Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 22 May 1944

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1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 22 1 The Syonan Shimbum Office 140*146 Cecil Street, Syonan. Telephone ISo. 5471. NO. 459 MONDAY. MAY 22. KOKI 2604. SHOWA 19 SEVEN CENTS
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  • 164 1 Grants Awards To IVaval Heroes DomH TOKYO, May 21—The Shokun Kyoku and Kaigun Sho (Bureau of Decorations and the Navy Ministry) jointly announced that TENNO lIEIKA was pleased to confer awards to a part of i the naval officers and men who died in action during the period
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  • 96 1 Oomei TOKYO, May 18—With Increasing labour hands ;uid alteration in the production methods, production in the factories o: the Kawasaki Aircraft Manufacturing Company has been grcciily boo: ed lately, according to th° Mainichi correspondent. He said that in February this year, production at som<? plants of the company
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  • 275 1 THOUGH but a few weeks have passed since its inception, yet the system of night patrols by our Self-Policing Corps has proved so effective in the maintenance of peace and order in Syonan that we cannot resist the urge to pay tribute to the public service the
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  • 190 1 WELL deserved was the tribute paid at a function last night when Council members of the Syonan Oversea-Chinese Association were thanked by the Mayor, through the Kosei-ka Cho, for their wholehearted co-operation in so successfully carrying out the New Syonan development scheme. To the tribute paid by the
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  • 274 1 Dem el. LISBON. May 19—Heavy air battles were reported at noon to--day from Berlin when strong formations of United States bombers, in two groups, protected by a large number of long-distance fighters, penetrated Reich territory. The first aerial combats took place over North-West
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  • 255 1 Premier's Declaration Said To Foreshadow Large-Scale Offensive Domei. TOKYO, May 21.—As a result of the nation's strenuous efforts during the past two years, Nippon has boosted her fighting strength to such an extent that she is now ready to seize
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  • 183 1 DomeL LISBON, May 18—The twomonth search throughout the United States for Valsa Matthai. 22-year-old Bombay heiress who was a student of the Columbia University came to an end today when her body was taken from the waters of the Hudson River at I'onkers,
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  • 483 1 SHANGHAI, May 19.—Blasting the bombastic statement issued by the United States Secretary of the Navy, James Forrestal, to the effect that the United States forces in the Pacific are continuing to push back the Nippon forces. Captain Keizo Matsushima, Chief
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  • 101 1 RABAUL. May 20.—Our ground units on Buka island intercepted and brought down 13 out of a formation of 56 enemy bombers and fighters on May 16. Meanwhile, our units in Rabaul on May 16 brought down three and heavily demaged anoth r three
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  • 354 1 r.y Sjonan Shimbun Staff Reporter THE MAYOR'S tribute to Council members of the Syonan Over-sea-Chinese Association for their valuable services and co-opera-tion in the speedy development cf New Syonan was expressed, in the unavoidable absence of Mr. Kanichi Naito, by the Kosei-ka Cho, Mr. M. Shinozaki,
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  • 123 1 Dome*. RANGOON, May 19.—An announcement has been made of the engagement between Miss Tinsa Maw, eldest daughter of Dr. Ba Maw, Head of the Burmese State, and Yannaing, a high-ranking officer of the Burmese National Army. The marriage is expected to take place
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  • 336 1 A NIPPON BASE in the South Pacific, May 20 —Enemy troops comprising one regiment who landed in the vicinity of Ulau, on the north-western coast of Now Guinea, toward the end of April, have been driven back with heavy losses by Nippon forces.
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  • 618 1 Darnel. ON THE BURMA FRONT, May 20.—Large formations of Nippon Burma-based bombers, escorted by fighters, on May 15 effected surprise raids on airfields of the American advanced base at Shabuzup, in the Hukawng valley, blasting runways, supply depots and planes and
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  • 134 1 Demei. LISBON, May 18—Six persons were killed and 18 injured in a riot which broke out in Dacca, Bengal, yesterday, according to a dispatch received here. As a result, the district magistrate h%s issued orders prohibiting the carrying cf weapons and assemblies of more than
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  • 389 2 WILL SECURE ABIDING PLACE IN HISTORY OF FREEDOM FIGHT Doinri. FRONTLINES IN INDIA, May 19.—Confidence that the Rani of Jhansi Regiment will prove its mettle and achieve an abiding place in the history of the struggle for Indian freedom was expressed by
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  • 615 2  -  Sy«oan Shunbun AN ENORMOUS crowd saw Tlxer Aman iecisively ouJt point Golden Boy at the New World on Saturday night As early as 7.30 p. m fight fans, men, women and children, filed into the arena in steady stream and by the
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  • 300 2  -  Syonan Shimban SIR.—In connection with Saturday's be xing at the New World Arena. I would like to draw the attention of the Syonan Boxing Syndicate to the following points: 80 enormous was the crowd on Saturday that there was not even standing room left anywhere
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  • 295 2 RANGOON, May IT I iff I information reaching here of thej conditions in Biitish India reveals, the mounting dissatisfaction! <unong Indian capitalists und industrialists who heretofore were considered pro-British elements in India. The crystallization of this dissatisfaction arising from myriad causes constitutes
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  • 293 2 Domei. KUALA LUMPUR, May 18 There was a touching scene of farewell and much shcuting of inspiring slogans at the Kuala Lumpur railway station last evening when Dr. M. K. Lukshumeyah, prominent ftelangor Indian leader.- accompanied by P. Dalai and K. N. Kaimal, left
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  • 163 2 DmcL MANILA, May 20— The successful transplantation and cultivation of horai rice 'Formosan variety* on an extensive scale was revealed by Hilarion Silayah, foremost Filipino agriculturist and manager of the National Food Production Campaign, who returned from a recent visit to the province of Nueva
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  • 105 2 BMMa SAIGON, May 19-It is learned that mass production of fibre from pineapple will be commenced shortly by Chinese textile industrialists in Quanntori, Central Annam. Collection of pineapple leaves is going on at present in the above region. Fibre made of pineapple leaves is
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  • 510 2 SEEKING TO REVIVE HINDU-MOSLEM IN MANOEUVRE TO GAIN TIME Dwiiei. SOMEWHERE IN BURMA. May 20.—^The indications of British attempts to manoeuvre Indian politics away from the major issue of India's freedom into the morass of the HinduMoslem problem were commented on at
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 442 2 NOTICE Ml Emily Open Air Swimming Baths. The Mount Emily Swimming Pool (Sea water) will be open to the public on Batu»day. 20th May 2604. from 10 a m. <T.T.). CHAIRMAN. SY«>NAN SPORTS ASSOCIATION. SYOiAN TOKUBETU-SI TOBACCO MANUFACTURIiG ASSOCIATION NOTICE RE TOBACCOS NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that conamencii-g Ist June.
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    • 852 2 DOAfESTIC OCCURRENCE ENGAGEMENT THE ENGAGEMENT was announced on Mar 18, 2604. between Mr. a. A. Frankie Obayris. seoond sen of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Perifhamy of Ipoto. and Mi«» c. M. TUakawathie, eldest dau*hter of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Tnedias of Syonan-to. ANY GRINDING CONTRACTS UNDERTAKEN w?2r^o B-_5
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 575 2 TODAY'S PROCRAAI 6 p.m. musical selections, fi 30 p.m. news in Nippon language for beginners: 6.40 p.m. Chinese Children's Hour: 7 p.m. talk in Malai on "Pakaian Kaum Ibu Nippon" by Rosna Mahyuddin: 7.10 p.m. orche&tral and song recital by Rama Krishna Orchestra: 7.40 pm. talk in English entiUed "Arakan
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