Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 3 October 1944

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1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 14 1 The Syonan Shimbun NO. 574 TUESDAY. OCTOBER 3. KOKI 2604 SHOWA 10 SEVEN CENTS
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  • 67 1 LISBON. Oct. Z I be mppli problem in the war against Nippon iff three time* that of the war in Europe. James Forrestal. Iniled State* Nary Secretary said In a speech in San Francisco on Saturday according to a dfopatch received here. He iJUed t'oat
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  • 46 1 Dane! LISBON, Oct. I—live hundred persons have been reported drowned or killed and 2.000 rendered homeless in the flood* which are causing widespread devastation In Vera Crut and the neighbouring (tales, according to "a Rcuter dispatch from Mexico City.
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  • 257 1 U.S. Bases At Kweilin And Liuchow Gravely Menaced SOITH CHINA FRONT. Oct. I—Continuing their super-human drives, the Nippon force* on Sept. 27 occupied Szelun and Wuilung. situated in western Kwangtung Province, and are now advancing rapidly deep into Kwangsi Province. Advancing: swiftly through mountainous terrain. our
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  • Editorial
    • 355 1 IN VIEW of it« most important effect in stabilizing economic conditions in the country, the second "Filed Deposits with Bnnns" canpaign. now in swing, must be welrnmrd by all sections of the public in Malai This rampaijjn is on raach tlif name lines as the on*
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  • 154 1 D*mel CHINA BASE. Oct. 1 Despltp Inclement weather. Nippon bomber units early this morning raided the enemy's airield at Lhu'how. central Kwangsi Province. Swooping down to an extremely low level, our air units attacked sheltered areas and set ablaze one four-engined aircraft and destroyed another large-s&ed,
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  • 104 1 A NIPPON Base In the South-Western Pacific, Oct. 2.—Out of 60 medium and small Miemy planes which raided Toaru of the Kei Group on Sept. 30. our forces shot dawn one enemy machine. Meanwhile, on the same day. thn>p raiders out of a formation of
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  • 32 1 D*nel KALOAN, Sept. 30.—The Meng- niang Oovernnwnt announced under. date Sept. 23 the -s n.. m. of the Menftrhiang S<:mi.tinr Institute for the- ad\*anrement ot lechnical Mid scientific a'udy. i
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  • 137 1 Dome! LISBON. Ort 1.- Chungking political circles are "greatly puzzled by the statement madt by British Prime Minister Churchill in his speech in the House of Commons last week, that despite 'lavish American helo". Chungking suffered severe military reverses, according to a dispatch received
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  • 215 1 Domei. SHANGHAI, Oct. 2—The .serious nature of the friction between the Chungking and Yenan regimes and the desperate attempt of Chiang Kai-shek to patch up their differences, are further revealed in Chungking's decision to dispatch an investigation mission to Yenan. capital of Red
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  • 316 1 Dome) TOKYO O,:i Jorge B. Vargas. Philippines Amoassa- dor to Nippon, in a radio address directed to the people of the Republic of the" Philip- pines, bitterly denounced the United Stales Government tor its ur.-Demorratic. un-Chri»-tian. and ur-Ameri?ftn ac- tions ir. bringing war
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  • 101 1 Oomci A NIPPON Base In the Central Pacific, Oct. I.—Nippon garrison units on Pilillou Island are aiding last to the heights in the central part of the island, by carrying out successive night attacks against the enemy. Great losses have been inflicted on the
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  • 124 1 Domel STOCKHOLM, Oct. I.— Disparaging the Polish Refugee Government's role in the socalled "liberation" battle in Warsaw. Gei Rola Zimlerski, Defence Delegate of the Russian-sponsored Lublin Committee of National Liberation, today alleged In Moscow that Gen. Bor. Commander of the Polish Homo Army and newlyappointed Polish Commander-in-Chief
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  • 367 1 LISBON. Oct I.—The battle! 'in Holland continued .yesterday j with steady fighting bm with-: out any essential charge In the j situation on the Iron;. i dispatches indicated. Units of I the First Canadian Army which I had advanced across Turnhout. despite stubborn German resistance,
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  • 198 2 By Syonan Shimbun Staff Reporter ENTRIES are Invited for a Nippon-Go Song Contest to be held at Hoao-kan In the Kyorelkan of the Great World Amusement Park at S p.m. on October 8 '—Imperial Rescript Observance Day. The contest is oeing
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  • 152 2 GOOD soccer should be witnessed on Friday and Saturday at Jalan Besar Stadium, when matches to decide the championships In the second and first divisions, respectively, of the S.S.A. football league are played off. On Friday, Chums meet the Halkowyu XI In a replay
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  • 121 2 I i By Syonan Shimbun Staff Reporter SYONAN Auxiliary Police Assistants continue to be the saviours of the Bahau Fund, their efforts again ranking prominently In (he newest list of contributions received by the Kooci-ka in response to the appeal to the public for
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  • 67 2 MANILA. September 29.—With a long stream of devouLs filling the churoh. holy mass was sung at the San MarrpHno Church this morning foi Philippines and Greater Bast Asm:- victory m the present war. The masi was held on the occasion of the feast day of St.
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  • 68 2 WITH regard to the proposed march of Eurasians to the Syoncn Jinja next Sunday moining, Oct. 8, to pay homage to Nippon wir heroes, It has now been decided that only members of the Aojln Free Labour Service Corps need turn out. All members must wear their
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  • 52 2 "A NIOKT In Socchow." featuring Miss Li H&lanß Lan (of "Shina No Yoru" fame), will be the main film attraction at tomorrow's lec'ure movie meeting, sponsored by the Malai Banking Association, with the support of fhadan Hojin Eipa Haikvu 6ha. at the Kyoel Oekijo. TJie program starts at
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  • 33 2 INDIANS throughout Mal«tl yesterday celebrated the 75th birthday of Mohandas Karamchaui Gandhi when, at roass meetings, they paid flowing tribute to (he great work the Mahatmajl has done for his motherland.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 363 2 DOMESTIC OCCVRREKCES ENGAGEMENTS ANO—LIM. The engagement is announced between Mr. Anthony Ang Chin Choon. eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ang Hock Yen, and Miss Lucy LJm Choo Lan, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Llm Thiam Soo. DE SOUZA—PEREIRA. The engagement Is announced between Miss Florence (Lovey) de Souza,
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    • 821 2 SYONAN TOKUBETU SI SYONAN TOKUBETIh SI NOTICE NO. 139 NOTICE NO. 138 RE: SALE OF LOTTERY Re: Extension of period for the TICKETS inspection of motor vehicles, and THE 17TH ISSUE of Koh-Nan d'*pos?l of v^lcles which are conSaiken (lottery tickets) are now on slder. e. d unsuitable for service
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 342 2 AIR DEFENCE ALARM TRANSMISSION SIGNALS Kind of alarm Kel-kal Kei-ho Kei-kal Kel-ho Ku-Shlu Kei-ho Ku-sMu Kel-ho Transmitted by Precautionary Kaljo (All Clear cf (Air Raid Alarm) Kaljo (All Clear uf Alarm Precautionary Air Raid Alarm* Alarm) transmitted by wlreiew. telephone, By wireless, tele- By verbal message v >rbal mearage, or
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