Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 13 May 1944

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1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 22 1 The Syonan Shimbun Office 140/146 Cecil Street, Syonan. Telephone JVo. 5471. NO. 452 SATURDAY. MAY 13. KOKI 2604. SHOWA 19' SEVEN CENTS
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    • 508 1 HONAN FRONT, May 12.—The vast Honan Plain is now converted into a scene of a large-scaie annihilation campaign by crack units of our forces in North CVina against retreating Chungking remnants under the direct command of Gen. Tang En-p^. Ou~ column, advancing southwards
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    • 245 1 TOKYO, May 12.—Dai Honyei this afternoon announced that our column, advancing northwards from the Sinyang sector, and another column driving southwards following the reduction of Hsuchan£. established contact at Chuehshan on Tuesday. The announcement added that our units operating in the the sectors
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  • 453 1 ENTIRE TOA (East Asia) has its attention focussed on the battles raging, with unabated intensity, in the eastern Provinces of India and in Chungking-oppressed areas in Honan. In eastern India, not only have the British defence forces been thrown back across the southern Indo-Burma border, but the
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  • Article, Illustration
    17 1 Picture shows members of the In.peral forces maintaining a vigilant look-out to ward oil any enemy raiders.
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  • 434 1 Domei. ZURICH, May 11.—German fortifications in Western Europe are extremely strong, writes Hanson Baldwin, well-known military commentator, in an article contributed to the New York Times, according to a dispatch received here. The
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  • 90 1 DeraeL LISBON, May, 11.—Leopold Amery, British Secretary of State for India, was questioned by a Labourite member in the; Rouse of Commons today, "II Gandhi does recover, the Secretary of State will not consider putting him back again into prison?", according to a dispatch
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  • 233 1 DmdoL LISBON, May 11—Gen. Francisco Franco in a speech at Alicante today declared that Spain would not brook any alien Interference, according to a dlspatcn received here. He said that Spain reg etted that the "unbridled passions" of others had impaired their vision. He
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  • 141 1 DomeL A NIPPON BASE on the China Front, May 12.—A formation of our bembers, with fighter escort, carried out an effective raid on Tanchuk airfield, in western Kwangsi Province yesterday morning. Our raiders, appearing over the enemy airfield about 10 a.m.. concentrated their attack on military
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  • 187 1 DonicL ON THE HONAN FRONT, May 12—Nippon Army units whi:h have completely encircled Gen. Tang En-po's iorces within the rugged mountain areas southwest of Teng-eng, in Honan Province, were, on May 9. steadily tightening the iron ring around the enemy within a
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  • 50 1 DeneL LISBON, May 11—Chungking had its first night air raid alarm this year last night when a squadron of Nippon planes appeared over eastern Sxechwan Province, according to a Chungking dispatch. It said that it was subsequently learned that the Nippon planes raided Wanhsien and Liangshan.
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  • 217 1 Recognizes Fleet Admiral's Services DomftL TOKYO, May 11.—The Kunai Sho (Imperial Household Ministry) today announced that TENNO HEIKA was pleased to grant a gracious message to the late FleetAdmiral Minekhi Koga. Commander-in-Chief of the Combined Fleet, in recognition of his meritorious services. TENNO HEIKA, in the message, expressed
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  • 173 1 GIVING a lead to increase production and attain Eelf-sufß-ciency in New Malai a start has already been made at Bahau, in the state of Nsgri Sembilan, with the help and assistance of the Government authorities concerned. The second batch of Catholics have already
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  • 515 1 Dome!. BURMA FRONT, May 12.—Our fighter unit operating on the Burma front, which on the morning of May 10 attacked and silenced enemy artillery positions north of Palel, again winged over Palel early this morning and attacked artillery
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  • 438 2 Details Of Selangor Plan To Bolster Grow More Food Drive AS PART OF THE Grow More Food campaign which has been extended throughout the State, the Governor of Selangor, Lieut. Gen. Shotaro Katayama in a statement appearing in the Malai Sinpo, stresses
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    • 258 2 By Svonan Shlmbun Stall Reporter THE PROFESSIONAL boxing tourney organized by the Syonan Boxing Syndicate has created new interest ir. the sport, which has become a regular attraction a* the amusement parks. Proof of public support is to be found in the
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    • 243 2 THK FOLLOWING are results of the *>»ccnd round preliminaries, open Amateur Boxing Tourney, at Jalan Bctar Stadium yesterday: Flyweirht (Quarter Finals): Low Peng Tong outpointed T»n Hock Lye; J. Galistar. outpoii ted Johnny Cnoo: Hutsein bin Abdul Rahman lost on points to Francis Victor Chan; and
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  • 203 2 TO EASE the rush of Indian and Ceylonese men and women taking the Oath of Allegiance to the Provisional Government of Azad Hind at the Sycnan Branch, a temporary centre for administering the oath will be opened next Sunday at 1011-C, Jansen Road
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  • 124 2 By Syonan Soimbun Staff Reporter THE SICK ani wounded soldiers at the A?ad Hind Fauj Camp in Bidadari, were entertained to a tea party en Thursday evening by Uie Women's Section of the Sycnai Branch of the Indian Independence League. Song and dance numbers were
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  • 117 2 BY B. W. DE SILVA Where jungles wild and "barren wastes extend, Hast thou design'd to shape thy own domain. Of independence rural pleasure* lend, To bless the swain who sweats thro' manual strain? No Winter comes to trammel up thy schemes. To spoil the crops when
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  • Article, Illustration
    64 2 Eighty members of the staff of the Shoko-ka (Commerce and Industry Section) of the Syonan Tokubetu-si. including the Kacho, (seen in this picture), are utilising a piece of vacant land, five acres in area, at the old Race Course for the cultivation of foodstuffs. The efforts of these Tokubetu-si employees
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  • 195 2 DomtL SINGARADJA, May 10.--"I am thrilled with joy and pride In being able to defend my own fatherland against any and all enemies," declared Agomo Katoet Karang, son of an Indonesian chieftain and a member of the Officers' Training Ccros in the
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    • 190 2 To The Editor Syonan Shimbun Sir.—That the Gunsei Is taking great Interest in the welfare of the local inhabitants of which they should be grateful can be gauged from the good news published on Wednesday that regulations regarding the importation, exportation and/or exchange
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    • 188 2 Domri. MANILA, May 10.—Giving impressions of his recent 22-day visit of Nippcn and Manshukoku as Head of the Philippine Gratitude Mission, Speaker Benigno S. Aquino, at a banquet given yesterday in his honour by members of the National Assembly, said that his visit
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  • 385 2 By Syonan Shimbnn Staff Reporter DETAILS of the Malai Post Office Savings Bank figures for the month of April, 2604, are given in a Malai Gunseikan-bu Yusei Kyoku announcement. At the end of April, the deposits reached $5,363,362, representing an increase of $363,362 in
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  • 120 2 DomeL MANILA, May 9.—The appointment of the 25 members to compcse the Council of Scientists has been approved by President Jose P. Laurel, it was announced yesterday by Ramon Macasaet. Vie*Minister of Health, Labour and Public Welfare and concurrently Chairman of the Research Advisory
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  • 238 2 THE DAY when Malai Burma and Borneo will be selfsufficient in electric bulbs with an abundant supply forthcoming from a manufacturing plant in Syonan, is not far off now, says Domei. According to the revelation just made, the Syonan branch of the Tokyo
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  • 155 2 Domrt. PORT DICKSON, May 11 Indian boys and airls here have formed a "Balak S*na" »Youth Corps) to carry out Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose's order to Indian youths to organize themselves for the fight for India's freedom. Formed under the auspices of the local
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 312 2 WONG TET CONN wishes to inform his colleagues that he is now under medical treatment at his home, 106, Upper Serangcon Road, Syonan. SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED: An experienced AGRICULTURAL CLiaiK with some knowledge of Nippon-Go. Please apply personally to MITSUI KOZAN KAISHA, LTD., 4th Floor, X.P.M. Building, between the hours
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    • 1095 2 (ENGLISH EDITION) NOTICE TO READERS THE PUBLIC is informed that the authorized price of a single copy of the Syonan Shtmbun (English Edition) is SEVEN cents. Readers should refuse to pay more than SEVEN cents per copy. WANTED: Books, pamphets, reports and papers on Malai manners ana customs, manual arts
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    • 76 2 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE: One Nipponese femali Poodle Dcg (eclour white). Plrase call at 45, Cairnhlll Road, between ii a.m. —12 noon, and 6.30 p.m.—8 p.m. (T.T.). WANTED TO BUY 'he following books in English language: "Serindla* <4 yon. and 1 vol. maps) and "Innermost Asia" (4 vote). Please communicate with
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 131 2 TODAY'S PROGRAM 6 p.m. musical selections; 6.30 p.m. news In Nippon language for beginners; 6.40 p.m. Indian Children's Hour; 7 p.m. talk in Malai by Dr. S. I. M Ibrahim on "General Sicknesses of Children"; 7.10 p.m. Radio play in Malai entitled "Kewajipan" by Melayu Truna; 7.50 p.m. Nippon music;
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