Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 3 July 1944

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1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 129 1 The Syonan Shimbun people Living From OneDayTo Another' LISBON, June 30—British war correspondent itfacdonald Hastings says, in referring to the German dynamite meteors, "to-day nc'oody in South England knows where to hide himself and where to feel safe. Eve;ybody has an eerie feeling, when the "V-l'* appears with nerve-wracking noise
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    • 515 1 Domei TOKYO, July I.—Dai Honycl In a communique1 released at 5.30 o'clock this afternoon announced that! our Air Force sank two enemy aircraft-carriers and two j warships of unidentified categories in an engagement with an enemy task force in waters south of the
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    • 541 1 Dome!. TOKYO, July I.—The Dai Honyei communique this afternoon confirmed earlier dispatches from a Nippon base in the Pacific on operations of our Air Force against the enemy task force on June 24 in waters off the Ogasawara Islands. The announcement also reported
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  • 105 1 Dome! AT THE HUNAN FRONT. July I.—Nippon Army units which captured Chuchow. south of Changsha on June 26 entrapped and virtually annihilated the enemy's provision ally organized Second Army which beat a hasty retreat, at; a point between Chuchow and Lukow lo> the course of this
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  • 310 1 I OF GREAT MOMENT THE importance of defence wa? brought to the forefront at a lectureentertainment meeting held at Dai Toa Gekijo in Syonan on Sate-day when the public listened to instructive addresses by Lieut. Col. Ibrahim Ya'cob of the Malai Giyu-Cun and Lim Chong-pang. vice-chairman ot the Oversea-Chinese
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  • 151 1 Dome! TOKYO, July I.—The newest check-up on the basis of Dai Hotlyei announcements of combined war results achieved by Nippon forces in waters off the Mariana Islands and Ogasawara (Boninj Islands since June 11 when the enemy task force first made its appearance
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  • 133 1 "MAHATMA GANDHI has spoken the last word on India and the war between Nippon and Britain. Gandhiji has spoken for the entire Indian nation, and he has declared emphatically and deliberately that It is Britain, and not Nippon, that is India's real enemy." This was the comment
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  • 234 1 Dome! A NIPPON BASE on the China Front, July I—Much con-; fusion and uneasiness prevail among the personnel of thei United States Air Force in j China, due to the inc-eased pressure brought to bear upon its air bases in south-western China
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  • 232 1 Dome! A NIPPON BASE in the Central Pacific. Ju'y 2.—The sanguinary battle between the Nippon garrison on Saipan Island and United States lei ding forces is growing in intensity hourly, with the enemy repeating assaults on our posi tions, under cover of heavy bombing
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  • 345 2 AS INDIANS celebrate Netaji Week from tomorrow onwards, commemorating the historic events which took place in this city at this time last year, they will renew their pledge and determination to carry on the work for their country's emancipation, the foundation
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  • 162 2 Chinese Urged To Go To Endau In Greater Numbers By Syonan Shimbun Slaff Reporter SPEAKING at a soc'al ga'herlng sponsored by the Oversea-Chine c Association at the Kyoel Gekljt Saturday night. Mr. M. Shinozaki, Chief of the Kosei-ka, appea'ed for greater response from the Chinese to the New Syonan development
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  • 282 2 STRESSED B i COMMUNITY LEADERS My Syonan Shimbun Staff Reporter THE EARNEST desire to br\r about the closest possible collaboration between the authorities and civilians in making the defence of Malai invulnerable was expressed by leaders of Malai and Chinese communities at
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  • 244 2 By Syonan Shimbun Staff Reporter PUTTING up what was undoubtedly one of his finest fight.. Golden Boy (125-lb.) was narrowly outpointed by Battling (128-lb.) ever ten rounds in a lightweight championship elimination contest at the New World
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  • 132 2 KUALA LUMPUR Government employees recently organized themselves into 11 squads to cultivate foodstuffs during their leisure hours. Today all vacant plots of land in the town area have been cultivated and planted either with tapioca, sweet potatoes or table vegetables; and the authorities
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  • 187 2 By Syonan Shiinbon staff Reporter ARRANGEMENTS for the repatriation of 40 Filipinos from Syonan have been completed through the courtesy of the authorities. This first batch of repatr.ates will include seven graduates, chemists by profession, who had been imported to pre-war Singapore
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  • 92 2 THE second Nippon-Go Reading Contest sponsored by the Syonan Broadcasting Station was held on Friday night at the Station's Studio, the first having been held oh June 25 wh»n nine ccmpet'.tors out of the 47 rarticiprmts were selected for the final test The Judges of the
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  • 90 2 Language MORE than 450 employees of thp Malal Gunsel Kanbu Yusei Kyoku (Mala*. Military Administration Postal Department) are now sitting for their Nippon-Go allowance examination at seven centres throughout the country. The examination Is belne held simultaneously in Syoncn, Johors Bharu. s«'fmban. Malacca, Kuala
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 26 2 KWOK YOKE WENG TYPEWRITER COMPANY No. 4, Robinson Rd., Phone 2489. Dealers In and Repairers of Typewriters, Adding and Calculating Machines. Duplicators and other Office Appliances.
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    • 517 2 WANTED Boys of any nationality as apprentices. Salary and Rations. Apply Production Manager, Syonan Shimbun (English Edition), Cecil Street, Syonan. Five Chinese Clerks, either sex. Knowledge of Nippon-Go an asset Anply personally to Nippon Typewriter Company, Ltd., 54, Orchard Road, Syonan. Five Chinese Book-keepers, either sex. Knowledge of Nlp;on-C-o an
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    • 516 2 SYONAN TOKUBETU SI NOTICE NO. 80 Re: Recruitment of Mechanics, Apprentices, and Odd-Job Workers, 1. Particulars: (a) Type of workers: Mschahics, apprentices, odd-job workers. (b) Age limit: Above 16 y?ars of age (Apprentices do not come under this restriction). (c) Nationality: Indians, Chinese, Malai-., Eurasians. 2. Wages and Treatment; (a)
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 111 2 Today's Syonan Radio 9 p.m. flash news h Malal. Tamil and Cantonese, 6.15 p.m. Syonan*'- local hour fallowed by the next days program summary: 6.30 p.m. news in Nippon-Go for beginners; 6.40 p.m. Chinese Chi'dren's Hour; 7 p.m. news In Ma'ai; 7.20 p.m. Karnatb songs; 7.53 p.m. news In Hokklen
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    • 45 2 NIPPON-GO LESSON 136 Dare no litensha desu ka?—Whose bicycle is it? Watakushl no tomodachi no desu —It belongs to my friend. »V yi/ V *>)*? Kare wa sore o uritaku arlmasen deshita—He did not want to sell it. Vocabulary: Jitensha, bicycle; tomodachi, friend; uru, to sell.
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