Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 17 October 1944

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1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 15 1 The Syonan Shimbun NO 566. TUESPAY, OCTOBER 17 KOKI 2604. SHOW A 19 SEVEN CENTS
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  • 36 1 Congratulates Afghan King TOKYO. Oct. 16 (Domei)— TENNO HEIKA yesterday was pleased to send a message of felicitation to His Majesty King Mohammad Zahir Shah of Afghanistan on the occasion of the latier's birthday.
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  • 44 1 TENNO HEIK A Honours !Saiikinfi' General TOKYO, Ott 16. (Donirii II WO 111 IK at 10.30 d'cldi k till* mornliiK Has pleased to grant audirnrr to General Pao Wm-vorh, Ohlef of the General Staff of th« Military Council of the National Government of China.
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  • 168 1 TOKYO, Oct. 16. tOomeil—O;'r air units in the Manila sector accounted for our enemy a'rcraft-ca'.rier sunk and three aircraft-carriers and one battleship or cruiser heavily damaged in addition to the shootin? down of at least
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  • 462 1 jSS/latlaL WITH the lrs« of a total of no) Twer than ::"> w;irshins (including I aircraft-car.-iers. hatil hips c: uisers and Cestrcye-sl on to thp t'.m--—3 p.m.—Dai Honyei Issued its communique yesterday, the enemy task force operating Ma| of Taiwan has been b?aten—well and truly! In their
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  • 64 1 TOKYO. Oct 16. (Doipei)—Out of the sixty ffoemy carrier-based planes which raided Manila during the forenoon yesterday, our force* accounted for a total of 28 enemy planes shot down instead of 18 *s previously reported, a later investigation revealed. Of this total, our anti-a-raaft
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  • 365 1 TOKt'O. Oct. 16 (Dome!) Tokyo newspapers thb> morning devoted virtually their entire front pages to accounts of the glorious results achieved by our Imperial units off Taiwan agaiust the enemy task force as revealed in Sunday's Imperial Headquarters' communique. Such treatment reflected
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  • 360 1 TOKYO. Oct. 16 i Domei)— i Clarifying the term "our units' as mentioned in yesterday'* Imperial Headquarters announcement, authoritative quarters disclosed that the expression "out units" in this case include; net only Nippon land-based air rnlt* bur also the
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  • 265 1 'Latest Victory Will Spur Nation On To Still Greater War Efforts' Adm. Nomura Oct. 16 (Domei)AdnUral Kichisaburo Nomura, Pr'Vy Councillor, and former Amba*ti<vw to Washinifton. commentini on ih-" sprioos setbackn suffered by the Inlted States navr In water* east of Taiwan at the hands of the Nippon force*, today exhorted
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  • 775 1 TOKYO Oct. 15. .Domeil—The enemy l**k force in sustaining dbastrou. defeats at the hands of the Nippon lorces In waters off Tainan must have M al leaM »2.950 in personal »"*■«*">'"•;£ 600
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  • 54 1 TOKYO, lit. 16. (Uomel)— Premier General Kuniaki Kolso, War Minister Field Marshal Gen Sagiyama and Navy Minister Mltaumasa Yonai at 350 p.m. today together paid homage at the Melji »nd Yasukunt Shrines to report the latest victories achieved by the Nippon force* in
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 53 1 Score Board ENEMY losses In surface craft in actions off Taiwan and Luzon: In Taiwan Water*: Instantaneously sunk or sunk. Aircraft rarr.ers Battleships Cruisers Destroyer Heavily damaged: Aircraft carriers Battleship Cruisers L'nspeciiied •l In Luion Waters: Sunk. Aircraft carrier •< Heavily damaged. Aircraft carrier* Battleship or Cruiser 1 Total enemy
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  • 378 2 TDK NEWS of the fTSaI vlctiry won by the Nippon air units off Taiwan ?>as given much impetus to local Nippon residents who hold that It marks the beginning of sn Offensive in the pacific theatre of War, *avs Domei. They are confhtently
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  • 132 2 By Syonan Shimbun >Uff Reporter THE SECOND "Fixed Deposit with Bonus 11 scheme, launched by the Malai Banking Association on Oct. 1, has met with very good response, approximately $2,920,0,0 hiviiig been collected by all banks throughout Malai during the first ten days. Of
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  • 823 2 LOCAL REACTION TO ROUTING OF TASK FORCE ANNOUNCEMENT of the smashing blows dealt the enemy In waters cast of Taiwan Island by Nippon forces as released by Dai Honyei up to Sunday afternoon listing 35 enemv warships, including
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  • 148 2 31," said Mr. Watanabe, who «c--pressed satisfaction at the people's wholehearted co-operation to a movement which a'ms at absorbing idle funds and stabilizing their livelihood. He added that Nippon banks collected about $870,000 In deposits out of the total registered by the banks in
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  • 193 2 By S'-onan Shlmbun Staff Reporter POSTAL savings In Malai hit m new hi*h durin* September with deposits tota'Unc $1>) 78.575 and drprwi'o-s reachln* 39.226—1h* hirhest fnurwi on ictord since the Inreo'io-i of the savings bank system in Ma'al—it l» announced In an official
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  • 91 2 KUALA LUMPUR, Oct. 11 (Domei). —Local business circles hall the Malai Military Administration's latest gesture announcing the refund of moneys held by local depositors in enemy banks prior to the outbreak of the war. This measure, they say, clearly shows that the Nippon
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  • 349 2 MANILA. Oct. 15. (Domei)— Fellr'taMng the first anniversary of the Philippine Republic, Ambassador Sho/o Mur.i',l yesterday made personal donation of Pesos 500, jOO to the Philippine Government. Upon making the presentation to President Jose P. Laurel, the Nippon Envoy declared, "I shorld
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  • 89 2 MR. KOH SECK GEOK (atred 76> passed away peaceful.y at hU residence 235, Joo Chiat Road, Syonan, at 3.15 a.m. yesterday (Oct. 16, 2«O4) leaving behind his beloved wife (Wee Keng Neo), tiire? sous (Tlong Tat, Tiong Tai and Tiong Choo). two daughters (Peng Neo and Lian Neo), one
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  • 272 2 AN UNDISCIOSED Bas* in Burma (Dorr.eii—Confcrßtulattns: the Philippines Republic on tho occasxn of the first ann;\erspry of its indcpendcn:c, S. A. Propaganda Minister of »l»e Pro 1. Lsional Government of Azad Hird. declared that Indians in East Ash are greatly inspired in their
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  • 126 2 MANILA. Oct. 14 (Domel).— The 18.000.000 pecple of the New Ph'lippines today festively celebrated tha first anniversary of the independence of the Philippine Republic with renewed nnd redoubled determination to witness the successful consummation of the war. Early this morning the people throughout the nation
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 26 2 Take The Best and Leave The Rest, instst on:— NAN BOKU Nan Boko Whisky and Brandy, guaranteed free from injurious elements. Obtainable from all Wine dealer*.
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    • 100 2 DOMESTIC OCCVRRENCES ENGAGEMENT LIM—CHIA. The engagement is announced to-day between Lim Chong Pang, second son of the late Mr. and Mrs. L'm Nee Boon. and M!ss Chia Meow Mosy <Mova). second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chia Hock Chwee of Syonan. FOR THE SECOND TIME FIXED DEPOSIT WITH BONUS YOUR
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    • 97 2 WAWED FIVE STUDENTS, age between 16 and 25, to b» trairei as Architectural Assistants. For full particulars, applv personally with school testimonials to Messrs. TOA KOSI, 80, Rebinson Poad. Svornin. A LADY OFFICE ASSISTANT. Knowledre <>f Nippin-Oo rsseuthl. Good salary and good prospects. Apply personally at Hind'uran Construction Co.. 10.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 95 2 Today's Syonan Radio 6 p.m. news flashes In Malai Tamil, Cantonese and English: 6.15 p.m. Syonan's local hour followed by the next day's program summary: 6.30 p.m. news in Nippon-Go for beginners; 6.40 p.m. Malai Children's Hour; 7 p.m. news In Malai; 7.20 p.m. Ch'nese music; 7.50 p.m news In
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