Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 11 October 1944

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1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 15 1 The Syonan Shimbun NO. 581 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11. KOKI 2604. SHOW A 19 SEVEN CENTS
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  • 59 1 Dome! TOKYO. Oct. 10—TLNNO HFIKA yesterda> was grarirusly pleased to grant a »urn of moil i-v (n the Nipnn'n Christian Aid Society. The Soriety will receive an Imperial monetary gift yearly up to 1948. The Chairman of the Board of Director* of the Society received the
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  • 40 1 TOKYO. Oct. 10 TENNO HEIKA was today pleased to telegraph a graciou* message of felicitation to President Wang (hingwei of the National Government ot° China on the occasion of the Double Tenth Festival.
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  • 376 1 German Counter-Attacks Halt Anti-AxisTankForces Dome). LISBON, Oct. 9.—Stiff resistance and heavy counterattacks by the Wehrmacln yesterday stopped AngloAmerican tank forces which set out to encircle Aachen I from both sides with batvles in the Geilenklrchen- Stolberg sector being fought with growing fury, according to frontline dispatches received here. A t
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  • Editorial
    • 298 1 VERY MUCH in the news nowadays is the relentless pounding of American air bases on the mainland of China. Highlight of the activities of the Nippon Air Force, ha^ed in China, is the repeated attacks made en the Amerirans, even so far In I the hinterland as
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  • 131 1 Domei. BALIK PAPAN. Borneo. Oct 9.—The enemy air force's fresh attempt to attack the airfield in the Balik Papan sector at dawn today ended in another complete failure due !to the effective interception [put up by Nippon fighters. according to a communique i issued by
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  • 74 1 Dome! TOKYO. Oct. 9—Admiral Kiyoshi Hasegawa. Governor-General of Taiwan. Gen. Jiro Minami < retired). Privy Counsellor, and Goro Morlshima Minister to the Soviet Union, this afternoon successively called on Premier Gen. Kuniaki Kolso at the latter's official residence to confer on imortant maiters. Governor-General Admiral Hasegawa
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  • 70 1 Domei. FANOKOK. Oct 3 —The enemy air rorv« lost one heavy bomber in lie ii1. ut'cssful raid against the w»'ilern part of Thailand on thp aftrrnoun of last Friday accordinK to a communique released by the Thai air defence authorities here- today. Eight eremy fourlnotvcd bombers
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  • 369 1 Domei A NIPPON BASE on the China Front. Oct. 10—Our raiders dealt a sledge-hammer blow for the third time to the group of enemy air bases in the vicir^y of Chengtu. which constitute the bases for en?my B-29 bombers Taking off from a
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  • 90 1 MARCUS DEFENCE FOILS RAID D*nei TOKYO. Oct. 10.—Dai Honyei at 4.30 o'clock this afternoon announced as follows:— "Firstly, our undersea craft on Oct. 3 attacked a group of enemy aircraft-carriers In waters east of Halmahera Island and sank one of them and heavily
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  • 195 1 Dwnei SHANGHAI. Oct. 10. The Double Tenth festival, which marks the 32nd anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Republic, was celebrated with pomp and enthusiasm here. The celebrations program of 20 items prepared by the Publicity Bureau of the Shanghai Special Municipality with the
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  • 243 1 Domei LISBON, Oct. 10— Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, in an address on the "Double Tenth" i anniversary today, admitted j that the current military! situation in China, arising from Nippon'^ large-scale offensive thrust, was serious and; warned the Chungking people that they must be prepared
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  • 250 1 Domei. ZURICH. Oct. 9—With their country and homes laid waste by the anti-Axis invasion and their means of livelihood seriously imperilled by lock of employment and food, millions of poverty-stricken Italian people today are struggling to get a living under AngloAmerican military rule,
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  • 60 1 Darnel A NIPPON Base in ih" Southwest Pacific. Oct. 9.—Nippon garrison forces In Zamboanga. western Mindanao Islpnd. summarily repulsed S3 enemy aircraft. uofflJßMllf 41 P-38's end 1? B-245, which attempted a ra'd on our poeittom there \esterriav morning. On a enemy B-24 wa*. brought down by our ground
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  • 43 1 Domei. NANKING. Oct. a, -Gen. Kazushige Ugaki. at present on an extensive inspection trip in Ohlm. rrrlved I'cre this aftttCOOD from RhvTUrlMi by train. C"n. Ugaki is expected to s'.ay here until Wednesday when lie will return to Shanghai.
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  • 342 2 By Syonan Shimbur. Staff Reporter *"A DOLLAR saved h a dollar earned' should be a slogan to be remembered by every citizen in Malai today' said Mr Chan Kumchee, a practising accountant and concurrently honorary secretary
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  • 377 2 OPTION OF CHOOSING JOBS GIVEN PARALLEL with the increasing intensity of the war, the mobilization of manpower fqr vital war work in Syonan and elsewhere in Malai is now bsing carried out on an intensified scale. With spontaneous response on the
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  • 87 2 FURTHER donations by wellwishers of the Catholic Farming Colony in Fuji Village have helped to raise the Bahau Fund to $188,233. The latest four-figure contribution comes from A.PA. Wong Shian Vein of Section 1, B Division, the sum collected from the inhabitants tf his district being:
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  • 126 2 MANILA, Oct. 10. (Domel).—lt Is learned that paintings from three local private girls' colleges have been dispatched to the forthcoming fine arts exposition in Nippon. The paintings were selected from among a number of varies oy faculty members and students of the
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  • 665 2 NOTES COMMENTS By Sakura IT NEVER rains but it pours." Here was I lamenting the fact that I couldn't get a look in with my column, due to pressure on space, and now, a sudden dearth of news as well as advertising has given me the chance of maklag up
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  • 76 2 BUKIT TINGGI. Cct. 8 (Domel). —A mammoth rally crmmemoratiii3 U.e promise of independence give to '.he East Indies by the Nippon nov«rnment was held at the Municipal Plaza today, Imperial Re:crijt Day. k: a most benttu.p manner. Present at the function were the Oommunder-in-Chief of the Nippon Expeditionary
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  • 40 2 HUNDKED6 of Eyonan Hindus celebrated their annual fire-walking ceremorv at the Manamman Temolt* Monday. The spectacle was as usual witnessed by a huge crowd, which Jammed the piecincts of the Tanole to get a glirrpse of the ceremony.
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  • 261 2 DJAKARTA, Oct. 10 (Dome!).— The ardent xeal of Indonesian officers and men to defend their homeland against any Invasion ot fore en imperialism is responsible for the amazing growth of the DJawa Home Defence Army In less than a year, declared
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  • 103 2 By Syonan Shimbun Staff Reporter FIOHT fans should have their fill next Saturday at the Mew World where Battling Sima and Kid Cabanella head a program of five fights. Though not a championship contest, the but between Sima and Cabanelb has been arranged at Sima's
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 155 2 Arabs Donate Gs. 300,000 SOUR ABA V A Oct. 10, (Domeii —Steps have been taken by a local Arab leader to donate 300,C00 guilders to the Commander-in-Chief of the Nippon Foroes In Djauj, for the construction of a warplane. The sum. collected among Arabs living In the eastern, central and
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    • 396 2 DOMESTIC OCLVRREXCES MARRIAGE TOW—TAN. The Marriage of Mr. Tow Slang Ling, eldest son of Mr. &c Mrs. Tow Keng Hca. and Miss Rose Tan Kirn Kce, second daughter of the late Mr. <fe Mts. Tan Wi Van. was solemnized at the Straits Chinee Presbyterian Church, en Saturday. October 7, 2604.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 99 2 Today's Syonan Radio 9 p.m. news flashes In Maiai, Tamil Cantonep* English, 6.15 p.m. Syonan's local hour followed by the next day's program summary; 6. SO p.m. news in Nippon-Oo for Oeginners; 6.40 p.m. Indian Children's Hour; 7 p.m. news In Malal: 7.20 p.m. talk in MaJ&t on "Malai Defence":
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