Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 8 July 1944

Total Pages: 2
1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 121 1 The Syonan Shimbun Manshukoku Army Officers Honoured Doiiiel HSINKING. July 6.—Express ir.g his desire to eneour: ge military cadets and enhance their spi-it of nationalism, Munshuko'.a Kotei He ka (His Majesty the Emperor of Mansnukoku) this morning was pleased to grant audience at the Imperial Palace today to a number
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  • 245 1 MEASURES TO ASSURE EVERYBODY OF SUPPLIES IN VIEW of the necessity for improvement in regard to the problem of the distribution of subsidiary foodstuffs to the public, the city authorities have been considering the increase of production of these foodstuffs, and tiie increase of their importation into
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  • 31 1 Domei LISBON, July «.—Gen. Charles De Gaulle, head of the French Comditice of National Liberation, departed for Washington toCay to sfe President Roosevelt, a dispatch ircm Algiers caid.
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  • 309 1 RECONSTRUCTION BEHIND a one-paragraph news Item from Manila lies an economic measure that might well be adopted here in Malai. The Manila message, dated July 4, stated that the Philippines President Jose P. Laurel authorized the issuance of short-term securities amounting to Pesos 15.900,000 lo augment public funds for
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  • 87 1 Domei TOKYO, July B.—Dal Honyei announced at 6 a.m. lot'.y that Nippon air defence units promptly beau off, at least, ten enemy planes which penetrated into western and northern Kyushu early this morning from a continental base. The text of the communique follows: "'At about 2
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  • 671 1 Distributing centres will be set j up according to Auxiliary Police secj tion, each section to have one distributing centre for each of the articles of distribution. Whereas I hitherto any person could buy from I any of the markets by queue-ing up, from
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  • 559 1 Imperial Rescript We, by grace of heaven, Emperor of Nippon, seated on the Throne of a line unl .-oken for ages eternal, enjoin upon ye, Our loyal and brave subjects: We hereby declare war en the United Sta'es of America aad the British Empire. The men
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  • 615 1 The rat'on for each person according to this system of distribution will be clearly understood: if we calculate it by the ration distributed each time and the number of times of distribution. Perhaps it will be felt that the ration is not quite sufficient. This
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  • 86 1 COMMENTING on the statement issued by the Board of Information and ideals in the War of Greoter M. Sivaram, spokesman of th^ Provisional Government of \7ad Hind, declared that It marks an Important milestone in the rc?je. neration of China ami the prr-grus of the
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  • 404 2 Number Of Convicts Freed From Criminal Prisons In Malai BENIGN GESTURE OFAUTHORITIES TAIPING, July B.—(Domei) Stating that there Is no need i o keep in prison those convicts whose crimes were not of a ;iou.s nature and who had shown repentance after undergoing some period of sincere
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  • 127 2 By Syonan Shimbun Staff Reporter THE grounds of St. Andrew's Cathedral are rapidly dug up for the growing of vegetables in accordance with the popular drive lo plant up all available plots in the city loth ood crops. That skle of the grounds bordering North
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  • 168 2 With its primary duties to guide the public as well as perform general passive defence tasks in time of emergency, a "Special Forward Service Corps," comprising approximately 350 members, has been formed by the the Syonan Sports Association. In order to
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  • 103 2 MEDAN. July 7, (Domei) —Whh a vi-w to further increasing rhe Chin ere effort on the home defence front, the local branch of th» Oversea-Chinese Association has recently decided to form a Pas tin Defence Corps, mobilising all Chinese residents here above the age of 13,
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  • 35 2 THERE Is much speculation ac to who will win tonight'?, 15 round main event at the New World. Sima should win. but if Aman triumphs again he will create history In Malaian boxing.
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  • 167 2 The number of people getting married in Syonan is showing a marked inert use over the figure in pre-war days, with a monthly average of approximately 500 couples recorded in the first live months of this year. This figure includes a majority oi
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  • 61 2 DJAKARTA, July 7 (Domei).— Djawa's cotton crop this year is expected to amount to over four times larger than laft year's, attesting to the superiority of Nippon cotton growing technique, it was learned, as the harvest nears Its end. Atxnit 80 ocr cent, of Djawa'.' cotton
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  • 50 2 PROGRAM for Syonan Symphony Orchestra's popular concert a' the Kokaido tomorrow will be: Barber iof Seville; Gold and Silver; Songs— (a) Yashi No Mi; (b) Nippon Yoi Kuni; Iwan Sussanin; Dance—Devil I dance; Dance—Hungarian dance; Ballet Oriental; Serenade Falienne: The Trumpeter of Sakklngen; Gypsy Love; "Doyo Syu."
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  • 40 2 WITH a view to forming an economic section to look after the interests of the Malai community, a .special meeting of the Syonan Malai Welfare Association will be held tome time next week at the Association's premises.
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  • 49 2 ST. ANDREWS Cathedral: H.C. (plain) 8.30 a.m. (choral) 9.15 a.m.. Evensong 6 p.m.; St. Hilda's (Katong) H.C. (choral) 9.30 a.m., Evensong 6.30 p.m.; Chinese Methodist (Kampong Kapor) Service In Malai 11.30 a.m.. English 5.45 p.m Paya Leber Methodist Worshin 11.30 a.m.. Geylang Methodist Worship 5.30 p.m.
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  • 263 2 FRIENDSHIP AND CO-OPERATION JOHOREBAHRTJ, July 5. (Domei) Hailing the Government statauafiiit, clarifying Nippon's true intentions in launching the present push in China, as another milestone in the cementing of cordial Sine-Nippon relationship on a permanent basis of friendship and close co-operation, Mr. Wong
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  • 109 2 By Syonan Shimbun Staff Reporter TO lIUHUI the spread of Nippon-Go the Kvoiku-ka (Education Section) of the Syonan Toku-betu-st has appointed three Nip-pon-Oo instructors to supervise schools in Syonan, The Instructors are Mr. Nakamura <in charge of 'astern section', Mr. Vamashtta (central sc-tioni and
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  • 117 2 PALEMBANO. July 7 (Domei>.— Providing a striking example of th°ir determination to assist, wi'h all the means available, in the defence of their second homeland, Chinese residents in Palembang, following a gigantic drive launched by the local Chinese Res'dtnts" Association, have raised among themselves a sum o* G.
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  • 415 2  -  B. Wilmott De Silva ODE ON SYONAN CHUREITO: Behold? the scene that launch d a thousand souls! To rest within thy monumental shade. Of Glory which adorn d a Victor's blade. To hoist the Flag of Conquest on thy walla. Perhaps, within thy shade two brothers
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 265 2 WANTED CLERKS (either sex) required Apply personally to NIPrON MOKUZAI KABUSHIKI KAISHA, 209 South Bridge Road, between 10 am tc 5 p.m. as from 10th July. 2604 with espies of testimonial Knowledge of Nippon-Go an advantage. FIVE Accounts Clerks, knowledge of English and Chinese characters essential, and must b* smart
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 116 2 Today's Syonan Radio €p. m. flash news in Malal, Tamil nnd Cantonese; 6.15 p.m Syonan's local hour followed by the next day's program summary; 6.30 p.m news in Nippon-Go for beginners; 6.40 p.m. Indian Children's Hour; 7 p.m. news in Malai; 7.20 p.m. pecial talk in Nippon-Go by Mr. I'akarada.
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