Weekly Sun, 28 October 1911

Total Pages: 14
1 14 Weekly Sun
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 487 1 et^^""" PHf WH PAPER PWIfl BOOKS \\V^J Jt removes dust Jy^ smuts* and grease V v^j v «ize of book. iCAKZaOH." «H inchrs. lil f) JrP Price 20 cent re*®' Per book. WITH MIRROR PRICE 50 CENTS EACH. REFILS 12 cents each. WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW CO., LTD., SINGAPORE. THE HYGIENIC TOOTH
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    • 26 1 CONCENTRATED fl PERFUMES. m I Without Spirit In all the 1)*-* < >dours, and f:»r more lasting "^«&ll**SlßL_ than Perfumes COBtoitilllg Spirit. PRICE 95 CENTS PER BOTTLE.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 398 2 BILLIARDS THE JOHN ROBERTS' LOW SET CLIMATIC EXPRESS CUSHIONS THE EXPRESS CUSHION is built by us on the latest slip built principles from the tinost Para Rubber, which is specially prepared by a new and patented process to withstand tropical climates, and is absolutely the best cusbion ever introduced into
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    • 130 2 J. CHRISTIE TURF ACCOUNTANT AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT. Attends all race meetings throughout Straits Settlements, Federated Malay States, Java and Bangkok, Siam. 11, ARCADE. Telegraphic address: "TRITON," SINCAPORE. Codes: A. B. C sth Edition and Western Union, TELEPHONE No. 186 1107. SINGAPORE MOTOR GAR CO. 215 216, Orchard Road. Telephone
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  • 1535 3 Services Appreciated. remembered thai when .\d\j received hit wound* as the n-sult »tnh outrage. Hi. Kxeflh-n.-y n mouth tick leave from the tlii-'uuii Hie Viceroy. Hi* iied the other d ty, His Excel finds that iiis lecovery is not omplete, nnd lie has aecordin u U ,i memorial
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  • 818 3 J'lillC^ I'll Lut) Ml I ".We Tsfli T-f-h liavej betta ordered t«> adopt a c v u:v ot ri_;id [economy in the expenditure* of the laiipeiial Household and of tin* I.l. run off Chtnsinef) ?l>ev are to net, however, in. concert writ) i ti.«' President* of these two!
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 91 3 'SPECIAL CC'iTJNErJT AL' H MOTOR CAR j OWNERS I should not buy I New Tyres 1 before the I FIRST DAY OF I I NOVEMBER! I I On this day our 1 NEW P tICE LIST NO. 8| I will be published I CONSIDERABLE I j REDUCTION I I in
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  • 1659 4 We learn that the Peking Government iuiv decided to make n neu move in nluiMtioil. It is- over tliirtv veais sin<-e first the aut horities in Pekiug sanctioned the sending of students abroad for a Western education and the time was not ripe. The first hatch i
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  • 115 4 Brigadier-General S. 11. Rice, 8.E., the new Chief Engineer at Aldershot, was the inventor of the circular blockhouse which ultimately became the standard pattern in South Africa and was used by Lord Kitchener for offensive a* well -as defensive purposes in the war The
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 243 4 I For VV.: :-V; 1 Perfect Glaze and superior Strength I I x V'' USE I ■/f A'^NEEGUNGE" 111 DI^ AIN PIP^ S I m I I oULI AUtN I o pv^ml^j-% I I SHARPEIROSS&.G.LT?, SINGAPORE.! INTENDED SAILINGS. STRAITS STEAM SHIP COMPANY, LTD, 2 l\TK\m:i> n» Sail BTKAMBB KkoM SIX«APORI
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    • 116 4 Siemens Brothers. MANIFAC'H 111 |;v Electrical Machinery, Cable? Wires, Apparatus and Accessories tor Electric Light Power and Traction Purposes HEAD OFFICE Caxton House, lestiinster LONDON. Supplies Department Upper Thames Street, LONDON. I WORKS. Stafford. Woolwich. DaMim BRANCHES. Cape Town, Melboi Calcutta, Toronti Bombay, Penang Madras, Rang) Sydney, AND Winchester House
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    • 494 5 i Vong a Hokien, was fined $10 or en days and was hound over to the peace for three months in surety <>f $25. for using criminal to Koh A Kga brothel keeper 7 Tan Quee Lan Street. InMeredith in asking his Wor- i hind the accused over said
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    • 703 5 Vlohamed Kasim a Malay, with Paly tic hands, was arrested on the of abetment of theft of £K0 rv and clothing to the value of D, property of one Haji Mohamed eh, of No. 24-2 Sumbawa Road. tor Meredith applied for a week's nement for enquiries.. Bail was SI.
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    • 535 5 Pakiri Pillay Tamil syce, was fined i £i:> or twenty-one days for cnielty t<> < a 16 year <>ld pony, weak and quite j emaciated. Aniat a Malay syce, for the |i same offence was fined $10 or fourteen days. Ajlg Tua and Tan Tee were fined $5' or
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    • 999 5 Chua Low Chve a Hokien hoy, aged L2 years, was thi> morning charged >ei >re M i*. Finnstone, District Judge. Ai'.ii eausing hurt to a HyUm boy tamed Leo Joon Tan J aged l4y ©art, by neans <>t' a knife. The latter was atab^ >ed by the accused just
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    • 243 5 For taking two cents from a Chinese hawker, a Malay named Mat bin Long, was sentenced to six months' rigorous imprisonment, by Mr. Firmstune yesterday in the District Court, dn a charge of theft he was also ordered to be under Police Supervision for two years, after his release
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  • 660 5 The case concerned a will, and an Irishman was a witness. Was th* 4 deceased," asked the lawyer, "in the hahit of talkingto himself when alone?" "Oi don't know," was the reply. 'Come, come, you don't know, and yet you pretend that you were intimately acquainted with him
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    • 22 6 Thf L»Lratn>nv ure taking military and Commissariat precautions at "Peking and Tientsin, where liistnrbanceM are feared. 1 m
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    • 101 6 Imperial Troops Defeated. A Peking Erfiet ha« been issued bJmJi «'ompassionates the people of the IVowneesif afllicted with drought and rebellion and A :i<si^:is to Yuan Shi Kai Taols 200,000 to <listril>ut<» anKNsg the tvsforerm. > Tlif enntgesßeai .«t Hankow coatinoed «>n Thursda\ The r«*l»els were retnioreed,
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    • 105 6 China Seeking Loan. ut«r s corrt at Peking wire* that the f;»rf*i«^n diplomatists have m<t to consider the foreiga financial obligation* of i 'iiina. China has requested permission to post- paynenl of khe instalments of 111^ Boxer Indemnity, and is eagerly seeking loan A proclamation orders the
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    • 54 6 Renter'*! oorrenpondent at Hankow, .viring on the S Ist, states thai the v.tuaiitui is ;it present quiet The Republicans are active. Namerom gun- have been mountod on the surround" ing iiilis, whioli are strongly entrenched. There has Keen slight skirmish ing. hut •in engagement is expected on
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    • 26 6 There ate persistent report** lhat Yuan Kai rttu^r^ in set un!»s> he has supreme command orer i!m- War Minister.
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    • 43 6 Rebellion not Mentioned. Ke liter's correspondent at Peking say i hat the National Assembly at Peking hai been opened by speech from the Throne whicki «loes not mention the rebellion. I emphasises the wish to earrj on oonstitu onsJ government.
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    • 126 6 Imperial Troops Routed. A telegram from Shanghai that the British Consul there is in receipt of a wireless menace stating that the imP»'ii.ilists were defeated on tlie I'.'tli and ti«'<i on the 10th, the Kebels scoffing a biirictory, and the Imperialist*, who were led by General Tin
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    • 73 6 A telegram from Peking' says that th newspaper* have been inexplicably allowe to publish the inoNt <)e«pondent joint de> paten of Admiral 8a Okong I'ing, and th Vi MfojWsjehanfroftheAghtingat Hanko on the* l*tir. t describes Ikf lo*B aud recapture of th tation and the final inability
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    • 69 6 Will not Return to Office. A order- Yuan Shi Kai to tak< up bis duties as soon as bis health permits A Peking message^ says Yutmshih-kai' reply has been gazetted/ He says the tim If so critical that he dare not ;isk the Thron for leave,
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    • 36 6 Thn despatch courlul^s by saving that he feet is irttlfeml OOal and rice. "We re now awaiting death and appeal to the rhrOJM for the irnni*' Jiate despatch ot finchang.' 1
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    • 84 6 A despatch received by the British [jSgition is of opinion that unless Yin 3haOg ijainK :i derisive victory within a few da\>* tin* whole of th«* Yangtse Valley irill be aula/c Keuter'a mi respondent ;it llaukow smvs that there ha* l>een another skirmish at. Sevfn Mile
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    • 33 6 Shells Made of Wood. S.mim- Imperial shells have heen picked Dp uitli(»ul exploding after Wednesday's fighting and tununi out to be wood. This indication of official corruption in handicappiotf fch<» JovtMnment.
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    • 50 6 An applic-Mnn of rhn l.» t'lnnwnt to th«nl Cnglisli, Kreuolt, German ai»d .\-Mt"';iJ» til<HM'UM> for a I«>;pi )•;»< lir»'|» iretusrtl nwiug t<» Hie desire <»f the Powers to «.i.-. j neutralitv C "iHimils ha\e itsned a proi'lamation i» I riii vr lie neutrality of the
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    • 47 6 Tartar General Killed. The newly appointed Tartar General I Pang Lhan at Canton, was the victim of I Ih>iiil) outrage on Wednesday. He has jmcoaßlbed t« his wounds, and it is repotted that ten of his body guard were killed and [twenty injured.
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    • 38 6 Renter wires from Ivking thai Sintifu, 'regarded as a < Government stronghold, has i peacefully submitted to fhe rebels. Official jeircles are deeply impressed witli the secession of this historic refuse of the I Chinese court.
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    • 129 6 The u Novoe Vremya is urging the Russian Government to take advantage of the crisis in Chilli to open negotiations at St. Petersburg t\>r (he revision of the ftaaso-Cbinese treaties Mid also of the (impending arrival of Mongolian Khans who I wish to
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  • 218 6 LOCAL STOCKS SHARES. Messrs. Darim and Co., Shaie Brokers, 19 the Arcade, quote the following market prices on Thursday, 261k October, L9ll, viz $2 Trafalgar 70 80 $1 I'll i Panrfun 474 52J $1 I'nited Malacca ~ri 60 $1 United Singapore 1. 00 1.10 si» Paid. Buyers. SHlers. .15 1
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  • 179 6 The Rev. W. H. Murray of Peking has just died. He had an interesting career. A native of Port Dundas near Glasgow, he lost his left arm when nine years of age. In his early days, he became a rural letter-carrier, and while thus engaged
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  • 181 6 A Darjeeling correspondent lay* fighting is still going on between and Chines in the l>orderland lying h the two countries. Although startling h;is been he;»r«J about tin- sit from Tilii t. enquiries made from arrivals from that countn confirm I that the t'|iiiie*e tire not llAVtng time.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 151 6 APCAR LINE OF STEAMERS. Calcutta, Hongkong Japan. The Agency of the above line of steamers at this port has been transt ferred to Messrs. Adamson Gilfillan Co., Ltd., as from Ist November next. Applications respecting freight and passage should be made to the abovenamed firm. ADAsYISON GILFILLAN Co., Ltd. NOTICE.
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    • 501 6 r\ THIS IS IT! ji^f j^r^ Waterbary's Metabolized Cod Liver C5l Compound r ~,:i :.i V >IL. i>> •> nil tlv.t i sLf j ..i:>:icd oiviv.. ir:ns wliien up ;oj t 1 ,i K,V| I »:anr?i. Mij% t-^fzif I! ;ncdi :>: ifc i :v [li^SSSr II |1 y-"-' T i-i
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    • 46 7 (From <>„,- Own C(nn§mmimii Canton, Oct. 27. The Self-Control Association in anton held meeting last evening to consider what steps could be taken to safeguard their interests, and to petition the Viceroy to retain all taxes using ihe money to pay the troops
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    • 41 7 From Our Own Correspondent.) Kiang Sai, Oct. '27. It is reported that Eiukieng has been occupied by the republicans. No fighting took place Admiral Sh a Cheng Ping Is reported to have retreated to Shiu Kou Sang. m
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    • 47 7 [I Out Owtl f 'nmsjH, n'ltnf.) Peking, Oct. 27. Ten thousand Japanese troops have arrived at Fung Ting from Dalny. Two warships have left Kobe for 11 m-| kow accompanied by five destroys r m LU'iWTI'Wr. 4\ l\ VlUAUi*<»l raauJ
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    • 117 7 (hn.m Our Own CorrpHpondent.) Hongkong, Oct. "■>?. U.K. Cheng Ming Ki, is reported to have been elected President of the two provinces of Kwantung and Kwangsi. The seals of office have been handed over to him, and their is great rejoicing throughout the ountry. General Yim Cheong, commander m
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    • 74 7 One Thousand Leave Singapore for Canton. Great excitement exists among the revolutionary part in Singapore, and it ifl said, during the week, over one thousand have left these shores for Canton. Subscriptions have been raised, many of the poorer claSFe* even pawning their goods and chatteh be
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  • 141 7 Talented Company at the Victoria The Chinese conjurers arc attracting large audiences to the Victoria Theatre, where the famous Han Lien Chin| made his debut in Singapore, appearing as an eating and drinking artist b> reversions. He was accorded a c-ordia reception. The gem of the show u
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  • 71 7 Brigade Do Good Work. A fire occurred in <* jj* premises occupied by PMh« Fww Cinematograph Co on Thursday The Fire Brigade led by Mr 1 et J an his men were soon sufficient to get th fire under control, but it taxed all thw mooCM
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 165 7 THE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE Company. Limited. HEAD OFFICE: SHANGHAI, CHINA. CAPITAL: TAELS 1,000,000. $200,000 deposited with the Hongkong Government as a special protection for our Policy Holders. The ONLY Company Operating in the Middle East that has this Deposit. Members of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce Shanghai-China. Endowment Policies ana
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  • 442 8 The Weekly Sun. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 28. THE REBELLION IN CHINA. 1 lie serious development ol the situation at Hankow is one which calls tor drastic action on the part of the Peking Government. To those who have followed the course of events during the last three years the present outbreak
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  • 342 8 I. Three great naval Powers have made this year memorable for its naval reviews. Britain had hers in the Coronation week, France and Germany have hoth had theirs and the occasion may be taken for a 1 comparison of three navies. In the numbers of all classes of
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  • 427 8 A Socialistic meeting is shortly r. ibe held in Singapore. Dr. Sun Yat Sen is reported to ha left San Francisco for China. -J The Italians have occupied Benghazi, having only 22 casualties A Chinese Revolutionary journals has started publication in Singapore. There were 21 deaths in
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  • 66 8 Mr. W. A. Bean the President ol Singapore V.M.C.A. has kindly promised to give the Chinese Y.M.C.A. a Lantern Lecture on Japan and tinJapanese M in the lar^e hall of the Y.M.C.A. Stamford Road, on Saturday, November 4th, at 8 p.m. There will he no collection. Only Chinese ar« invited
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 97 8 ~^B n^n^ >^ MliHnt^n\ HH I k .f?i* iih i a |v nS f "LANCET" REPORT, November 1904. Misleading terns are often used i:i describing potable spirits, that it is satisfactory to Bnd thai in the case <»f thiu Whitiky it i- honestly described. <'n the label ;»re printed tlie
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    • 60 8 Loh's Dispensary. Chemists, Druggists and Opticians, (Wholesale and "Retail). 108, South Bridge Road, SINGAPORE. TELEPHONE NO. 429. TELECRAPHIC AODRESS LOH, SINGAPORE. Depot for all kinds of Patent Medicines, Toilet Requisites, Perfumery, Medicated Wines, Surgical instruments, Chemical AND Scientific Apparatus, Medical. Surgical and Sanitarh A muiances. SUPPLIERS TO HOSPITALS, DISPENSARIES ANDJSTATES.
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    • 77 8 A Government whip shows that it has been decided to pass the Insurance > Bill by closure and send the linem'ploy meat part to Grand Committee. The well-known and popular turf acj countant, J. Christie, of the Arcade; announces that he is now doing busi- ness for the forthcoming races.
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  • 1317 9  -  J. C. By I\\ iding a horrid book the other ing me all about the temptations j monk. Foul phantoms appeared ind tried to take away his virtue. -h'd quite successfully, but, when writing down his impressions the t round him, trying to settle "lv, he was driven t<>
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  • 386 9 I It was Mr. Meredith Towusend who, in one of the most suggestive books on the Eastern world written in our time, made many of TXs realize for the first time the appalling extent of physical calamities in China, says an exchange. Asia and Europe was
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 80 9 B. P. de Silva, fir f 2 A GOOD watch iIH jkl INA Gool > CASE B|i W d lncl "<*«d m ou. wP|L\ 4r**/li li&ve Uktn up the ne*v •Ai.'V 7 Watch. One <.ade o. 4IR J* mov mcnt only. 21'-, 32'5, 37'6, 47'6 I •.;d up, k ordinij
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    • 128 9 (Singapore Straits Settlements). (o ADELPHI HOTEL, f V^ Establihed 1863. Q Select Fireproof Residential and QQ TL ransit Hotel, Commanding tke most peaceful and attractive outlook in Singa- {>ore facing tke Catkedral and adjoining 1 tke Esplanade. < Tke recognised J>lace for tke most J^ I reckercke dinners in Singapore.
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    • 221 9 PILLS AND ECZEMA. A Proven Cure. The torturing irritation of piles (itching, bleeding or blind), eczema, and any itching jskiu complaint is allayed by the first application of Doan's Ointment and oven I stubborn cases, which have resisted other .treatment for years, quickly yield to this (healing ointment. Doan's Ointment
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  • 477 10 It will be remembered that some time ago work was begun on the construction of a new port at Hulutao, in Manchuria. The following notes on the progress that has been made in the work of development are from a report by H. 15. M'h Commercial!. Attache
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  • 409 10 The U.S. Commercial Agent, Mr. Lovett M. Wood, writes in a recent report The Impel ia l Taiwan Railway of Formosa is tc be changed to standard gauge, and that part of the line running from Taihoku Taipeh) to Keelungj 18.2 miles, u> to be Jouble-trajked
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 238 10 BEHN, MEYER CO., LTD I Engineering Department, SINGAPORE. I REPRESENTATIVES FOR FRIED. KRUPP a.g I 6RUSONWERK. RUBBER MACHINERY. I Latest Design. Hand or Power Driven. Complete Installations of Factories. Roller Washing Rinsing Machines can be inspected at our office. ©UR DRESSING PLANT i For the Treatment of all kinds of
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  • 1632 11 With the on-coming of the greel railw&i] onference in Peking tfate railway issue' ss nines if possible (greater importance j !ian it has had liitbeito. says t^ Xatiomtf] t.r'nir. AoCOrdlßg tO tllC t £ra phic eports in the daily press the kJo.ird of i \>uiiMUiiic»tions lias issue'!
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  • 184 11 Th«*re is material enough for gtattling ■-t m\ Ui the (Jnifi setting of :ir. auctioneer's catalogue of a >ai<- u-t h»- >» in London, In th«* estate of the late Li«i\ Meux there was an Egyptian mommy, whi<* i ii Said to have brought ii-;«ste» <;?i ct.il its
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 326 11 Sledge Brand Milk ti W BUPPUBD TO ALL THE J COVERNMEHT MEDICAL INSTITUTIONS I" P ftUtKATED MALAY STATES. ASK i'~<>i; 'X- SLEDGE" Natural Sterilized Milk 1 OK SLEDGE" Condensed Unsweetened Milk. I n SOLE IMPORTERS: T J. T ravers Sons, Ltd. C VO U R T BETH ARK YOUR HEALTH.
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    • 681 11 I "GUARANTEED "I I UNDER THE PURE FOOD AND DRUGS ACT, I UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. I On every bottle of Dr. Morse s Indian Root PilU sold in the United States of America there is placed an extra label, bearing a number and the word Guaranteed which denotes that
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  • 2595 12 Steamships Lost or Condemned. The returns issued by Lloyd's Register I UritMi and Foreign Shipping of vessels totally lost or condemned dorfasg the r rter ended March 191 1, and of which reports were received up to August 16. show some curious fluctuations when .pared with the
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 596 12 ADVERTISEMENTS. M. N. K. MOHAMEO NOORDiN CO CENERAL MERCHANTS. Boots, Shoes, Shirts, Tien. Ihiu (dollars, Hosiery and General Goods 86-88, NORTH BRIDOK ROAD 8-7 AH LOCK, CHOP KWANC SENC. TAILOR AND OUTFITTER. Fine Assortment of Tweeds in St White Suits made to Order, Price i 144, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD 8-7
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 52 13 tOTICE. I For Stock=Clearing Vil A! Purposes from to=™ H IT Jay and until further b notice ALL customers 1 V of the Outport i Trading Co,, The Singapore Bookstore). B, High Street, will be entitled to a "SPECIE DISCOUNT" of TWENT) PER CENT (20°\«) on al CASH purchases o
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    • 285 13 KONINKUJKE PAKETVAART MAATSGHAPPIJ. (ROYAL DUTCH PACKET COMPANY.) I'ndkk Covikwr with thk Nr*HßßLa*dg Tnuia Guvkknmkm. \gents at Singapore Ike Ships Agency, Ltd.. 2-3 Collyer Quay. MAIL TABLE OCTOBER 20TH TO 30TH, 1911. Hie ui! Ip mentioned dates are only approximate. STEAMSHIP. Fr Expected. Will be Despatched for:- Date/ n Noort BdUwaa-MI
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    • 234 13 printers, r Bookbinders, Booksellers, and v^> §tations2r§. all 0 CN KINDS I I JOB WTV^> printing {Jr EXECUTED. V Prompt Attention. \N" Good Workmanship. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 29-7 THE DENTAL HALL. NO. 1, RAFFLES PLACE. Ot>t>osite Jokn Little Co/s BvulcLng UNDER THE SUPEKVISfON OF Or. J. IWHTSUB©, DENTAL SURGEON. (Who mav
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 170 14 MARTELL'S H MARTELL'S BRANDY. Mwjf^k BRANDY. rN Great and Greater Britain 1 ill f II If A ?IF LL L I the unbounded and increasing popularity of I I Dllie and iJlIVer Label I UinTri ■PC RRANDY I Is2SPi^iißSES©i*i^§^iii I is an accepted guarantee all over the world for I
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