Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 7 October 1944

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1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 14 1 The Syonan Shimbun NO 578 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7. KOKI 2604. SHOWA 1* SEVEN CENTS
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  • 56 1 1 DomeJ STOCKHOLM. Oct. *—Se- < retarv of State. Cordell Hull, will resign soon in the opinion k of Washington political circles. according to report by the Swedish newspaper Sven I Dagbladet's correspondent in Yew York. Even if Roosevelt is re-elected to a fourth term.
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  • 59 1 LISBON. Oct. s—Threatening the British Isles with more Y-l attar ks. German>» \liijt llriukt-ls ranged along the t.astern England coastline tonight for a brief attack ajraln«t Southern 1 inland. according to Reuters London message. The heaviest barrage (or many months was put up by coastal
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  • 197 1 Other Units Advancing Swiftly To Kweilin Damei CANTON, Oct. s.—Only 9U kilometres (less than five miles) now separate Foochow from the Nippon forces which effected a landing on the Fukien coast, and are now driving towards the strategically located Fukien provincial capital of
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  • 167 1 Dsmei LISBON. Oct. 5. -Indian hopes that the British Oovernmert might tak° steps to free incarcerated Indian nationalist leaders were shattered today when British Secretary of State for India. Leopold S. Amery. flatly declared in the House of Commons that he could see no
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  • Editorial
    • 329 1 MEASURES being enforced by the authorities to effect change of trade by diverting workers from non essential jobs to tbose vital for the successful prosecution of the war, will undoubtedly result in the bolstering of oar war efforts. The first of these measures, it was disclosed at
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  • 141 1 Domei. PEKING. Oct. 5.-The mihV.ary mission of the Yenan Communist regime reached Washington some time in the middle of September after its visit to Moscow, according to information reaching here. Venan'n military •ntssion consist ing of 46 members, reportedly left the capital
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  • 125 1 Done! TOKYO, Oct. 5.-Takanobu Mitani, Nippon Ambassador to France, and all members of his Embassy staff, are safe somewhere in southern Germany which they reached early in September followh g their evacuation from Vichy, according to an official telegram received by the Foreign Office
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  • 63 1 Domei LISBON. Oct. The Stockholm correspondent of the London Daily Mail reporU that Germany's secret rocket-propelled super-flying-bomb—the V-2—already has been launched against the British Isles from Dutch firing sites, according to a dispatch received here. The new flying-bomb travels with such upecd and altitude
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  • 107 1 Dwnei A NIPPON BASE on the China Front. Oct. «.—Nippon air units in China on the night of Ort 3 carried out effective raids on the enemy bases of Sian and Hanchung. both located in Shensi Province. wreaking; havoc among enemy aircraft and ground installations. In
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  • 369 1 TOKYO, Oct. 6—The text of the communique on the war situation on Pilillou Island released at 3 p.m. by Dal Honyei reads: "Firstly, the war situation in the Palau Group Is as follows: "Our forces on Pillliou Island, holding the central hilly region and
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  • 28 1 HSINKINO, Oct. 6—Gen Hidelci To jo, former Premier of Nippon. a mved here at 820 o'clock thin afternoon, followlnt an lnsp°ct.on ;om- ot southern Manshukoku
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  • 189 1 ••SMi LISBON. Oct 4 The New York Times editorial today said: "Nippon soldiers have landed near the important South China harbour of Foochow at a moment when the question of what we have done and can do for our Far Eastern allies is becoming
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  • 250 1 Dome! LISBON Oct. 5.— Heavy fighting continued today at three points in the northern sector of the Western Front— the Arnhem, Übach, and Antwerp areas—with the Anglo-American Invasion forces unable to make any sensational gains owing to stiff German resistance, according to
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  • 190 1 Tho lull lasting for come tim« n the central sector of the Eastern riont was broken on Wednoeday waen a German aim our ed •mbat group stormed the Bovtel bridgehead on the Np:vw north of War*** Frontline dispatches to Berlin Mid that Soviet troops in
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  • 39 1 Domel BERLIN. Od H—Polsh On. Tadeusx Komorowsky (Gen. Bor), newly-appointed Commander- inChief of the I'nliMi Army, was raptured alonx with his entir* «t.i(T after tin i-Mpitulation of Polish insurKt'iits In Uarsaw. II w.ti •IBciaJljr announced today.
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  • 505 2 By Sjonan Shimbnn Staff Reporter MORE OPPORTUNITIES for «pecializr»] training, with many privileges, are offered local youth* possessing ny elementary education or higher academic qualifications. Tlie RUtugun S^klyu Koh-Gyo Oakko (Army Controlled Petroleum' Industrla: School) Is enrolling a number rf students for a
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  • 725 2  - NOTES COMMENTS Sakura PRESSURE on space, due to a tar-1 feit of official notices and the AR.P Instructions, instalments of which ran for ten days has prevented these notes from appearing for ever a fortnifht, and I must apologize to readers who have written to me on one topir and
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  • 268 2 PRIZE COMPETITION WINNERS By Syonan Shimbun Staff Reporter DEPOSITS in the Dai Nippon Government Post Office Savings Bank of Malal reached the $10,000,000 mark on Sept. 28, with the total number of accounts exceeding 300.000, according to an announcement made by the
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  • 68 2 IN CONNECTION with tomorrow's open cycle race, the winner will receive the Mayor's cup, the second home will win the Kosei-Ka Cho's cup, and the third the Mayor's silver meial. In addition to other prizes, medals will be awarded to the first ten S.S.A. members who complete
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  • 79 2 THE honorary secretary of the Auxiliary Police A&vxMatien, writes: "Beginning Oct. 1, 'he authorities aye approved of all the Auxiliary Police Assistants in Syonan to distribute a pa<*<et >f 20 sticks of cigarettes per month to each inal? person from the age <>f 20 years and upward.
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  • 279 2 By Syonan Shlmbun Staff Reporter A SPECIAL program of lectures and entertainments have been drawn up by the' Postal Savings Bank authorities in connection with the commrnunorative week, starting from Oct. 10 to Oct. 16. in view of postal savings reaching the $*****.000 maik.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 316 2 HOMAGE AT JINJA A FINAL remir^r Is given regarding tomorrow's Eurasian rr»a'c h to the Syonan jlnja from the S.S.A. clubhouse at 7.30 a.m. It Is hoped Jut as many Eurf'ans as possible will turn out. JUST RELEASED IN SYONAN! "ON TO DELHI" (In English) A Comprehensive collection of Speeches
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    • 447 2 WANTED OFFICE CLERKS: Experic r.crd m figuies, with knowledge of Engl sh, ab 11 y to speak NipponGo an advantage. CARPENTERS: Making wooden barrels. UNSKILLED LABOURERS: Light Coolie work. WATCHMEN: (Male* or Female* of ar.y nationality, age 18 to 50). TREATMENT RATION: Rice. Cigarettes and other Foodstuffs. LIVING QUARTERS: Quarters
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 52 2 Sunday Church Services ST. ANDREW'S Cathedra): H.C (plain) 830 a.m., <choral) 9.15 a.m Evensong 6 p.m., St. Hilda's tKatonß>: H.C. ichoral) 9.3.) a.m.. Evensong (5.30 p.m.. Kampong Kapor Methodift: service »n Maial 11.30 a.m.. English 5.45 p.m.. Pava Isobar Methodist: Worship 11.30 a.m.. Geylang Methodic (at Kooi) Seng Road>: Worship
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    • 96 2 Today's Synnart Radio 8 p.m. news flashes in Malat Tamil, Cantonese, English. 6,15 pm. Svonan's local hour followed by the next day's program summary: 6.50 p.m. news in Nippon-Go for beginners: 6.40 p.m. Indian Children s Hour; 7 p.m. news In Ma'al; 7.20 p.m. Malai music; 7.50 p.m. news fa
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