. Cape Town, Melbourne Calcutta, Toronto, Bombay, Penang, Madras, Rangoon Sydney, AND Winchester House. COLLY
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    • 792 5 I find you guilty and sentence yen to fourteen days* rigorous imprison ment." This was the verdict giver, against a Hokien named Ho Bek bj Mr. David, second magistrate, for ththeft of two durians value 40 cent** The evidence for the prosecution •howed that accused went to the plan
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    • 3202 5 A Hingwah named Ong Loh, ap pea red before Mr. David on the charge of being found between sunset and sunrise armed with a dangerous weapon a p?\ir of pincers, with inten Lo commit a criminal offence at 11.21' p.m., at Prinsep Street. He was con victed and got
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    • 363 8 Two Hokiens Lim Lan and Yeo Chwee, were fined $5 or seven days i for fighting in Rochor Road. > Nine Hylams, were fined $2 or three days each for playing k4 chiki" in a^j common gaming house No. 28 Koeklj Road. Nothing was awarded to the! informer. $3.11
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    • 343 8 Two young Hokiens named Too! 1 Chira Tek and Low Chin, were yesterday tried by Mr. Firmstone, in thej< Criminal District Court, on a charge i of breaking into a shop at Teluk Ayer! Street, with intent to commit theft. j They were both convicted, Teo Chim Tek, who
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    • 303 8 Ting Seng Seng a Hingwah, was charged by Supervisor Gilmour of the Monopolies Department with selling chandu dross except to the Superintendent, and selling chandu without a licence in No. 34 Johor Road. He wai convicted and fined $25 or fourteen days on each charge. $50 or twentyeight days
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  • 698 5 In Singapore divorce is becoming virulent among marriages of tenJer years. There are at present at l ast four being considered among *rell-known couples, who are all /oung, and who have travelled a very little way along the road of matrimony. A certain young couple whose prospects have
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  • 556 6 The Weekly Sun. SATURDAY, JULY 13. AS IT MIGHT BE. Because the Government pro mised not to do what it intended to do, or that it intends o do something which it never promised to do, the good SoCrragette ladies delivered the ultimatum, nay, they actuallv declared war. As a
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  • 240 6 A few weeks back a rather I lively discussion took place in the Home press as to whether /the planets were inhabited or ■not. Honours were pretty eve 1 seeing that no correspondent could give any definite information on the subject. Later on a scientific gentleman in
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  • 123 6 The Indian Rubber Journal has a rather interesting illustration in the last number out by the mail. It is that of what is believed to be the largest piece of raw rubber on racortL The bt. Heliens Cable Compaay forward a. Photograph of a piece of fine Hard' Fara bought
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  • 547 6 The will of the late Mr. Jam of Black, formerly a resident of Hongkong, has juk been proved at £40,566. A teleeram from New York stateH that Jack Johnson has absolutely decided to retire from the ring in September. m The Dutch Government proposes to build at
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 87 6 BH '1 ™S_* *t Tj m^~~ i l ""^^^^"^^"^^Tm**"^ 1 I■■ THh ~"-^^^B BH i I M 1 JR- U^*B-a a> m o Jl Jl^i 3k i 1 THE LATEST MODELS IN GRAMOPHONES. THE "INVINCIBLE" $55 SOLID OAX CABINET, BEST J^^%wS|- ENGLISH MANUFACTURE /^W^ 1 S ZEI BABE> 10 SQ>
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    • 31 6 ARE YOU PARTICULAR? You know quality, demand VaIUC We supply only Wines and Spirits of choice quality. GarnerQuelct&Co. BATTERY ROAD, SINGAPORE. I AND AT 1 I vSHANGHAI, HONGKONG AND LONDON. 6-1
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  • 878 7 The Daily Telegraph's Vienna correspondent, in connection with the accepted belief tliat Biron Marschall von Bleberstein is coming to Load »n on a pea-o mission from tbf Kaiser, nends two n'ld a half columns on Anglo-G-rtjain r.-lniions. wb«rmu h 0 recounts certain pagos of modern
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  • 473 7 An outcry hat been recently raised in the Pro« H against pre^ent-diy Uliroooi dancing It it laoifintf. 1 that it has \o<f much of the courtly hUiu -line** and cmintinesi that graced the efforts of our grandfathers and grandmothers. A wail it raised mer the deatli of
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  • 267 7 Funeral Causes Bad Feeling. Shanghai, June 28. Nyeu Dih Zung, a member of a wealthy family here, who was tried in the Mixed Court on Monday on a. charge of carrying arms in the settlement and with threatening the life of Sze Hauyen, formerly Cousul-General for China in
    C.P.  -  267 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 214 7 ADVERTISEMENTS, WANTED TO BUY. Chinese and English Dictionary. Please state name of author, edition, condition and lowest price to p. a, c/o This paper. 15-G MOTOR CAR FOR SALE. Singer Motor Car in excellent condition, 25 h.p. Price $2,200. Owner leaving colony. Apply MOTOR. c/o Weekly Sun." 8-6 M. N.
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    • 71 7 Caldbeck M acgregor and Company. (Wholesale and Retail WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, Ales, Beer and Stout Importers. i Telephone No. 160. Price Usts 00 appife^,,. BRANCHES AT LONDON, GLASGOW, SHANGHAI, HONGKONG, TIENTSIN AND KUALA LUMPUR, 13-7 WITH AGENCIES THROUGHOUT THE EAST. 'His Master's Voice' IS A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT. BEWARE OF
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  • 523 8 City Fired and Looted. JAPANESE TROOPS ENTER CITY. A special despatch from Mukden states t^at a mutiny on ati extensive stale fcrokt» out at that city at midnight of the 1 9th instant. Many houses were tired by incendiarien and conflagrations are raging in te-eral ptrtfi of
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 23 8 W^ I Our Advertising repre- w j pfAA f sentative will be pleased I/IA 51 C IWt to submit Up-to-date ft VI VCIO
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    • 48 8 The Man Who f Gets There ;j II the man who has blood real rich red blood and plenty of it in his body. WATERBURYS METABOLIZED COD LIVER OIL COMPOU ND makes blood lots of it life giving, brain nourishing, strength replenishing blood. OF ALL CHEMI STS j
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    • 327 8 J\ THIS IS IT! lii^ ater )ur y' s Metabolized Cod Liver Cil Compound t TASTELESS ODOURLESS r-r\ Thr Lit-: t .v-crr.iuc preparation of SsaSl^ (!?L) LIVIM: OIL. Does all that is r-l i [aimed for it a::d supersedes the old- c r£lsi?' fashioned emcL ions which upset the zt?fi£L
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  • 827 9 Old soldier (relating thrilling experience) It wan a terrible moment. There was I glued to the spot." Recruit By gum j Officer How is this, Murphy The sergeant complains that you call him aaine«.' Private Murphy: Plaze, surr, I never called him any names at all. All I
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 249 9 An Eastern Company for the Eastern People GREAT EASTERN EIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, UMUED. HEAD OFFICE:- SINGAPORE. LIBERAL POLICIES. LOW RATES. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. 0. A. DERRICK E»,,., Mmn. Derrick TOW MOAN I' AN Esq., of Afesors. Loh Co <-'/•««•,„..„. git IH ,I Totvkay Lokt Yew. A. 11. FAIM, .I/..,,*,,,,,,, Director.
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    • 145 9 Jodelite (Registered.) The Great Timber Preservative. All kinds of soft timber, such as serayah, are, after treatment with Jodelite, permanently protected against attacks of white ants, dry rot and decay. Protection of Para Rubber Trees. After pinning the trees apply a thin coat of Cold Jodelite to the wounds with
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  • 1305 10 A rumour ha* recently been exciting considerable Attention in Europe, according to which the entente between France »ad England is shortly to be replaced by definite alliance between the two powers. Sach an alliance would undoubtedly be snore natural thai the alliance between repmblican France and despotic Russia
    Chronicle  -  1,305 words
  • 532 10 The annual report of the British and Foreign Bible Society winch is just to hand contains a gri*at deal more of interest to the layman than is usually to be fourvl in the reporty of an organization of that kind. The report does not confine itsoif
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  • 412 10 The Ruaskii Inualid, a semi-official Russian military paper, publised at St. Petersburg commenting upon the present situation in Mongolia states that at present the Mongols of Outer Mongolia can bring bo the front, in c:«se of war, not more than 10,000 horsemen, whom gathered from the Hoshuns.
    China Critic  -  412 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 194 10 PROTOS MOTOR CARS. HIGH CLASS WORKMANSHIP. STRONG CONSTRUCTION. VERY SILENT RUNNING. Largely used by Royalty. Cars in Stocks Torpedo and Half-Torpedo Double Phaeton Cars to seat 5 and 7 persons. All finished in the^best style. dhi, fix JSMvißDHklwri Hiiit* ■iL>& -JVr* A <■■' s,_ y*f» J JKj *-^^iJf rfeH^EßrT jr
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    • 295 10 THE TRUTH ALWAYS. When you are in doubt tell the truth." It was an experienced old diplomat who said thia to a beginner in the work. Itmay pass in some things, but not in business. Fraud and deception are often profitable so long as concealed; yet detection is certain sooner
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 431 11 I *M tr flW^^ftafl BRITISH INDIA STEAM INVOCATION CO., LTD. APCAR LINE. The undermentioned mail steamers of Xh. above Line maintain a regular service between Calcutta and Japan, calling at Penan*, Singapore, Hongkong and Shanghai en route. FLEET. Tons. Commander. 68 Japan 6,013 L. Y. Archdeacon. »8 Gregory Apcar 4,600
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    • 478 11 KOHINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. (ROYAL DUTCH PACKET COMPANY.) USDER COHTEACT WrTB THE NETHERLANDS INDIA GOVIRVMSXT. Meits at SiifiHre The Skips A«eicy. UC 2-3 Cillyer Quy MAIL TABLE— JUNE 16TH TO JULY 13TH, 1912. Thc undermentioned dates are onlj approximate. frIAJUp. From "Expected. Will be Despatched for— d »^f Date. '»n d,r
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    • 238 11 THE I POPULAR BRAND. H A^ i k^Jmll^-'' OSS DniiNn^i i E lKVniW6?SP6ClAi.*nj| S U K Y Y THE DENTAL HALL. BRAS BASSA ROAD. UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF Or. J. IWHTSDB©. DENTAL SURGEON. (Who may also be found at 82, Bras Basah Road). Newly opened for the convenience of Patients.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 108 12 H Martell's Brandy. JjSOmL n England more Martell's Three JPTI\ Star Brandy is sold than any If/uHI it lm\ other Brand. m|| L JJJ In London more than three times ||gi|||i||jS the quantity of Martell's is sold than any other Brand of n|B|j||p|prf||gjj|| OBTAINABLE FROM ALL DEALERS. I 111 SI
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