Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 5 May 1944

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1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 22 1 The Syonan Shimbun Office 140/146 Cecil Street, Syonan. Telephone No. 5471. NO. 443 FRIDAY. MAY 5. KOKI 2604. SHOWA 19 SEVEN CENTS
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  • 155 1 Foe Air Attacks On Truk, Mortlock, Ponape Islands Repulsed By Our Units Domci. A NIPPON BASE DfTK CENTRAL PACIFIC, May 4.—lt is revealed that as a result oi Investigation conducted on the spot, Nippon air and land units shot
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  • 357 1 i'OREMOST FRONT IN INDIA. May 4—lndo-Nippon forces are continuing to make steady progress along the road leading up to Imphal and its vicinity. Part of our units, which stormed into the sector of Hill 3525 on April 28.
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  • 410 1 STRESSING the necessity for wiping out all vestiges of Anglo-American aggression and exploitation from Asia, Suichi Sakuda, Professor of Economics at Kyoto University writing in the monthly magazine Meso Hyoron," says that economic measures against the United States and Britain should include the expulsion of all Anglo-American capital
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  • 270 1 Domei. TOKYO. May 4—President Wang Ching-wei of the National Government of China, who is well on the way to recovery following his recent operation, celebrated his 61st birthday today, the Ministry of Greater East Asiatic Affairs announced today. Tha text of the announcement is
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  • 441 1 D«mel. TOKYO. May Z— Commenting on the London conference of the British Commonwealth Prime Ministers. Sadao Iguchi, Spokesman of the Board of Information, at a foieign press conference this morning declared. "It can be correctly surmised that the conference will be
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  • 175 1 SWEEPING FOUR-PRONG ATTACK MOVING WESTWARD AT RAPID PACE DomcL LISBON, May 3.—The Chungking authorities have been deeply upset by the new Nippon operations launched in Honan Province, according to dispatches received here. The Chungking official news agency said that the Nippon
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  • 248 1 D«meL HONAN FRONT, May 3.—Fcur days after the launching of a general offensive against Chungking forces entrenched across New Yellow River. Nippon forces on April 22 reduced Hsincheng, the enemy's key stronghold along the Peking-Hankcw railway. Nippon forces which at daybreak on April
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  • 122 1 Dome!. PEKING, May 3.—Hsincheng In Honan Province, which was occupied on April 22 by our forces fai a city of historical Importance.' It is the former capital of the ancient Chinese emperors Y'eu Hsiung and Chuyu Huang who' ruled during the year 3,000 B C. During
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  • 277 1 LISBON, May 3.—Air operations over western and central Europe diminished still further in the past 24 hours, obviously due to bad wppther eve: Britain and the Channel, according to reports received here. The Anglo-Amoiican air forces stationed in England confined their
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  • 69 1 Domei. HSmKING. May 2.—ln view of the growing demand for fabric goods in Manshiikoku, the Government has decided to establish a concern to be known as the Manchuria Textile Company. According to the plan, the existing Manchuria Textile Federation and all other organizations connected
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  • 285 1 Domci. HSUCHANG, FRONT, May 3Lv Kung-liang, divisional commander of the Chungking 29th Division, was killed in action during the Nippon siege of Hsuchang on May 1. Unable to checkmate the swift Nippon thrust southward along the Peking-Hankow railway, which commenced on April
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  • 364 1 Domei. TOKYO. May 4.—The new, well-timed Nippon drive deep into the Honan plains heavily struck Chungkingefs who are simultaneously being seriously menaced by the Nippon offensive against Imphal on the India front, authoritative quarters close to Imperial Headquarters disclosed, in commenting
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 413 1 ELEVENTH TERM SYONAN LOTTERY I RESULTS THE FOLLOWING are the 384,978. 314.094, 412,532, 565,406, results of the draw of the 11th 592.818, 350,280, 279,249. 579,318 Tern Konan Saiken: 159,119. 143.134, 449.492. 300.045! vir«t i»»i-#p z.rAA. 194.138, 255.479, 355,516, 573.1C2, FIRST PRIZE ($50.0«j): 485,462 (in 243.696, 164,856, 247.C23, 290.940 byonan allotment).
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  • 954 2 MORE THAN 170,000 ACRES ALREADY UNDER CULTIVATION TtanirL JOHORE BHARU, May s.—The great role being played by the inhabitants of this province in growing foodstuffs not only for their own needs but for those of Syonan as well, is borne out by the
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  • 264 2 Domei. SHANGHAI, May 3.—Sending of more educators and scholars from Nippon to China in order to promote the cultural relations of the two countries was stressed .by Chen Pin-no, editor-in-chief of the Shanghai Shen Pao, an influential Chinese journal
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  • 145 2 EXPERIMENTS recently made by the Nippon Gyomo Gyogu Kaisha (Nippon Fishing Nets And Implements Company), Syonan, in the manufacture of fishing nets and implements with sisal hemp, which is abundantly found in Sumatra, have proved to be successful. The step is said to have
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  • 89 2 By Sjronan Shimbon Staff Reporter AS A PART of the program of the Health Campaign now in progress a series of lectures on public health and prevention cf common diseases will be delivered by three leading Syonan medical practitioners. Dr. C. J. Paglar, Dr. S.
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  • 171 2 Domei. SOURABAYA. May 3.—Destitutes in Boerabaya who during the Dutch regime counted some 20,000 have been reduced to number no more than 3,000 or so, thanks to the able administration of the competent authorities. According to records available, some 13,000 of
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  • 168 2 DomeL KLUANG (Johore), May 3.—An agricultural settlement comprising 700 acres is being opened up by the local Oversea Chinese Association, eight miles from here along the road to Mersing in order to settle 280 families. The Association is already getting the land
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  • 85 2 Domel. MANILA, May 2—President Jose P. Laurel today issued a proclamation calling on all inhabitants of the Philippines to perform actual manual labour on the first Republic Labour Day which will be observed on May 6. He said, "the primordial object of government in
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  • 202 2 By Syonan Shimbua SUIT Reporter ENTRIES are invited to a Nippon-Go song contest to be held at Hosc-kan in the Kyoreikan of the Great World Amusement Park at 8 p.m. on May 8— Imperial Rescript Observance Day. The contest Is being held under
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  • 134 2 AN interesting feature in connection with the recent visit to Bahau and Malacca by officials of the Syonan Broadcasting Station will be included in the broadcasting program today and tomorrow at 7.50 p.m. Th 3 officials visited these places as part of
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  • 118 2 The view expressed fat letters to the Editor are thote of the correspondents, and in publishing the letter* the Syonan Shimbun does not necessarily concur with those views. Letters must he short (about 100 words), and to the point. Cigarettes Distribution To The Editor Syonan Shimban Sir, —The
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  • 132 2 By Syonan Shimban Staff Reporter BHAGAVAN Buddha's birthday will be celebrated on May 8, at a ceremony to be held at the premises of the Ramakrishna Mission, Syonan, at 9, Norris Road. The celebrations commence at 12 noon with Buddha Puja, foUowed at
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  • 97 2 DomeL m DJAWA, May 2.—The seashore at Rembang City, Patt Province, will scon be developed into extensive saltflelds as part of DJawa's salt output increase scheme. Saltflelds are to be developed from part of 196 hectares of sand dunes which climatically and geographically
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  • 220 2 VIENNA SINGER TO MAKE DEBUT AT SYONAN KOKAIDO CONCERT BY SYONAN SHIMBUN STAFF REPORTER LOVERS of Viennese music will have more than their share with the presentation of the first of two Viennese Evening concerts by the Syonan Symphony Orchestra at the
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  • 95 2 DomcL SINGARADJA, May 2.—Deliberately throwing away his position of tribal chief which has been handed down by his ancestors. 40-year-old I Made Poetoe has resolved to enter the ranks of the Bali Defence Corps. As tribal chief, Poetoe offered indispensable co-operation,
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    • 153 2 TWO first-run matches— Jchnny Mortell vs. Baby Mendiola, and Dabara. Singh vs. Ong Hock Beng—feature Saturday's boxing program at the New World. The Syonan Boxing Syndicate has decided to hold an elimination tournament for the Malaian featherweight title, and the Mor-tell-Mendiola battle is
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    • 80 2 Dcmei. TJIAMIS (DJawa), May 4—The Agricultural Office here has planted cotton on one-and-a-half hectares of land in Langkaplantjar district for experimental purpose, it is learned. It is disclosed that wide-scale cultivation will be launched when the experiment proves successful. Meanwhile, it is reported that
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    • 70 2 PROGRAM of Syonan Police Band for the month of May, 2604 (all performances will be frcm 7 to 8 p.m.) is as follows: May 7, Sunday, Botanic Oardens; May 10. Wednesday, Police Club; May 14, Sunday, Farrer Park; May 17, Wednesday, Waterloo Street;
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  • 110 2 Donrei. KUALA LUMPUR, May 2—Yet another noteworthy contribution to Selangox's food production drive is made by Mr. Ng Teongkiat, well-known Malaian Chinese business magnate, who has started intensive planting of foodcrops on over 3,000 acres of Government land
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 524 2 SYONAN TOKUBETU SI NOTICE NO. 66 Re: submit tan re of Report by Sellers of Commodities. 1. NOTICE Is hereby given that Nippcn-zin sellers of commodities should submit a report stating the following item* to Shoko-ka of Keizai Bu, Syoran Tokubetu Si. (i) Name of Shop (ii) Address (ili) Name
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    • 622 2 PUBLIC NOTICES SYONAN TOKUBETU SI NOTICE NO. 63 Be: Conference of Rubber Planers NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to owners of rubber plantations wtthin the undermentioned areas to be pre* sent at Noh-rin-ka of Syonan Toim-oetu-Si for the conference which will take place on the time and date hereunder mentioned bringing
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 187 2 TODAY'S PROGRAM 6 pm musical selections; 6.30 pm news in Nippon language for beginners; 6.40 p.m. Malai Children's Hour; 7 p.m. Mandarin selections; 7.15 p.m. Teochew selections; 7.50 p.m. Nippon music; 8 pjn. news in Hindustani; 8.15 p.m. news in Tamil; 8.30 p.m. news in Cantonese; 8.45 p.m. news in
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