Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 23 October 1944

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1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 15 1 The Syonan Shimbun NO. 591. MONDAY, OCTOBER 23. KOKI 2604. SHOW A 19 SEVEN CENTS
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  • 73 1 j MANILA. Or' 21. iDomei) ft en. (iuiileiino B. 1 ranciM o Chairman of the National Advisory Board on Publir Security, declared that in th? fyce of the war development in thf I h.Jippi i>t-.. "prarc and ord?r will be strirtlv maintained at all eosU"
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  • 50 1 TOKYO, f»rt. H, n«»:n^i On the ortisiun 01 Um I anniversary of th* f«>: niihon of the Provisional o.rrnmrm ..i .\i»d rfinrt ttdav Pmnie(■•■ll KunUki Koiv -'-ill foiT fn Minbtfr IMamoru Shi^emilsu .1 ddi»>.v><'d mtssages In t'handra Dose, felicitating the suund development of tin- Pruv'sional Government.
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  • 183 1 TAIHOKU. OeC. 11. (Domeii Despiie'the consklerabla mnfznitudr of the mint laids against Tai\v\ i by a United Stales task force, tba damage caused MM 1 mited to very "l'aii proportions, according to a statement isiiieri by flic Chief ol Fjfft of the XMvan
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  • 401 1 &x£itotiai'\ M:\VS IKO.M the I'aiifii- theatre, especially ir>e MMMUlhil of the U.S. task foivcs off Taiwan and Luzon, has somewhat eel psi d the Nippon operations on the fhina continent, but we will do we I'. to remember that the Nippon threat 10! 'he American air base at
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  • 587 1 TOKYO. Oct. 20. (Domei)— Nippon's lattst overwhelming victory over an enemy task forte in the Air Rattle off Taiwan has further strengthened the nation's firm confidence in final victory in the War of Greater last Asia, Premier Gen. Kuniaki
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  • 298 1 TOKYO, (Jet 22 iDomei)—The Autumnal Extraordinary Grand Festival of /asi'kvm Shrine—the sixth since rhe start of the War of Greater East Ashx— will be held on Oct. 23, The Extra.ord»ncrr Grand Festival will be preceded by rites for the enslirinenient of souls of 20,197
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  • 88 1 CANTON Oct. ".I iDomei)—ln a communique yesterday, the Chungking Military Council admitted that Nippon forces are now uihin 31 Wilonulre* (about 19 miles) of Kweilin. according to reports reaching hete. The communique said that the Nippon foiics advancing toward* Kueilin tli* Hunan-Kwangsi railway,
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  • 170 1 TOKYO. Oct 21. (Domei) -TENNO HEIKA today was pleased to grant a gracious imperial message of commendation to the Supreme Commander of tlie Nippon Army in the Southern Region*, the Commander-in-Chief of the Combined Fleet and also the Commander-in-Chief of the Taiwan Army in recognition
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  • 233 1 TOKYO, Oct. t>: tDpmeh —The Nippon Air Force tn series of attacks on an enemy convoy and escorting warships in Leyte Gulf during last Thursday and Friday sank one large transport and one destroyer and severely damaged two air-craft-carriers two battleships and one
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  • 86 1 TOKYO. Oct. 21. (Domei)— An I enemy force in Leyte Gulf. In cen-| tral Phllipoim*. started landing operation* in the vicinity of TaklQban on O?t. 20. according to communique Imuml at 4 p.m by E>ai Honyei, which said that our unlta Intercepted U-e eaeicv and
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  • 162 1 MANILA. Oct 21. <l>omeil—Con-| 1 fronted vuiri thf* fierce counter-i attacks of oir ga' rison forces, the 1 enemy txoops which landed at 1 Takloban. l-eyu- Hand. have; suffered 'Iv loss ef many vessel* land sustained heav> casualiies. The invnsion aitempt beggn at dawn
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  • 215 1 TOKYO, Oct.. in. <Dom«i)— The declaration 'ni't tin formidable Nippon defences in Uw Fhilijipmes hjklJ doom for G'n. D>.<E!ns M;i^Arthurl invasion plan1; way made by Lieut, /""•en. Masa^.iiru Homnia. former Conimandnr-m-Chie: ot I he Nippon Expeditionary Forces in the Philippines, in tlw roia'se of an
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  • 503 2 DUTY OF EVERY YOUNG MAN STRESSED WITH retard to the investigation of unemployed which hu recently been earned out by the Auvilary Police, the authorities wi»h t« state that >oung men are urgently required as llei-ho and apprentice mechanics and
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  • 354 2 By Syonan Shimbun Staff Reporter j DESPITE the inclement state of i in- weather, fhere was a large SS»| tendance at the opening of the new amusement park in Buklt Timah vesterday prom'nent officials of the Oversea-Ch'nese A<M>riatlon being present. The
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  • 400 2 MANILA. On. 21 <Dcf.eii--Manila Indur.i t,d; y joined the> rountrvm?n tbOUfhou] Orrairr Fa* f Asia In ob&e.-ving the first anniversary of the fstabhfhirpnt of the Provisional Oovermnmt of Azad Hind This morning men than 400 Indians tilled thp hep.cquartw.« of th» local Indii'ii Independent? I.eague Wtsfn
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  • 166 2 KUALA LI&fPUK. Oct. 18. 'Dfliueii Or. M. K Lukshumeya. General Secretary of the Indian Independence league of East Asia headquarter* somewhere in Bnrma. in at present visiting Kuala Lum pur. The monsoon in Bui ma is fast coining to an end
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  • 464 2 VOLUNTEERS in thr Acad llin I Fauj Training Camp at Selelar were entertained by Indian rivi--1 lians. who visited their camp yes 'erday evening in connection with he third dav's celebrations of the Week organised to romm?morate' 'he first anniversary of the
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  • 495 2 SUPREME COMMANDER'S STATEMENT SOMEWHERE IN BIBMA. Oct. 20, (Domeii—Erpiewmg heartiest felicitations on the Hist anniversary of the es.abljshmrnl of the Provisional Government <f Azad Hind. Lieut;-General Hyolaro Kimura. Supreme Co.nmand»-r of the Nippon Expeditionary Torres
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 267 2 JTAXTED FIVE apprentice Office Clerks and two apprentice Nippon Typewriier Tjpists. Bpecial privilege; NipponGn will be taught to successful applicaTitu who are desirous of pursuing their studies. Apply personally for Interview at Shadan Hojin Nippon Eiga Sh». Nampo Sokvoku. Dai Toa Dhoby Ghaut for full particulars. TO RENT HOUSE,
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    • 220 2 DOMESTIC OCCURRE\CE. \cx::owi,EnoMF.NTS MR. TvTRS A. A. DORAL .incerely ihank ail relatives and friends prho attenrlrd the funeral cf their jnly oeloved sor. and also a!! those who sen* wreaths and i tters of condolence THF FAMILY of the late Mr. W>e Kun Oniew tender their hfartfelt thanks to th
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