Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 2 October 1944

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1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 15 1 The Syonan Shimbun NO. 573 MONDAY, OCTOBER 2. KOK! 2604. SHoWA 19 SEVEN CENTS I
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  • 45 1 Domcl A NIPPON Base In the Sr.ath-Wc.Urin Pacific, Sept. .10 —The Nippon gsrrlson forces at Halmahera Island of the Moluccas Group shot down 86 enemy raiders over the island while heavily damaging 82 enemy, between July 27 and Sept. 25.
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  • 59 1 TOKYO, Oct. 1-The War Ministry officially announced >■■ tii.'» thai His Imperial iij »■>. I'tinc Major Takainto Mikasa, irjM bad been haloing; ttic post of Slati Officer or Imperial H« vJquarters since his return from active 'uiv at the fionti nine months ago, has been transferred
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  • 366 1 Dome! TOKYO, Oct. I.—Nippon garrison units on Pilihou Island are, at preseni, engaged in fierce combat with enemy troops which landed on Guadobusu, at the northern tip of the island on Sept. 26. Meanwhile, enemy shelling and bombing of Guadobusu Island is increasing in intensity.
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  • 335 1 A. R. P. TO THE people of Syonan we ion ..and caitiul iuiiy of in<3 A.R.I', guide published in instalments by us, for a thorough under siamiiJig vi wiiac tic uujiic iii.'-> do and is expected to uo during a }i iiod of emergency will go a Id* way
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  • 359 1 THE FACT that British Prime Minister Churchill himself frankly admitted recently that compared with the colossal capital expended by the AngloAmericans thus far, the interest has been very small, •but that in the future a huge dividend could be expected, proves yet again how
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  • 158 1 Oomel TOKYO, Sept. 30.—The Nippon forces on Omiyashima (Guam) and Tinian Island of the Mariana Group, are bslieved to have died gallant deaths after fighting to the last man in battle against the enemy invaders, Dai Honyei announced at 4.30 p.m. today. The announcement
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  • 272 1 Domci. A NIPPON Base on the China Front, Sept. 29.—The China-based Nippon Air Force last night carried out another devastating raid on Liuchow, advanced base of the United States air force in Kwangsi Province. Defying fierce enemy fighter interception as well as intense ajti-aL-craft fire, the
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  • 77 1 Domel iJURICH, Sept. 29.—A British corporal and two Palestinian policemen were killed and several other persons also met death on Wednesday night when antiBritish elements raided numerous police stations in Palestine, according to a dispatch from Jerusalem. Explosions and shooting frays were said to have marked
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  • 128 1 Domcl CANTON, Sept. 29.—Referring lo the Nippon drive on Kweilin, strategic American air base in China and capital of Kwangsi, Chungking information received here today indicated that approximately 112 kilometres now separate the Nippon forces in the Wuchow sector and the Nippon left flank columns pushing
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  • 299 1 Dome) LISBON, Sept. 28.-British Prime Minister Churchill, in his first speech before the House of Commons since his return from the Quebec Conference, said that the war in Europe "might well list several months into 19*5," arcordin? to a dispatch received
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  • 405 1 Uomel LISBON, Sept. 29.— One of the biggest battles on the Western Front is developing for the Important road centre of Rambervillers, 30 miles south-east of Nancy, midway between Luneville and Epinal in Eastern France, Associated Press dispatches said. The German High Command coi-iniunlque
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  • 88 2 P JJy |wi .sliioibun SUIT Reportei IHt postal aulhoiilie* nounce tnal in addition lo facilities aurcadv iprovtued for wilta<l 1.1 w.i lOt ii' oi.s til I Ik- I <k-ijl SftViafi Bank durine (he former mime, which stipulated that the first withdrawal mil be ininn.u t«
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  • 150 2 THE WRESTLING end boxing program at the New World aid of. the IN.A. frontline troops was held! Sunday night. In the main event Eattlinp: Simft; U3l-lb.) outpointed Johnny Mortell (127-lb) over ten rounds. Mortell i was saved by the gong In the third round when
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  • 73 2 AUXILIARY Police Services «coy- j ed a 3—l win over the regular j police in SaLurday'K soccer match! played at the Jalan Besar Stadium. The winners were prcsen'ed with a tronhv by the TCeimu-bu Cho. Earlier in the afternoon, following the mass rally at the Padang
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  • 129 2 DJAKARTA. Sept. 30 (Domei).— It is learned that thr Commander-in-Chief of Nippon forces in Djaw.i promise to give proper consideration to the Indonesian petition for the Introduction of a ronsrriptiou system in Djawa when the petition was handed to him by President Soekarno of
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  • 100 2 NIPPON JW officials and the entire staff of the Postal Depart- merit participated at a ceremony held at the Post Office building' yesterday morning, in commemora- j tion of the second anniversary of, the opening of the Yusei Kyoku.; Stressing the importance of postal work in war-time, the
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  • 647 2 BELOW it the ninth and i last Instalment (Part 9 concluded lof the A.R.P. in. gtractions and directions to <ht people of S.vonan outlining meawret to deal with any situation arising from possible enemy air raid attempts on this island. Earlier
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  • 419 2 NOT COMPULSORY BUT WISE By ""1011,111 Shimbun Staff Reporter A STATEMENT issued by the Milal Banking Association stresses that the authorities' decison to make partial refund of deposits with former enemy banks haa been taken solely out of consideration
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  • 82 2 ALL SYONAN Forasiam are requested tA keep Sunday morning 'Imperial Rescript Day. Oct. >> free and to assemble at the R.S.A. clubhouse. Tyrwhitt Road, by 1.3* a.m. (T.T.t for a' march to theSyonan Jinja. It is important that there should be a full turn-oat. All Aojln Free
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  • 73 2 WITH a view to further bolstering the spirit of co-operation among the Ma la is at this decisive rtan of the war, the Publicity Section of the Syonan Malai Welfare Ajaodattoo and the Malai section of the Syonan Musical Association under the sponsorship of the Propaganda Department
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 69 2 ENGAGEMENT WONO FUNG. The rngagement was announced to-day (2nd Oct., 2604> between Mi. Cecil Wong, only son of Mr. and Mrs V. I. E. Wong, and Miss Klsme; Fung, second daughter of Mr. 8. Fung and the late Mrs. S. Fung THYE HENG TYPEWRITES CO., 88. High Street. Syonaa. Phone
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    • 749 2 NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that by The Office of deed of dissolution of Partnership N viiTTAN PHI At i C(\ dated the 22nd day of September W. MJIIAIN rILLAI tU. 2604 Antonl Riberio Lazarus one oi civil Engineers <fc Contractors i the Managing partners In the Firm! ha?
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