Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 14 October 1944

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1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 14 1 The Syonan Shimbun NO. 584. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14. KOKI 2604. SHOWA 19 SEVEN CENTS
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  • 54 1 Dornei. ZURICH, Oct, 12, (Dome!) —That Gciman wizards of scientific warfare still have a number of secret weapons for timely use is Indicated in an Anglo-American dispatch from the Aachen front reporting that the Germans today uwd for the first time a new typeof
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  • 34 1 TOKYO Oct. 12. Dom-n —TENXO HEIKA at 10 o'clock this morning graciously granted audience to Admiral Kiyoshi Hasegawa, Govenmr-Ge-neral of Taiwan. Admiral Ilasegaua rrported on the conditions in Taiwan.
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  • 321 1 TOKYO, Oct. 13 (Doraei).—Governor-General Admiral Kiycshi Hasegzwa, who is at present in Tokyo on official business referring to the enemy raid on Taiwan, declared that the seven million Taiwanese have been ready for some time not only for an enerv.y air raid but also
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  • Editorial
    • 398 1 TODAY, the peoples of entire Greater East Asia rejoice with the Filipinos in celebrating the first anniversary of Philippines independence. They congratulate the Filipinos on their achievements of the past year, achievem°nts wh'cn have given confidence and courage to the Filipinos to accept enemy challenge
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  • 199 1 TOKYO. Oct. IS. (Domei).—The enemy air force which carried out fierce ra'ds in several waves against Taiwan yesterday, at the cost of over 100 planes shot down by 1 p.m., belonged to the enemy ta ck for:e which raided the Ryukyu
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  • 49 1 CANTON. Oct. 12 fDomel).— Hen. Wang Chla-pcn, Chungking c-immander who was hurriedly dispatched from the Sixth War Zone to take over the defence of Llngiing. was killed in action on Sept. 7, when Nippon forces stormed and occupied the town, according to information received here today.
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  • 31 1 NANKING. Oct. 12. (Domei>. The Central Political Council which convened today payed the Foreltni Ministry's "mea ure for establishing a commlsoion on abollsheJ foreign extrateiiltoilal rights in China."
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  • 30 1 SHANGHAI. Oct. 12 (Dotnel) Toyoiaro Yuk!, Nippon Cabinet A3 visev, who arrived here ye.ferday on an inspection tour from Nippon, c i trained for Nanking mis KuxoiDg-
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  • 251 1 LISBON, Oct. 12. (Domei)—The battle for Aachen continued with fierceness hliherto unknown men on the Western Front, according to reports received here. Aftrr an incessant barrage. American infantry and tank formations supported by iiame-throwere and bomber-squad-rons were surging up against German pill-boxes and
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  • 154 1 LISBON, Oct. 13. (Domei).—ThEastern Front was featured by heavy fighting in various sectors. Moscow dispatches said that Red Army troops advanced to within five miles of Memel in a battle of growin. ferocity. They added that the RcC armies were also attacking toward the southern border of EiSt,
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  • 252 1 TOKYO, Oct. 12. (Domei)Nlppon air units at abcut 3 o'clock on the aflernoor of Oct. 0 made r» surprise attars on Ncemfor Island, located at toe v.estern entrance o: Oeelvlnj Bay, northern New Guinea, and,caused fire to bipak out at four places in the eastern pirfleld and
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  • 841 1 'Nippon Operations Nipping U.S. Invasion Of China In The Bud' Col. Nakajima POINTING out the significance of the current Nippon operations in China, Colonel Shoxo Nakajima, sPJjf«"£» of the Imperial Army in the Southern Reijm "^f* i™ these operations "are intended to nip in the bud the American invasion of
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  • 54 1 LISBON. Oct. 12 (Domd>.-<» Nippon column* driviufr on K.w<rt« ping at the confHk'nc* of tl;i North and West Pfvert In Kianff*l Province, have made further advanoee, the Ohuiinkinr Hlch Command admlt*cl *r)t!ay KCOraNH tfl a message ItCVIVCd lipip. i'l1 i flghttiig 1. pro*'* of Kweiplnp, the
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  • 1295 2 FULL PARTICULARS ANNOUNCED RLAI.IS I U A.ft P exercise* embracing transmission of light •ontrol. refujr lakine tnd the functioning of ♦h<- entire air raid ilrim.-.-Organization will be carried nut '.n Syonan on Monday and Tuesday. Ocl 16
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  • 52 2 SIX TIES In the men's open singles of the 8.8.A. lawn tennis championship tournament wi ibe played off on the Bras Basah Road courts on Mondnv. All entrants nr° requested to turn no at tlip emir's on Monday when tliey will be informed of the dates of
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  • 252 2 By Shimhun Staff Hepoi t<>r A SPECIAL treat await* recipient* of unit ifn'is to the Showa this nenin; when thr local Filipino community -t :j a variety and i iiwm.i show. starting at 1 p.m., in commemoration of the first ann
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  • 445 2 URGING the people to save. Mr. Chong-pang. of the Oversea-1 Chinese Association. In the first of j 'he series of radio talks durtnsj i Postal Saringw Comraomotmtlvo j Week from the Svonan Broadcast. kig Station last nurht, iitr—ad j that the
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  • 378 2 FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF REPUBLIC MEMBERS of (he Filipino community here, on the eve of rrlebratin* the first anniversary of tbeir independence, are Milidly behind President Laurel and hi* Government in the homeland. Filipinos, morever. now possess and exercise all the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 205 2 WASTED CTiERKS tl-o'h male and female) Oood treatment and prosoert* Apply, either oeraonallv or by le»*er. to KUROS^KI YOOYO X K. N^ J>47. Pasir Paniang Road, when narticular* a* to aa'ary. «no»an-c« transport facilities, etc. will be given. BKVERAL CLERKS abe to writ? Kanii and .«pmk Nippon-Oo to work in
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    • 362 2 i S.S.A. Knock-Out Soccer ENTRIES are now open for the i Okamoto Chullense Cup soccer I competition i knock-cut system i. to be run by the Syonan Sport* Association this month. Team captains or representative* should forward their entries immediately to the S.B.A. yoccer committee. Entries close Oct. 18. DOMESTIC
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 109 2 Today** Syonan Radio p.m. news flashes in Malal. Tamil. Cantonese and English; 6.15 p.m. Byonan's local hour followed by the next day's program summary; 6.30 p.m. news in NippcwOo Tor oestmner.- 6.40 p.m Indian Children's Hour; 7 p.m. news in Main;. 7.20 p.m. Arabic music by the Al Widad Orkest;
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