Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 21 October 1944

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1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 14 1 The Syonan Shimbun NO. 590 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21. KOKI 2604. SHOWA 19 SEVEN CENTS
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  • 67 1 ZIRICH. Oct. Is' (Dome!) Since (he beginning of the war, 37,000 workers in American armament works have met with fat»l ucodenU while 219.000 have been M se.erely injured aa to he permanently disabled, the American deiegate to the British radrs I 1 ioi, CongreiM at
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  • 40 1 A NIPPON B*M in MM Central raeiflc, Oct. U. (l)o:nri)—1 he Nippon patrisdn on lMiliou Island toward noon on Oct. 18 successfully rs'iiu! ted enemy infantrymen who attacked our positions on the !>..■',. east of T.uizan.
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  • 577 1 Main Strength Of U.S. AircraftCarrier Force Already Crippled By Mniiiiii Shimbun Staff Reporter INDICATIVE of the staggering losses sustained by the enemy in the Air Battle off Taiwan was the disclosure made by Colonel Shozo Nakajima. Spokesman of the Imperial Forces in the Southern Regions, yesterday that the 1!J enemy
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  • 182 1 TOKVO Oct. 20. (Domei)— ln I'xpretwion of great rejoicing over the spectacular war results achieved by Nippon forces in waters off Taiwan, and at the same time, to encourage Axis nations to carry 0:1 their war efforts, a meeting was held this evening under
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  • 330 1 Editorial THE latest development in the war of Greater East Asia is tbe Aral sign of activity on the part of the f acres under Mount bat ten'* command. Enemy air and surface craft have attempt <i air attacks on the Andamans and Nlcobars. ihit comin« close
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  • 100 1 1 By Syonan Shimbun Staff Reporter PROOF of the veracity of announcements by Dai Hon.vel which are only mai> after rareful inves- tißations. veu provided at a Press conference vesterdav when Colonel t-lmzo Nakajima .spokesman of i!u Imperial Forces in tht Southern Regions, .eferring In
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  • 77 1 LISBO.V, Oct. l'J. (Domri) United Pifss reported fromi Washington ouotiiiit the American Na\y Department. that ihej Americans I'ave losi e!gh high' officers of Admiral rank since Pearl: Harbour. Officers ii.sieci n> d«ad or missing; Include R^ar-Admlrai 'John WUcoxj who was wa-ihed prtxmrd in
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  • 363 1 TOKYO. Oct. 10, (Domei)—A conservative estimate of American personnel losses in the battles off Taiwan and the Philippines baaed on yesterday's Dal Honyei announcement of enemy war vesaela either Instantaneously sunk. sunk, or damaged, reaches the staifei in K figure of
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  • 144 1 TOKYO. Oct. 20. (Dome!)— One enemy airrralt-r n or and one destroyer were sunk and one battleship and OM destroyer heavily damaged by Nippon air units in waters south of Carnicobar Island of the Nicobar Group yesterday. Dai Honyei announced at 4 p.m.
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  • 157 1 LISBON. Oct. 1». (Dome!) United Statei Army casualties on the Western European Front from the invasion of Prance on June •< up to Oct. 3. excluding %»r Force casualties, aggregate 174.780. the American War Department announced today, according to a Washington dispatch. Of
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  • 145 1 RANOOON. Oct. 20. (Dome!) Nippon warplane? in aerial combats shot down or heavily damaged lei; enemy fighters out of a total of 68 P-47's. P-51s and P-38's which attacked the Rangoon area in three waves this afternoon. Enemy aircraft shot down included four P-38'a.
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  • 97 1 Liuc how Air Base Again Devastated A NIPPON Bh«» iii rhina. Oct. 19. (DoniM,. —On bombers last night uipi ,vi- aita-»■ rf Il' enemy's v« fcase at Liuchow in rentral Kwan,;sl Province causing a fire which enveloped a larce •hHlered MM on ihc eastern nX« of the railway In flame*,
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  • 443 1 LISBON. Oct. IP (Homri)—ln j«he fierce oaUie for A:cncu. Oermtdi I Panzer OraatXtttM (nutnted enemy •stacks i>outh-\vcst of and wrested (ran the AniiTkans a number of pillbox porttfcHW whjch had been lemporarl!.- k t tho German communique announced, according to a Berlin
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  • 536 2 STATING that during thr past o-.c year Indians have advanced a great deal In the": mission to free theti motherland. Sree J. A. Thlvy, President of the 1.1.L. Rear Head leaner*, in message to his companion ,-n the first anniversary of
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  • 382 2 Bf Syonan Shimbun Slaff Reporter A "MUSICAL EVENING' sponsored by the Malai Barking Association will be he!i' at tlie K^ka'do on Monday lOet. »>. >! art rig from 6 p.m The tone it •.-.hch prsSßisss to oe an exeellon one will consist of ett .lestral
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  • 266 2 TAIHOKU. Oct. IS (Domei). The 6,700,000 inhabitants of Taiwan let up a renting shout of Joy yesterday afternoon when Imperial Headquarters announced the war results scored by our air units since Oct. 12 against enemy planes and the vask fore* operating In waters east
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  • 688 2 TOKYO, Oct. 20 (Domei) —The hazardous duty of members of Nippon turp ilo-pi.iMt squadrons has been descried by Kaiirr Vaniima'.i of the Toho Film Coiporation. who declared hat, simple as it may look, the task of striking at an enemy warcraft with a
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  • 446 2 THE latest facility, now being introduced, is that any signature ai the vernacular can bo accepted d,the Post Office for the purpose ot operating a Savings Bank account; I i for examp'e, a Chinese can sign In j Kanji, a Malay in
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 87 2 REPAIRS to AH Type<s of Ri''r:perators undertaken at Moderate Charges. REFRIGERATION AIR CONDITIONING SERVICE 78, Selege Road Syonan. WE BUT AND SELL Typewriters Binoculars. Compasses, Drawing Scientific and Surveying Instru ments. etc Pleas" call at 371. North Bridge Roan, or Phone 4321. "SI. 0 GREAT WORLD T ON 1 G
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    • 502 2 WAITED (1) Local men in Nippon; (2) Interpreters of Malat, Chinrye or English language; tJ> Vehicle mechanics; (4) Machinemen: (5) C.vil Engineers; (6) Draftsmen; (7) Clerks; (8) Typl3ts (N.ppon Typowriter); (9) Office Tambics. Full particulars regarding pay. etc. will be piven at an interview. Call between I—3 p.m. Sunday
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 126 2 Today's Syonan Radio S p.m. news flashes in Malat. Tamil, Cantonese and Enelish; 6.15 p.m. Syonan's local hour followed by the next day's program summary. 6.30 p.m. news In Nippon-Go for beginners: 6.40 p.m. Indian Children's Hour: 7 p.m. news in Malat; 7.20 p.m. com cal sketches in Malal by
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