Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 4 October 1944

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1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 14 1 The Syonan Shimbun NO. 375 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4. KOKI 2604. SHOWA 1» 9EVEN CENTS
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  • 60 1 A NIPPON Base in the Central Pacific, Oct. 3—The latest check-up on results of the interception or enemy raiders on Iwoshima on Oct. 1 reveals that two more large enemy planes were shot down or damaged In addition to the one enemy aircraft shot down,
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  • 47 1 Denel MUKDEN, Oct. 3—T.en, i'ldeki Tojo, former .Ni£ ,HM» Premier, rrncd j«r* thto afternoon b) air on v ll> >peetion -oni of tfajwh J^cko. I lie uas wekOßOi Urn loe*J aerodrome by Gorcrnoient an* military leaders a» well M influential rtvillans.
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  • 90 1 Imperial Forces Converging On Strategic City Of Foochow Domei TOKYO, Oct. 3.—lmperial Nippon Army and Navy units effected a suprise landing; on the coast north-east of Foochow, Fukien Province, early in the morning of Sept. 27, Dai Honyei announced at 3 o'clock this afternoon.
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  • 48 1 Domei TOKYO, Oct. 2—To avenge the gallant deaths of our garrison forces at Omiyajima and Tinian, 80 employees of the I'lchimangumi, which is engaged in the transportation of vital wartime goods, yesterday donated Yen 100.000 to the War Ministry for the construction of a "revenge plane."
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  • Editorial
    • 369 1 WITH THE views expressed by Jorre B. Vargas, Philippines Ambassador to Nippon, on lite question of the United States forcing the Filipino nation once again Into the horrors and devastation of war, we find ourselves—Just as all Asiatic peoples will find themselves—ln total agreement. Without the
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  • 248 1 Domei A NIPPON Base at the China Front, Oct. 2.—The Nippon Air Force in China in a series of highly successful raids against enemy air bases in south-western China, accounted for a total of 76 enemy planes destroyed on the
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  • 166 1 Dome! CANTON, Oct. 2.—Contradicting American claims that Chungking is receiving all-out American material aid in the war against Nippon, the Chungking Spokesman today complained that American assistance was lar from what could be termed satisfactory, according to Chungking information received here. American supplies to Chungking
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  • 84 1 Domel. STOCKHOLM, Sept. 29.— Angered over Argentina's refusal to place herself completely under American guidance despite. strong American diplomatic and economic pressure, President Roosevelt at a Press conference today charged Argentina with undermining the American system of defence, according to a Washington dispatch. Be declared that
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  • 350 1 Dome! LISBON, Oct. 2.—As furious fighting continued unabated In the Nijmegen sector in Holland where ihe Germans are hurling one counter-attack after another, steel-helmetted Wenrmacht legions battling in the Nancy area in southeastern France yesterday smashed back Anglo-American troops In a powerful
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  • 197 1 42,000 PLANES, 77,000 AIRMEN Domel LISBON, Oct. 2.—The stupendous personnel los&M suffered by the American Air Force, amounting: to orer 77,000, were announced today by Gen. Henry Aratljt, Commander-in-Chief of the United States Air force, states a Washington dispatch received here. r Arnold
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  • 96 1 D«neJ TOKYO, Oct. 3.—Toyotaro Yukl, Cabinet Adviser and concurrently Adviier to the Ministry of Greater East Asiatic Affairs, will make a one-month tour of all parts of China from early next month to strengthen Slno-Nippon industrial and economic cooperation. He will be accompanied by Toyoichi
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  • 68 1 Dome! A NIPPON BASE In the Southwest Pacific, Oct. I.—Nippon gar* rison units at Balik Papan on the eastern coast of Borneo shot down or heavily damaged 19 enemy B 24'g out of an enemy formation of 80 planes which came over the sector yesterday. Seven enemy
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  • 34 1 Dome! KAIQAN. Oct. a.—A ceremony marking the presentation of 3,000 head of cattle to the Nippon Government by the Federated Autonomous Government of Mongolia took rlace today at the local N.ppon Embassy.
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  • 123 1 Dotnel ZURICH, Oct. 2—AngloAmerican dispatches from- tht northern Italian front today indicated that German Field Marshal Albert Kftiaelrtng's battle-tried crack divisions are continuing to hurl heavy counter-attacks against tht American Fifth Army front strung out along the hilly terrain flanking the BolognaRimini railway. For
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  • 229 1 Done! LISBON. Oct. ?.—Major-General Urquhart, Commander of the Flr<t British air-borne 'nn. which was virtually wiped out by Germaa forces In the Arnhem sector, Holland, today frankly admitted that the British alr-born» attempt proved r.n operational faMu-e due to mlsJudfrni^nt of German dafemlT* strength,
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  • 73 2 B.v Syonan Shimbun S'aff Reporter IN CONNECTION with the scrap paper drive launched by the authorities some time ago. the public Is informed that old papers •re "till acceptable and can be exchanged for rice at »he OverseaChinese Association. Hill Street. The drive has so
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  • 238 2 By Syonan shimbun Staff Reporter PROVIDING yet another in«t- anre of the interest taken by the anthoriti«* in the people's welfare. the new system of cigarette distrl- j button to local residents through' the Auxiliary Police, whereby every I male over 20 years
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  • 136 2 By Syonan Shimbun Staff Reperter; THIS Saturday's boxing at the.i New World offers one of the best attractions of the year in the LiUle Abayan vs. Kid Cnbanella match for the bantamweight championship of Malai. Holder or the Malaian1 title. Abayan is in
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  • 353 2 TODAY the home «f *ver s,fOt; Chinese, the majority «f whom, were formerly' city workers an* j businessmen of Syonan. the Chinest' farming settlement in New Syona* ran be tald to have passed its mi- tial, and most critical, stage, i Its
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  • 214 2 'CHRISTMAS BOX' FOR FUJI VILLAGERS By Syonan Shimbun Staff Reportei PROCEEDS ot the Syonan Symphony Orchestras recent grand charity concert will help to gladden the hearts of many hard-working farm settlers in Fuji Village this Christmas, as $5,000 presented to the Eurasian Welfare
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  • 111 2 By Syonan Shim bun Staff Reporter THE pioneers of Fuji Village have gone on the screen! Glimpses of this farm settlement at Bahau and its settlers are afforded in a newsippl now being shown at the Teikoku Kan (Former Empire.). For a
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  • 41 2 SXONAN PoUce Band program for October: Today. Waterloo Street; Sunday. Bth. Jalan Besar; Wednesriav. 11th, Bo'anir Oard»ns; Sundsy. 15th. Police Club: Wednesday. 18th. Farrer Park: Sunday. 22nd Waterloo Street: Wednesday. 2"h vi, .Talan Besar; Sunday, 29th. Botan.e Gardens.
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  • 303 2 Bt Syonan Shimbiu Staff Sepcrter REFLECTING his firm belief in the Catholic Farming Colony in. Fuji Village turning into a land of milk and honey.. Dr. C. J. Paglar, the Aojin leader, has set up a little home of his own
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    • 146 2 lo Th« EdJUr §y»nan Shimbun. Sir,— May I refer to the impunity with which some of our taxldi'hcid continue to mulct the travelling public. Despite Urn publication in your paper recencly of the fixed taxi fare.-, it is regrettable to note that by hook or by rrook
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    • 40 2 PENANO. Oct i. (Domel).—Approximately 1.000 families will be required to proceed to the Chinese agricultural colony In Province Wellesley. under a second scheme which com»s into operation today by the Pimang OverseaChinese Association
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  • 256 2 LEADING pr«>habu the tonrhest life, bnt game to the cere, tre the 3 000 Eurasian and Chines* Catholic MMJjn of Fuji Village, saye Dome! Recently stricken with malaria, which sent to bed hundreds of Its populace, the settlers have now weathered the storm, and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 30 2 WANTED one converted 7 vaive upwards "Philip, O.E. or O.E.C. or H M.V." latest model Radio with vi wi'hout r»"cord-chßnger. Write to "Advevt or' No. 29. Tec* Cbye Terrace, Sjonau.
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    • 302 2 WANTED A DIESEI, ENGINE DRIVER. Good salary Special house provided with free light and water. Applicants must possess a Board of Trade Certificate and must be between 35 to 45 years of tge. Apply personally with full particulars to KIKUAN-BU. Konan Bangyo X X Ltd.. 858. Lorong 17. Oeylang on
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    • 315 2 SYONAN TOKUBETU SI NOTICE NO. 141 Re: Enrolment of 2nd Batch Students for the Hoijo-i Yoh-sei Zyo (Dressers Training Institute). SECOND BATCH STUDENTS for the Dressers Training Institute are being enrolled as follows:— 1. Number to be recruited: 30. 2. Qualification: Male youths between the ages of 16 and 23
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 45 2 NIPPON-GO LESSON 154 I Kippw o sammai kaimashlta I bought three ticket*. Kitte o hachi-mai icatte kudasal. —Please buy eight stamps. fo+4 Sore o naifu de kitte kiidasai.— Please cut It with the knife. Vocabulary: Kippu, ticket; kittc, stamp; kau. to bw>: kiru. to cut.
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