Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 5 October 1944

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1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 14 1 The Syonan Shimbun NO. 576 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5. KOKI 2604. SHOWA 19 SEVEN CENTS
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  • 54 1 Dome! A NIPPON Base in South China, Oct. 4—ln a hot aerial combat with about ten P-51 fighters over Wuchow, southern Kwangsi Province, this morning, a Jfppon fighter shot down five enemy machines and heavily damaged two others. All the Nippon planes returned to
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  • 48 1 Done! BERLIN, Oct. 3.—Organized resistant*? by Polish insurjent forces who startrd an uprising in Warsaw has come an end and the "oflirers on the staff of Gen. Bor, Commander of the Polish Home Army,' have signed a capitulation agreement, the German New* Agency reported today.
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  • 169 1 Dome! AT THE South China Front, Oct. 3.— Lingchi, strategic advanced base for Chungking forces in Kwangsi Province, iell into our hands at 9.30 o'clock Sunday morning. Located 50 ktlometres west of Wuchow. Lingchi serves as an important link between Wuchow and Junghsien
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  • 29 1 TOKYO. Oct. 3—Premier Gen. Ku.iiakl Koiso was host this evenIng at a dinner party given in honour of representatives of leadin-r news organs of the nation.
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  • Editorial
    • 341 1 WITHIN a fortnight, what we said about the likelihood of the enemy perishing before the withering fire of Hitler's annie: along the frontiers of Germany I* being borne out by latest dispatches from the Western and Italian frontlines. We now have it on the admission of the commander
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  • 129 1 Domei TOKYO. Oct. 4.—Fierce fighting between Nippon and enemy forces continue to rage on Pililiou as well as Angaur «md Godobusu Islands of the Palau Group, according to frontline dispatches. At dawn on Oct. l, trie Nippon garrison troops on Mount Suifu inflicted heavy casualties
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  • 306 1 Domei A NIPPON BASE at the China Front, Oct. 2.—Smashing all advantageous positions the enemy had established along the Ou River in an attempt to blockade our troops, Nippon naval units in a swift move surged through to establish liaison with our army units
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  • 32 1 D oriel A NIPPON Base In the SouthWest Pactnc. Sept. 30.—The Ninpon Air Force r••» the afternoon of Sem 27 raided Cape Gila. e.iemy landing point on Morolal Island,
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  • 282 1 Darnel. LISBON, Oct. 3—Fighting activity increased in ferocity yesterday between the Maeseyck and Aachen area on the southern Dutch-German border of the Western Front as Anglo-American troops sought to probe deeper into Germany against determined German counter-attacks, according to war dispatches received here.
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  • 357 1 ON BOARD a Nippon Warship, Oct. 3.—A naval unit of the Nippon fleet in China waters heavily shelled arid destroyed the enemy fortress and shore military installations near the mouth of the Mm River, south of Foochow, on the morning of
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  • 125 1 I Dome! CANTON. Oct. 3.—Nippon forces now converging on Kweilln along the HengyangKweilin railway have surrounded and launched an attack against Hingan, strategic point between Kweilin and north-eastern Kwangsi Province, according to Chungking reports reaching here. These reports revealed that the Nippon forces which
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  • 106 1 Dome I LISBON. Oct 4.-Indicating that the situation In Palestine arising from the outbreak of fresh anti-British disturbances is still serious, a Reuters dispatch from Jerusalem today reported that there is still no indication when the curfew imposed last Friday is likely to end. Tension prevails
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  • 65 1 Damrl A NIPPON !n the Northern Sector, Oct. 3. —Nippon forces o» Kitachi^hima during ih<? one-mo:.Th period beginning ;it the end of Avgust, accounted foi ei'^ht enemy plnnes heavily damaged out of ft total of 111 rlanrs which attempted to raid our poit'tan* 11 tiinrt. E:ymv
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 349 1 16th Term Konan Saiken Results THE following are the 502,187, 452.656, 311.034, 294.787, n»«ultc of thr Kith term 198,735, 117,903. 491,519. 118.828, c.iir.V. hl™ It 3«7530' 208™9- *****2 *****5' Konan Saiken drawn at *****2 i 132 ,674, 239.818. 275.193, Syonan Kokaido today: 125,043, 279,232. 184.872, 451,14!», FIRST PRIZE (550,000): 153,243
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  • 217 2 14,000 ENROLLED TO DATE By Syonan Shimbun S 4aff Repottfi IN RESPONSE to the. appeal by the authorities for increased labour power, the Chinesp Free Labour Service Corps has steadily expanded and grown, within a space of two months, to
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  • 129 2 By Syonan Shin, mi Staff Reporte- A 810 crowd fill:d th? Kyopi Q«kijo yesterday when the "Savings Nlghf sponsored hv the Malai Banking As^oc'a/ioii with the support of Shacian Hojin Eil?« Halkyu Sha f atured a combined lecture and m^vio program. Recalling
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  • 159 2 Homage At Chureito {Sunday By Syonan Shitnbun Staff Reporter, PARTICIPANTS and officials ot the first All-Byonan Bicycle Race to! be held on Imperial Rescript Day. Oct. 8. will pay homage to the Nippon war dead at the Chureito immediately after the race. A cup presented by
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  • 60 2 PENANG, October 4. iDomei>— For achieving exceptionally good results in the production of copra. 34 coconut plantation owners were awarded prizes and certificates by the authorities at a ceremony held at the premises of the Government Offices yesterday Tn addition. 1.300 small estate owner* and others were
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  • 52 2 WHILJC Sunday 1101 nlng's homse paying march to the Syonan Hnja to primarily Intended for all .r.ernbers of the Eurasian Free I-abour Service Corps, all other Eura-sians who wish to take the -f visltlni tin Sbrlne win 'wo "ve'eome, it hoped that there will be a
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  • 82 2 1 By Svonan Shimbun Staff Reporter MATTERS bavin* an important hearing on the infrnyiflcation of the island's war effort were di< cussed al a meeting ol officials of the Auxiliary Policr Association held at the Polir* Club on Tuesday. At this meeting, which <ra*
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  • 167 2 By Syonan SHlmbun Staff Reporter THE EXISTING procedure of perraittinK Savings Bank withdrawals only after two months from the date of death on pi-ociuction of o death certificate in Iht case of withdrawal of a dececfed per ion's account, whose total property including the baiaixr
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 592 2 SYONAN TOKUBETU SI NOTICE NO. 142 RE ENROLMENT OF STUDENTS FOR THE ARMY (ONTROLLED PETROLEUM INDUSTRY SCHOOL STUDENTS for the Rikugun Sekiyu Koh-Oyo Gakko 'Army Controlled Petroleum Industry School) are being enrolled as, follows:— j 1. Qualification: Youths between tr.e ages of 14 and 30 who have been educated to
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    • 692 2 NOTICE TO THE DEPOSITORS OF THE ENEMY BANKS UNDER LIQUIDATION. With reference to MALA.I GUNSEIKAN KOKUJI NO 52 depoeitori of the enemy bank* mder liquidation are requested to register tht'j names and amounts of deposits in accordance nitli the foi lowing pangraphs in order receive the refund. (I) REGISTRATION PERIOD
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 111 2 T*d*y's Syonan Radit I p.m. news flashes In Malal. Tamil and Cantonese: 6.15 p.m. Syonan's local hour followed by the i next day's program summary: 6 80 p.m. news in Nippon-Oo for be|ginners; 6.40 p.m. Chinese Children s Hour; 7 p.m. news In Mala;; 7.20 p.m. light music by the
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