Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 30 October 1944

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1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 14 1 The Syonan Shimbun NO. 597 MONDAY, OCTOBER 30. KOKI 2604. SHOWA 19 SEVEN CENTS
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  • 61 1 TOKYO, Oct. 28. (Domei) —On the <jccaslon of tht second anniversary of the NipponThailand Cultural Pact.. Preiii<T lien. Kuniakl Koiso yesterday cent a telegram of felicitations to thr Thai Premier. Koiso declared he firmly believed the spiritual co-opera-tion between the two nations wouid be f
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  • 62 1 A NIPPON BASE In the Philippine*, Oct. 2». iDomM) A formation of 22 Nippon bombers and fighter* whJe on their way to raid enemy petitions at Tikloban. l/eyte Island, early yesterday morninr encounterr:! 14 enemy carrier^ bwed drumnan Rf hters and la the coarse
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  • 212 1 LISBON, Oct. 27. (Domel) United States Navy Secretary, James Porrestal, warned the American pe >- pie in a broadcast last night aga'nst becoming over-enthusiastic p.bout American claims regarding the battles in Philippines waters, according to a Washington dispatch. Although he withheld the number of American ships
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  • 304 1 Editorial ONE of tbe many amenities ol wartime life In Syonan Is the program of entertainment arranged each month by the authorities for the benefit of the public. Varied in character and catering for thr masses, especial?/ those engaged in important work connected with the prosecution of the
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  • 195 1 BERLIN, Oct. 28. (Dome!)— Commenting on the naval-air battle off the Philippines, Admiral Alfred Saalwaechter (retired), was quoted by Trans-Ocean News Agency as saying that one already ki.ows fcr ;-ure that up to Oct. 26 about onethird of United States aircraft-car-riers engaged in the
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  • 320 1 LISBON, Oct. 28, (Domei)"en. Joseph Stilwell, Comma nj rier-in-Chfcf of the United States round forces In India, China anl Burma, has been relieved of his i post, ipparently due to differences between htm and the British and Chungking operational commands in the conduct of the
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  • 144 1 BERLIN, Oct. 27. (Domel) At the conclusion of his review today on the war situation. Dr. Joseph Goebbels, Reich Propaganda Minister, paid the greatest tribute to Nippon. Goebbels B aid that in the course of the latest air and sea battles off Taiwan and
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  • 314 1 TOKYO, Oct. 28. (Dome!)—The brilliant results achieved by the Nippon a'r and naval forces In the recent naval battle off the Philippines include the outstanding achievement of the kinking of, at 'east, five enemy war craft singlehandedly by one Nippon submarine which co-operated
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  • 549 1 Brisk Activity On San Pablo, Takloban Fronts TOKYO, Oct. 29. (Dome!)—Fierce flghtinr now features (he battlefront on Leyte Island. Our feces continue to rxact blood from the enemy invaders, one division in strength in the vicinity of Takloban, and two dvlsions near San
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  • 165 1 MANILa, Oct. 27. (Domcii—Ttu; Nippon air fore- In Its devastating raid on Takloban airfield, Leyte Island, on Thursday afternoon is credited with the wholesale destruction of scores of enemy masaed in the airfield, a frontline dispatch reaching here ledny JecU. o In
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  • 231 1 LIS3ON, Oct. 28. (Dome) i Canadian forces during the month of August suffered 10,100 ca.«UHlti'» In ell theatres of war, bringing thetr total losses suffered since the outbreak of the war to 61 300. according to a dispatch NOfetVM here. Meanwhile. It Is reported that
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  • 69 2 Schools' Three-Day Mass Calisthenics For Me iji Setsu A T.'IRFF-DAY program, which inrlude mi's ralisthenirs and IjthadM at three centres «f the cit-. has been drawn up for t'ie ■dibwHwi of Melji Setsu by Ryonan's srhoolchlldren The program will commence on Saturday. Nov. 4. and conclud* on the foilowinf? Monday
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  • 123 2 KEEN lrU'rest is being centred in Um M>' ii Seusu soccer match to be played on the Padang on Friday, Nov. 4. b-nween »he Syonan Sports Asic-iation and the Auxiliary' Police Association The game, which Is timed to start
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  • 147 2 VERY gratifying results have met j the efforts of the authorities to ab- i eorb v'\ idle funds and stabilize ths people's livelihood through the uecond "Fixed Deposits with Bonus" drive, sponsored by the Savings Encouragermru Department of the I Malai Banking Association.
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  • 174 2 A STATEMENT issued by the Malai Banking Association in con- tieciion with the first refund of deposits with enemy banks stresses that former depositors can registei their claims with' handling banks even in the case of inability to produce the relevant deposit receipts or
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  • 386 2 By Syonan Shhnbun Staff Reporter CELEBRATIONS on a scale surpassing those of previous years will hf observed by all ( in Syonan to commemorate Meiji Setsu next Thursday. Nov. 3. Arrangements are being mude 'o hold
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  • 294 2 Leyte Beginning Of End For Americans, Filipinos Aver MANILA, Oct. 25. (Domcil Filipinos as one received this alterpopn's Dai Honyel communique telling of the new great blows being dealt to the enemy force with gieit rejoicing and jubilation. Ai tin- radio flashed Dai Honyet's announcement people eagerly crowd, ed about
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  • 129 2 OPENING further avenues for the study of the Nippon languane by resident^ hare, the Syonan Tokubetusl is smarting another series of Nippon-go classes at its main tuition centre In Syonan' s Chinatown. Three courses, elementary, intermediate, and advanced, are open to students
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 369 2 SYONAN TOKUBETU S! NOTICE NO. 145 RE: SALE OF LOTTEBX TICKETS THE 18TH ISSUE of Koh-Nan Saiken (lottery tickets > are now on sale to the public In Syonan as follows: 1. Total Sum of Sal*: The sum of two hundred stxty thousand ($260,000) dollar* 15 allotted for sale Id
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    • 784 2 THE MALAI BANKING ASSOCIATION. 21, Raffles Place, Syonan. Syonan, 30th October 3G04. T» All Depositor* Of Th« Enemy Banks Under Liquidation. mmmm S'th^Kt to Vta tw<".taUvni condition of th. peopl. m» wUhi» tht limit ol *10t each moat*. NOTICE TO THE DEPOSITORS OF THE ENEMY BANKS UNDER LIQUIDATION. graphs in
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 122 2 Today'B Syonan Kadio 8 p.m. news flashes in Malai, Tamil. Cantonese and English, 6.15 p.m. Syonan's local hour followed by the next day's program summary; 6.30 p.m. news in Nippon-Go for beginners: 6.40 p.m. Chinese Children's Hours; 7 p.m news in Malai: 7.20 p.m. Tamil songs: 750 p.m. news In
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