Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 24 October 1944

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1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 14 1 The Syonan Shimbun NO. 592 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24. KOKI 2604. SHOWA 19 SEVEN CENTS
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  • 45 1 More F lying-Bombs Crash On England LISBON, Oil. 23 (I)oinei) —British anti-aircraft guns on Britain's coastal .irca opened up with a heavy barrage of fire last night when the Germans sent more of lh?ir harassing: flying-bombs against the British Isles, according to a London dispatch.
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  • 63 1 lISINKINU. Oct. IS (Domei). —As all Nippon solemnly < !>..-r\cii the Aiilutiuul r Irs for the eTi-hrim in-ill of the souls of the nation's War Dead at Yasukuni Shrine lul evening;. Manshukoku also <onductrd similar riles for the 51 War Dead of Manshuknku
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  • 85 1 ZURICH. Oct. 22. (Domeii—Addrpssing Ihe International Trade Unions Congress ai Blackpool. Soviet delegate Kusnezov. '.vho is also the Presic'ent of Soviet Trade Unions, t.xiay estimated that the Soviet Union ha.s lost appro--\imatoly 7 000 000 men in the first three years of th-1 war Thp
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  • 463 1 'Save More And Win The War' J^&itoticit ALTHOUGH there is still another week before the second 'Fixed Deposit With Bunus' campaign in Malai closes, the response thus tar have bren giat fyirg. As at (Jet. '.'0 a *»m of $j..>00.00.) h:ic been handed over to the tanks in Mal.ii. and
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  • 332 1 LISBON, Oct. 22. (Domeil —In Holland, German troops fighting incessantly for weeks prevented major penetrations in the bridgehead on the extreme western Sehelde after the Canadians had succeeded ui breaking into Breskens the German Hipli Command announced. Newly brought-up German formations opened up a counter-attack
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  • 388 1 CHINA FRONi Oct 22 !.I.VTnei»— k graphif account of Uv plight nt the Uni'.cc State:- air bM> a1 Kwrilin in K^angsi Tro- > ir.cP was re\eaie«i by Nippon muting units which conducted a thorough reconnaiAiance of the tiifmy air ba&e. Beleaguered by
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  • 121 1 A NIPPON Base in Burma. Of 23. (Domei) —Nippon fghters yes--Ite day shot down six B-24's. ei niilch two are probablefc, and heavily aamaged two others, whpn they m- tercepted a formation of 33 enemy I Liberators over the Gulf of Martaban.
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  • 655 1 By Masanori Mo, NjvaJ CommenUitor TOKYO. Oct. j:. (Domeil— The invasion >pernions commenced by the Americans agalns* the Philippines, coming on the heels of their staggering defeat in ihe Air Battle off Taiwan ere welcomed by the Nippon nation because they
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  • 143 1 TOKYO, Oct. 23. (Dome!)—Our forces on Leyt* Island are, at present, engaging the enemy troops which landed In thp vicinity of Taklohan In a fierce combat. Our air forces, closely co-operating with our ground units, are carrying out
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  • 199 1 LISBON, Oct. 22. (Domei)—-Tha Iranian Government has rejected American, Brui.h and S.A.ct propositions for oil concessions, postponing further discussions until after the war. a delayed ciirpatcii from Teheran revealed. Iranian Premrr Mohammed Sacd told the fore gn Press yesterday that since last January the American
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  • 233 1 LISBON O.t. U (Domei) —La'e-.i dispatches tadtease that 70 persons are now kivj.n i.. have lom theu lives and SCMtha lt>B are missing in the '.errlfic eapsoslsjl and fire which occurred at Cleveland, Ohio on Friday. United Prws ohi'u reported thai the blast wa-;
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  • 91 2 B> Syonan Shirnhuu Stafl Reporter THE SYONAN Musical Assocu inn which li.i. been successful In organizing a symphony orchestra of uildien mini; its members is holding a tiecial ch Mren s concert at the I) .1 Toa Gekijo at p.m. on Siniii; y, Oct.
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  • 291 2 JOHORE BAHRU. Oct. 23 (Domei).—A mass meeting of Inciuns held here on Saluiday evening and a women's rally yesterday formed the uhlef items o\ the weekend's celebrations of the first anniversary of the formation of the Provisional Government, o.' Azad Hind. The women's rally
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  • 460 2 MANILA. Oct. 21< (Domei).— Dc cribing the brilliant Nippon victory over die task force off Carnlcobar Island as "a fitting present given Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose on the first anniversary of the establishment oC tr.i Azad Hind Government" Gurdas Singh, Spokesman of the local
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  • 498 2 ABSOLUTE SAFETY ASSURED BY BANK CHIEF i.y Syonan Shimbun Stan" Brportrr "SHOULD any state of disturbance arise, you may rest assured that the banks in Malal will never freeze any accounts whatever. Your deposits in any banks now operating here
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  • 132 2 A CAPACITY ho'ise attended the Soecial Concert by the Syonan Symphony Orchestra sponsored by the Malai Banking Association at the Syonan Xokaido yesterday and Uwrourrhly enjoyed a program of f.irefuUy selected orchestral, sonp and dance numbers. The irogram included composl-li-ns of Nippon. Gennar and
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  • 165 2 MANILA. Oct. 22 (Domei).— Determined to cope with any eventuality that may arise in view of the intensified enemy aerial attacks on Manila, officials of the Civilian Protection 3ervice units of the city met in conference yesterday under the chairmanship of Military Governor Leon
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  • 155 2 MANILV. Oct. M. iDomril.Nipp«n Imperial Btadquarters nnnnuncrtnciit that fierce fichting is taWn* place lu the Gulf of Leytc was received Calmly by Filipinos wiio are confident of the ability of Ihcr Nippon defence lorces to repel the ii.vaders. The general reaction among the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 357 2 ENGAGEMENT THE ENGAGEMENT tock place on 21st Oct., 2604, between Mr. Quek Keng Siang, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Quek Cheng San, and Miss Khoo Paw Neo, eldest daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Khoo Khoon Liat. Marriage will take place on 4th November. 2604. ANNOUNCEMENT RUSSULLS Guide Brand and
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    • 518 2 PERSONAL WILL MTFS P W kindly communicate v.i'.h her RaOb friend She will hoar KUMthfaf to her advantage. Re ESTATE OF DR. H. B. QUENTZER DECEASED. AUCTION SALE OF A Dental Surgeon office's funrtire, etc. comprising:—Writing tables, chairs, almchahs. bookcases. Svrtfical cabinets with glass shelves. Clinic bed. el^ctr'.c tablr and
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 99 2 Today's Syonan Radio 6 p.m. news flashes In Mal,\t Tamil. Cantonese anc* English; 6.15 p.m. Syonan's local hour followed by the next clay's program summary; 6.30 p.m. news In N;pp->.n-Go for beginners; 6.40 p.m. Malal Children's Hour; 7 p.m. new.^ in Maia1: 7.20 p.m. Pekin selections; 7.5') p.m. news In
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