Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 4 July 1944

Total Pages: 2
1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 113 1 The Syonan Shimbun FoePlanesDestroyed Hit New High Domei LISBON. July I—Attesting to the increased activity of the Orman Luftwaffe since the beginning of the AngloAmerican invasion operations launched on June 6, the enemy suffered in the month of June the hi?hf«t monthly losses thus far. 2.007 planes being shot down
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  • 245 1 Dtawfc LISBON. July 3. The German' High Command announced I that in Normandy, the enemy.' as a result of his great casualties suffered in the pr.>-, vious days, made few thrusts yesterday. "Particularly high casualties were inflicted upon the opponent by our successful defence."
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  • 309 1 NETAJI WEEK WITH oui Man hrellren lb■ ■:rtlinit Baal \sia we hczjn today the celrrraiii v of Vetaji WeeK The peoples of Greater Fist in particular the Indians, have every leasnn for the cclcb'-atim ;n view of the icmaikaMe achievements bdh on Ihe fl»ld of baltlc and in the
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  • Article, Illustration
    17 1 This M upon anti-aircraft unit o p*raling on the Hunan front accounted for two enemy P-40's recently.
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  • 367 1 D.,mel I LISBON. July 2.-The British' have finally raised the demand in the House of Commons that the British Government breik the silence on the attacks by German dynamite m?tsor.s. which have been causing havcc on southern England now for a fortnight,
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  • 134 1 Doznei TOKYO. July 2.—Students from Nampo (Southern R? gionsi at present studying here, had their first informal talks yesterday with prospective Nippon families who are taking in foreign resident students as members cf their personal households, to accord them the warmth and comforts of home during
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  • 228 1 Dome!. TOKYO. July 3—A special Inspection pa ty. headed by Viscount Masa'osha Okochi. jesterday morning inspected the Simitomo eomnunuaticns, Industrial in Kanasawa Prefecture in various groups In th- afternoon, the party he'd a p;ne al meeting with factory offl-: elals. A 'urtle nvasur'ng two me res in
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  • 83 1 Dome! TOKYO, July 3.—Dai Honyei at 3.30 p.m. announced that our Army units in South China on June 27 started a fresh northward drive along the Canton-Hankow railway. 1 The text of the announcement is as follows: "Our the South China sector, in
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  • 430 1 Special To Syonan Simbun INDIANS throughout Toa (East Asia) today begin the celebration of Netaji Week— the anniversary of that first week of July last year, crowded with epoch-making events in connection with the Indian Independence Movement in Toa. says M. Sivaram, spokesman
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  • 47 1 Daniel LIBBON. July S —United State/ War Brcret-ry. Henry Btlro*on. arrived at en ah-ficld in Italy today 'o Inspect troons. hospita's, and frontline Installations and to hold war conferen-e- with antl-Axi< military learier. n Italy, a dispatch from an'.i-Axit headwaters Id Italy revealed. i
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  • 108 1 Domei THE SALWEEN FRONT, June 30.— The attempt by Chungking forces to recapture Lungling, vital base in Vunnan. has turned out to be only a dream for the enemy, as their treasured 87th Division belonging to the 71st Army has been steadily smashed at
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  • 210 1 i Domci I HELSINKI. July 3.—ln a broadcast at noon today j Finnish Prime Minister Unkoj mies announced that Finland is determined to fight on Germany's side against the Soviet Union. The Prime I Minister declared that there was no other choice for Finland than
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  • 45 1 j Domel ZURICH. July 2— Violent earthQuakes have been reported from western Anatolia, especially from the region of Fedlz. a dispatch from Istanbul said. It said that seven villages there have been wiped ou> Tremors continue to be felt, the dispatch added.
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  • 29 1 Domel 3HANOHAI. July 3—Masatsune Ogura. hlflnfl*l economic adviser to he Natiornl c )\ernment of China left here by air iur Tokyo ttu. i morning.
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  • 177 2 'NETAJI WEEK' CELEBRATIONS START THROUGHOUT EAST ASIA A MAS 3 rally on the Tokubetu-si Padang at 6.30 p.m. today, a women's meeting, a children's gathering and a concert will form the special features of the "Netaji Week celebrations, which started today while
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  • 201 2 SOMEWHERE IN BURMA. July 4.—i Domel—lnspired by the prodigious progress registered since Bose assumed leadershio In Syo- nan of the East Asia Indian independence movement on July 4, 2603, the Provisional Government has been reorganized to expand lt« activities iV the future in three
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  • 121 2 WTTH thp fl-st match, played on Saturday befor° a huge crowd ending In a th e*-all draw, ano'her gocd crowd a'tepded Sunday's r°pluv between Kiaf'-. XI and Alragoff's -II at he Jalan 3csar Stadium In aid of 'he Bintan Island 'a-nors, which ended
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  • 75 2 PLTC.vN BAROFI (Sumatra), July 1. —(DomeD—An entrance exam-Inntl-n is being held at Rhlo for tearhers to be selected for a srjecial teachers' training course at Pekan Baroe. The training will cover a period not less than three months The first batch of teachers who have q?m!if>rt for
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  • 40 2 A GROUP of Malal women will shortly, under the sponsorshlo of Ihe Wom-m's BSCtton of the Ma'al We'iare Association, voluntarily clear a nlct of land a* Ka'onp whl"h has beta made available by thp local authorities.
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  • 100 2 i—* SOMEWHERE IN BURMA, July 3—(Domei)—The Provisional Government of Azad Hind disclosed that messages have begun to arrive at Netajl's Headquarters in Burma from Indians in different parts of East Asia, congratulating Netaji on the first anniversary of his assumption ol leadership
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  • 168 2 WITH climatic conditions favourable and the plant* growing weii, a bumper crop is predicted for Mslal's first major castor seeds harvest, which will begin shortly in the Provinces of Johore, Negri Sembilan, Selangor, Perak, Penang and Pahang, as well as In Syonan
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  • 103 2 IN HIS tumbled-down fhacl: In Siiat Road on Friday, Sankara Samy, &aid to cc Malm's oldest Inhabitant and one of the staunchest supporters of Subhas Chandra Bose, passed away after a brief illness. Eankara Sarrv who gave bin age recently as 126 years,
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  • 25 2 NANYO Gekijo, Geylang, will be screening a Cantonese film Tang Kah Mul from tomorrow till July 7 at 3 and 8.30 p.m. dally.
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  • 320 2 THE first anniversary of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose's assumption of the leadership of the Indian Independence movement finds all Indians here lined up a* one solid phalanx to carry on with rver-inereasing vigour ihe present struggle till their country Is freed, and their Anglo-American
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  • 83 2 THE Malai Welfare Association has recently set up a Library section with the expressed ob'ect of encouraging Its members to interest thenvelves In literary pursuits thereby providing members engaged In essentia] serve s with some form of recreation with a commen meeting room
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  • 70 2 THAT the welfare cf settlers in New Syonan is given close thoupht by officials on the *pot was stressed at the meeting sponsored by the Oversea-Chinese Association, at the Kvoei Gekijo on Saturday. An Instance of this Is the creation of a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 51 2 WHITE HOUSE HOTEL 1-3. Jalan Besar, Syonan-to Patrons are hereby cordially informed that our present Telephone Number Is "7419." ALL THE THRILLS AT THE NEW WORLD THIS WEEK-END'S BOXING SIMA 15 Rds AMAN Sat. Bth July 2604 PEACOCK BRAND WHISKY Is The Best Today. V. Mathi Co. 22, Bonbam Building,
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    • 595 2 WANTED Chinese Clerks (male '1 female) age be ween 18 and 35 years old. Must have knowledge of Nippon-Oo and ability to read and write Kanjl. Apply to Box No. 454. c/o. Syonan Shimbun (English Edition). Syonan, with copy of .testimonial and stating salary required. Two male and two female
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    • 276 2 SYONAN TOKUBETU SI NOTICE NO. 80 Re: Recruitment of Mechanics, Apr entices, and Odd-Job Workers. 1. Particulars: (a) Type of wo-kers: Mechanics, apprentices, odd-job workers. (b) Age limit: Above 16 years of age (Apprentices do not come under this restriction). (c) Nationality: Indians, Chinese, Malais, Eurasians. 2. Wages and Treatment;
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 107 2 Todays Syonan Radio 6 p.m. flash news in Malal, Tamil and Cantonese, 6.15 p.m. Syonan's local hour followed by the next day's program summary: 6.30 p.m. news In Nippon-Oo for beginners; 0.40 p.m. Malai Children's Hour; 7 p.m. news in Mala*; 7.20 p.m. Instrumental interlude; 7.25 p.m. Cantonese drama; 7.50
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