Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 2 May 1944

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1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 23 1 The Syonan Shimbun Office 140/146 Cecil Street, Syonan. Telephone No. 5471. NO. 442 TUESDAY. MAY 2. KOKI 2604. SHOW A 19 SEVEN CENTS
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  • 431 1 BY A DOMEI CORRESPONDENT ON THE FOREMOST INDIAN FRONT, April 28,—(Delayed). With the spread of news throughout India of the successful advance of the Indian National Army forces into India, a general uprising of the Indian population will take place.
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  • 213 1 DomeL AT THE FOREMOST FRONT IN INDIA, May 1 .—Paralleling the incessant attack on Sibom and Shenam, the mainstay of Nippon and Indian forces are closely pursuing the fleeing enemy's main force toward Imphal. Our forces stormed into one corner of the enemy position
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  • 411 1 A READER has made the excellent suggestion to us that the public should be appealed to, to Join in a spontaneous Keep the city clean campaign by each one doing everything in their power to keep the precincts of their homes as clean and tidy as
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  • 204 1 DotneL TOKYO, April 29.—Commenting on the disbanding of the United States south Pacific fleet under the command of Admiral William Frederic Y. Halsey, quarters close to the Navy today declared that Mac Arthur's announcement of April 27, that
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  • 210 1 J JL DmmL RANGOON, April 30—The government as wsil as the people of Burma are determined tc rise or fall with their ally, Nippon, Adipadi Ba Maw, Head of the State of Burma, declared in the course of a Press
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  • 79 1 Domri. TOKYO, May I.—Dr. Theln Maung, Burmese Ambassador to Nippon, was guest of honour at a lunchecn given at the Imperial Hotel at noon today by the Society for International Cultural Relations. Those who attended the lunchecn included Kazuo Aoki, Minister of Greater East Asiatic
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  • 46 1 Him it CANTON, May I.—Ho Kuo-kuang, Mayor of Chungking, has issued an emergency decree, ordering those citizens who have no urgent business to evacuate tit city within the period from May l to m»t 10. according to a report from Chungking.
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  • 48 1 milt. TIKAMATSU. April 30 —It is learned tfeat Mm PwstaJosze. representative of ttte Geneva in1 Red Crass Part ply. aeccnipamtd by officials of the MDCJBB Hed Crass Society on April 28 jfrypdfoert the Zenttuji internment dmo. qompleting his inspection, he frrt for T*mro ix-rt night.
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  • Article, Illustration
    9 1 Nippon Gunners ready for action while on convoy duty
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  • 453 1 By A Dotnd War Correspondent AT THE INDIAN FRONT. May I.—With the serious situation in India gradually reaching a climax, British pressure on innocent local inhabitants through every conceivable underhand method, is increasing. In a desperate effort to defend India, the British have
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  • 85 1 Dwnei. LISBON, Apr. 28—United. States Secretary of the Nary Frank Knox died at 1.06 p.m. today at the age of 70, according to an official announcement by Navy Undersecretary James Pcrrestal, a Washington dispatch said. That Knox had bsen confined to bed became known only yesterday when
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  • 177 1 j Dome* LISBON. April 30— "India Is ceasing to be capable of feeding her own population, and in the absence of either a great improvement in her agriculture or some sensational fall in her population, she is threatened with recurring famine," declared
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  • 176 1 Domei. TOKYO, May I.—lt Is revealed that a new method for treating special steel involving a 20-per-cent, economy In electric power and electrodes and a substantial reduction in'the time required for the melting process has been invented by a special steel plant
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  • 80 1 Grants Audience To Cabinet Adviser DomeL TOKYO, May 2— TENNO HEIKA granted audience yeswrday afternoon to Toyotaro Yuki, Cabinet Adviser, and former Governor of the Bank of Nippon who reported on Nippon's war* time finance. He told the press that TENNO HEIKA was pleased to listen to his
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  • 371 1 Domei. TOKYO, May I.—The Navy Ministry announced at 3 p.m. today that a report has been submitted to the Throne on the fact that a citation for outstanding valour has been granted by the Commander-in-Chief of the combined fleet to Commander Kiyoshi Kikkawa, Captain of
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  • 202 1 M (By Domei Staff Correspondent Kanemitsu Tatciahi) TOKYO. April 29.—Benigno S. Aquino, head of the Philippine gratitude mission, and Speaker of the National Assembly at present in Tokyo declared in an exclusive interview in the Imperial Hotel: "Today, thanks to th*» Nippon Empire
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  • 91 1 mmm. HSLNKINa, April 30.—Benigno 8. Aquino, head at the Philippines gratitude accompanied by Jose Yulo, Antonio de la AJu. Rafael Ahinan. CamlJo Osias as well as Nippon diplomats. Including Cfeoeo Murata. Nippon Ambassador to the Philippines, and Jorge B. Vargas Philippine Ambassador to Nippon, arrived
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  • 62 1 DmneL A NIPPON BASE IN BURMA, April 30.—Intercepting an enemy formation of approximately 30 fighters which attempted to raid the vicinity of Meiktila. Nippcn fighter unite in Burma shot down a total of six enemy aircraft. Those shot down comprised one P-51, four Spiteflre^; and one
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  • 341 1 OomeL LISBON, April 30—An illustrated article entitled "Life Looks at China" by Theodore White in the magazine Life, knocks out the lantastic ideas prevailing among many Americans about Chungking's "invaluable" part in the prosecution of the war against Nippon. According to a
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  • 129 2 BESIDES contributing about $4,000 to the patients' fund, leading Indian women residents here under the leadership of Mrs. X R. Assomull, paid a visit to the I.NA, Hospital last week-end to comfort the sici soldiers there, says Dcmel. Food was supplied to all
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  • 170 2 By Sy«n*n Shhnbun SUIT Reporter. DEPICTING India's war of independence and the heroism of the Azad Hind Fauj, a dramatic performance. "On To Delhi," was staged by members of the 1.1.L. (Rear Headquarters) at the Syonan Kokaido last night. "On To
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  • 156 2 ON THE occasion of the Tencho Betsu, after the parade at the padan? in the morning, a party of members of the Indian Indei>endence League headed by Dr. P. T. Nathan, Member-in-Charge Health and Social Welfare Department of the U.L., Syonan Branch, paid a
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  • 90 2 pond. SURABAYA, April 26.—More than 5,000 Mohammedans held a two-day rally here ending today, and went on record with the pledge fcr all-out, united cooperation with the Military Administration. Preceding the rally, 84 Mohammedan representatives of East Djawa Provinces attended a round-table conference at which
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  • 455 2 VILLAGERS POUlt JNTO TOWNS IN HAPPY HOLIDAY* MOOD DoomL JOHORE BHARU, May I.— All Johore was in holiday mood last Saturday on the occasion of Tencho Setsu, with thousands of its inhabitants from outlying suburbs and villages pouring into the chief towns, where
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  • 354 2 TO ENABLE Indians to get military training during their spare time in the evenings and so equip themselves mentally and physically to play their part in their country's freedom struggle, eleven centres for part-time training have been opened by the local branch of
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  • 120 2 THE OFFICIAL opening ceremony of the Women's Section of the Malai Kosei Kyokai (Mala! Welfare Association) was held at the Malai Gekijo on Sunday at a meeting attended by a large number of local Malai wcmen. Che Sitihawa presided at the meeting, which
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  • 135 2 By Syonan Shimban Staff Reporter AN EVENING of lectures and variety and film entertainment to encourage and exalt war-con-sciousness among the people will be held at the Dai Toa Oekljo tomorrow, May 3, commencing at 8 p.m. The function is being sponsored
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  • 241 2 Doom*. MENADO, April 26—Vitamin oil an Important source of Vitamin A and vitamin ointments indispensable for the treatment cf tropical ulcer, itch and other skin diseases, are expected to be produced on a large-scale in Northern Celebes In the near future. Satisfactory results have
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  • 277 2 DwA DJAKARTA, April 30.—Rather than allow former estates owned by foreigners in DJawa run to waste and ruin, the Nippon Military authorities recently allotted 1,500 hectares of estate lands to inhabitants residing In Pekalongan and Pemalang districts to be broken up
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  • 290 2 The views expressed Hi letters to the Editor are those of the correspondents, and in publishing the letters, the Sionan Shimbun does not necessarily concur with those views. Letters must be short (about 100 words), and to the point. System Of Distribution Of Essential Articles To The Editor,
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  • 232 2 MEDAN, May I.—Various economic problems arising with the rapid development of Sumatra in two years under the Nippon Administration were discussed at important conferences of governors and chief accountants of various provinces of the island. At a two-day governors* conference held
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  • 138 2 A MASS mesting of Arabs was held under the auspices of the Syonan Arab Kosei Kyokal on Saturday at the Association's headquarters in Serangoon Road. The President of the Association, Mr. Mohamad bin Ahmad Alkaff, presided. Several leading members of the community stressed
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  • 149 2 OomeL April 25.—Leading his men to the field beside the Seicho building to plant ramie, the District Officer, Larut, Raja Haji Ahmad inaugurated the Labour Service Corps for Government servants in Taiping. All showed seal with the changkol Including two women employees.
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    • 186 2 By Syonan Shim bun Staff Reporter. A RETURN fight between Golden Boy and Saxban S'ngh is the main attraction in tomorrow's boxing program at the Great World. There is a strong supporting card in which Louis Logan, a Penang Malai, makes his
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    • 230 2 DomeL SINGtARADJA, April 26—Preparatkms have been completed lor the amalgamation of the people's banks of Ball. Lombok and Soemba into a single Institution to be known as the People's Bank of Lesser Sundas as the directors of the new bank were selected and articles of
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  • 654 2 'EXCELLENT RICE SUBSTITUTE, GROWS WELL IN THIS COUNTRY 9 BY SYONAN SHIMBUN STAFF REPORTER THE IMPORTANCE of increasing food production in wartime was stressed by Dr. C. J. Paglar, president of the Syonan Eurasian Welfare Association, speaking at a lecture-movie show meeting
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  • 112 2 Domei. MANILA. April 30—A charity performance, the Philippines "song festival" was successfully held this morning at the Metropolitan Theatre before a capacity crowd. First program of its kind hi the Philippines, the song festival portrayed the development of Philippines music from a primitive two-note wedding song,
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  • 94 2 DeraeL KUALA LUMPUR. April 27.— M. K. Ramachandram, Chairman of the Selangor Indian Independence League, addressing a gathering of Indians, Chinese. Malais, and Eurasians at the Nippon Gekijo on Monday, declared the direst need of the world at present is international harmony and appealed
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  • 150 2 DoaeL WENANO, April 25—Among four Malaian students selected for further studies in Nippon following completion of preliminary training in Malacca. Penang's candidate is 20-year-old Eusoffee Abdoolcader. ton of H.H. Abdoolcader, member of the Penang State Council. The other three mccessful candidates
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  • 60 2 Dome!. DJAKARKA, April 26.—The local inhabitants' postal savings in Djawa has" exceeded the Guilders 6,000.000 mark, th* Director of the Postal Savings Bureau disclcssd here on the occasion of the second anniversary of the opening of the bureau. He added that postal savings totalled
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  • 83 2 MR. LHU AH HOY (aged 63) of Chop Hoy Kee. 97, Sungel Road, passed away pearefuUy on April 29, 2604 at 9.35 p.m. (T.T.) leaving behind hii beloved v-ife, three sons (Chin Hoe, Chin Kiat and" Chin Choon). five daughters (Siew Neo, Pang Tee, Bee Neo, Cheng Neo and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 216 2 SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED: An experienced quartitv Siuveyo- (Out-door> and one Oven eer Chinese preferred. Knowledge of Kanzi and Nippon-Go an advantage. Apply UNITED STRUCTURAL CO 86. Koek Road, between the hours of 9 a.m.week^ays^ 5 pm-«-80 M»- <» DOMESTIC OCCURRENCE ENGAGEMENT TEO-KANG. The engagement is announced between Mr Teo Kum
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 105 2 TODAY'S PROGRAM 6 pm. musical selections: 6.30 pm. news in Nippon language for beginners; 6.40 p.m. Malai Children's Hour; 7 p.m. piano interlude; 7.15 p.m. Instrumental interlude; 7.20 p.m. Cantonese drama; 7.50 p.m. Nippon melodies; 8 p.m. news in Hindustani; 8.15 p.m. news in Tamil; 8.30 p.m. news in Cantonese;
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