Weekly Sun, 6 January 1912

Total Pages: 14
1 14 Weekly Sun
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 436 1 WHFTEAWAY, -LMBLAW CO., WD.[ HfNr; *l CSVIUAH TOPEE. !M'i»[. i >>Wt flH OR KHAKI DftlLf.. EXTRA. bAfiGF SHAPK. UJVHI wmv vr r ik< I lon. i Price $2.25 Each.fe GO., Lib M. /r^A SPttIAL IiNES IN MEN'S WAiittH VESTS. 7[f^ir^Y^7f[r ERENCH BRACES. ;J f^|, V .i.-r\." th* Hast. thin *t.i
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 274 2 I NDKIt THE MOST i>i«Tißm-i-m-:i> i'atkonage of T.^S.;& R. H. !»rince 6c Princess of Peek. NEW YEAR PRESENTS. find Jewels, Plate "d most reliable U8 Novel Ornaments f: by for V]| "W Think Diamonds, '^L But very (air prices jm Rubies, tmcralds g foi the reason ,J& Sapphires are too
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    • 364 2 J. CHRISTIE TURF ACCOUNTANT AND j GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT. jAttends all race meetings throughoutj Straits Settlement?. Fed^mt^d Malay States, Java wA Bangkok. Siam. 11, 7RCADE. Telegraphic ai/i>klss: "TRITON," SINCAPORE. Codes: A. 13. C. sth Edition and Western Union, TELEPHONE No. 186 1107. Dr. FDRDMOTOT JAPANESE DENTISI. 98, North Bridge Road.
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    • 300 2 mmm^r^^^mmV ■Hi k^W mwSmV *^L^mmmmf 80,000 FORD CARS m m use today. 40 000 FORD CARS were nfenuftfttned Md sold dunn- the past year. This was insufficient to supply the demand therefon the FORD WORK& have decide.! to manufacture. 75,000 CARS DURING 1912. THE FORD CAR is designed m strict
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  • 913 3 »r. Friday a serious fire broke out at In-hatan, the water poi ice station, a steam tanch and a junk being entirely destroyed. I c tire originated m a matshed and spread with such ripidity that over 100 matsbeds irerc totally destroyed, and it was only' t;- r
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  • 759 3 The Situation Describe! A correspondent from the North son Js to the Hongkong Diily Press the fallowing account of the st;*te of nft'.iirs on the Yangtszt* <«enert*l lAb%, the commander of the Itevolutionarv Forces, entered Nanking at 11 o'clock on Saturday morning, I > j ce.u jber 2«
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  • 760 3 The property mnrket m sinii-ipore during 191 1 appenr> to have exhibited a continuation of the previous ve»r> >!nckne>s ;no very large gales have taken place ;md the transactions have bpen fewer tlian hi any receot peruni. Prices, however, m connection with
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  • 66 3 Shorthand, Typewriting, Book-keep-ing and Business methods are taught tin the Commercial Department of A.C.S. Three European instructors and two Assistants. Individual instruction is nriven so that time required depends on the young man's ahilities and knowledge of English. A new class forming now and another about the 15th
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 76 3 ffi B___ _____>__l _P__S_____________§K -E________r______i _______^He _9___ ___K____^r r I r CONTINENTAL MOTOR TYRES, I mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmaammmmmmrmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmm^ CONTINENTAL Motor Cycle Cycle Tyres. Prices on application. Through all dealers and Garages at prices universal throughout the S.S. and F.M.S. i i i I New price list No. 8 honvarded on application. I
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  • 1724 4 Like the witches m Macbeth, one of| ill youthful Pens, and the b.\uer oi au! hoiKMtred name, <eenis. by In* <> vn tool-, hardy fact*, lo d nothing but stir up troable m the bo*Am of his t "unity. Married to one of our prettiest .md
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  • 311 4 Ist December. Vn Imperial Edict is issued forgiving Sun Pao-ehi, (Governor of shantung, for 'a his defection and his temporary adherence to tlie republican party. Revolutionary canvassers are massacred m Manchuria and the Hunghutze open w ir lon the authorities. >/ Purple Hill at Nanking is taken by
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 19 4 I Perfect GLAZE and' SUPERIOR oTREN&TH I I /ft r\anffgun&e^s\u\ i I VJ#ldrain"pipes^UJ:-I I STOCKED I I U-^ SINGAPORLJ
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    • 269 4 Siemens Brothers. MAN U FACT I KEHS OF flectrical Machinery, Cables Wires, Apparatus and Accessories tor Electric Light, Power and Traction Purposes. HEAD OFFICE^ Caxton House, Westminster. LONDON. Supplies Department I Upper Thames Street. LONDON. WORKS. Stafford. Woolwich. Dalston BRANCHES. Cape Town, Melbourne. Calcutta, Toronto, Bombay, Penang, Madras, Rangoon Sydney,
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    • 430 5 A h;i i! -starved Hockchia named X ft ing V j. was arrested for breaking into th<* furniture house of Mr. A. Franks torj Itreet, and stealtable value ;i therefrom. ln*as applied for a postponeTil en t till .he 4th to, enquiries. I-, ng V ii Hing a Hookchia,
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    • 371 5 For causing two cocks to tight at Malabar Street, a young queuelema itonese named \ab A Fati was tin I *1 seven days. Chan Fook a queiieleas Cantonese, was fined $2 or thre« I tya for gambling pakow m public liorong Krian. A you u r queuelesa i iba
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    • 602 5 Verapan a Ta:ni! bullock-cart owner, was lined $*> 1W causing a laiß9 bullock to be forked m a cart. For being di< orderly, creating a disturbance and fighting with each other m a brothel m Praser Street, three llockiens Ng Sdd, (Mian Chin Cho and Chan Chow, were each
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    • 122 5 1 An elderly Teorliew named Lee Ah; jToo, was yesterday charged before) Mr. Firmstone m the District Court,with having gone into a tongkang, that was moored m the Singapore river; < inear the Ice works, and attempted toI steal a pillow box belonging to a Teojchew named Tan Ang
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  • 494 5 < k till tl»e nunab^ri, nine is p^rhtfpa the nu»-t interesting. In literature it fiirures; prominently. We have tbe Nine Musn> nid the Nine Itivers of Hell. Milton, spanking of the fallen angels, saY s "Nine times the space that mea^uro day and night. To mortal men,
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  • 530 5 (Ftom flit I f fn* fluff l.i<ihi j The existence of the BHtfcfo Kmpni- ilargely dependent on he Mercantile Marine, which has an aggregate tonnage of] 20,000,000 valued at uhovt £400,000,000 \(';xi lusive of cargo afloat) and much larger .j than t tie .Meiv.-mtiie Marino of all
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  • 413 5 A Rosebush m :i garden at Freiburg covert ninety -nine squire yards and bean 10.000 buds! The Great North Se.i fishing-ground known as tin* Dogger Banfc i* <-stim:it«.i to yield an annual inct»me or £600 a uv mile. Ii has been- decided t«> ou 'd i C .:<>
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  • 601 5 De of no -iris'in. Wait! Wait:. Oe> it r*eif. This from Harvi-d. Butler- -"I- il £a»r r ;jji n#ord?" M'l.ord Y^irigpopis^ rinfti nave his I. i'»P .v- r M>* vtnmgeJ < i a-'Sn c H i >w. The young<t«fr came (In the* rir«: »»f the nooth J> ron
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  • 39 6 A Peking telegram says that 20,000 Revolutionists at Shansi are intending to proceed to Peking. The ringleaders jin Kan have gone over to the Revolutionary army with 3,000 men and, appear to be intending to attack
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  • 50 6 General Fen^ Kuo-ohang has been I pointed the Tartar General of ongolia. It is considered that the anchu Court has sent Tuan Chihlei and Feng who have been victorious central China to Mongolia for thej irpose of strengthening the base of c Manchu Court m the future.
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  • 202 6 A Wuchang dispatch received at Shanghai states that Li Yuan-hung and Ithe combined Revolutionists at Wuchang are decidedly opposed to the preservation of the Mauchu Court. Li; Yuan-hung strongly advocates a repub-l lican government m principle, but does' not desire further bloodshed, and m
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  • 223 6 The Weekly Sun, SATURDAY. JANUARY 6. GENERAL LI YUAN HUNG. The now famous General Li Yuan Hung; Commander-in-Chief of the Republican army m Central Ohirfa was born m Tokio, 12 June, 1872. He is therefore now 40 years of age.j His father is a Cantonese mer-j chant trading m Osaka;
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  • 285 6 respondents m China of the! Ananias species were absolutely disgraceful m the highest I degree. It appears that the samei tsort of thing is going on at the .present time. A gentleman with! |an impossible Scotch name has[been sending to Manila the [grossest exaggerations of the! situation. The
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  • 537 6 England Las v >n the second test match at Melbourne. m According m a Johore Chinaman Europeans lose $250,000 a year at tinrambling tables. A Victoria Gro**, awarded m the m Boer war, with f-Mir other medals, •ealise 1 £?0 at Messrs. Sotkeby's fast It has heen
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 123 6 n x^ q i >• 1 ill I Q, ..ML y irjffih^' 1 B I "LANCET" REPORT, I I 25//? November 1904. I I Misleading term^ ar so often used I I m Jescrihing potable Spirits, that it is I I -atist'aeTory to find thmk m the case t>f I
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    • 38 6 TRUE. You are fastidious about Wibcs You know quality, I demand < Then •> c :.n ferttihly y^u. Garner Quelch&Co. N '"/'/''"'V > nf t'i»>jt<u )i tti> nnhf. BATTERY ROAD, SINGAPORE. AND AT SHANGHAI, HONGKONG A S I) LONDON. L 1
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  • 1933 7 At first thought it seems strange to hear A an inhabitant of the sea being provided with a light, but such is the fact, and there j are many other curiosities about ars startling to be found deep down m that vast watery
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  • 226 7 Amuse your friend? by telling them their j L-haracter by their finger-naiU. Kroad nails are said to indicate a. gentle nature,, nnd persons possessing them are. inclined to I be timid and bashful. Those \tho h ,ye red and .spotted nails have a desire to com- j
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  • 112 7 An amusing incident occurred m the Royal Opera Warsaw, tty permission of the commanding ontcer number of Itmeian soldiers were engaged as M supers, to take the part of Spanish soldiers. No sooner had that they oonie on the st;ii;e than they saw a general sitting m the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 99 7 THt SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE Company, limited. HEAD OFFICE: SHANGHAI, CHINA. CAPITAL: TAELS 1,000,000. 5200,000 deposited with the Hongkong Government as a special protection for our Policy Holders. rhe ONLY Company Operating m the Middle East that has this Deposit. Members of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce Shanghai-China. Endowment Policies and
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  • 227 8 One of the largest fee* evpr p;ii<l to <i member of the medical profession has just been received by a young London surgeon. Two nonthf ago the doctor was summoned to India to attend the Maharajah of Nepal, one of the chief Princes of India whose provinef King
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    • 34 8 Siberian Railway Traffic m Danger. A telegratp from Peking states that 700 soldiers guarding Loochow Arsenal have mutinied. It is feared that they will hold up the Siberian Railway traffic 1m
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    • 24 8 Reuter*s correspondent at Peking states that Yuan sin Kai luts obtained three mil lien Uiels from the Empress Dowager.
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    • 57 8 IMPERIALISTS LEAVE HAN YANG. An Armistice Renewed. News from Hankow states thai the Imperialist* have evacuated Hanyang talcing their artillery with them and have entrained for \ho DOrth. General Li YuanSheng has promised thatiie will not occupy the positions vacated hy the Imperialists as the armistice is now being observed,
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    • 185 8 LOCAL STOCKS SHARES. llessrs. Dftviesjmd Co., Shaie Brokers, the Arcade, (juot«' the fptlbwinji market prices >n Thonday, 4t!i -hmuan, 1012, v»/ Buyers Sellers. L.40 g !j™*** 7? yvl S° lek J SB* t[ U) *>" S SiffS •>\ RSS gr B- W iL K'lt^ m OjangkatSerdang 5 10 .m. g£
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 378 8 flglg^rgi Roneo Perfect Sfl^l in^ Systems 2SS Steel Filing Cabinets. Steel (Jabinets are dust, rust and vermin prqo afford eHiriiMit protection against fire. Drawers never shrink or swell. Tin heavier you load them the easier they run. fimff&mdfifa Roneo Copier, t\w onl; iHsSSSHI jf^ p.'llrcl liicllhx! of |)1( 4S< A
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    • 571 8 WATERBURY'S A Metabolized Cod Liver Oil Compound WITH CREOSOTE AND GUAIACOL OR PLAIN. 1 Does Allay Fermentation Does Aid Digestion Does Assist Assimilation J^^L^ 1 But Does NOT Disturb the Stomach. *is»X*^ >^>v A scientific preparation ol COL) LIVLR C)LL, m. •^rsssns&zs I Jw7\\ I^W\ entirely superseding the old-fashioned emulsions.
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  • 1115 11 UNCONSTITUTIONAL CONSTITUTIONALISM. The actions of the Constitutional pflrty! m seriously hampering foreign shipping, n [peacefully carrying on trade m the waters'a of China, cannot but be viewed with grave 'a concern by ali the well-wishers of the w [Revohitionary movement. -,t 1 nnumerable instances have come to light c lof
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  • 214 11 < >ne pv.rson m LoDdoo, ftt least, i" k \i'ju-lv following the efforts of Mr \Y».i Ting* I fang at Shanghai, where lie is th*» Chineae Foreign Minister. Tint pen <n i*« Wi 'J'iuu'--1 fang*« only s;n, \t)i > is a i.-w ttodeoi X Kecently he won
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 231 11 An Eastern Company for the Eastern People GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. HEAD OFKICK:-- SIXCJAPORE. LIBERAL POLICIES. LOW RATES. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. 4. DERRICK' E*£ Memr*. Derrick A. I>. ALLAX A\ 7 Jf«t«f«. McAU*t* A. 11. FAIR, /:>'/.. Mann,,,,,., Director. VOW NG AN PAN M^., of Mr*«rs. Lo) rETER
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    • 115 11 Tansan The Gold Medal Mineral Water, certified by authorities to be highly beneficial to health, especially m the tropics. Tansan is a particularly crisp and invigorating* mineral water Packed m cases of 100 splits or 48 pints. Buchanan's Whiskies Are all matured and bottled m Scotland. We guarantee our stocks
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  • 1435 12 By. C. L. The Kin- > Speeches. li.* latest addition to my book- *h fives, ifi t he shape c: Q courteous "presentation copy from it* publisn«Ts {William* and Noi^ate), m a .l-^oT«»red, goMen-crown-embossed, and handsomely printed voluiiif entitled "The Kingt-. His People. s^i«ss ,the Speeches »n\
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  • 980 12 k was the Friday pay-day, and t he wor>rie<l, shabby-looking proprietor of "The Weekly Wail," after n hand to hand encounter with the manager of the bank, regarding what he termed his celestial >>v.»rdraft, because of its tendency to keep ever mounting upwards, had at last emerged
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 112 12 COMPLETE AND QUICKEST RECOVERY. Against Asthma, Cough, Consumption and ALL AFFECTIONS OF THE CHEST. THROAT. AND LUNGS A POUMOFOR j igrtT EUXIR ANTI ASTHMATIQUE PULMONAIRE >V^ DR SAUI BERNARD. t^« M rt Xtlltfil^>* Tllif ex I cellentandenerg ticpre P arationis based L i <>n tlle latest bacteriologic experiences, [n use
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    • 21 12 Prof. T. C. BENG. "CHIROPODIST." CWn-CuttfM\ Bad coins i H stanth cured, Painh'ss Kxtraction Write to No. 10, Ale^ancfer Place, Siugnpore.
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    • 226 12 ADVERTISEMENTS. M. N. K. MOHAMED NOOROIN CO., CENERAL MERCHANTS. Boots, Shoes, Shirts, Ties, Hats. Collars, Hosiery and General Goods. 86-88, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. 8-7 AH LOCK, CHOP KWANC SENC, TAILOR AND OUTFITTER. Fine Assortment of Tweeds m Stock. White Suits made to Order, Price $3 44, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. 8-7
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 265 13 rrtSV -1 I' S^ APCAR LINE OF STEAM KRS. rs of i Ih'l-N r ser^ v k. k\ Penaftg, Sin._M. •I Bhanglia it.-. M FLEET. < "'MllD.iMl.li-r 6,013 Si, a .rt. X 00 >. 11. i:,.Uon. ss i A)-. ,ir 4,500 r. Hudson. (l <» I. Smith. B 1,700 L
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    • 370 13 KONINKUJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. (ROYAL DUTCH PACKET COMPANY.) I'MIKR Co\TK\rrviTH THK NBTHKSLANDfI T^.'DIA GOVERNMKNT. Aoents at Singapore The Ships Agency, ltd.. 2-3 Collyer Quay. MAIL T\BLE JANUARY IST TO 12TH, 1912. Fhe undermentioned <lat^s ai»' «>n]v approximate. STLAMSHii'. From Expected, Will he Dfp^atched for:— lamphitli Batavia .i t)I l Kelawan-Deft J*u.
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    • 213 13 THE POPULAR BRAND. EVERY BOTTLE NUMBERED TO PREVENT FRALD. BB^fl^^^^B k- Bit c.^ f"^ SOLD EVERYWHERE. THE DENTAL HALL. BRAS BASSA ROAD. UNDKR THE SUPERVISION OK Dr. J. IWATSUB©, DENTAL SURGEON. (Who may also )>c found at 82, Bias Basafa Road). Newly opened tor the convenience of Patients. Treatment and
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 118 14 l|*>i| X~l.C*l Ivll o JL^-JI ClllUj s v^Sk England more Marteil's Three ///lsw \\X Star Brandy is sold than any /j^jU/J m\ other Brand. i IB if llli n on^ on more than three times rS^B^^H c 4 uan tity of Marteil's is sold than any other Brand of bottled
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