Weekly Sun, 21 October 1911

Total Pages: 14
1 14 Weekly Sun
  • 20 1 The Weekly Sun. GREATER STRAITS SETTLEMENTS EDITION. 126, CROSS STREET. SINGAPORE. KICK 5 CENTS. „,,q., <rni>irvv7oCToßEß 21, 1911. NO. (>l.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 443 1 SEE \A/HITEAWAY f S FOK i 43 MATKHIALS, SILKS. >,- VKLVKTS. KIW Ihe Store for Good alue. "SPECIAL, OFFERS DRE S S pEPARTME N T T~| %2y GOOIt OUALrfrDRESS PRINTJ I 'riCC >O -_P_ _^jT Nl-jy _"^g 21 A Anew washin.s: falni.- sp.-i-ially 771 k.Mutifully liru- clot!, for Ladies ||N|(lN
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 322 2 BILLIARDS THE JOHN ROBERTS' LOW SET CLIMATIC EXPRESS CUSHIONS THE EXPRESS CUSHION is built by us on the latest slip tail principles from the finest Para Rubber, which is specially pre pared by a new and patented process to withstand tropica climates, and is absolutely the best cushion ever introdnoec
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    • 118 2 J. CHRISTIE TBRF ACCOUNTANT AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT. t' Attends all race meetings throughout Straits Settlements, Federated I Malay States, Java and I Bangkok. Si am. 11, ARCADE. r 5 TKLEGRAPHIC ADDRESS "TRITON," SINGAPORE. <» Codes: A. B. C sfh Edition &nd Western Union. TELEPHONE No. 186 1107. 0. H.
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  • 1667 3 I rHv^elki who Las recently sojourned *tera parts bin Meh to say that is of union interest and importance, way* Witionml aV*%*«?. The fault we have frequently to find with the traveller it lu< mind and thought are a little ..■i-rvativ^s, and liis imagination too *:m
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  • 804 3 The KconomUt of lite tad instant not«»* that in Ihtt bran of the share market o:ie of th >«»e freakish in ».emftnta, t'f i r which it is to assigri an adequate reason, had thai week occurred in >tt;e Hubber market, lifting price* of the hsulit»i» unarea
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 106 3 A BUTTERFLY IN A "TUBE." A correspondent writes to the Times I stale that lie saw a beaotifal specimen the cabbage butterfly (Pierin brassico; tily disporting itself on the down platin of the P2co*di!lj Tube Station, <|iiite livioU.s of the bustle of the passenger* owding on an 1 otf the
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    • 41 3 A B^^ I B^B Hm^B vlf 111 I Inltlll I AL TYRE.S New Price List ready Will be Forwarded on application. I I Through all dealers and Garages. Continental Tyre Rubber Co. Ltd., 'TELEGRAMS: SINGAPORE. TELEPHONE 'CONTINENTA >o A >/,/,< QUAY. 29
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  • 1576 4 7~^~ The message from Peking, to the affect] that Prince Ching recently telegraphed to| Yuan'* Shih-k'ai stating thai he hadj recommended Yuan's appointment his successor in the office of Prime Minister, is of raore than passing interest. There can be little question that r\\% return to high office
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  • 96 4 u Members of the Shropshire Hoy Scouts encamped near Shrewabury have distinguished themselves by securing the arrest riof a burglar. N«tTi reached camp that a 'house at Hanwooi bad been broken into > and a gold wntch and other articles stolen. t|The ScouU s^t to work,
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  • 159 4 Patient could not Use her Fingers, or Raise her firms. For nearly forty years 1 was ;i great sufferer from rheumatism. says Mrs. S. Coward, of t>, Nile How, Poole, England. u Some times an attack would last nearly hree months at a stretch The pain
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 227 4 I f■ For :::m^B^o&®&mmh-'; 1 I Perfect GIAZEa^d SUPERIOR STRENGTH I I f WV«pi use v, i MMM^ I ft. > v %0 v-^-^ r -«W Vf I I f\ "f?\AMFipriiMrF'-*^ \m i I I ii \II -In T -MM. l^if-F^^^ilir' l I f SHARPEMSSXg.IJ?, SINGAPORE. I Ii i, t
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    • 119 4 Siemens Brothers MANUFACTURER* Electrical Machinery, Cables Wires, Apparatus and Accessories tor Electric Li^ht Power and Traction Purposes! HEAD OFFICE 1 Caxton House, Westminster I LONDON. Supplies Department Upper Thames Street. LONDON. WORKS. Stafford. Woolwich. Dalsion BRANCHES. Cape Town, Melbour Calcutta, Toronto, Bombay, Penang, Madras, Rangooi Sydney, AND Winchester House. COLLYER
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  • 227 5 3e cried out and gave chase, and with 1 others succeeded in arresting him. Ine i iccused stated on oath that he worked r >n North Lahis Estate at .Johore, and m Ist instant, he was directed hy the Manager to come to Singapore, ne irrived hy. train
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  • 424 5 v ill a Tamil, was fined Is:ofi "I f,,r being drunk and dN- Road. He pleads r Yi Cantonese, pleaded Priding a bicycle without al Tt !!uk Blangah Road, at 10p.m. H fined II oc three days. L n rtw ,g Hee and Tang Ong Joo,i c "u,v to
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  • 99 5 For bellying >» "> indecent mane ri,» public place at St. John Wand.l <„ 57 was ordered by Mr Acton t<> ay a Bne of $10 or fourteen days. Twotamil- Veraaamy and JJ^-ft l H ..nny. were .Har^ w, h us.. K R I force to Barma, Slkb tram
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  • 153 5 Bm aciated bullock*. Ten Chine* hawk,^ we« fi^JJJ )V three d»y«- each u wr Malabar and Delhi »«£> olfendB k<^'." U 'Ra Jee!ine,l*s or seven C^ttgTthU road >^ more traffic. j Uon,onthe charge Govin- murder another Jam. adjourned for a week for STuiSe;" B fuB9A i- >u» w nullers.
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  • 154 5 Vellevan a young Tamil, w i- nnea •2 or three davs. for being *ru«* and J^pST.* Bukit Timah Road He|fi leaded guilty. U nedSl or two day» 1" n»h Sena Ouain fcnd Choo TJup^ U <',tl ™utv txlisor-lerly conduct by L, gh SgatXochorß^d. TMSI -re. >ur days. I" ras
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  • 99 5 Ti.o ebarse of rioting m Orcnani D f inwWch 43 Shanghai Chinese Road iiMMmi resumed yesterare concerned wa« wsmn day afternoon. »w«~' Mr Um; prosecution. lie rt and sentence deterred. m v \a Hokien named Koh Kuan, peared be ore sentence WM iiifiil was paid. tciKins p Acton tor
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  • 20 5 lino Pertile, B«q. J $112,640.19 Sn^apore. 20th Oct.. 1911. E. M. JANION. Hon. Treasurer.
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  • 78 5 TI i.»der ol Bihttam. Abdul Baha. i» tn v IX!I rV; ft N-'-t'.e least M»onK *M r p, .|,i,i's prevaileil to sud. nC "\Ta"- ,w his P religion iQc->«a« •STiwK? mh.biU»teol Pewi. I!:> r> Z i l«.wer« There notlnng mon-t it. f. 11 owe, ea ,i,, s
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  • 77 5 in order to disco* the men '""'"I "es 'ause«l m«ch satisfaction IIK «e«k« ttiat the unrest whid iUnn r t "l itse various Wrancl.e* of tl. fclrdii.B »o the.oftcUU of the mnioß^t i I ils. U f.lt m the prorinoet as muc Tendon So complicated are
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  • 44 5 BH|Wl «V>»»* !l1 «..rnv.l)ust )V Z"vV' *ls ail in irCUlll t 1 MSHt '"V^ f i- Mil. ho. y iilBo^ hat I. ,n sf,'- -t*« O«tn have natun. S pi era'* Ha-.,, 0. Fri.»ay v Cup «U1 Le prw«it«d to lu.».
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  • 122 5 t well-known musical dandy, •on* uous for the hues- thing in socch. .very possible oCL-a^on at the River H I 1 ww llie^* I j lis dignity. vge,*utavery pertain bank account, lj, Tfewer than' foart i, has a< len«* l( |\lnkfirl ll aft*r S The'p'«Pse^r»n myl- I a
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  • 56 6 Big Guns Ready. The rebel arsenal at Hanyang is workio double shifts and is turning out 25,00 rounds of ammunition daily. A hundred and forty field guns ai s ready. Two thousand rebels have occupie l Keating. The rebels are consistently protectin churches and issuing passports
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  • 63 6 Imperial Guards Arrive. All the theatres are closed at Peking The entire Imperial Guard Division ha arrived. m MOVEMENT OF TROOPS/ 9 iTransports Leave Peking. t The Times correspondent at Tekinf states that the War Minister and his ataf i left for the south in tlie afternoon.
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  • 32 6 Millions Taels to Relieve Money Market. j| The Chinese Minister of Finance has 2 issued a million taels to receive the money stringency. The price of rice has risen SO per cent
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  • 70 6 According to Hankow dUpatclietj the disturbance is spreading rapidly. Brtti»hatid Chinese warships are now proceeding ;i1 full speed to Chun^hi. and two battalion> 1 of troops from the Wuchang anuy division s has left for Ichang to prated Tumi Pang. A regiment has also be* n
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  • 55 6 Strict iearctl for revolutionaries is beiiii; effected in Peking. Kwei Chun has re<juirml the guild of each province in Peking to report the MMIM of those of the respective provinces who stay iu each of the guild halls daily, and ho has rlho effected strict
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  • 66 6 According to a report from the British jConsul at Chungching, the safety of foreigners at Chengtu is unknown. Missionaries at Mankien are invited to take refuge at rhungching. Ir is also reported that many rioters are stationed outside the southern gate of dt+ngtu, and tliat
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  • 144 6 Blame Japanese for the Revolution. The ftemi-officia] Press at Peking i« trving to make oat that Japan is at the bottom of the revolution at Wuchang. Heater's correspondent at Peking wire> tliat it i« oflicialiv announced that pimn ger traffic between Peking nnd Tientsin ceases to-motTOW. Tliis
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  • 144 6 d Mrs. Caroline Kohl, widow <»f Mr. o Charles E. Kohl, one of Chicago's pioneer h theatrical manager*, has become Chicago's t< largest individual theatrical magnate. b T»y the purchase of the theatric*! Jiold- k ugs of Mr. George Middleton tad Mr. u Jeorge Castle, \rhu were
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  • 322 6 ONLY FOREIGN OPIUM IN HANGCHOW. Mr. Alexander Lineman, or' the Chin* Inland Mission, writing from Hangchow i>n -liine -JOth, *a s •We are greatljr rejoicing owv the ialelligeace of this last agreement with the Chinese, and we are now hopeful that :he end of this curse is in sight. It
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  • 220 6 Dr. A. IV Uyeock, C.I.M writing oflMedical Mission Work Uncbow, KaiiMi, girt* the following account V •With one exception, the Prefect of Lin j chow was the highest mandarin (Chinese) official) we were called upon to attend I dming the year. He had sustained serious < injuries
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  • 203 6 The EaißOm physicist, Sir < >ii ver Lodge, scared timid souls ft little while ;i"o prophesying that on.' day our food supplier WOttld run out, Mid the human race WOlllri starve to death. An American Authority loppOrU Sir Oliver in this, but it is sun.. comfort to be
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  • 77 6 nicre is now little room, unfortunate! v. doul,t that the steamer Jfe/ZtW, of :M!<ninoutli, overdue ft* Plymouth with a rgo of tir^er from Finland, has been lod if captain of a vessel which arrived at ymoott) reported that he had passed reokagq in the Baltic. Capt.in
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 329 6 tostmp wpt( 'ut H^-^^^^^'^i TI IG ISIT! j"- *}by the pound 1 Waterbury's Metabolized IU "Under Wei c ht," a condition ofJj /^^l»A^»fl^-» *-^-VJ I ill-health. sl,,,ws your a^milative COU LIVCf OS I COITIDOIJnH powers nre dpiTftasing. j f r 1 1 vl a) <| tagtelcoq" odour lessHT x^" ]h\
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    • 61 7 (Fr<>m Our Oirn <.'om*potnirttt\ Hongkong, Oct. 20, 1911. i< reported that the Imperial! ■ps attacked the rebels near Han-' The fight lasted for Bix hours,, \\\r Imperialists obtained a great ,ry. Imperial troops are- arriving sjreal numl)ers by rail from Peking.! H'U'ls have crossed the river,
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  • 69 7 [I i 'in Our (hr,i I <n'i» Sfxui'h »f Peking. Oct. 19. I.K. Tsui Sai Cheong, the vice* lent of the Cabinet has journeyed 'ha utf Pui 8l to persuade H.K. i Shi K ii to assist the Governagainsi the rebels. H.E. Yuan K
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  • 119 7 NEW PREMISES FOR MESSRS. BEHN, MEYER CO., LTD. 'he premises at No. 7 Collyer Quay en found too small for the Bngi'ritig Department of Messrs. Behn. yer and Co. Ltd., and this branch i mis business has been removed ground floor <>f the Rubber Kxnge (Loke Yew) Buildings, Ho. KM)
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  • 159 7 LOCAL STOCKS SHARES. \|.-*srs. Divios and Co., Shaie Brokers, Arcade, quote the f<)llo>Tini: market t« ..n Thui-sdiiy, Ith October, 191 1, Bayer*. Sellers. AlorGajah l.:w 1.40 Av<r Kilning 60 70 Ayer Molek 1.75 IMi Aver Puims 4.(15 4><» Balgowait 73H1 Bukit Kutil 37 A 45 Bokit K.B. 70 so 111
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 38 7 iter'l correspondent at San F ranwires that thirty-six stl( ks ol nite were found beneath a hmi^e the Southern Pacific Kaii*<t> een El Captain and Oavista. n« re President Ta"ft's train pa^sej iday morning. An lnv€«aga been opened.
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    • 186 7 SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE Company, Limited. head office. SHANGHAI, CHINA. CAPITAL: TAELS 1,000,000. $200,000 deposited with the Hongkong Government as a special protection for our Policy Holders. The ONLY Company Operating in the Middle East that has this Deposit. Members of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce Shanghai=China. Endowment .Policies and Investment
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    • 287 7 THE t POPULAR BRAND. EVERY BOTTLE NUMBERED TO PREVENT FRAUD. wLlii I UKI I "9 y^~\ I rflii i Ul Al.l II ni ft B-ti m£^ ihi| i.i i r ULLI. r >• IBSSa W'V ijl i- 1 ~>^j 'iJK'^^' jB SOLD EVERYWHERE. YEW LOONG. GOLD SILVER SMITH JEWELLER WBTCH
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  • 473 8 The Weekly Sun. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21. THE NEW JAPAN. H The glamour is gradually 1 wearing off Japan as seen by I Western eyes; and the country B is revealing itself as merely a y copyist of old, and some Oi them had, methods of indusI trial civilisations. Some of
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  • 347 8 Four more aerial- tragedies during the week the mail left brings the death-roll for the present year within four oi half a hundred. During the first year that there was any earnest eft'ort^M carry the wonderful new science beyond the iscope of harmless experiment there
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  • 77 8 > The compulsory winding up of th Bank of Egypt is ordered. i Four aeroplanes have arrived a i Tripoli and will immediately be used An Italian destroyer struck on a ree in entering Tripoli on Friday and i now a total wreck. i m Three of the fastest Italian
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  • 446 8 It is understood that Sir Arthur Lady Evelyn Y(»un K wiM at Imperial Durbar at Delhi in h, her. fteuter's correspendent al Con ,tinople states that Ahmed Ri, been re-elected President of i Chamber. Dr. Leask, who was for main in Singapore, passed through I ward bound by
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  • 127 8 Many meetings aro being throughout India by the Mali to protest against Italy's actio Tripoli. The assistance of the •of Afghanis tan and the Persian eminent is evoked. A monster monstration has been arranged t t place at Calcutta on Sunday. L >♦• Two new submarines, tin' V< I and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 100 8 n I -LANCET" REPORT, I 25th Noucmber 1904. I Misleading terms are so often used I in describing pota*ble Spirits, that it is I satisfactory to find that yi the case of I this Whisky it is honestly described. I On the label are printed the words, I age and
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    • 81 8 si toll's Dispensary. I Chemists, Druggists and I Opticians, I (Wholesale and Retail). 1 108, South Bridge Road, I SINGAPORE. B TELEPHONE NO. 429. 4 TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS LOH, J BINCAPORE. Depot lor all kinds of I Patent Medicines, 1 Toilet Requisites, n Perfumery, I Medicated Wines, I Surgical Instruments, 3
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  • 186 9 The War Department is adopting pre•autionary measures to see that the ob■clete arms, discarded by the military service, do imt fall into the hands of South or Central American ftlibatitVsri or other ini;»uthorix (1 agencies. An ;»hm< un <•< -nu n? has jaat been mndt '»v the
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  • 295 9 Horse Takes Fright at Children's Firework, and a Child is Killed. Indirectly attributed to the use of a banger," or explosive fiiework, a jury at Lambeth investigated the violent death of a child of four named Arthur Win. Roberta, the son of a carpenter living in Dorset-road, l
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  • 1528 9 Just off the 8a Hu or Western I/ike" at Hangchow. thei'e is a small cemetary enclose*! by ;i high wall Mid containing three dome-shape*! brick tumuli wiiich have been erected over the remains of Yoh Fe, a name celebrated in Chinese historj and story, ;tn<] those of his
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 350 9 r^ rfife jfe (Singapore Straits Settlements). aromze B Ro^- M ADELPHI HOTEL, t LADIES' GOLD CARD J P'ZJepo Q Select Fireproof Residential an<l ***-'L<»J fV> Transit Hotel, Commanding tke most OF LATEST DESIGN peaceful and attractive outlook in Singa- Q u/w i |>ore facing tne Oatnearal and. adjoining (f AND
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    • 209 9 I PAY DAY I I What Does it Mean B No natter what your position may S he, whether day laborer or office B line of mea who jjet the same pittance V wcllv after week without ptxwpcct of B uiythins better, it is time you B they have been
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  • 195 10 1 Master Mariners Death. i 1 1 1 1 is believed to be determined case of suicide was discovered last month when the Ixxlv of well-dressed man wu taken] from tin* Huniber. Around hi> Deck was, tied a Gladstone bag containing four hrioks. The tide km
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  • 57 10 Immediately after John Ltmbert, of Batch woitli Health, Herts, a gamekeeper 1 In the employ of L<>n! Kbury, lial set an I i!ofm gun on the estate, his do% trod on rhe wire The trigger vrns released, wndl s the guinekeeper hid two finger blown off
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 14 10 MICHELIN xvi>irc 1 I ixHrO. NOT THE CHEAPEST. THE BEST. DUPIRE BROTHERS, g.7 Agents.
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    • 226 10 s s nTU ns -"-"T-r-"-"- r -r_- .r-iJ" "'"i in m^^ BEHN, MEYER CO., LTD. Engineering Department, SINGAPORE. REPRESENTATIVES FOR FRIED. KRUPP a g RUBBER MACHINERY Litest Design. Hand or Power Driven. Complete Installations of Factories. Roller Washing Rinsing Machines can be inspected at our office. OUR DRESSING PLANT Including
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  • 1212 11 For gen^-.irioaa tlia v.irwus p\?tH of jChina's great K npire were s^-loosely hinj^ jtogether that natives oMitfirent p- >rit%ces .regarded all cjoaers fro-n otbir <» Prices as foreigners, and the differei > r )'e»h which obtaine 1 in 10 toy p irti s i c > 1 itrv
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  • 156 11 r The London corre-p.mde.nt of the \fan x ,Ltst>-r Guardian hears that Londoi cin*'in;itogniph syD«ii«Ate iia» just concludei i'l negotiations Wl%h the Chinese <»overnmen ri by which they will have the privilege <j "JKUpplyini? films for unfl to organise unex [tensive system of einematovraph theatre throughout
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  • 100 11 Kxpe -iments we*e made by the A lmir;i ftv near Portsmouth last month to test the affect of shells exploding close to I subnifj^^d miliiimrine. Ttw Hoi 'aid subiuatine^ No. "2. onn of tlit* first intr«>«lue»Mi into the Nary, was submerged to th« perisc jpe, an<i six-in« h
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 328 11 I DREADFUL ECZEMA I Cured by Dr. Tierse's Indian Root Pills, I I That tortntiftjl and disfiguring disease has its cause in an impure B I condition of the blood. The impure condition of E tfcjv|te the bl(K)d often arises from a diseased condition of V P 'IpfldC' e st
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    • 317 11 BEFORE WE CAN nse them, inm ami gold must lirst be got out of the ore. The same principle applies to cod liver oil. Its virtues are Dot in its fatty matters much less in its sickening taste and smell. No consumptive, or piiffererfroin any other wasting disease, was evei
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  • 856 12 According to a statement made by an SsafTJsJ of the Board of the Navy, the Board Jinn rtecided to build three first class battleships, to establish one Naval University, several naval primary schools, four arsenals and also to buy torpedo boats in view of j nxpansion of the
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  • 996 12 1 The arrav's not arf a bad place for a: man now'dayti. They treats yer like a gentleman, quite different from what it! used to be. Oh, yes, I'll take on again at the end o' my time orl right if they let me." This
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  • 297 12 Cricket ass played in the far away isles of the South Pacific Ocean is a very serious business. In Tonga matches were made up village against village, and not confined to eleven-a-Hide. All the msn were entitled to play, and the fact that some villages were numerically stronger
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  • 148 12 Foreign ri<-o stocked in various parts ot Japan has Ween re-shipped from Kobe tosome time now to v:iri<nn districts in China where the failure, of the crops has heen prevalent for two years, Hits unprecedented phenomenon of trade h»s l> ►<«« to
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  • 619 12 Some attention has, in England, recently been given to the question Does Betting Pay?" Several authorities, including owners, trainers, rider* and sporting pressmen were appealed to for an opinion on < the point, and their views were interesting, though not exactly in accord with each other. Speaking
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 279 12 ADVERTISEMENTS. M. N. K. MOHAMED NOORDIN nT CENEBAL MERCHANTS. Boots, Shoes, Shirts, Tien, Fiats dollars. Hosiery and General Goods 86-88, NORTH BRIDGK ROM) 8-7 AH LOCK, CHOP KWANC SENC. TAILOR AND OUTFITTER. Fine Assortment of Tweeds in Stock White Suits made to Order, Pries |tf 44, NORTH BRIDGK ROAD 8-7
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 482 13 OUTPORT TRADING COMPANY. (THE SINGAPORE BOOKSTORE). Hooksellers Taxidermists. "B HIGH ST.. SINGAPORE. The following Colonial Editions are >th hound each weighing about 16 ounces and usually sold for not Ihss i 7"> eta. per copy are now offered the public (for Stock-Clearing purses) for 40 cts. only plus 10 ct*.
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    • 389 13 KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSGHAPPIJ. I (ROYAL DUTCH PACKET COMPANY.) UIIDBR Cotrvucr with thr Nkthkki \xiwj India Government. Agents at Sißgaper? Tl€ Skips Agency. Ltd.. 2-3 Collyer Ouav. j MAIL TABLE OCTOBER 1 6TH TO 28TH 1911. Tiie uii.|eriiientione«l (\aXo< ai*e only approximate. mmm -Jailin STKAIISHII'. Ffom Experted. Will be Dtspatche<l for:—
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    • 246 13 printers, Bookbinders, Booksellers, and v^o v Stationers- V all CN <j^^ I KINDS C>3 i! I OF 4 I JOB WT^> printing r ex ec iii: i). V < Prompt Attention. >^ V* Good Workmanship. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 29-7 THE DENTAL HALL. NO. 7. RAFFLES PLACE. Oj>J>osite JoKn Ltttle Co/s Building).
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 103 14 MARTELL'S »1 MARTELLS mmmm^^m §l f w I Blue and Silver Label I Coronation Of King GeOrge V. K^^^^^^^^^^J I is an accepted guarantee all over the world tor I at the luicheon to the House el Lords aad their guests the |^^?§2 fe^Ri n^^^^l I The Best Quality in
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