Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 10 October 1944

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1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 14 1 The Syonan Shimbun no. seo TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10. KOKI 2604 SHOWA i» SEVEN CENTS
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  • 47 1 Domei LISBON. O«t 8 —For the third MMMlvt nlijht flyingbcmbs were htunrlird against Ihe British Isles (o?ii«lit from the North Sea. |,!Tsumably launched from flying-bomb mirying Ilrinkrl aircraft, according to a l.nndcn di'palch. The extent of damage and casualties was not rcvpaled.
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  • 45 1 TOKYO. Oet, B—TINNO 111 IKA this afternoon graciously riispat<hf>4 Kuraji Okura. Imprrial Chamberlain, to fhe residence of the late IMitsuru Toyama iv Shlbuya Ward here, on the eve of Phe funeral rites, to make floral offerings, the Household Ministry announced
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  • 645 1 Distinguished Services In Action Domci TOKYO. Oct. 9.—Colonel Naoyuki Kuzume. Commander of the Nippon garrison forces on Biak Island, New Guinea, has been posthumously promoted by two ranks to Lieute- i napi-General In recognition Of j his heroic defence ot that i island against
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  • Editorial
    • 402 1 ON THK r.rd hir'hday of ths hrii-sp Republic, Chungking re^imr Hnds itself in a most critical situation—economically, politically and militarily. This, houever is but the inevitable sequel to unfai'hfulneM to the cause of Asia. l«iin :king is the only par(y In nil (irruter Ea3t A«m that li.iv
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  • 61 1 Doinef A NIPPON Base at the Burma Front. Oct. 9.—Nippon air unlis intercepting enrmy bomber and fighter plane* which attempted to attack Nippon rearline air bases In Burma and Thailand singly and in groups on Oct. 6. shot down ons B-24 and two B-25's and damaged two
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  • 229 1 21 Other Planes Btasted By Nippon x4ir Force Domel TOKYO. Oct. 9.—Our air units in the China war theatre surprise-raided a group of enemy airfields near Chengtu in Szechuan Province on the night of Oct. 7 and set afire or destroyed
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  • 260 1 I >omrl LISBON. Oct. I.—Onm fighting continued yesterday j on the western bank of the i Scheldt River in Belgium and; In the area north of Aachen' just inside the Belgian-Ger-! man border, German forces bitterly contesting Ang'o-j American attempts to drive j forward, according
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  • 67 1 LISBON. Ort. B—King Farouk of Egypt ha* dismissed the Egyptian Cabinet under Premier Naha* Pasha and callrd on Ahmed Maher Pasha to form new Government, according to Cairo dispatcher received here today. A Renter* dispatch aid thai the announcement caused a ''first i l««s" sennation In
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  • 300 1 M> W TOKYO. Ort 9 Urdfr the caption "British-American Difference! over East Asia."! the Nippon Time1; editorially declares: "The sharply con-i flicting standpoints of the United States and Britain in regard to operations against 'Nippon and East Asia have become
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  • 396 1 TOKYO. Oct. 9.-The German, nation is putting up a solid front in its heroic fight against the enemy with un- Jiakable determination, dcci lared Professor Chikai Sakato 'of Taisho University in Tokyo, in an article in the iumiuriI Hochi Shitnbim. Sakato recently returned from
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  • 54 1 LISBON 08t. V —Bubonic plaftut has broken out in tlif c'ty of Algiers, which at one ':me srrved W thp operational ho dQUMttn of 'h< anti-Axl" fonr 'n tho Medltf-r--ranean area ICC r.-iinr: 'i a P»t«h itcp\P(l Utt-l i <!»?■ th« i"vn hitf bern clx-'U U> »ii'l
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  • 161 2 'Exploited' By Taxis? To the Editor, Syonan Shlmbun. Sir,—l perused with interest V.K.R.'s letter on "Overcharging of Taxis" and fully endorse his sentiments. At a time when Nippon Is fighting a grim struggle, enduring hardships and difficulties to liberate all Asiatics from exploitation and slavery of the
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  • 66 2 IPOH. Oct. 5. (Domei). The two battle-planes dona'ed in February this year to the Imperial Fores by th? Chinese community 1n Peralc havo been named "Pe.nk Chinese I" and "Perak Chinese II", according to information received here from Tokyo. The presentation ?>as made on the occasion of
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  • 249 2 SPLENDID COMMUNITY EFFORT STANDING as a guarantee against any shortage of drinking water during an erne rgency, when the supply of water may be cut off by enemy action, as well as providing ample water for irrigation purposes at present, a chain
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  • 124 2 By Syonan Shimbnn Staff Reporter AN APPROPRIATE program bai been drawn up by the Filipino community in Syonan In celebration of the lint anniversary of the establishment of the Republic of the Philippine which falls Saturday, Oct. 14. At 9 o'clock on
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  • 500 2  - NOTES COMMENTS Sakura A COLLEAGUE who attended the homage-paying outing of Eurasians at the Syonnn Jlnja Sunday tells me that the turn-out was excellent. Headed by their commandant, the universally popular Dr. C. J. Pa*lar. who had paunchy veteran Jock Valberg a* his chief aide, the march not only revealed
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 20 2 WE UNDERTAKE CUTTING AND SHAPING DIAMONDS for I'dus^ra* and other ourpTS^s. ASIA DIAMOND GUTTERS, 15. Jalnn Pisang, Syunan. 'Phone 6116.
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    • 434 2 WASTED OFFICE CLERKS: Experienced m figures, with knowledge of English, ab li-y to speak Nippon--00 an advantage. CARPENTERS: Making wooden barrels. UNBKILLKD LABOURERS: Ugnt Coolie work. WATCHMEN: (MaJe« or Females of any nationality a*e 18 to 50). TREATMENT RATION: Rice. Cigarettes and o' Foodstuffs. LIVING QUARTERS: Quarters will be provided
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    • 896 2 THE MAIAI BALING ASSOCIATION. 21, Raffles Place, Syonan. Syonan, 10th October. 2601. To All Depositors Of The Enemy Banks Under Liquidation. In connection with the first refund of the deposits of the enemy banks which is to be executed from the 15tV- October, 2604. according to the Official Notice No
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 104 2 Today's Syonan Radio 6 p.m. news flashes In Malai. Tamil, Cantonese. English. 6,15 p.m. Byonan's local hour followed by the next day's program summary: 6 30 p.m. news in Nippon-Go for beginners; 6.40 p.m. children's story entitled "Semangat Bahra" by A. Samad; 7 p.m. news in Malai; 7.20 p.m. talk
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