Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 6 May 1944

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1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 22 1 The Syonan Shimbun Office 140^146 Cecil Street, Syonan. Telephone No. 5471. NO. 4-46 SATURDAY. MAY 6, KOKI 2604, BHOWA 19 SEVEN CENTS
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  • 256 1 FLEET Admiral Soemu Toyoda I who has been appointed Com-mander-in-Chief of the Combined Fleet, succeeding the late Fleet Admiral Mineichi Koga, was born in Oita Prefecture. He graduated from the Naval Academy in November 1905 and was appointed second-lieutenant in December the following year. He
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  • 448 1 TODAY the peoples of Dai Toa mourn the passing of rieet Admiral Minei^hi Koga, whose demise in action while directing operations at the front in an aeroplane was announced by Dai Honyei yesterday, but in mourning the loss of such a distinguished naval genius they take
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  • 364 1 SUCCEEDED BY ADMIRAL SOEMU TOYODA DomcL TOKYO, May s.—Dai Honyei announced at 3 p.m. as follows: "Firstly, Admiral Mineiehi Koga, Commander-in-Chief of the Combined Fleet, died at his post in March this year while directing general operations from
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  • 155 1 ADMIRAL Zengo Yoshida, newly-appointed Commander of the Yokosuka Naval Station, was tx>rn in Saga Prefecture. Alter graduating from the Naval Academy in 1904. he h?li various pests. He was captain of the battleships Kongo and Mutsu, successively. In 1929 he was promoted to
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  • 312 1 OomeL TOKYO, May s—Capt. Etsuzo Kurihara, Chief of the Naval; Press Section of the Dai Honyei,' declared that the entire naval personnel will exert their uimost to avenge the death of the late I Admiral Mineichi KQga whose heroic death at his post
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  • 494 1 Br An Army Press Correspondent vitn/ffiiS? FORS*£? ST INDIAN FRONT, May 4.-Blasting a and 17 £5Lt Sm&U mp^ contin«ent comprising a lieutenant and 17 privates successfully severed the supply route of an important enemy base in the Indo-Burma war theatre
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  • 168 1 By A Dome! War Correspondent AT THE INDIAN FRONT, May 2 (Delayed)—By occupying Hill 3525 north of Palel, overlooking the Palel-Imphal road, Nippon forces on April 30 completely sealed the fate of enemy remnants putting up a desperate resistance in the mountains. Following the capture
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  • 362 1 By A Domei Political Commentator TOKYO, May 3.—Britain's growing shortage in men and materials as well as the fading co-operative attiiude of her dominions toward Britain necessitated Prime Minister Churchill to call urgently a conference of Bricish Commonwealth prime ministers in London The
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  • 79 1 HSINKJNG, May 4—The East Asia Development Mission of Nippon, headed by Takuo Godo, former Minister of Commerce and Industry and member of the House of Peers, is scheduled to arrive here on May 9 to pay a tenday visit to this country. While in Manshukoku,
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  • 82 1 CorneL A NIPPON BASE AT THE KALADAN FRONT, May 3.—Nippon and Indian National Army units in the vicinity of the Mayu range accounted for 600 enemy dead found abandoned on the battlefield in the course of operations launched against retreating enemy troops. They
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  • 54 1 ■wmA LISBON, May 3.—Mahatma Gandhi has failed to maintain his rate of improvement from his attack of malaria, and his blood pressure is unsatisfactory, according to an official statement, a Bombay dispatch said. Significantly the British authorities, however, are still refusing to free the Indian
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  • 212 1  -  TENNO HEIKA. Confers Highest Posthumous Honours On Late Admiral DomcL TOKYO, May s.—The Board of Information this afternoon announced that TENNO HEIKA in gracious recognition of the meritorious services rendered by the late Admiral Mineichi Koga, Commander-in-Chief of the Combined Fleet, posthumously named him member of the Board
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  • 135 1 Doraei. LISBON, May 4.—East of the Pereth River in Rumania, strong Soviet attempts to pierce German positions were again frustrated yesterday in embittered righting and energetic counter-attacks. Sixty-four Soviet tanks were destroyed in this fighting, according to the German High Command
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  • 87 1 Grants Audience To GovernorGeneral Of Chosen DomeL TOKYO, May s.—lt is disclosed that TENNO HEIKA this morning: was pleased to allow Kudaki Koiso, Gov-ernor-General of Chosen, to report on administrative conditions in Chosen. On retiring from the Imperial auJicnce, he revealed in a Press interview that he had the honour
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  • 320 1 By A Domei War Correspondent AT A HONAN FRONT LINE BASE, May 4.—Successful operations carried out by our army forces in Honan have dealt a crippling blow to Chungking forces. The scope of the present operations is comparable to the
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  • 117 1 Domei. STOCKHOLM. May 2.—The failure of the campaign conducted by British Labour Minister Ernest IJevin for recruiting young men for work in mines Is being severely criticized in Britain, according to today's News Chronicle, a London dispatch revealfd. According to Bevin's plan, at
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  • 180 1 DomeL PEKING. May 4—Commenting on Imperial Headquarters announcement released yesterday afternoon, the Spokesman of the North China Political Affairs Commission, speaking: over the Peking Central Broadcasting Station yesterday evening, declared the greatest significance should be attached to the reduction of Chengchcw, Hunan Province, by
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  • 36 1 HSINKING, May 4.—Under the loin 3 auspices of the Mrnchuria Rare Earth Control Associfc^on. the Manchuria Mining Development C^ip-ny and ihs Manchuria Mining Society, a rare earths exhibition is being held a& Hsinking.
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  • 559 2 SULTAN OF JOHORE SAID KEENLY INTERESTED AFTER having made a personal study extending over several months of the nutritive value of millet or what is known as "kibi" in Nippon, a wellknown medical practitioner here Dr. C. J. Paglar, is today urging
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  • 443 2 AN ELABORATE two-day program has been drawn up by local Buddhists to celebrate "Wesak", which is of triple significance to Buddhists, as it is the anniversary of Lord Buddha's birth, of his attainment of the Supreme State of Perfection and of his demise.
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  • 109 2 THE Bintan farming settlement scheme for Indians and Malais is receiving excellent response especially from the local Malai community. Though the first batch of colonists is limited to 100 families, over 150 with a total number of 450 people have
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  • 216 2 THE current Post Office Savings Bank Promotion Week, held to commemorate postal savings passing the $5,000,000 mark, will come to a close, tomorrow, Sunday. The using of a special commemorative date stamp, treating savings bank depositors to free cinema shows
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  • 670 2 "ALTHOUGH up till now I have very often met at my request representatives of the Auxiliary Police Assistants of each Division, this is the first time I meet all th* Auxiliary Police Assistants who are connected with the distribution of
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  • 294 2 BY SYONAN SHIMBU N STAFF REPORTER THE SPECIAL "Viennese Evening" concert by the augmented Syonan "Symphony Orchestra, under the patronage of the Syonan Tokubetu-si, to commemorate the second anniversary of the Syonan Orchestra, held at the Syonan Kokaldo
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  • 226 2 THE postal authorities in Syonan, at the request of the Over-sea-Chinese Association, will be sending a Goodwill Mission tc all Chinese households and firms in Syonan-to in an effort to bolster the savings drive by registering more Pest Office Savings Bank
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  • 229 2 DoneL CANTON. May 3—The Chungking journal Ta Kung Pao in a recent issue disclosed that the ferry boat Minhwei, plying between Chungking and Wanhsien, early in April ran aground while navigating between the two cities, causing more than 200 casualties. The loss of
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  • 140 2 Title Elimination Bouts Create New Interest By Syonan Shlmbun Staff Reporter THE DECISION to hold elimination bouts for the featherweight title of Malal has aroused new interest among local fight fans. The first cf a series of matches in this connection is being staged at the New World Arena
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  • 121 2 Domei. JOHORE BHARU, May 4.—An impressive flag-hoisting ceremony opens the day's work at all branches of the Indian Independence League in this province. All workers cf th«v tranches and Indians staying nearby line up in twos under the instructors, who are attached
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  • 117 2 Domei. DJAKARTA, May 3.—lt Is learned that Soetardjo Kartchadik Oesoemo, Governor of Djakarta province, is contemplating the formation of a Farmers' Association for the Improvement cf culture methods in order to step up the province's agricultural output. It is said that
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 38 2 The Best Today "BEAUTY" "ROSE" Toilet Soap (Prlze-Winner at the Second New Industries Exhibition). Ail at Controlled Selling Prices, per cake. Sole Distributors:— PACIFIC TRADERS. 85, Rangoon Road. Sjnn in t t TeL 3392, (Pioneers «f Local Products).
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    • 165 2 SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED: Expert Chinese male and female BARBERS for a popular halrdressing saloon. Good pay to the right persons. Apply at No. 23. Eng Hoon Street (Tiong Bahru), Syonan. WANTED: Several experienced Accounts Clerks. Knowledge of English and Chinese characters essential. Must be able to operate an Abacus. Apply
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    • 1098 2 PUBLIC NOTICES SYONAN TOKUBETU SI NOTICE NO. 64 Re: Recruitment of Craftsmen for Naval Works. 1. Tyije of Worker All kinds of craftsmen wiih or without experience. 2. Number to be Recruited: 500 persons. S. Period of Recruitment: From April 30th to. August 21ft. Applications may be submitted on any
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 104 2 TODAY'S PROGRAM 6 pm. musical selections; 6.30 p.m. news in Nippon language for beginners; 6.40 p.m. Indian Children's Hour; 7 p.m. Malai drama; 7.50 p.m. Nippon music; 8 p.m. news In Hindustani; 8.15 p.m. news in Tamil; 8.30 p.m. news In Cantonese; 8.45 p.m. news in Hokkien; 8.59 p.m. time
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