Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 6 October 1944

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1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 14 1 The Syonan Shimbun NO 377 FRIDAY. OCTOBER 6 KOKI 2604. SHOWA 10 SEVEN CENTS
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  • 42 1 Domei A NIPPON Base in the South-Western Pacific. Oct. s—Our air and ground units shot down six aircraft which raided Balik Papan on the morn ing of Oct. 3 Damage caused to our side was slight.
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  • 40 1 TOKYO, Oct TENNO M IK V this morning received in audience l)r Muzaffer (joeker, new Turkish Ambassador to Nippon at the Imperial Palace The Turkish envoy presented his credentials to the Throne on the occasion.
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  • 104 1 Domel. A NIPPON Base at the China Front Oct. s.—Following j close on the heels of fleeing, enemy raiders, a Nippon, bomber unit struck bark at the j enemy air base at Liuchow., Kwangsi Province, destroying a total oi eight enemy planes. According to detailed
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  • 52 1 Dnmel SHANGHAI. Oft 4—Gen. Kami-, shige Ugeki, onr of highest ranking senior officers of the Nippon Army here, th'.s morning received Cho'i Fo-hai. Vice-Prpsident of the Executive Yuan of the National Government of China, and other prominent Nippon and Chinese leaders with whom he conferred on
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  • Editorial
    • 349 1 ONCE again (he »nemys plan of' operations in the China lector hay been frustrated with the surprise landing effected north-east of Foot how h Fukien Province by *he! imperial Amy and Nar* I'ndoubtedly the aim of this landinr! l« to reduce the seaport of Foochow.j which is
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  • 63 1 DtnH. A NIPPON BASE in the Central Pacific. Ocf 5 During the eleven-day period from Sept. 23. the Nippon garrison forces on Pililiou Island, of the Palan Group, inflicted on the enemy casualties exceeding 10,000. Thus, the total enemy casualties since Sept.
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  • 181 1 Dvmei. LISBON. Oct 4. -The morale of German troops is as good as ever, says Captain Liddell Hart, military correspondent of the Daily Mail in his latest survey of the war situation on the various fronts, according to a London dispatch. On the Western Front
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  • 157 1 Demei. SOMEWHERE In Burma Oct. 6—Revealing that contingents of the Azad Hird Fauj are fighting r.gair.3t, the AngloAmerican enemies shoulder to shoulder vith their German allies and are rot behfr.d their comrades fighting the enemy or the Indo-Burma border, the Provisional Government o: Azad
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  • 90 1 DWMfti TSINAN. Oct. 4.—Nippon mop-1 pinjr-up unit* and the Shantung Peace Preservation Corps in battle again*! approximately ::.000 Chinese Communist troops or Sept. 19 accounted for 280 enemy dead abandoned on the bartlefleld The battle occurred xvhen our forces before dawn on Sept. 19 went
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  • 92 1 DoveJ LISBON. Oct. 4 The AngloAmerican desire to wrest Italian colonies for '.heir own imperialistic designs was exposed In the House of Commons today when British Foreign Secretary Anithony Eden, emphatically stated that the British Governmert wax opposed to the return of Italian colonies to Italy
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  • 66 1 Dmml PEKING. Oct. 4.-Sh!mpet Takfuchi. Vice-Mini*ter of Oreate 1 East Asiatic Affair* arrived here this afternoon by air on an iiupecj tion tour of North and Central China and Mengchiang. This evening he conferred with Lieut.-Gen. Kiyonobu Shionwa. Nippon Minister at Peking, on conditions In North China.
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  • 411 1 LISBON. Oct. 4.—North of Nljmefen and on the* Meuse River. British and American forces launched heavy attacks yesterday. However, these attacks failed with heavy losses before stubborn German resistance and counter-attacks, the German High Command communique said. Strong pressure of the First Canadian Army
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  • 138 1 B-29 BASES IN SHEiNSI BLASTED DMsai LISBON, Oct. 4.—The main body of Nippon troops, sweeping southwards down the Kweilin-Hengyang railway, ¥w» passed through Hingan and are now battling Chungking forces approximately 27 kilometres north of Kweilin, Kwangsi provincial capital and important American air
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  • 118 1 Danei. BERLIN. Oct. 4—German fighter aircraft yesterday took to the tir to frustrate AngloAmerican air activity in the Aachen. Strasbourg, and Muelhausen sectors, contributing efficient fishier assistance to stubbornly battling Wehrmacht divisions, it was disclosed today Over the Duk:h sector and In ihe Vosße
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  • 263 1 Doraei. TOKYO. Oct. 4.—Ths crisis at Kweilin, citadel of the United States Air Force in south-western China, created as a result of the recent capture by the Nippon forces of Paoking and Tanchuk, key operational bases In that sector, is already having a
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  • 63 1 Domri TOKYO. Oct J— Tiw; Dai Nippon Medical Practitioner** Asaorla. tion has deridd to op»n ten clinic* with women d'ctors In rharge for the purpose of giving medical treat, ment to juvenih evacuees from larger clues Tho clinics will b« opened at nIH-e* wh-r^ th»ip «r«
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  • 192 2 By Syonan Shimbun Staff Reporter MANY attractive and useful vocations are awaiting the youths of this rountry. the Kosei-ka Cho pointed out in the course of his fttatenient to the Press yesterday outlining the preliminary steps derided upon by the Tetiftyo-lin Kal (Change of
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  • 218 2 WITH ths object of further strengthening the set-up of the Syonan Aojln Kocel Kyokai, which has been formed under the direction of Qoveromen* to lick after the welfare of all Eurasian* in Syonan, a reshuffle of the association's committee was recently effected. The following have been
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  • 118 2 TWO hundred members of the Eurasian Free Labour Service Corps will this Sunday (Imperial Rescript Observance Day) march to the Syonan Jinja to pay homage there and reaffirm their 'esolve to give fheir «11-out co-operation to Nippon in winning the war of
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  • 60 2 Tir Syonan Rtaimbiin Staff Reporter A MATCH which Is Just as attractive as any other in tomorrow's boxir<,' card at the New World is the middleweight event between W. Sftiith end Jfmwv Bird. This Is their V '.rd- meeting While Smith won tli» f.rsf f <;ht f.n a
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  • 315 2 PARENTS' FEARS SET AT REST By Syonan Shlmbuu Staff Reportei ALL UNEMPLOYED and those not In regular employment will be the first to be affected by the Change of Trade measures which are being strictly enforcsd by the authorities, according to a statement
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    • 119 2 To the Editor, Syonan Shimban. SlR,—Much has bttn said and written of the locally cultivated grains and seeds like the millet or "ragl" and others, aad many people like myself are eargerly de3irous to have them. Nothing has so far been d^ne by way of proviuJip. us
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    • 95 2 MANILA, Oct. 4 (Domei).— Everywhere Filipinos are rallying behind their President—lB million otrong. It is learned from Laguna Province that a mass raily was held at Santa Crus Municipality at which thousands spontaneously voiced their wholehearted approval of the war deciaiation against the AngloAmericans.
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    • 45 2 PENANO. October 4, (Dome;)— Keen enthusiasm was manifested by 200 Chinese families in their mission of boosting food production as they gathered here prior to embarking for Province Wellesley to Join the hundreds of other s-eftiers alrrady working in the agricultural colony.
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    • 36 2 A FURTHER batch, comprising 20 families, left for the New Byonan farming settlement yesterday. Several more batches of settlers who have already rejr'stered with the OCA. ar« scheduled to leave this month.
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  • 153 2 DJAKARTA. Oct. 4 iDomflt.— "Voluntary Service Day," first anniversary of the formation of Djawa's Home Defence Army based on the voluntary system, was observed throughout the island yesterday with renewed determination to fight out the current war to anal victory. All battalions of
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  • 34 2 SPONSORED by tile members of the Rani of Jhansi Regiment Training Camp, an Indian women's rally will be held tomorrow opposite the premises of the local branch of the Independence League.
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  • 105 2 U— Py Syonan Shirabun Staff Reporter AT A PRESS meeting yesterday, the Kosei-ka Cho disclosed that former Nippon-jin residents of this island, now interned in India, have presented their clothing, which was left behind following the outbreak of war, to the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 310 2 AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE 999 TEARS' LEASEHOLD SYONAN PROPERTIES. To be held at The saleroom of Messrs. Cheong Koon Seng ft Co., Ltd.. No. 10, Chulia Street, Syonan. On Wednesday. 19th September, 2604. at 300 pm. <Tokyo Time). Lot 1. Valuable 999 years' leasehold land and noire No. 31. Enggor
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    • 865 2 SYONAN TOKUBETU SI NOTICE NO. 141 Re: Enrolment of 2nd Batch Students for the Hozyo-i Yoh-sei Zyo (Dressers Training Institute). SECOND BATCH STUDENTS for the Dressers Training Institute are being enrolled as follows:— 1. Number to be recruited: 30. 2. Qualification: Male youlhs between the ages of 16 and 23
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