Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 19 May 1944

Total Pages: 2
1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 22 1 The Syonan Shimbum Office 140*146 Cecil Street, Syonan. Telephone No. 5471. NO. 437 FRIDAY. MAY 19. KOKI 2604. SHOWA 19 SEVEN CENTS
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  • 105 1 Honours Head Of Burmese Mission DomH. TOKYO, May 18, Tenno Heika today was pleased to grant audience to Dr. Ba Han, head of the Burmese Research Mission now visiting here. Accompanied by Them Mating, Burmese Ambassador to Nippon, Dr. Ba Han left the Imperial Hotel at 10.10 a.m.
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  • 202 1 THOUSANDS of tons of scrap iror obtained from the wrecks of oil-tanks, motor-cars, tanks and armoured cars and other arms left by the British Army at the time o.' the surrender of Singapore ara bein«f recast and made use of with a
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  • 230 1 THE importance of the aeroplane in modern warfare has time and again been proved since the outbreak of Dai Toa Senso (War of Greater East Asia), and our confidence in Nippon's victory in the current hostilities is heightened by the report that aircraft production in
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  • 151 1 THE irresponsibility of American military commanders is reflected in the charge by Josephus Daniels, a former U.S. Secretary of the Navy, that because Admiral Husband Kimmel md Lieut. Gen. Walter Short were absent without leave, the Nippon forces were able to accomplish the most deplorable destruction of
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  • 269 1 Oomd. TOKYO, May 18.—The real motive behind the Anglo-Ameri-can attempt to mediate between the Chungking regime and Chinese Reds in spite of the absolutely incompatible positions of those two parties is not merely to use them as tools in their war against Nippon but also
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  • 332 1 Relations Maintained On Reciprocal^ Equal Basis Dcmel. TOKYO, May 17.—Following Nippon's New China policy and the conclusion of the Sino-Nippon Alliance Pact in October last year, Sino-Nippon relations have been on a reciprocal and equal basis, and China now fully realizes that Nippon
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  • 231 1 Domrt LISBON. May 17.—Josephus Daniels, Secretary of Navy under President V xjdrow Wilson, today charged that because Admiral Husband Kimmel and Lieut-Gen. Walter Short were "absent without leave, the Nippon forces were able to accomplish the most deplorable destruction of the American
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  • 77 1 D«nel. ZURICH, May 17.—The death tall has increased to 3,000 from the famine at present raging in Hadramaut, in Arabia, according to reports available today. It said that the daily bread ration is 25 grams per person. The Hidramaut Government has appealed to all
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  • 267 1 i By Syomn Shimbun Staff Reporter I NINB KATTIES of. lice par month will be the special additional ration to be given to memDers of the Oversea-Chinese Association Labour Service Corps, it was disclosed at a recent meeting held under
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  • 405 1 D«mei. LISBON, May 17.—1n mountain terrain on the Italian southern front, on a width of about 35 kilometres, a battle of attrition on the largest scale has developed, the German High Command announced today. The incessant artillery bombardment, the strong air attacks and
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  • 493 1 By Syonan Shi&ibun Staff Reporter. BECAUSE more and more people are getting to know that the Post Office Savings Bank offers great facilities to traderdepositors, such as the withdrawal of any sum required from any post office provided
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  • 608 1 Donr.ei. SHANGHAI, May 18.—Eiya Eijima, deputy Army spokesman here in an interview with Domei, outlined the strategy being pursued by the swift-moving Nippon forces in Honan Province and revealed the crushing blows which had already been dealt to approximately 500,000 Chungking troops
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  • 83 1 By STonan Shlmbun Staff Reporter AGRICULTURAL development of New Syonan will be greatly stepped up in the near future with the acquisition of 53 buffaloes, which will be used in the Settlement's padi fields. With these buffaloes, the settlers of New Syonan will be
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  • 327 2 PATRIOTISM among Indiana here as well as in other parts of East Asia is mounting steadily day by day, and Is being revealed In a variety of way*- «ays Domel. Besides recruiting that Is going on here and thousands rushing to take
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  • 201 2 Domei DJAKARTA. May lft A total of farmers' guilds will be estarhsheri throughout Priangan Province early next month in order to standardize the purchase and lair distribution of ail agricultural produce between the various provinces and villages. \t is disclosed With the establishment
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  • 87 2 Dsw.ei. JOGJAKARTA, May 16 Aiming at improving the irrigation system around the Opak and Progo rivers in the western portion of Jcgja Sultanate, a party of ten technical experts left here this week for discussions with the authorities of the Military Administration at Bandoeng. A
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  • 392 2 DJAKARTA, May 15.—A Jive year plan involving an estimated expenditure of G. 1,000,000 Ls now oeing energetically pursued by the Military Administration authorities in Priangan Province where a huge expanse cf marshy land will be thoroughly drained, the land so
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  • 329 2  -  SYONAN SHIMBUN THE earnest co-operation of the local Chinese community is solicited in connection with the recruitment of Chinese f>olicemen now being undertaken by the authorities, it was stressed by Mr. S. Kobayaabi, of
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  • 129 2 Wf Symmm ttwJmmw BUM Beperter MEMBERS of the Free Labour Service Corps of the Syonaxi Sports Association, which have been allotted a large plot of land in the heart of the town for the cultivation of foodstuffs on a collective basis, are
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  • 386 2 ACCOUNTS of the impressions of Nippon written by Indonesian journalists who attended the Assembly of Greater East Asiatic Newspapers in Tokyo in November last year are features of the latest issue of Taiyo. an informative magazine published by the Asahi Shim bun. Tile rigorous training
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  • 170 2 Pssaei. SINGARADAJA. May 17— The Lesser Sunda Provincial Assembly, which convened on May 10. was successfully concluded on May 13, after the adoption of various concrete plans for bringing about Che successful conclusion of the present war in cooperation with Nippon. On the first
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  • 80 2 Domei. RANGOON, May 17.—The Burmese Government gazetted today the appointment by Adipadi Ba Maw of U Tewafu Zan as Mayor of Rangoon City, which post had beerr vacated since the appointment of the former mayor to the post of Finance Minister. The new Mayor, who was
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  • 207 2 DmmL LISBON, May i%wAlthough the United States Supreme Court recently ruled that Negroes have the right to vote, in a test case by a Texas Negro, the majority {of Negroes In the southern States will be unable to vote in the forthcoming
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  • 51 2  -  Syeaan Shim ban A REMINDER is given of the amateur boxing finals at Jalan Besar Stadium tonight. There are ten bouts including three special events and an evening of first class boxing is assured. The program is scheduled to start at 8 p.m. l|ii.:l«>K4R(c] By Staff
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  • 217 2 WHAT 16 undoubtedly cne of the most attractive professional boxing program so far will be staged at the New World tomorrow night. In arranging the following card Tiger Amen ys. OoMen Boy, Uttle Aman vs Darbara Stogh. Louts Logan vs. Johnny MorWll. Fighting Hassan v«
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  • 105 2 Pa»»i. BANGKOK. May 17—The ThAiiand Government has officially gazetted the National Code consisting of 14 point* which are to be closely observed' by its people. •The principal points of the Code are as follows: firstly, love your own country more than your own life; secondly, be a
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  • 361 2 A GRAND concert will be held at the Dai Toa Gekijo at 8.30 p.m. on May 22 by the Syonan Musical Association with the support of the Senden-bu, to commemorate the formation of the association
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  • 238 2  -  Syw Saimann GROSS collection* realised at the Endau and Bahau Concert held recently at the Syonan Kokaido, amounting to $2,876.20, were handed over to Dr. C. J. Paglar. President of the Aojin Kosei Kyokai. who was the representative lor the "Grow More Food"
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  • 123 2 DOSMi. DJAKARTA, May 17-Fifty-nve officials and civilians were appointed by the Djawa Military Administration to form a preparatory committee to map out practical means for constructing a new economic crder in Djawa. The first meeting of the committee will be held here shortly.
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  • 99 2 DmbcL PENANG, May 17—The local Military Administration has established a liaison office in order to streamline the economic activities of overseas Chinese. The new office is tasked to attain effective application of the experience and knowledge of leading overseas Chinese in Penang. In the prosecution
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  • 113 2 RANGOON May 17-It U learned that the Burmese Go* ernment has appointed a special committee headed by Thakin Mya. Deputy Prime Minister, to map cut necessary measures to prevent inflation. The committee includes Finance Minister U Set. U Ba Mating, Governor of the Central Bank
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 730 2 SITUATIONS VACANT WANTFJD several clerks with know, ledge of account* fend Kauu iCblnesf characters) Must be between age* of 17 and 4« year*, interview at %tw> under men Uoned place after 2 pro. daily. Tfce Brines* Oftw. <A K*Jta»a K«sa*« Slm» Upstair*. N«. 31, Ifliir n. Syw. WMTEB CHINESE CI^KKS
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 229 2 TODAY'S PROGRAM pjb. musical •election*: 6.30 p.m. news in Nippon language for beginners; 6.40 p.m. Malai Children's Hour; 6 50 p.m. talk in Hokklen on illustrated entertainment "To Boom the Production and Increase of Foodstuffs". 7 pm. Popular Mandarin songs, 715 p.m. Teochew selection*; 7.50 p.m. reading of Malai translation
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    • 311 2 svonnnsHimßun NIPPON-GO LESSONS' LESSON 127 (33) VOCABULARY t if *> X hikoki aeroplane j? kljl pheasant T X ansu apricot >r kawa river *i"f^r kanariya canary 5 bara rose mowen 9 i- unagi eel s umi sea 3t *r haiake field y j* tune shkp J mori fore«t; wood V
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