Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 9 October 1944

Total Pages: 2
1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 14 1 The Syonan Shimbun NO. 579 MONDAY, OCTOBER 9. KOKI 2604. SHOWA 19 6EVEN CENTS
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  • 46 1 Domei BERLIN, Oct. 6.—Although numerically outnumbered and rompeUed to defend a two-faced front, the German Air Force has accounted for over 9,300 anti-Axis aircraft during the past three months of fighting on Germany's Eastern and Western battlefronls it was disclosed today.
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  • 42 1 LISBON Oct. 7.—Flyingbombs, believed launched from firing: sites in Holland or bomb-carry inr launching Ileinkel aircraft, fell on southern England last night, causing more devastation and nervous* ness In the British Isles, according to a London dispatvo.
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  • 111 1 'Tough Fighting Ahead On Western Front' Stimson Uomrl LISBON, Oct. 6—A Washington dispatch quoted US. War Secretary, Henry Sttauon, as laying yesterday there is much hard lieii ing yet to be done in Europe. Making his observation on German resistance today at a news conference. Stinwrn declared: "Although hb capacity
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  • 382 1 Dotnel I A NIPPON Base in South C!ii:ia, Oct. B.—The rapid r. civ: nee of the Nippon fortes in south-western China has thrown the Chungking Army into a critical plight, and in order to allay the general dissatisfaction resulting from Chungking's
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  • Editorial
    • 293 1 TIIE announcement that deposits with the Post Office Savings Bank have itawed the $10,000,000 mark p-ompts us to refer to the subject of savings. Though It was bui a few days ago that we dealt with »h»* topic, yet we feel no apo'.orr Ik necessary to dfcens* It
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  • 263 1 Domei TOKYO, Oct. 6.—Wellinformed political quarters here attached great significance to Premier General Koiso's important statement before today's Cabinet meeting as he renewed expression of his firm determination to carry out all important administrative measures to cope with the decisive developments in the
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  • 427 1 Dome! LISBON, Oct. B.—The Germans yesterday threw the heaviest counter-attack against the Americans in an effort to seal off the hole in the Siegfried Line at Übach, north of Aachen, forcing the Americans to withdraw from the commanding positions, accordirg to dispatches received here. Associated
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  • 210 1 A NIPPON BASE on the China Front, Oct. 7.— Foochcv, last remaining major enemy port along thj China coast, has fallen into Nippon handi, and, at present, the Nippon forces are engaged In mopping-up operations arainst enemy remnants around the cf-y. The complete occupation of the port was
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  • 154 1 Dwael The relentless pounding of enemy bases continues to b« a feature of the Nippon opera tions in China. Targets In Kwang&i and Kiangsi Provinces were severely attacked **y the Nippon Air Force. Lluchow, enemy air base in Kwangsi Prorinee, was subjected to
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  • 105 1 By Syonan Shtmbun Staff Reporter IN VIEW of the pressing need for Increasing foodstuff production in var'lme. Mr. Fung Keong, proprietor of the Fung Keong Rubber Manufactory, has donatd $100,000 for the development of New Syonan. The donation was handed to Mr. Cliirg Kee-sun.
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  • 90 1 Dome! BANGKOK, Oct. 7—The Chinabaced United States Air Force lot two heavy bombers shot down on Friday morning when ft formation of eight enemy B-24 bombers, In the course of an indiscriminate bombing attack a ■...>.-;♦ central Thailand, was Intercept? 1 lv
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  • 182 1 Dead A NIPPON Base at the China Front, Oct. 6.—Our fighter unit in a furious 20-mlnut» air engagement with c lemy formations over Bamshui and Shiuhing, Kwangtung Province, yesterday afternoon shot down six enemy planes and heavily damaged two others. Besides, our fighters succeeded la (•soring many effective
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  • 27 1 r;.\'L of the wventh prlae Konan Siken (lftl Issue) r.aibera «lvm in our newspaper of Oct. 6 ss No. 198 644 should read 1J9.644.
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  • 74 1 Domel LISBON, Oct. .►--I nit*d States war casualties known to dal« have -.ready exceedtd 400, MM, according to a Washington dispatch. War Secretary Henry Stiimos revealed today that Army c*suaW ties on all fronts wer* 851.MS m at September 21. The Uteyt Navy casualty
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  • 120 2 THE ENTIRE staff and etnpl r r of Ihr Syonan Tokubetu■l !.•>( Thursday donated the wm •f f7.M5.61 to thf General Ho«--pi nl nnthoritie* to be ired fnr the «ar relief fund. The do.iat'oT' iTnrpsentfd hundrc li of .small contributions voluntarily made
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  • 179 2 Postal Savings Bank's Commemorative WeekAdditions To Program By Syonan Shimbtin Staff Reporter ADDITIONS to the program drawn up by the P.mal Savings Bank authorities to mark "Commemorative Week," as a result of postal savings bank deposit* in Malai having topped $10,000,000 include: From tomorrow till Oct. 16. the mobile post
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  • 205 2 By Syonan Shimhun St it*" Reporter ALTHOUGH the main event provided an abundance of ttrllL highlight of the boxlnq at the New World Saturday l.ight was the Juvenile bout between a Malai and a Chinese. Halibar nnd Ato Kid. Making their first pub!ir appearanc-. the
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  • 1164 2 COL. OKUBO ISSUES STATEMENT "AT the present time the methods of air defence precaution and preparedness must be thoroughly known to all local inhabitants" declares Col. Kolchi Okubo. In a statement Issued today. He continued: "Moreover, a knowledge of air defence
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  • 79 2 ALL competitor* In the All-Syon-m cycle race from the Padang to the Chureito yesterday rcinplfted the course. Offlcia)^ and ccw.petltor*. then paid hon;sge to the Nippon war dead at the ChvrMto. Mr. M ohinozalfi gave away Übv Results: First, Mayor of Syonan s Cup and medal.
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  • 54 2 THERE was a record turn-out of Eurasians for yesterday's march to the Syonan Jlnja where the party paid homage to Nippon war heroes. The party was headed by Dr. C. J. Paglar. President o' the Syonan Furaslan Welfare Association. M.v Rene Pa«rlar. Incidentally the only mrl present.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 26 2 Take The Best and Leave The Rent. Insist on:— NAN BOKF Nan Boku Whisky and Brandy, iruaranteed free from Injurious element*. Obtainable from all Wine dealers.
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    • 1013 2 ffiMED I DOMESTIC OCLVKMNCKS 11 1 OFFICE CLERKS: Experienced MARRIAGES m figures, with knowledge of MR. K. V. MENON—MISS 11. English, abili'y to ipeak Nippon AMMALUKUTTY AMMA. The ««-v?. n-tdvantm marriage was :-olemnized betwern CARPENTERS Msking wooden Brlman Kunna h velapoa M»non mivSSvtw* t nm D BC ri h »nd
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 99 2 Today's Syonan Radio 6pm. news flashes in Malai Tamil. Cantonese. English, 6,15 pin Byonat;'s local hour followed by the next dny> program summary: 6.M) p.m news In Nippon-Go for begiiuicrs: 6.40 p.m. Chinese Children's Hour; 7 p.m. news in Malai: 7.20 p.m. ta'k m Tamil: 7.30 p.m orchestra recital. 7.50
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