Weekly Sun, 4 May 1912

Total Pages: 14
1 14 Weekly Sun
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 367 1 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW CO. LIMITED. SINGAPORE. Children's Good Stronj Lomdoth fj Knickers. Closed shape, trimmed embroidery, |as illustration. 00, 0, l, 2 Prices $0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 O.SO o.ls 0.90 and 1.00 p. pair mill Lniini \j o^^b^^ bßS^^^ Boys Smart Velvet Suits. W}lite (lrill with il^> butcher blue The 4
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    • 40 1 WHITEAWAY.LAIDLAWA CO. LIMITED. I SINGAPGRE. OMrci's CuMiatitis. Closed shape. Made of good Longcloth, Neck, Sleeves and Knee edged embroidery as shewn in illustration. Sues 1, 2, 3 4 Prim $1.20. 1.40. 1.60. UO. 5 and 6 2.00 and 2.20 each.
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  • 782 2 General Increase In Unrest Near Shanghai Reported During March. A general increase in disorder and unrest ia reported by Colonel C. D. Bruce, Cap-tain-Superintendent or Police, in the last issue of the Municipal Gazette. Colonel Brace's report follows I regret to luive
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 297 2 FORD CARS. 80,000 FORD CARS are in use to-day. 40,000 FORD CARS were manufactured and sold during the past year. This was insufficient to supply the/lemancl therefor the FORD WORKS have decided to Manufacture. 75,000 CARS DURINC 1912. THE FORD CAR is designed in strict harmony with accurate scientific principles,
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  • 1382 3 PREMIER AND EX-PRESIDENT PAY A VISITY TO SHANGHAI. Mr, Taig *ill u p^j^ Md S«i If M his Way fa fcnttii. v ii^ T til Yal Sen, hit ion Mr. Son Po, Dr Waai Cha. Hmi, Minister of Foreign AM**, jj Yang Pai, Minister of Bd«oatio» ia thi co%lili<m oabiaet,
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  • 285 3 PAILS TO CONVICT ON WHITE SLAVE CHARGE. Ft**! Cotflt agaiist W. H. Thomp*T3 Sisntised bj United States Coirt fag China. Declaring that he was convinced as to the frailty of the evidence presented by the District Attorney and that the effort to connect the defendant with violation of the Whita
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  • 631 3 SATISFACTION CAUSED ACTION OF RUSSIA. Believed Special Interests of Couitry will be Recognized by Powers. Peking, April 8. T -.Rusaia l a entry into the international banking group has caused satisfaction here and asanres a thoroaghl v broad scope of the loan, The venture dispels the fears entertained in cottaia
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 85 3 If you really want a First Class CYCLE TYRE a Cycle Tyre that is known the world over for its durability and reliability you should always fit Tke SPECIfIL. Ottatnatle From John Little Co. Ltd. RobiHson Co. Straits Cycle Motor Co. Ltd. Katz Bros. Ltd. Singapore Cycle Store Works. Kim
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  • 734 4 Premier at Meeting Urges Limited Ballot and Moderate Program. $30,000 FOR FAMINE RELIEF. Former President Raises Sam Among Rich Chinese Starts for Haknow. Following au appeal by Dr. Sun Yat Sen for funds with which to relieve the famine conditions in the
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  • 182 4 Matrimonial Troubles of a Surrey Professional. Domestic differences between a Surrey! cricket professional and his wife were ven. tilated at Wimbledon, when William EmeBt Davis, of Ladjwell-p ark Lewisham "fV\Z°iT d hj Ethd B ~trioe Darfaj Df Southfields, to show cause why B he should not be
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  • 701 4 CHENGTU OFFICIALS WORRIED BY THE SITUATION IN TIBET. Government Plan is to Replace the Native Chiefs by Chinese Officials. Chengtu, March 20.— The Chengtu authorities these days are giving much thought to Tibetan affairs. They are concerned both about the internal state of the country and greatly apprehensive lest Great
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  • 90 4 lun Lbung-chu Rel eased Colonel is Cited to A ppear for Trial. he action of the Military Gorernment. ft !l ar body and the >oe.l police ollowingthe recent kid»appinir of Ch,m Chung-chu from th e Be ttlement^au.e d the rele. 3 e of the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 84 4 5 -I I f UNCLE PLEX draws your attention tO DUP LI CAT OR. \^£*^f |t will produce with perfect ease 2to 100 perfect copies of any document in one or **^*ULm«j£^» various colours. ]jL It will duplicate HANDWRITING, TYPEWRITING, COPYING PENCIL. DO YOU WANT more that) ONS 6OP& of
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    • 204 4 Siemens Brothers. MANUFACTURERS OF Ilectrical Machinery, Cables Wires, Apparatus and ccessories tor Electric Light, Power and Traction Purposes. HEAD OFFICE Caxton House, Westminster, LONDON. Supplies Department Upper Thames Street, LONDON. WORKS. Stafford. Woolwich. Dalston. BRANCHES. Cape Town, Melbourne, Calcutta, Toronto, Bombay, Penang, Madras, Rangoon Sydney, AND Winchester House. COLL YE
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    • 464 5 A queueless Baba named Ho Hood Chiang, pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct in public at Kallang Road He said, he was drunk and did not know what he did. He was fined $3 or five days. Tan A Quee a Hylam, was charged with trespassing into the compound* of
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    • 525 5 Kok A Tim and Chong Shook Soo, were each fined $2 or three days, for disorderly conduct by fighting at P>aser Street*. Lee Tong a Hokchia, pleaded guilty to selling Morphine, in a house at Queen Street. He was fined $75 or two months. The fine was not paid.
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    • 404 5 Kong A Mee a young queueless! tfockchia, was fined $2 for gambling! ;hiki in public. He pleaded guilty. A Malay named Amat, pleaded guilty ;o being drunk and disorderly in Bugis Street. He was ordered to pay $3 or ive days. Kwek Pow and Swee Chwee Gan, tiad a
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    • 643 5 A queueiess Baba named Tam Cheng Aev.\ was charged riding a bicycle without a light at 8.15 p.m., in Selegie load. He pleaded guilty and was ned $1 Marimutu a Tamil, bullock cart-| Iriver, was fined $2 for conveying! imber in a bullock cart projecting! lore than 12 feet
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    • 513 5 Harnam Singh a Sikh, was arrested on a warrant and brought bofore Mr. Acton on the charge of enticing away with criminal intent a married woman named Melo the wife of Maghi Ram. He was remanded for a week for enquiries. Bail $100. Four Hockchias Lee Keng, Teng A
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  • 357 5 General Li Yuan Hung is apparently a nan who has ideas of his own and the ;nergy and ability to put them into practice. tVhile .in other parts* of the country the )tlicials aro waiting tor the outcome of tne (Kin tangle to see what they can
    C.P.  -  357 words
  • 767 5 A Singapore girl, who, in her single days, tried many professions, from the typewriter to the stage, hut who married really well a few years back, is said to be having a thorny path in the hymena! circle, so much so that anything might happen this side of
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  • 461 6 The Weekly Sun. SATURDAY, MAY 4. A NOVEL PROPOSAL. The reform of the criminal laws at Home, especially in their application tb v youngpeople, lias been one of the most significant features in the social progress of our country during the past decade. The old method of "giving a dog
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  • 531 6 Four of Jurors Who Convicted Vac Sign Petition Others Ma> Do So. MUCH SYMPATHY SHO VN. His Mother is 80 Years Old and He h th- Only Son She Has Left. I Four members of the jury winch eonvicpd ex- Magistrate Yao Yung Zeh
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  • 552 6 A session of assize will be opened a1 Singapore, on May 14th. The Rajah of Sarawak has left London for Marseilles en route to Sarawak. Mr. Asquith has invited Field-M;u shal Nicholson to rejoin the Committee of Imperial Defence. Germany's thirteenth Dreadnought, the Koening Albert, has been
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 126 6 If I 111 m r L XXSD SWIMMER BRAND. NATURAL MILK. S wimmer brand milk is a milk W hich will satisfy anyone who I s desirous, to get a first class sterlized M ilk which (owing to its flavour, cream and price) is M ost fit to become the
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    • 30 6 ARE YOU PARTICULAR? You know quality, demand value We supply only Wines and Spirits of choice quality. Garner Quelch&Co. BATTERY ROAD, SINGAPORE. AND AT SHANGHAI, HONGKONG AND LONDON. 6 1
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  • 2307 7 New Premises Opened in Raffles Place. The New Premises in Raffles Place which have been in course of erection for the past eighteen months for Messrs. Katz Brothers, Ltd. are now completed, and the internal fittings are in place and a large quantity of stock is
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 239 7 A TOKEN OF GRATITUDE. TO THE MANAGER" THE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE CO. LTD., SINCAPORE Dear Sir, I desire to thank you for the prompt settlement of my claim against your Company arising out of the death of my son, Yeow Cheng Lee, which occurred on the 16th February. He was
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  • 429 8 ACCUSES POWERS OF DESINGS ON CHINA. 1 Pointed Charges are Made in Article in Peking Daily News. THE LOAN SITUATION Russia Said to be Playing Lone Hand and Will Back Belgians. Peking April 4. -The Peking Daily! Sewn, generally considered to be an official,' organ*, discusses at great length in
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  • 1093 8 Defendant Testifies, Declaring he had no Knowledge that the Arrest was Illegal. i The case against Captain Tsen Chien Hiing, charged with complicity in the -bdtlction of ex-Salt Commissioner Chen Yu-lin, was concluded in the Superior court it Nantao Friday afternoon and Judge!
    China Press  -  1,093 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 88 8 To Business Men. A new departure in Insurance. We offer insurance against p^lp^^l the loss of your most valu- il able possessions, your let--11 T- 1 ters, correspondence and I) ta I other records. In the! 1 __^J eYe ?t of these being burnt,! their loss would be irreparI 2-
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    • 617 8 WATERBURY'S m Metabolized Cod Liver Oil Compound WITH CREOSOTE AND GUAIACOL OR PLAIN. I mmmmmmm mmmmmm wmmmmmm Q Metabolize*! Does Allay Fermentation Does Aid Digestion Does Assist Assimilation I j^~^y^ But Does NOT Disturb the Stomach. I 'Is^fc^^ R 000 irvnV Mttuwttl y^Ys^ A scientific preparation of COD LIVER OIL,
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  • 413 9 Cantonese Troops Turned Out, Many Arrested and Some Executed. small outbreak occurred among a detachment of about 1,000 Kiftngai troops stationed on the line of the Nanking City Railway late Thursday night, according to ad vices received from Nanking yesterday, hut did
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  • 205 9 Drastic Action May be Taken Following Receipt of Official Advices 1 iptain Superintendent of Police C. D uce stated yesterday that action in the e of the kidnapping of ex-Salt Commits ioner Cheng waits upon a reply to thi re [aett of the
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  • 419 9 Charge That Former Salt Commissioner Was Abducted By The (General's Own Men. His efforts toward the release of Mr. C. Cheng, ex-Salt Commissioner of Hangchow, who was kidnapped from the Settlement a week ago, have done nothing more tor General Cheng, the
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  • 184 9 There is an abundance of evidene tha t the Chinese people are taking an interest in politic* add in the public welfare which ia almost unprecedented. The advent of the Republic has been marked by the formation of a very large number of societies of a certain utilitarian
    C.P.  -  184 words
  • 1302 9 Tell of calls he Made on Premier Tan; Shao-yi and Dr. Sun Yat Sen. uln China the present is obscure, anc the conditions which exist here are verj gi*ave. Americans, and the graduates ol American universities should express the heartiest sympathy in
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  • 280 9 should know The troubles with multitudes of girls is a want of proper nourishment and enough of it. Now-a-davs they call thi3 condition by the learned name of Anemia. But words change no facts. There are thousands of girls of this kind anywhere between childhood and young ladyhood. Disease
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  • 337 9 ASK DR. WU TING-FANG DEFEND BANK MANAGER. Requests to General Cheng Have Failed to Secure Sung Han Chang's Release. All attempts to secure the release of Manager Sung Han Chang of the Bank of China, who ia hel^J on charges of falsification of records by the Military Governor having failed,
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  • 326 9 1 Roof Garden Will not be Open to the Public Until Next Month. Apparently there was n<> hard times nor any signs of impoverishment amongst the j Chinese community yesterday when over 3,000 theater goers crowded into the New Theatre near Nanking Hoad.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • 595 10 DIPLOMATS TO SUPPORT ATTITUDE OF CONSULS. Agree as to Necessity of Maintaining Inviolability of the International Settlement. NANKING COUNCIL MOVES. m m Japan Specifies Special Interests io Joining Loan by the Banking Group. Peking, April 9.— The diplomatic bodj has considered the arrest of Manage! Sung in Shanghai and has
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  • 661 10 m Matters here have gone along smoothly since my letter of yesterday. Woou 3,000 B oldiers are quartered ptincipally in the K m at district, while Linj's men continue |n their quarters in the Police Court buildugs, several new housen on the road to the railway station,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 15 10 Dr. FURDMOTO, JAPANESE DENTIST. 98, North Bridge Road. Best treatment available in Singapore. Reasonable terms.
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    • 246 10 BEHN, MEYER CO., LTD. j Engineering Department, I SINGAPORE. REPRESENTATIVES FOR: FRIED. KRUPP a.g. I GRUSONWERK. I RUBBER MACHINERY I Latest Design. Hand or Power Driven. Complete Installations of Factories. Roller Washing and 1 Rinsing Machines can be inspected at our office. j ©UR DRESSING PLANT I For the Treatment
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  • 311 11 Invitation of Yuan Shib-k ai to Join' the Republic of China is Accepted. TO PROTECT RELIGION. Suggests That President Refer Matter to Interested Powers For Settlement President Yuau proposes *o instruct the board of finance to engage a foreign advisor and rejust financial affairs so
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  • 344 11 Gen. Cheng Causes Arrest of Several Men Accused of Outrage. The first definite clue given the police since the kidnapping of Cheng Cfhung-yu, ex-Salt Commissioner of Hangchow, as to the whereabouts of the former official and his captors was taken up yesterday. The
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 307 11 Aii Eastern Company for the Extern People BCTTTBj In SU I I Bk X*F I" DB I Cl I 0 ■_Hlf E fi K wL mJ a f BM BO B>^ W HEAD OFFICE:- SINGAPORE. LIBERAL POLJmES. LOW RATES. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. G. A. DERRICK Esq., Messrs. Derrick YOW XGAS
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    • 426 11 Jodelite Registered. The Great Timber All kinds of soft timber, such as serayah, are, after treatment with Jodelite, permanently protected against attacks of white ants, dry rot and decay. Protection of Para Rubber Trees. After pruning the trees apply a thin coat of Cold Jodelite to the wounds with an
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  • 696 12 i» i m m m Slkb wit Is a Britisl Sikject Held for Hoars by Miltttrf Authorities, CONSULS f AIE ACTION. Premier Tang Skae-yi Wires Ftcti to Peki e aid PraalsM 11s AssiiUice. Sotous complications will probably follow the latest ease of kidnapping ever perpetrated
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  • 335 12 Ntw Commissioner to Close Dens and Puish Smokers A New Agreement. Mr. Shay Ying, the Commissioner of Opium prohibition, appointed by President Sun Wen in Nanking, came to Shanghai last week with Tang "Shno-yi and his party. He haa been staying at
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  • 548 12 Handsome Coach Toned Out By Woosung Shops of ShaoghaUßaikiig Line. ANOTHER ONB IS BUILDINO. It Will be Put Into Service Aboat Too Days, Giving Night by l*rvl«e\ Hie first sleeping car ttrntd ett at the Woofling shops of the Shanghai-Hanking Railway Company was pulled
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  • 561 12 Cftptafa Tf m Chlcn Cbing, Co«* aiaoder of Yo Chi Corps is the I Deftidtnt POLICE TELL OF EVENT. Prisoner Will Tull of Failure of $«p#rl«f Offlcef to Qlrm' Instructions. The first tried growing out of the seizure of ex-Balb Commissioner Chen Yu-lin
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  • 147 12 "Ever hear of a burglar breaking into a Chinese laumdry, do you?" inquired the gentleman witk a~ prison record. "I should think not. The laundry Chinese always have money in the house, but a crook has a lot of respect for hot irons. "I'd rather be shot with
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 108 12 COMPLETE AND QUICKEST RECOVERY. Against Asthma, Cough, Consumption and ALL AFFECTIONS OF THE CHEST. THROAT. AND LUNQS BY 1 s ]rC elixir antias thmatiqhe pulmonaiie r^\ Registered f^ C^ Hp pa^ m^j /sw3Pfa on'th^i l6^ 11 e n^ r^tic preparation is based fa, sl^^2k J ?t wi?l bactenol of.ic experiences.
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    • 265 12 ADVERTISEMENTS. M. R. K. MIHAHED NHRMI ft M. GENERAL MEttHAW. Boots, Shoes, Shirts, Ties, Hit?, Collars, Hosiery and General Goods. 86-88, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD 8-7 For Sale* The British Steam Launch M Busgft M built in 1906. Length 60 feet. Breadth 13.5. Depth 5.5. Grogs tonnage 10.85. The vessel i?
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 260 13 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NVIAGATION CO., LTD. APCAR LINE. mentioned mail n of I aaintain .1 regular lendcc betw< I Japan, calling at Penang, Sn 1 of and Shanghai route. FLEET. tona. Commander. 8,013 rt, r 4. iio<> j. j:. Drake. i lisoo ti. F. Hudson. fttning 3,300 r. M. Au«tii
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    • 423 13 KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSGHAPPIJ. (ROYAL DUTCH PACKET COMPANY.) I NDER COSTRACT WITH TIIK N ETfilfcJtL A3D6 India G NtEST. Agents at Singapore The Ships Agency, Ltd.. 2-3 Collar Ouay. MAIL TABLE APRIL 29TH TO MAY 11TH, 1912. lii«' ui»»l«'nnpnti«nip(l <lutos are only approximate. Stkamsuii'. Prom Expected. Will be Desp;iti i. -i
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    • 205 13 THE POPULAR BRAND. MACKIE'S T IAMGLEDmSEEYEII SOLD EVERYWHERE. THE DENTAL HALL. BRAS BASSA ROAD. UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF Or. J. IWfITSUB©. DENTAL SURGEON. (Who may also be found at 82, Bras Basah Road). Newly opened for the convenience of Patients. Treatment and workinanshiu guaranteed !<> be of the Highest Order.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 95 14 H Martell's Brandy. MxL In England more Martell's Three ///flp Y|\ Star Brandy is sold than any Illmm ™A v other Brand. ill I ill I In London more than three times l^^^^^^fl the quantity of Martell's is B^^^^s so an an y ot ier ran( B^W#j bottled Brandy. OBTAINABLE
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