Weekly Sun, 27 January 1912

Total Pages: 14
1 14 Weekly Sun
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 536 1 j T Children's Shoes. C'hildreua tan calf 1 bar -lioom, strontesand Hat h+fe R i?r or^mentTT 3iae« i, >, x», JL l: Prices SI .50,52.00, 52.50, $3^oo Childre^ bUck cM l bmi fabo^, Mtrmm •oles HM| Hut keck, or, m t,,r n t. U 7. S. 'j, JO, 11, 12,
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    • 43 1 Smart Ladies' Qlaee&id Bar ghoef witta pointed t<>©I a- iilastrat.cn. smart <n<l •ranee, nio<l(- on a very c<>;nf«ntabl<? fitting last. Black or Tan. All sizes and half sizes fiom 1 to 7 r-ual pri c $4.50 p?r pair. Sa!c Price $3.85 per pair.
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  • 365 2 Though tin iijark^t m Fa: Eastern* securities we^fctii^d oi» th*. itbreA^; •of the Chioiw Eeroio*iuri, I*\ sucee««es| of the rebels )>»**• not been accompanied; by any -difipUiv «i tk-u or«;.i7i.tk»n on thjj •part of th<» Sc^i^ra of Ctunet-t bonds. Nor: lhave other ij*v»t*rr»*to-*»- uuJlVre J m
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 365 2 i Udies Diamond YOU CA GET Ui BBST SELECTIOir Gentlemen's Gold Signets at all and Gem set 0 Prices Necklaces of Newest B!i ns DIAMOND RING Pendants of every j Kind Laiits' Gem Rings T f rvW-Jfl. n Great Variety r.. c Mn Gold Scarf Pins at all Prices Geld
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    • 237 2 I PAY DAY I I Whet Does it Mean I D r\ r nutter ty rpo ,irn «-■->,- v n whrthef <'.. v worke? if B X .rno■•:11 ,< i B GB v k .if. r' v i t B 3f i •t. s a 1 X 3 17 .."f
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    • 297 2 FORD CARS. 80,000 FBRD CARS are m use to-day. 40 000 F#RO CARS were manufactured and sold during the past year. This was insufficient to supply the demand therefore V; the FORD WORKS have decided to manufacture. 75,000 GARS DURINC 1912. TrfE FORD CAR is designed m strict harmony with
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  • 2013 3 A Case m Paint. I had something to ta* ahout necessity for seefecji m the conduct „f ,-n ;i!Talrw and the utter inomnitj of the Kadicai domand Cor mitiasioa through liameatah committee :twl now maY •a "ell returi! to the mbject -ainoe it is a rv interwriug
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  • 588 3 1 r i -< i i-t- «rr»»d of the Imperial t'aiiiil\ that intimates the majority of the leader-., aithoug many of them remember I the ruthless vengeance wreaked on their relatives and tieir frieuds by order of the' late Empress-Dowager. Against the present Kiuperor -a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 102 3 I V Mi E IE CONTINENTAL MOTOR TYRES I are obtainable from 'all leading dealers at prices universal through out the S.S. and F.M.S. CONTINENTAL 3-RIBBED TYRES are specially made for the Tropics. CONTINENTAL I CYCLE TYRES I are world renowned. I OBTAINABLE KROM I Messrs. John Little Co., Limited.
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  • 1651 4 Why Copy Your Neighbour? Intimation is the sincerest form i flattery/ 1 so they say. Th?»t ie as it mbe as regards conscious rmulntion. p the fa<t that unconscious m: tion possesses a singular power for good .r evil. Ac time goes on, you will distort it
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  • 305 4 It was onvu thought that medicine was all the more b<*netirial for having nasty taste una .smell. V now know' that &uch an idea is perfect nonsense. There is no more reason why medicine should offend the sensea than why food should do so. Therefore, <>ny
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 82 4 /""""X UNCLE PLEX draws your attention V to his DUPLICATOR. X^Js^y It >vill produce with perfect ease 2to 100 V v^^^^* perfect copies of any document m one or M various colours. It wi!l duplicate HANDWRITING, TYPEWRITING. COPYING PENCIL. DO YOU WANT more tban OHC 60PX of a LETTER. PRICE
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    • 257 4 Siemens Brothers. VtANUF \CTI KEKS OF Eiectrvni Machinery, Cables Win Apparatus and Accessories tor Electric Light. rcwt? and Traction Purposes. HEAD OFFICE (mm House, Westminster. LONDON. Supplies Department Upper Thames Street. LONDON. WORKS. Stafford. Woolwich. Dalst«n. BRANCHES. Cap Town, Melbourne, Calcutta, Toronto, Bombay, Penang, Madias, Rangoon Sydney, AND Winchester House.
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    • 260 5 ing Ching a Hokien, pleaded guilty t V filing chandu without a license lt Kampoog Martin. H» S^O 'nonin. •'">e queuelesa Teooh«wfl wore fined tt or mtmi day. each, for aZ »rd«rty oondyct by i^ting n r,, pf r Ti;l <'hwe.. Hookchla, was with wasting water at public under
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    • 1020 5 I: will he r«)membered thai on the of August, 1911. a ghastly and flooded murder took place at 1 la St. Joseph, Pasir PanjangJ ere Towkay Gan Boon Chan w3b| dead on his verandah, while; Mitertaining a few friends and the urderer or murderers escaped. The M-ed*9 relatives and
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    • 516 5 Major Btanbury*s Hyiair. boy Jiangjf Sang Heng who wai convicted of theft j of a $5 note and two bad f notes from'f a irawer m the Major* room, wa* j sentenced to two months' rigorous >ra-|| prfoonment. t s For being drunk and disorderly m s Bugis Street,
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    • 422 5 Tan Koon Tek a Hokien, was fined $5* or seven days for uaing criminal force to one TaQ Pob at TanjongPagarßoad. i; Tong Hwee Ong was charged with' irilfu] trespass by entering the railway'] 'oy., premise* Keppel Harbour, at) 30 a.m. yesterday without Hatisfac-! 1 ory excuse. Accused said,
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    • 574 5 Five Hockchia Chinese, were fined $5 or seven days each for fighting in^ New Bridge Road. Yeo Siew Lee a queueless Cantonese, was charged with being drunk and disorderly at Tanjong Pagar Road. He pleaded that he was not disorderly, but quite incapable. He was ordered to pay $2
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  • 98 5 A Peking telegram received at Shanghai says that Mr. Wu Tin^fang d6es not approve of the Rescript issued by the Empress- Dowager relating to the convocation of the National Assembly. It is reported that Revolutionary troops m Anhui have attacked the Government Army and fighting is now going on. Revolutionist
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  • 725 5 AH the world's a stage, but you need to have good scenery as well as to be a good acter to get an audience. When m doubt— mind your <>vrn oumness. Very positive -men have a need of being very right otherwise tney may be very wrong. Leave
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  • 784 6 The Weekly Sun. SATURDAY, JANUARY 27. TOMMY-ROT. The (ieutle Art of ;stic Criticism. When the mere layman ventures to indulge m a little of! what he maj deem smart writing 9 .o r caustic criticism of; a drama that has gained world-! wide fame and which, m the hands of
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  • 92 6 The Tribuna reports that the re\ anue of Italy has increased to the amounl of 30 million Lires. Rumour has it that Prince Ching has secretly dispatched his valuable treasures to Russia. The Empress-Dowager has appointed Yuan Shih-kai and Prince Ching as special Ministers to persuade Princes and nobles to
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  • 355 6 On March 23rd., boat race day. an 3* ford and Cambridge dinner is coniemplated In Penang. The Portuguese cruiser Vaaco da Gawa is to greet King Georefe on hi* ItrfVftl at Gibraltar. The Kreneh aviator Lieut. Boerner fell from the height of a thousand feet at Senlis
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  • 181 6 The Passing of !!ie Third iloor Back. There lias been no falling off, lany diminution of apprecia ion ii tU« audiences thai have crowded the V toria Theatre during the work > v I nc^ the Matheson Lang Couipa S anding i kmxi only Ins her n
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 145 6 rif 1 f *j 4 t^^B^^^^^^^^^^^^^t HI |?fTT^ff^^^^Tg|-»- i w i u« .^^K^m Np tP^ ft T !c] 5 m Mil^i AID |m I P *v^. "^2B ,iijr n— i HubbrSw I! SWfM¥ER BRAND. NATURAL MILK. S wimmer brand milk is a milk W hlch will satisfy anyone vv>*o I
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    • 33 6 TRUE. You a^e.tastidtODS You know Quality, demand vafU€ Tlit i\ w«s*aa taiMfy you. Garner Qaelch&Co. i SuppiitTi tij (IhotCi tl \"t Cn'il. i BATTERY ROAD.! SINCAPIM. AND I T vSHANGKAi HONGRCKC AN;» LONDON.
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    • 51 7 Millions on the Verge of Starvation. A telegram from New York states thai the Board of Foreign missions hjm received a telegram from Shanghai. declaring that 2\i millions of people *re famine stricken. Relief is urgently needed and the Board appeals for at least fi million
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    • 53 7 Ten Million Tads Demand. A telegram from Bhang hai «t vtes 'hat the Republicans, needing funds to pay the army, demand from the China Merchants Navigation U.>. 'hctt they pfej ten million tnels. otherwise their «hips A-iil be commandered and held. Tlie Directors haveask^l t'>r time to
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    • 222 7 LOCAL STOCKS SHARES. Messrs. Dwi»>> mi Co., Stiaie ftrokar*, the Arcade, <|u<jt" the following market prices oa Xbondaj, 25tb Jauuai^r, i'.Hj. 1/ lir. Wong King Wei, recently ipnted Govertior rtf Canton, hus rcr-| i) accept the [K)Bt, pleading lack qualifications. Meanwhile he is iSßisting Dr. Wu Titisjc Pang m the
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  • 1022 7  -  Japan Herald The Downfall of the Court. China to be a Republic. A IVlcing dispatch to th* '"NiHii Niclii" ,«t;it cm tlutt on the 27tii instant, Premier iVuan and all the other %f iiiiHt<«*rw of Stat«■jointly Kubmttted lo the Thron*» memorial stating thai the p<*ophi intend to abolish
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  • 81 7  -  Japan Herald t 'hiuesr residents at New York hnid a grand celebration throughout the night of the d;iy on which l>r. tSun Vat Sen accep* ted the post as Pre^dent of the new Jlepublic \n a room «>t'th»» Chino.se Chamber i of CopHnerce, a picture
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 110 7 NOTICE. in«R HMK DRESSING NAiOON. NO. 350. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, SINGAPORE. The most iip-to-date hair-dressers En gapore. Our Saloon Kas just been opened am) the fittings are ot' the :tt"-i kind. The barbers nave had wide < cperience m the businesi and experts m cutting an«l trimming haitf m any
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    • 142 7 SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE Company. Limited. HEAD OFFICE: SHANGHAI, CHINA. CAPITAL: TAELS f, 000,000. $200,000 deposited with the Hongkong Government as a special protection for our Policy Holders. The ONLY Company Operating m the Middle East that has this Deposft. Members of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce Shanghai China. I Endowment
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  • 1346 8 "The Skipper acd tie Skipped," by, I if i>l man Day (Harper Hr New York and London There is a lot of human citararteriaation;! m t Skipper,*' drawn on broad* old-time, l sailor iineH, m the tnotit raoy aad interentingji «>V iho labt of the four stories which
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  • 195 8 If you are made of the stuff that wins, nobody can hold you back. A determined, 'gritty youth cannot be kept from success. Put stumbling blocks m His way and he takes them for stepping-stones. Put him m a log cabin m the wilderness, and we may I
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  • 51 8 The first Chinese to graduate from a school of journalism will receive his degree from the University of Missouri. He is Hin Wong. Mr. Wong was born near Canton, China. For nearly ten years he lived m Honolulu. Here lie received his elementary education, and did some reporting for Chinese
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 98 8 To Business Men. A new departure m Insurance. We offer insurance against r^pr^^l the l° ss y? Br ffloS Ya n II ill able possessions, your lets* jlL^gg^ ters, correspondence and W'm other records. In the !I! L* j event of these being burnt, 1 iiM^^^ni their loss would be
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    • 571 8 IWaterbury's Metabolized I Cod Liver Oil Compound. I ICONSUMPViuni „i iiiiii| Jzi^SZfZZ™™ Si SSfi I "Onl) h Cou«»i M l>ut you i 1 El fffl!ftßK I Pe With Creosote and Guaiacol, two valuable &T- 5 while it i.N ONLY cough. J wSMP I micidal and anti-turbercular agents fS" Jpjfrwm^ Aids
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  • 1464 9  - THE PRINCE REGENT'S U REGISTRATION. Japan Herald 1 Mr. Philip H. Potchin, the well -informed t Peking correspondent ot the Chid* f Pvp<-. send* the following interesting letter under da*.- the Bth instant The unheralded Edict from the Rrapresv j Dowager, accepting the M resignation n of!< the Prince Regent,
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  • 1671 9 The amalgamation of the Royal Ma Steam Packet Company with the Unioi Castle Line is bub one step, true a vei large one, m the process of combinatio that has been going on steadily among tti great Hritish shipping concerns for the pa* ;five or more \ears. Perhaps
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  • 66 9 Shorthaud, Typewriting, Book-keep-ing and Business methods are taught m the Commercial Department of A.C.S. Three European Instructors and two Assistants. Individual instruction is given so that time required depends on the young man's abilities and knowledge of English. A new class forming now and another about the loth
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 86 9 I A c~* fnr ofior\ t^ t* m deaoribing polftble Spirits, that it i* I iatisfaotor) to rind that jn the cu>v <,t tl 18 Whisky it i- honestly described. On tlie label rire printed tho word-. *ag« and quality guaranteed, 1 and 'very fine. Thftqualitj is oerlainly exeeilent, and
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    • 135 9 BILLIARDS THE JOHN ROBERTS' LOW SET CLIMATIC EXPRESS CUSHIONS THE EXPRESS CUSHION— is built by us on the latest slip built principles from the finest Para Rubber, which is specially prepared by a new and patented process to withstand tropical climates, and is absolutely the best cushion ever introduced into
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  • 713 10 h h v. it v [CO, m ehi Wl*,}] It 90 omen i I imagine: re h nol urdingtofthj meverj \mugm f, k Billiogsgate, I ir rot I Whii If! tha n. on r pini il i iroulated it. irtl o uei A hum f r
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 37 10 J. CHRISTIE TURF ACCOUNTANT AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT. L Attends all met meetings throughout Btrtutfl Settlements, Federated Malay States, Java :in d Bangkik, SianJ, 11, ARCADE. 1 IJ ftAPHIC ADDR] 38: TRITON/^Sn^CAPORE. IELEr'HOhL No. 186 1107. i
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    • 237 10 EHN, -.sl iER er CO., L 1 v., Engineering Department, SINGAPORE. REPRESENTATIVES FOR 6RUSONWERK. RUBBER MACHINERY Litest Design. Hand or Power Driven. Complete Installations of Factories. Roller Washing and Rinsing Machines can be inspected at our office. OUR DRESSING PLANT For the Treatment of all kinds of Ores Including Crushing,
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  • 925 11 This eyening eight men, found guilty of illicit deaJin^ m arms and ammunitions, 1 were escorted to the bund, for execution. il>y :i for.-c of over 1 00 revolutionary Boidiers. ','ivilians ne«in^ tliis large force, [thought trouble was brewing, and some of [them m trying to get away.
    Hongkong Telegrams  -  925 words
  • 242 11 The appeal which ha* been pat Xor",«rd l> the Plditorial Staff of the Christian Literature Society to the preaH »f thw country to take a sane and reap^c -i attitude towv.r h *iie ioocn*)utoui events last tew tveekti h very timolv. W»-* an enterprise
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 230 11 An Eastern Company tor the Eastern People GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. UMUED. HEAD OFFICE:- SINGAPORE. LIBERAL POLIRIFS. LOW RATES. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. 'Ut U k YO'V .V..M.V PAS ft,., tan A- Smg and TfU§ U*» I w. ■i rMft. 7 j/. OVG so6jf RPOWLIE. M. B.C. I.e. E,,,.iu, Co.
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    • 220 11 OLIVER TYPEWRITERS. r^^jHßßH^B^Sr^^^\il>»ißßhk.-.Mißiißßlfci t < ■JAfiivv, iJf<' fcft< 1 'itjti&&* *"*Ji^ Bjßßß^B^Bßft^B^B^B^B^^B^*t^K^T*^JßMt^Biß3Pßtj^^^BycSK»B»sUß^MiiMQßi^'y-^ i "•<"*t >■*">*■'>' BB Bl^->^-< 'j^ i^>t iBl Bl- ■< .s/^^BBBBBBBBBBBBBB^^^^JBBBBBBBBBBBF^tjf 'MLSjBCy*^i t^^BBBKSBKiiC'J?F^^^iSV!b'SB?ISWWB3Wy Bf HTi iv^y^BBBBBBBBBBBjBBBJ^pf i Wk' T S2» ci" L IlZ'^W lf T 7 •_<^i?R^T;.^^r" < w^ ijyy#BBac^^^BBBWWt^»B»W[BwB>^^KTiIBBBBBBBfcM > .JBB '•^.'s r'j] Pv V' VC 2wS^'*S
      220 words

  • 490 12 -i uore aUrming baiM 1 ci Tn« Beononaitt. c I!ie couccm >f *l»f TbrOOC 1 to«i arf»a of 1 roll ha sl to ci srf pr >- r- (Chii p f• »,-i rcliic letic;.- .»f noai t '.tioni-Ts arc lIJ J'»^ w j ihc Man .iiu
    490 words
  • 596 12 W: tl t peculiar •niifctio^ »i there L** ween the gelling of fish :*-d uning word* of abc<-^° V'- 1 mm".!.- r-ht r BBtT whether m hi-' or the W« fish detoltrs ;xr* ariiont,.-rf the DOfl juarreiaoine and th« mi- addi' t« w .1 at ;ib^e In
    The Burma Critic  -  596 words
  • 548 12 In the course of dOtmd and sensible leading article under thi^ heading, 7>«'Rangoon I%mfs writes <>n Monday: v Without overstating tiie ease againatj alcoh li<* l>er©rage, or indnlging m cheap herrncs or smog pvritani*m, it may be con-; js-iitly asserted that, normal good !:<ialth. the use
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  • 394 12 I f lie You grow prettier every day, darling She: 'Hrn! YcuVe been saying that |eve,r since we were married t'tree months aco. What fright I must have been then Aunt Mary (horrified; u Oood gracious Harold, fciiat would your mother say if shei hnv, \o<. HDokihg cigarettes
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  • 283 12 The e-iu-e of »r.e revolution \v Cbinu has' been rariousiy explained. Generally batred of the M J m:'><\\ dynasty has i>t?ea assign. led as the a.aii> reason for the upheaval. ITltp M World's Work," however, think* Itiiafc 'his explaiuttio a is erroneous and tint the occasion of
    Hongkong Telegrams  -  283 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 82 12 COMPLETE AND QUICKEST RECOVERY. Against Asthma, C^ugh. Consumption and ALL AFFECTIONS OF THE CHEST. 1 THROAT. AND LUNGS BY j 1 r-l ELIXIR ANTI ASTHMATIQUE PULMONAIRE y Vw D «SAULBERNARD.t.,,, fe/ a rftik i Procure immediate relief it fortifie I r V'7^%l A.-!":-.i- iSjlfffl f> ""-s consumption and il(lW?#^ f
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    • 232 12 ADVERTISEMENTS. M. N. K. MOHAMED NOORDIN CO., CENEBAL MERCHANTS. Boots. Shoes, Shirts, Ties, Hats, Collars, Hosiery and General Goods. 86-88, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. 8-7 Prof. T. C. BENC. "CHIROPODIST." The onh Corn-Cutter m Singapore/ Corns or Bunions instantly cured. Paini.kss Exn;.\< tion. Write to Xo. 10, Alexander Place. 2-\i <|
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 255 13 APCAR LINE OF STEAM KRS. Tb* «iermentk»ed mmU Keamen of above Une maintain a regular servi.v belweei cah-utt. and Japan, calling at Penan*, Sinw pore, H<mgk««g ami Shanghai en rout,. t I'ona. (^>mmander MM A. Stewart. M Oregorj ipcar 1,600 s. h. Bebon Arratoon Apeai 4,500 o. p. Hodeon Ligbtning
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    • 332 13 KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. (ROYAL. DUTCH PACKET COMPANY.) M.XX COHTBACT WITH THE NeTHEBIA.NDS India J.JVKI.VM E\f. M«ts ai siid»p«re ike snips Ageicy. Itt.. 2-3 C«llyer Oyay. MAIL TABIE-JAHOARf 18TK TO 29TH, 1912. Th.' UDiitr'n^n'ioned d;vt< i fere v approximate 'Expected. Will be Deepatefeed for:— Sailing Date. Brouwef Djarubi J M S
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 182 14 ft Martell's Brandy. JSsk, ln England more Martell's Three l/Ukl tar ran(^y s so than any llmmliii Inn other Brand. ÜBII ||y n London more than three times the quantity of Martell's is sold than any other Brand of OBTAINABLE FROM ALL DEALERS. Hill! I I Solle A^ ents for
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