Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 20 May 1944

Total Pages: 2
1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 22 1 The Syonan Shimbum Office 140U46 Cecil Street, Syonan. Telephone No. 5471. NO. 458 SATURDAY. MAY 20. KOKI 2604. SHOWA 19 SEVEN CENTS
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  • 499 1  -  Dome! War Every Attempt Frustrated By Intrepid Nippon Forces ON THE INDIAN FRONT, May 18.—Repeated attacks by the Nippon forces have frustrated every enemy attempt to re-open the Dimapur-Imphal road and to recapture Kohima before the advent of the wet season. The enemy, in
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  • 60 1 TOKYO, May 18 The Imperial investiture of Admiral Kichisaburo Nomura, former Nippon Taishi (Ambassador) to the United States as a Privy Councillor, took 1 place this afternoon in the Imperial Palace, with the attendance of Premier Gen. Hideki Tojo. Admiral Nomura was appointed to fill the
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  • 449 1 THE people of New Malai, in common with the peoples of Other Dai Toa countries, pay respectful homage today to the undying memory of the late gallant Fleet Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, whose heroic demise on May 20 last year in the full glory of battle, while
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  • 666 1  -  Ryoirhl Kojim.v VICHY, May 18, By making full use of the experience gained in the battles of Sebastopol, Sicily and Southern Italy, against enemy landings, the defences constructed along the French coast by the German forces are said to be ten times
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  • 140 1 Doirei. SOMEWHERE IN NORTHERN BURMA, May 19—The impertinent atti ude and mistaken superiority complex of American soldiers caused Chungking troops recently to attack the Americans with arms, shooting dead 15 United States troops, according to reliable information reaching here. Some 500 students of Yunnan University in
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  • 298 1 German CounterAttack Under Way In Italy Domel. LISBON. May 18.—The Fuehrer's Headquarters communique announced that Casslno, which the Anglo-Americans for months t. led to capture with strong forces, suffering the heaviest losses, was evacuated last night by German forces in favour of previously prepared positions In the rear, a Berlin
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  • 100 1 Domei. LISBON, May 18.—Mahatma Gandhi has offered to meet M. A. Jinnah, head of the Moslem League, and the two men will probably get together in Bombay early next month to discuss problems between the two great communities of Hindus and Moslems in order
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  • 509 1 Dcmcl. TOKYO, May 18.—The real object of the Special Burma Research Mission is to study the methods adopted in the different countries constituting the Dai Toa Kyoelken (Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere) for the■»national and civilian war effort as well as for
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  • 354 1 Domei LISBON, May 18.—Admitting a severe manpower shortage in the United States, Under-Secretary for War Robert Patterson, Navy Secretary James Forrestal and Donald Nelson, Chairman of the War Production Board, today urged a "work or fight" legislation in testimony before the Senate Military Committee,
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  • 543 1 D*anel TOKYO, May 18 Dr. Ba Han, head of the Burmese Special Research Mission, in the course of an interview with the Press this afternoon declared that sirce the attainment of Burmese independence, the spirit of the people had entirely changed,
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  • 212 2 r... .>yon*n Shimbun Staff Reporter WITH the object of further encouraging the savings habit among the local inhabitants, the Savings Encouragement Department of the Malai Bankers' Association will launch a "Savings Week" from June 1 to June 7. At t-utborate prog.mi.
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  • 278 2 KsSd^aaa THE demand frcm beginners j of the Chinese language for a suitable guide to the study of Chinese idioms, a knowledge of which is essential to the acquirement of proficiency in this highly refined language, is happily met by a local scholar, Mr.j
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  • 115 2 DomeL SAIGON. May 17- All Saigon traders entrusted with the task of exclusively dealing in daily necessities such as salt, sugar, rice, fabrics, matches and soap but whose shops have been closed subsequent to a recent raid are requested by an official decree
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  • 176 2 Ftmn Our Owu C«rreapoud«iit NEW SYONAN is really progressing at a terrific rate—a machine shop, another sawmill and a tile factory are now runt ning—and the roadside scene from Endau Village to the head offices, which is all planted with crops
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  • 94 2 Ootnri KUCRTNG, May 17—The sixth batch of I.N.A. troopers from North Borneo, having left here recently, are now well on their j way to join their comrades in their march on to Delhi, it was disclosed here today Indicative of the mounting desire
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  • 99 2 Dome! MANILA. May 18. With a view to promoting the merchant marine service in the Philippines, sailing boats operating in Philip i pine waters have been united under the Philippine Sailing Boat Owners' Association with its head office in Manila. Captain Hilario Benedict o was named
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  • 122 2 Dome* PENANG, May 17—A meeting between leading representatives of ,the Penang Chinese community and Governor Masakichi Itami was held here recently as a prelude to the formation of a Penang Chinese Union. This union, it is reliably understood, is being formed v/lth the
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  • 486 2 J By SyoDan Shm.bun Staff Reporter MORE opportunities of being paid while learning and of entering useful trades and professions after training are again cfTered to Syonan youths. Seven Jiundred youths and young men are required 400 between the ages of
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  • 429 2 Domrl TOKYO, May 17, —"The advance of the Indian National Army and its Nippon allies into Eastern India is an epochmaking event in Indian history, ushering the birth of a new India," declared Shumei
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  • 208 2 TYPICAL of the spirit animating Indian womanhood today and prompting them to work actively for the emancipation of their motherland is the noble example of Sreemathi Jaswant Kaur. who has just arrived here to join the Rani of Jhansi Regiment
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  • 122 2 Domei. MACASSAR. May 17. A census will be taken on August 1 in all the districts in Nampo Southern Regions! coming under the supervision of the Nippon Naval Administration now, it was disclosed here today. Districts subject to the forthcoming
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  • 151 2 WITH the departure of. the first batch of Malai and Indian settlers for the Bintan farming settlement on Tuesday last, arrangements are already under way for the dispatch of the second group of colonists shortly, possibly before the end of
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  • 434 2 IN LINE with the drive now well under way for the production of more food in order to make Malai self-sufficient in its supplies, the staff of the Malai Gl lseikanbu Yusel Kyoku < Malai Military Administration Postal Department) are today
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  • 529 2 NOW FIND THEMSELVES TRAPPED WITHIN NIPPON IRON CORDON Domei. TOKYO, May 18. —The British Command's dire miscalculation as to the effects of the monsoon rains on military operations in the Imphal Basin has become apparent during the past ten days. The beleaguered
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  • 357 2  -  SyvMn shonbnn A GRAND total of nearly $27,000 was realiaed on the op?n amateur boxing tournament held at Jalan Be.sar Stadium last night under the joint auspices of the Syonan Spcrts Association and the Syonan Shimbun. A huge crowd, including the Koeeika Cho,
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  • 113 2 WHO WILL WIN. Tiger Aman or Golden Boy? That is a question which is on the lips of every fight fan in Syonan today. The answer will be given at the New World tonight when those two gladiators of the roped arena face each other
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 671 2 SITUA7IONS VACANT WANTED: An experienced ANALYST rcr the analysis of Tuba Roots Mum possess previous experience in Laboratory work. Good saiary or?«T«d. Apply personally to HUP OUAN, 152. 156. Cecil Street. WANTED: One Sales M«i»a?ei for local manufactured product. G.**\ i c-munerr l.ich for the right perron apply with
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 109 2 TODAY'S PROGRAM 6 pm musical selections; 630 p.m. news in Nippon language for beginners; 6.40 p.m. Indian Children's Hour; 7 p.m. Malai music by Rindoe Malam Orkest: 7.50 p.m. Nippon music; 8 pm. news in Hindustani; 8.15 p m. news la Tamil; 8.30 p.m. news in Cantonese; 8.45 p.m. news
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    • 309 2 svonnnsHimßun NIPPON-GO LESSONS' LESSON 128 <»4) VOCABULARY ir hoki Droom A 9"^ 1/ A lsama.vrtii brave H bata butter A V Jj isogashll busy y •> r futo envelope t •> < jraMU.hU easy '^tf J- •> gyunyu milk < omoshiroi interesting a v mihon sample f. V 4 sablshii
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    • 40 2 ©jf^ginan jiriunriiiii (ENGLISH EDITION) NOTICE TO READERS THE PUBLIC is informed that the authorized pi ice of a single copy of the Svonan Shimbun (English Edition) is SEVEN cents. Readers should refuse to pay mere than SEVEN cents per copy.
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