Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 11 May 1944

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1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 23 1 The Syonan Shimbun Office 140/146 Cecil Street, Syonan. Telephone No. 5471. NO. 450 THURSDAY. MAY 11, KOKI 2604, SHOW A 19 SEVEN CENTS
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  • 829 1 Relentless Drive Through Maungdaw And Across Mountainous Region ENEMY CASUALTIES IN KOHIMA TOP 15,000 MARK By A Dome! War Correspondent SOUTHERN INDO-BURMA Border Front, May B.—The crossing of the southern Indo-Burma border into Indian territory was effected by Nippon and Indian National Army
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  • 114 1 DomeL TOKYO, May 10—In commenting on Renter's Chungking dispatch which reported: "Loyang is doomed to fall if It has not yet fallen' Sadao Iguchi, Spokesman of the Joho Kyoku (Board of Information) in the course of a foreign Press conference this morning, noted the frankness
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  • 166 1 Dome! TOKYO, May 10—The Gaimu Sho (Foreign Ministry) today announced the appointment of Ryuji Ito, Counsellor at the Nippon Embassy in Nanking, to a post in Portugal and Ryuji Takeuchi. First Secretary of the Nippon Embassy in the Soviet Union, as Secretary of the Gaimu Shrt
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  • 534 1 IT is hoped that the fullest notice will be taken of the talks delivered by the medical men who have come forward voluntarily to give the people of this city the benefit of. their knowledge and experience in matters touching the prevention of disease through the strict
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  • 371 1 16,000 Men Put To Rout By A Dome! War Correspondent ON THE HONAN FRONT, May 10, Successively carrying out devastating attacks on Chungking forces in the Honan plain, in close concert with our ground forces, Nippon Army air units on the morning of May
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  • 190 1 DoncL A NIPPON BASE in the South Pacific, May 10.—Our fighter interception completely frustrated an enemy attempt to attack our positions on Elman Island, west of New Guinea, on Monday afternoon. Our fighters aeavily damaged throe of six B-24 bombers. Our interception was so intense
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  • 118 1 Dwnei LISBON. May o—Washington T»ports state that Roosevelt had another opportunity today to state whether he would run for the fourth term but passed It up with some degree of annoyance at a Press conference. The correspondent of the Buffalo News asked Roosevelt for
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  • 62 1 D«*mL STOCKHOLM. May 7—Hie Argentine Government has ordered the closure of the Argentine legation and consulate In Costa Rica, 'a British News Service report from San Jose said. The report added that Argentine Envoy Federico Romooda Migraiu has been ordered to return to
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  • 94 1 Dome! A NIPPON BASE in China, May 9 A formation of United States aircraft based in the interior of China on the afternoon of May 6 attempted to raid Hankow but were immediately Intercepted and repulsed by our fighter unit. Our fighters Intercepted the enemy formation
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  • 87 1 Damei. SAIGON. May 9—Henri Comae, newly-appointed French Ambassador to Nippon, today left here by air far Peking en route to Tokyo to take up his post. It will be recalled that the Ambassador arrived here at the beginning of April to confer with Kinklch! Yoshizawa,
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  • 44 1 DoraeL HANOI. May B.—The Qk>verhorGeneral of French Indochina yesterdiy announced In a communique that the On'.tcct States Air Force raided Halphorg and also Dang Trlen and some districts la Huang Ten Province. The communique added that the raid, hovjver. caused no c—waltfrs.
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  • 167 1 TOKYO. May 10—TENNO HEIKA at noon today graciously gave a luncheon at the Imperial Palace in honour of fr?e Llratenant Generals who recently returned here after rendering distinguished services at the foremost front. The honoured Army officers were Lieutenant Generals Seiichi Kite. Ikkaku
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  • 401 1 DobmL TOKYO, May 10. —Chinese and Nippon n~ws agencies should co-operate for the attainment of complete victory in the propaganda war and contribute towards the successful prosecution of Dai Toa Senso, Eiji Amau, Joho Kyoku Sosai, (President of the Board of Information) emphasized, in
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  • 27 1 DotneL STOCKHOLM, May B.—Twenty more American airmen were Interned in Sweden today after they made a forced i^TMjiwg in two bombers on Swedish territory.
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  • 67 1 DomeL LISBON, May The United States Secret Senrice Office in Philadelphia has announced the arrest of a man' charged with making an attempt on the life of President Roosevelt, according to a dispatch received here. A member of the Secret Service Office said that thr
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  • 180 1 DomeL LISBON, May 9—Heavy righting continued yesterday in the Sebastopol area, in which 46 Soviet aircraft were downed by German fighter planes and another ten destroyed by anti-air-craft batteries, the German High Command announced, according to a Berlin dispatch. German and Rumanian Air
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  • 88 1 Dcmel. LISBON, May 9.—Gen. Maximiliano H. Martinez has tendered his resignation as President of Salvador, a dispatoh from San Salvador said. Martinez' resignation came a little more ttaan a month after tfce Government had suppressed a revolt in which 50 were killed and 134 wounded. He had
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  • 63 1 •sssst TOKYO. May 9—lndicating it\* wholehearted co-operation of tne Nippon people with the Government* war efforu, the nation's savings since tne outbreak of the China Affair now totals Yen 1,103,845,000,000, according to an announcement by the Joho Kyoku (Board of Information) today. Tne announcement added that the
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  • 71 1 DomeL TOKYO, May 9.—lt is learned that Lieu* anaiit Muteuo TanJguohl, former Olympic star in field and track event*, who established a new Nippon record In the 200 metres event in 1937 by covering the distance in 21.1 seconds, we* killed in action in the sou&arn ffCAtllnes
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  • 359 1 Foe Resistance Smashed NorthWest Of Kohima Oomei. INDO-BURMA FRONT, May 9— As our troopr, continued to advance de?per into Indian territory, a oharp artillery duel took place between our forces and an enemy positicn at a hill west of Kohima. Our artillery unit, taking position north of Kohima, in closs
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  • 94 1 Domei. TOKYO. Mey 9.—ln RptM-ecialion of the benevolent act of Pope Pius XH, who made a .monetary contribution for the welfare of Nippon national* Interned in Brazil on Christmas Day last y?ar. Mamoni Shlgemit«u. tha Oairnu Daijln iForeign Minister), recently instructed the Nippon Koael Minister) to the
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  • 43 1 Dotnef. LISBON, May B.—Again rsflectlnf the Bi iU*h manpower shortage, a Ijondnn <u> patch vr 1 that Britain has reduced the af»e limit of tror;-«s eligible for overseas service to 18 yean six men+tos. The prevjeus licnit «m KM yewx.
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  • 68 2 1 SULTAN Ababakar Ibnu Almarhom Sultan Abdullah of Pahang this week sent a congratul&ry message to Lieuten-ant-Colonel Ibrahim Ya'acob, Commander-in-Chief of the Malai Giyu-Gan (Malai Volunteer Army), somewhere in Malai. The message* reads: "I can hardly express how great is my rejoicing on the unfarrng
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  • 208 2 Dotr.ei. PENANG, May B.—Three hours Of excellent music and songs rendered by Penang's top-ranking musicians and vocalists, both amateur and professional, provided a grand musical treat to the packed audience that greeted the musical competition held last Saturday night at the Fuji
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  • 187 2 Oowri. IPOH, May 6—"Sincere co-oper-ation of Ceylonese and Indians can temper the only sword that wUI slash its way to final victory in the present struggle of Indian nationals to gain complete liberation for their motherland frcm the Anglo-American shackles" declared G. C. H. Kotalawela,
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  • 990 2 WISE LIVING, SANE SPENDING WA¥ TO SAVE IN WARTIME (BY SHICEO ROB AT A) IN VIEW of the uncertainties of life, accentuated by the exigencies of war, it is of national as well as personal importance that ereryone who is in receipt of
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  • 59 2 A NEW postal agency will be opened on Monday at Lenga in Muar district in order to serve the needs of the people there, states an official announcement by the Malal Gunsetkanbu Yusei Kyoku. Every type of postal work, excluding savings bank, money order and cash-on,
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  • 257 2 Gandhi's Release 'Moral Victory For Indian People DomeL MANILA. May B.—The release of Gandhi by the British is a great mcral victory for Indians, whose struggle for freedom is now half won, declared Karam Singh Gill. Spokesman of the Philippine Branch of the Indian Independence League, in a state merit
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  • 88 2 MM IPOH. May ft—lt was learned here today that M. S. M. M. Alagappa Chettiar, prominent local Indian, has just received a miniature rifle made of gold from Netaji Subhas Chandra Base. The gift from the Indian revolutionary leader, ft Is understood, was
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  • 177 2 Golden Boy, Sarban Singh Share Verdict By Syonan Shlmbun Staff Reporter WEATPERING a stormy passage in the early rounds, Sarban Singh (133-lb.), shared honours with Golden Boy (128-lb.) in the main flght at the Great World last night. The Sikh, who was knocked out in the previous fight, a
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  • 1399 2 (By Sapuraa Singh, Docuei Staff Correspondont) SMART and sturdy officers for the Azad Hind Fauj are being turned out by the hundreds at the Officers' Training School here within six months from amens the cream
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  • 78 2 AN official notification received from the Malai Gunseikanbu Tusei Kyokn states that, in order that commercial, educational and social relations between Malai and Nippon may be farther strengthened, letters and postcards for Nip- pen including Karafnto (Saghatten) but not Chosen, I Taiwan.
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  • 188 2 I>omei. PENANO, May B.—Pointing out that the release of Gandhi was a splendid victory for Netaji Bose, Dr. N. K. Menon, Chairman of the Penang Chapter of the Indian Independence League, in an interview, declared that 'this is. another good sign for
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  • 258 2 Magazine With Special j Appeal For Women A MAGAZINE which should have special appeal to all women la the latest issue of the Ladies' Magazine (No. 11), which contain many interesting items giving its readers an idea of the extent to which women of Dai Toa are contributing
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 173 2 %SgnranS}imlnin NOTICE TO READERS THE PUBLIC is informed that the authorized price <rf a single copy of the Syouan Shimbon (English Edition) is SEVEN cents. Readers should refuse to j>ay more than SEVEN cents per copy. DOMESTIC OCCURRENCE ENGAGEMENT KNCABO—YBO. The engagement ii announced between Mr. Ventura EncsAo, Tounoeet son
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    • 523 2 SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED: Three Accounts Clerks and three Office girls with knowledge of "Kanji" and Nippon-Go. Apply personally with testimonials to Teikoku Suisan Tosei Kabushiki Kalsha No 3 De Souza Street, Syonan WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESMEN (Indian and Chinese) for a wellestablished concern. Good pay and commission will be given. Apply
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    • 372 2 PUBLIC NOTICES SYONAN TOKUBETU SI NOTICE NO. 68 Re: Restriction in the use of water from public standpipes. 1. It J s prohibited to ure the wate* from PUbbc st&ndpipes for laundry, bathlnga and ohter miscellaneous purposes by the side ci tiie slandpipe except for drinking. The water, howevrx. may
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 127 2 TODAY'S PROGRAM 6 p.m. mudcal selections; 6.30 pm news in Nippon language for beginners; 6.40 p.m. Chinese Children';; Hour; 7 p.m. talk in English by Dr. E. S. Monteiro on "Dysentery"; 7.10 p.m. reading of Koran; 7.20 p.m. religious talk in Malai by Mohd. Kamal Suhaimi; 7.50 p.m. Nippon music;
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