Weekly Sun, 6 July 1912

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Weekly Sun
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 616 1 s_^ __^t_P^^_a^ "T*^ WP i Helmet Cases. B*nt BoglMh made Hela_-H Case, to hold a bataet and two hata or capi. I Japanned black aud Htted with hasp for padlock. PRICE $3.00 each. DITTO Q RAINED OAK. PRICE $3.00 each. j J| m^^^^f^^^mmwmmm m 'm^mm m f mmmm^ IT mlb
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    • 42 1 I _^_fc_2£_^_?3_£] l_____L''^9l ____r_V t_r Travelling Bath. Grained light oak. Inside enamelled J white .md fitted with bas- I ket. Detachable lid "wi*}. "hasp and j solid leather .strap. A_> illW>ati_>n.* f Sizes J4- and Jg" j PRICES. $15.00. $15 TsJeach. j
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  • 635 2 The presence m Shanghai of a large number of editors of Chinese newspapers who are here to attend a meeting of what would correspond m America to the National' Editorial Association serves to call attention to the growth of the entire; publishing industry as promised under the;
    C.P.  -  635 words
  • 120 2 Expected Drastic Action. Chang, the notorious loyalist, has at his disposal a force of 15,000 men, and is still opposing the R<3publit<an regime. L£ 3 bai made Shantung his headquarters, and is collecting taxes not onl from that province but also from the neighbouring provinces, while
    Japan Herald  -  120 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 282 2 I A Few Reasons Why You Should Buy a foTTd BECAUSE 125,000 others are using the same make of car, and getting the utmost satisfaction from their purchase. BECAUSE every other car you meet on the road, both m the Straits and F. M. S., is a Ford which testifies
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  • 2949 3 Anti-Fercign Spirit. The growth of an anti-foreign spirit m China haa been reported m the pait few weeks from so many different sources and haa been con6rmed by so many different classes of observers as to convince many: that it must be based on actual conditions. j The Central
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 106 3 Kean__— bbmb^^ I g— —|—^m^ li I M J If you really want a First Class CYCLE TYRE a Cycle Tyre that is known the world over for its durability and reliability you should always fit Tke Continental SPECIAL Obtainable From John Little Co. Ltd. Robinson Co. Straits Cycle Motor
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  • 115 4 The astronombt a at Greonwich Observatory have been 'j cable to had a comet which *aa reported by the Kiel Agronomical Bureau to have been seen on May 10 m the constellation Cvgnus The Kiel Observatory gave its position as right ascension 20 hoars, 53 minutes, 20 seconce,
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  • 229 4 V nerun, June I.— lhe naval expert, Captain Persiua, writing m the Tageblatt, regards th* excitement caused by tbe Malta conference "as a storm iv a glass of water." Malta, he says, will lose its ships, but England will soon see that the North Sea
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  • 260 4 The final survey of the Wu-chang-Ye-chow section of the Canton-Hankow railway was be u run on May 20. Two parlies set out from headquarters, one m charge of Messrs. F. W.W. Valpy, Richard/ and Zandotti, the other under Messrs. M. R. Sinclair and Sandberg. The first party is
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  • 515 4 The Amazing Power of Insane Persons. Oae of the most peculiar features of m liuity is that occasionally one faculty, either ght, hearing, smell, taste or touch, ia exaordinarily acute. Certain insane persons, sensible to every other impression, have pronounced taste for music, and can retain i
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  • 545 4 The recent improvement m the value of quinine was one of the most prominent features of the drug market at home during the month of April, speculators haying shown renewed interest after a period of .comparative inactivity extending over three years. The possibilities of
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  • 109 4 The Hungry Forties. A complete penny edition of -The Hungry Forties Life under the Bread lax-Testimonies from Contemporary Witnesses," with an Introduction by Mrs :Cobden Unwin, has just been issued by the Cobden Club. This edition of 110,000 copies is the sixth that has appeared, and it
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 145 4 fSST TILES. Drainpipes. I We bold large stocks of "RANEEGUNGE." the following at all times ommmma v t, ,d -a, STRONCEST AND CHEAPEST. C«ment Floor Tiles, I. P. S. Mosaic Tiles, Marble Slabs, White Glazed Wall Tiles, j Glazed Tiles m all artistic design., French Lar e <} URn tities
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    • 299 4 Siemens Brothers. L MANUFACTURERS OF Electrical Machinery, Cables t Wires, Apparatus and ccessories tor Electric Light, Power and Traction Purposes. HEAD OFFICE Caxton House, Westminster, LONDON. Supplies Department Upper Thames Street, LONDON. WORKS. Stafford. Woolwich. Dalsieo BRANCHES. jCape Town, Melbourne, ICalcutta, Toronto, Bombay, Penang, iMadras, Rangoon (Sydney, AND Winchester House.
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    • 337 5 Lee A Loon, got seven days imprisonment for stealing 11% pounds of lead from the Keppei Harbour dock Tang Lip Kay, pleaded guilty to being drunk and incapable m Fraser Street. He was fined $2 or three days. For gambling Chiki m public at Chan Juan Place. Pang Moon
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    • 847 5 Gedeon Sabatier, Proprietor of the French Hair Dressing Saloon, at Raffles Square, his Japanese wife Chio and his senior assistant Jules Muller, appeared before Mr. David m the second court on remand on charges of forging currency notes, possession of certain papers and instruments for forging currency notes, possession
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    • 564 5 Yeo Chin, for stealing 26 catties of lead value $2.50 cents from the Keppei Harbour dock, got a month's imprisonment. For stealing a tin of Salmon value 25 cents at the Tanjong Pagar dock. Ting Cheng Tee, was sent to gaol for fourteen days. Dan A Bin (Hylam), head
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    • 437 5 Kishnoo a Sikh woman, was arrested on a warrant on the charge of a gold hair ornament value $20, a silver necklace value $20, twelve silver bangles value $100 and $50 m cash, property of Johar Singh a Sikh! Badwa Singh a Sikh, was arrested on a warrant also
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    • 466 5 Poh Yap a Hokien, was charged by Supervisor Byrne of the Monopolies, for selling chandu dross except to the Superintendent, m No. 257-A Victoria Street. Accused pleaded guilty, he said a Chinaman came to him and said ho had the stomach-ache. He gave him a packet of dross simpl
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  • 742 5 'Twas overheard m a certain wellknown cafe one afternoon. A blonde and a brunette were exchanging confidences about a mutual acquaintance. To judge from remarks, he is an Adonis. The blonde, who was evidently a psychological enthusiast, was heard to say, Hasn't he got a lovely firm mouth
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  • 363 6 The Weekly Sun. SATURDAY, JULY 6. QUITE UNCALLED FOR. Philanthropy of a kind is always taking on strange phrases. tecasionaily it occupies itself n efforts to provide ten-keyed neiodeons for gentle New G-uineaites, or makes frantic endeavours to procure red flannel shirts for the shivering savages of Central Africa. It
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  • 72 6 i Assailant Arrested, The new Governor of Hongkong, Sir Henry May, arrived on Thursday morning. When parsing the new post office an attempt was made to shoot him by a young queueless Chinaman, hum Sir Berry escaped uninjured. There was great excitement. The Governor
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  • 81 6 De Boseck Goes to Gaol. The de Boseck appeal was dismissed on Monday. The Court agroed that there was sufficient evidence to show thai the pearl had been stolen. It also agreed that de Boseck's confession was admissible as evidence and that the witnesses who had seen
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  • 279 6 Ha tr log 'been without *iej?p 30 year*. Albert Efi Herpin, a Trenton .n.m, at lawt eomplaini ol feeling weary. Menrall he iences no weariness, but savb ho is physically weak. Ke believes a nap of onl five minutes duration woula give him now
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  • 321 6 A Japanese paper is responsible for the i statement that the Kiangsi Railway Cora•pany applied to the Eastern Asia Industrial Development Co., for a loan of five million yen for the purpose to construct a branch line to Fukien. The line iv question was proposed by the late
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  • 570 6 The British India Steam Navigation Company is issuing a million sterling four and a half per cent, debentures at par. At Cairo three Nationalists has beer, arrested for conspiracy against the Khedive, Lord Kitchener and the Premier. Mr. Max. L. Friend formerly of the China Mutual Life
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 83 6 I 1 I X /ffJJf!\ 3 I ra m Imm ail]lI g!l-i-ir --mm p— :J 1 jg^^^PP^gSaWißßCpnalW-W,-^^ a^mi^an^aaaj^K3-warfn_a«Bp^K <? rmmaammmmmmnam*ammmrv.amamaamrm m Mme^mmmmmm^ammam THE LATEST MODELS IN GRAMOPHONES. THE "INVINCIBLE' $55 1 nan ,j________ r^"^N- SOLID OAK CABINET, BEST Jt /^^W ENGLISH^ MANUFACTURE^ jS% kMxh '> SIZE BASE, 10" SQ? HEIGHT
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    • 34 6 ARE YOI PARTICULAR? You know quality, demand VaSiie We sui jply only W nesand 9'pirlta ~f eh oic Quality. Gircfci Qaeicli&Co. BATTERY fIOAD, SINGAPORE. AND AT i SHANGHAI, HONGKONG AND LONDON. I 6 1
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  • 1405 7 The Tokyo Asahi recently editorially declares that no one can be satisfied with the shallow explanation- given by Prince Katsura and friends or the object of his propose.! tour M It was reported more than once that Prince Katsura has invariably u eeu conaulted
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  • 231 7 Recent paragraphs appearing m the Singapore and Penang papers remind one of growing Western cities of America. There is a very healthy rivalry between those places and recently the Straits Times called attention to the fact that 4 Singapore possesses so great an advantage m natural situation and
    C.P.  -  231 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 219 7 ADVERTISEMENTS* WANTED TO BUY. Chinese and English^ Dictionary.! Please state name of author, edition, condition and lowest prioe to P. G., c/o This paper. 15-6 MOTOR CAR FOR SALE. Singer Motor Car m excellent condition, 25 h.p. Price $2,200. Owner leaving colony. Apply MOTOR, c/o M Weekly Sun/ 8-6 M.
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    • 252 7 A SAFE INVESTMENT Every successful and prudent man is always on the look-oat for a safe, and at the same time remunerative, investment for his savings. AN ENOOWMENT ASSURANCE POLICY, payable at the expiration of a certain term ol years selected by the iuvestor, or m the event of his
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  • 1871 8 Mr. Chan Keung-vue, Compradore to Messrs. Douglas, Lapraik d_ Co, has refused to accept tke Superintending Directorship of the Mint and tbe Official Specie Department, on the ground* that instead of dealing direct with the Gov-ernor-General ke has had to do with the Commissioner of Finance, and moreover,
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  • 459 8 {(earing Restored. Tho French paper La Creix Publishes the following circumstantial account received from Ventimiglia, San Reino: A German girl whose name is withheld was a postulant m the Carmelite Convent of San Kemo. During the three ■months preceding the time contemplated for her clothing she became deaf.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 16 8 E«*_rvs\ I our Adver rf n« repre. w t I ICC sentative will be pleased i/lOOC
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    • 364 8 if I LOSING WEIGHT j BY THE POUND 1 Under Weight," a condition of j J ill-health, shows your assimilative j i powers are decreasing. j f S WATERBURY'S t i I METABOLIZED S COD LIVER OIL j j COMPOUND j 1 Supplies the blood with the wanted nourishing and
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    • 371 8 Hp p_pjppt*PSSp JPp-P*P*IVPpM "-nfpn f— _nl THIS IS IT |mi mi .i-t I nuns p 1 ft.- *_h gym -i i 1 1> 1* ii iiiii ii 1 Waterbury's Metabolized Cod Liver Qll^ Compoujid JF\ TASTELESS ODOURLESS S ~XT^ 1 JS**\ Ja/L I j /.^'^y^ The hiic-mi ■•i'.-Ylni- prepiirali /^_&,|Bk
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  • 322 9 In view of the present loan controversy between the Four Power Syndicate and the new government of China, the interesting account written by Mr. Hnsktu end printed on this page to-day, of how a group of American bankers, backed by the United States Government, lifted the little republic
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  • 586 9 As has been pointed out m the discus sions recently held on tbe subject o organized charity, Shanghai is well equip ped with [charity organizations. Indee it is the very number of the organization* representing so many nationalities and s many interests, which results m the givin jof charity
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  • 337 9 CHINESE BEARS CHARMED LIFE. m San Francisco, May Jo. Young Sing, secretary of the Hop Yiek and Co., store at 708 Jackson street bears a charmed life. Twice yesterday afternoon, within the space of four minutes, he missed by th* breadth of a hair death io the shap* of a
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 305 9 An Eastern Company for the Eastern People GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE:- SINGAPORE. LIBERAL POLICIES. LOW RATES. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. G. A. DERRICK Esq., Mmmsrs. Dtrrick VOW NGAN PAN Esq., of Messrs. Lohl <k Co. Chmrirman. Kie Smm§ smd Towkay Loke Yew.^ I A. U. FAIR, Esq.,
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    • 153 9 Jodelite Registered. The Great Timber Preservative. All kinds of soft timber, such as serayah, are, after treatment with Jodelite, permanently protected against attacks of white ants, dry rot and decay. Protection of Para Rubber Trees. After pruning the trees apply a thin coat of Cold Jodelite to the wounds with
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  • 702 10 Of ths fire stripes, the black lin* is for the many tribes dwelling principally iv the West of China, and forming the pr*deoessvrs of the sons of Han. After detailing the movement by which the Chinese first entered China from the north. w*st,
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  • 413 10 Admiral Sab Chen Ping made an excellent address before the students of the Pao-tung Middle School at their memorial services on Friday aad it is to be hoped that all of them paii particular attention to that part cf his aidress m which he told of industrial
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  • 133 10 German statistic- show that Europe has at pressnt more than 7,000 people who have; passed 100 years. Bulgaria he^ds the list with 3,888 centenariant Rommaoia and Serria follow with 1,074 and 573 ros-ec-tlvely. Among tbe other nations comes Bpain with 410, France, notwithstanding its larger population, has not 213
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 259 10 p l^,? .j_fj9! ii .y^^i ijy?B _t__^^^^^»3-^ > ?>!^-^^^---BP----B--_____l _K______^*^j___6"^n_ Wh^t Ooea ii Mean to YOU? !'o rr.attr what your v <ositi©_ tnay b*. whether day laborer or offic« worker, it you are m that discouraged line of men who get the same pittance week after week without prospect of
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    • 217 10 PROTOS MOTOR CARS. HIGH CLASS WORKMANSHIP. STRONC CONSTRUCTION. VERY SILENT RUNNING. Largely used by Royalty. I Cars m Stocks:— J Torpedo and Half-Torpedo Double Phaeton Cars to seat 5 and 7 persons. I All finished m thejbest style. v j_fl_____)!^' f Yi* **"^*p^*'^*i^ -.^2'" v 4c J T_jfltl_r^ MONO MOTOR
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 624 11 KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSGHAPPIJ. (ROYAL DUTCH PACKET COMPANY.) USDKR CONTRAOT WTTH THK XeTH.BLaXDB INDIA GOTBMJM-ST. Aieits at Siigaw -lie Skips Agency. 1t... 2-3 Collyer Quay. MAIL TABLE-JOLY IST TO 10TH, 1912. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. STEAMBHH-. tfrom Expected. Will be Despatched for:— bailing Rumphiua Batavia July 1 Belawan-Deli July
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    • 263 11 THE POPULAR BRAND. S M^j£j£*_l^ Stocked WBt i Jtm/mWmW mJ^mmmWrn-f M X. T ■.flftr^^^rW-E-rf -f-^ll _f 1 fi__l Bm^rWllff^^ v m m m m m m m m V V THE DENTAL HALL. HI Mai^ IHIHa *MV*a______a___HipßH_| BRAS BASSA ROAD. *~*mmmmmmaamma»a-m*mmmmmmmmmmmmmm UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF Dr. J. IWATSUBO. DENTAL SURGEON.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 109 12 J MarteH's Brandy. In England more MarteH's Three Star Brandy is sold than any other Brand. In London more than three times the quantity of MarteH's is sold than any other Brand of bottled Brandy. OBTAINABLE FROM ALL DEALERS. «^^^MH^^^HMS^n^B|^M|^^^^_^_^___|^^^___^____^_^^^_^_ Sole Agents for Straits Settlements, F.M.S. Adamson, Gilftllan ft Co.,
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