Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 18 May 1944

Total Pages: 2
1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 23 1 The Syonan Shimbum Office 140*146 Cecil Street, Syonan. Telephone ISo. 5471. NO. 486 THURSDAY. MAY 18. KOKI 2604. SHOW A 19 SEVEN CENTS
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  • 158 1 LISBON, May 16.—Representative Duey Short, Republican from Missouri, today introduced a resolution in the Congress extending for three months the period for bringing court martial proceedings against Admiral Husband Kimmel, Lieut. Gen. Walter Short and others charged with being responsible for th? Peavl
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  • 231 1 Domei. SHANGHAI, May 15.—1t is authoritatively learned that the Acadetnia Sinica will be reopened on July 1. It is understood that Or. Chu Ming-yi, Foreign Minister of the National Government of China, will head China's largest scientific research institute which has been thoroughly
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  • 363 1 RECONSTRUCTION and rehabilitation work in Nampo (Southern Regions) is described by Koreyoshi Otsuka, Chief Civil Administrator in Malai and a member of the House of Peers, as "making brilliant headway", and those of us who are living in Malai, which is recognized as the centre of Nampo, can
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  • 235 1 DomrL LISBON, May 16.—The Daily Mail today joined in the criticisms by the British Press of conditions prevailing in Chungking China, as a reaction to the striking successes of the Nippon forces in the Honan operations, according
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  • 240 1 DomL TOKYO. May 17.—Nippon's firm adherence to the policy of building up Dai Toa Kyoelken (Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere) ever since the founding of Manshukoku twelve years ago was pointed out by Kiyoyuki Tokunaga. well-known political commentator, in an article appearing
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  • 339 1 VcmeL A NIPPON BA3B in the Southwestern Pacific, May 17—Our air units at dawn on May 14 made a surprise raid on enemy positions in the Hollandia sector, northern New Guinea, and released deadly missiles into the target area, blasting enemy positions at several
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  • 134 1 TOKYO. May 17—Nippon's postal savings, at the beginning of May this year, totalled Yen 20,000.000,(MM), establishing a new high since the inauguration of the postal savings system in 1875, according to the latest survey by the Board of Communications. Particularly noteworthy is that the
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  • 514 1 DamcL ON THE FOREMOST FRONT In India, May 12.—Amba Singh, member of the Indian National Congress, and three ethers who reached the Nippon headquarters recently aftsr a daring adventure in escaping through British lines, declared that the control in the city of Imphal
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  • 214 1 LISBON, May 15.—Unofficial and Press circles in Washington are expressing deep concern and growing anxiety over the Nippon drive against Loyang, according to a dispatch received here. The dispatch said that no one in Washington denies the fact that the Chungking
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  • 446 1 DomeL STOCKHOLM, May 16.—A warning that a wheat shortage in anti-Axis countries may occur next year because "wheat stocks overseas are being used up at an alarming rate" was voiced by the Manchester Guardian in its editorial today, according to a London
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  • 529 1 TOKYO, May 17.—Nippon air-I craft production is now attain-' ing unprecedented efficiency as th* 24-hour working system at! leading aircraft plants throughout the country emerged from the experimental stage and is! now being carried out on a permanent basis. Some plants are adopting a two-shift
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  • 61 1 Anxiety Domed. LISBON, May 17.—The renewed worsening in Gandhi's health has aroused the greatest anxiety through* out India, a dispatch from New Delhi said. Thousands of people from Bombay and the surrounding districts are pilgrimaging to the small health resort at Juhn to pray
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  • 228 1 LISBON, May 16— The German air force last night struck the heaviest blow at Bri.ain in several weeks, employing Irora 200 to 300 planes in heavy attacks on the southern coast, according to London reports received here. An Associated Press despatch
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  • 302 1 Doirei. SOERABAJA, May 15—With the object of stepping-up food production throughout this district still further, a general meeting of all rice-mill owners and Government official; was recently held here. The meeting was also attended by farmers from various outlyir? districts who heard an v teresting
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  • 296 2 KUO HSUI-FENG IMPRESSED BY WHAT HE SAW OF HOME FRONT Domrt SHANGHAI, May 15.—Kuo Hsui-feng, Vice-Minister of Publicity of the National Government of China and concurrently President of the Central China Press Service, told newspapermen today following his return from Tokyo that he was
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  • 181 2 Dotnd. lISINKING, May 15— Premier Chans Ching-hui, in his capacity as President of the Concordia Society, gave a welcome party fcr Vice-Admiral Takuo Godo and other members of the New Asia Mission from Nippon at the Vamato Hotel yesterday evening.
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  • 182 2 f^wwwbi By Svonan Shimbun Staff Reporter THE MAIN event in last riight'^ **B" prcmotion card at the Great World between M. S. Voo (142 lb and W. Smith (135 lb.) ended abruptly in the sixth round. Smith was counted out after going
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  • 131 2 DcmeL MACASSAR, May 16—For the purpose of meeting the demand of meat and hides as well as horses, the Nippon Naval Administration has drawn up livestcck breeding measures as part of the 1944-45 fiscal year program in areas under its Jurisdiction. With tho formulation
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  • 247 2 Omnel. HAJJOI, May 16— The recent visit to Paris after four years of absence by Henri Philippe Petain, Chief cf the Stats of Prance, is causing widespread repercussions among French residents in French Indochina. Competent authorities here opin^n that PetuJn'i, ■visit to Paris had
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  • 396 2  -  Syonan Shimbon EVERY group that left for the farm settlement at New Sycnan (Endau) or, for that matter, Fuji Village (Bahau), in the past had its quota of the younger generation—future farmers, children who will be the country's "backbone" of tomorrow.
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  • 293 2  -  Syonan Shimbun A VALUABLE insight Into the medical science of Nippon, the achievements and discoveries of her professors of physiology of yesterday and today, may be gleaned by running through the pages of "Nippon" an interesting publication which has made its appearance in Syonaa.
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  • 537 2 APPEALING to his Muslim brethren in India to line up solidly behind the Indian Independence movement, Mr. M. M. Pavaliar, a well-known Muslim journalist, who hails from Southern India, declared in a recent broadcast talk that every Indian should be guided by one motto
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  • 437 2 DotnrL SHANGHAI, May 15, —Forecasting the insurmountable financial difficulty which is certain to confront Chungking due to the prevailing acute inflationary tendencies in Chungking-controlled areas, the Hsin Chung Kuo Pao, leading journal here, editorially declared that Government bond issues by the Chungking
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  • 177 2 DomeL JOHORE BHARU, May 15.— More than $1,000 was netted by the drama staged here last Saturday at the Yamamoto Gekijo under the auspices of the local branch of the Indian Independence League. The hall was packed by Indian men
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  • 131 2  -  Syonan Shimbun Staff Reporter SIX Syonan prize-winners o' the "Savings Slogan" competition sponsored by the Savings Encouragement Department of the Malai Banking Association received their monetary prizes from Mr. E. Obata, chairman of the M.8.A., rt a ceremony held at the office of
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  • 157 2 OorneL DJAKARTA, l^ay 15—The Provincial Governor is now on a roundtrip visiting various prefectures to deliver lectures with the object of improving the status of farmers. During the course of the tour, the Governor will make known as widely as possible the recent establishment of agricultural
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  • 97 2 TN CONNECTION with the dramatic performance "On To Delhi" staged under the auspices of the Azad Hind Newspapers, at the Syonan Kokaido, on May 1, the total proceeds of the performance amounting to $10,485.00 have been donated equally to the Imperial Nippon Army and
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  • 241 2  -  Syonan Shimbuu BEFORE Judge M. V. Plllai in the Syonan Kotohoin, five wholesale dealers in kuay-teow, a substitute food, were convicted and fined a total of $35,000 for profiteering. The accused were Tay Lea Kiam, Tan Mooi Hiang, Tan Seng Yam, Lim Aik Hong
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  • 91 2 Domel. MANILA, May 15.—The work on the Filipino Code embodying forms of conduct truly Filipino and Oriental in character is being stepped up, by the Filipino Code Committee appointed by President Jose P. Lauiel some time ago. The committee is now meeting daily
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  • 35 2 CARSON.—Patricia (Patsy) Carole Carson aged 3 years and 2 months mot dearly beloved daughter of Mr. Mrs. Paul Ivan Carson passed away very peacefully at 2 p.m. (T.T.) on Wednesday 17-5-04. Very deeply regretted
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 583 2 PERSONAL CHEAM KIM SWEE of Heibon Co., Bonham Building will be away to Sumatra on business. DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES ENGAGEMENT NEO—ONG. The engagement was announced yesterday between Mr. Neo Hay Kon<r. the eldest son of Mr and Mrs. Neo How Tay, and Miss Ong Sow Chan, the second daughter cf Mrs
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    • 331 2 SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED: Several women or elderlymen clerks. Knowledge of Nippon-Go or Chinese a recommendation. Please apply to Tiie Manager, "NANMEI-SOO 30, Cairnhul Road, Syonan. TVANTT.D several cl:rks with knowledge of accounts and Kanji (Chinese characters). Mu^t be between arcs of 17 and 40 years. Interview at the undermentioned pace
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 125 2 The vieics expressed in letters to the Editor are those of the correspondents, and in publishing the letters, the Si/onan Shimbun does not necessarily concur with those vinos. Letters must be short (about 100 words), and to the point. Public Radio Installed At Emerald Hill Road To The Editor Syonan
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    • 250 2 svonnnsHimßun NIPPON-GO LESSONS LESSON 126 (22) VOCABULARY v s? henji answer it >f O fcii big **r7? yofuku clothes T 3 A arai coarse to door v toi far Tame rain 4 c hikal near ss. j? niji rainbow •> 4 umai tasty &A* kuruma rickshaw: car y' A mazui
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