Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 14 April 1944

Total Pages: 2
1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 22 1 The Syonan Shimbun Office *****6 Cecil Street, Syonan. Telephone No. 5471* NO. 427 FRIDAY. APRIL 14. KOKI 26G4. BHOWA 19 SEVEN CENTS
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    • 262 1 By A Domei War Correspondent ON THE INDO-BURMA BORDER, April 12.— With Nippon and Indian forces surging forward rapidly towards Imphal from the north and south, the enemy's Fourth Army Corps is, at present, putting up desperate resistance in the face of the imminent
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    • 383 1 Domei. By A War Correspondent ON THE INDIAN FRONT, April 12.— Smashing their way towards Imphal from the north, Nippon units on April 6 unleashed furious close-range assaults on enemy positions in the areas around four kilometres north of Imphal, and
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  • 96 1 Domci. LISBON, April 12—How strongly the Indan political situat on has been affacted by the advance of Nippon forces across the Burma border into India was again indicated by a New Delhi broadcast which said that the question of the defence of Assam Province was
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  • 187 1 ALL MALAIANS, whether Roman Catholics or not, were thrilled to hear the news of the timely message from His Holiness Pope Pius XII giving the Fuji Village farming project his blessing. It is significant that in the midst of a global war, and with the Vatican
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  • 392 1 TODAY is the day observed in the island of Ceylon as well as by all Ceylonese living abroad, as their National Day. It was instituted for. and has continued to serve the purpose of reviving in the hearts of all sons and daughters of Lanka on
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  • 183 1 Domei. A NIPPON BASE on the Burma Front, April 12.—1n incessant daily raids carried out against enemy airfields, the Nippcn Army Air Force in Burma destroyed four enemy gliders and damaced three Douglas transport planes on Monday ax. a brought down cne Spitfire
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  • 311 1 Dnml HSINKING, April 13.—Speaking of the Manshukoku National Army, General Hsin Shin-lien. Minister of Foreign Affairs declared: "Despite its youthfulness, the Manshukoku National Army will be an unfailing and staunch wing of the Imperial Nippon forces. Four full years have passed since
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  • 137 1 DomeL LISBON, April 11—Gen. Henri Giraud, in a sharp formal letter to Gen. Charles De Gaulie. accused the latter of violating French Republican Law in abolishing his post as Commander-in-Chief of the rebel French army, navy, and land forces, an Algiers report said. "I am not
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  • 91 1 Dmb«L KEMO, April 12—It is revealed that 25 million Chosmnese, since the outbreak of the China Affair, donated to the Army and Navy a total of 276 first-line war planes. Monetary contributions to the War Fund by residents, during the period from January "601 up to
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  • 24 1 Dmnei. TOKYO. April 13.—Kenkichi Yoshizawa, Nippon Taishi (Ambassador) to French Indochina, this morning left here for his post in French Indochina
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  • 36 1 MANILA, April 12.—Gen. Artemio Ricarte paid a courtesy call on the Commander-in-Chief of the Nippon Army in the Philippines on the occasion of the anniversary of the Fall of Bataan, says Dome!
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  • 440 1 Doinei. LISBON, April 12.—Intensive aerial warfare was wared yesterday between the Anglo-American and German Air Forces, according to dispatches received here. The German High Command said that American bombers yesterday again suffered severe losses in the course of their raids on central
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  • 241 1 Domei. CANTON, April 13.—Unable to conceal the successive reverses of anti-Axis forces on the Burma-India fronts the Spokesman of the Chungking Army in tire course of a Press interview yesterday admitted that Chungking forces are experiencing serious difficulties in their fight
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  • 99 1 Domei. STOCKHOLM, April 12—The Turkish people are irritated by the United States Secretary of State CordiVl Hull's broadcast on Sunday when he demanded neutral powers to "cease aiding the enemy,"' Istanbul d'spaiches indicated. The Associated Press correspondent reported that Hull's address was displayed prominently
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  • 276 1 Domei. RABAUL, AprU 13.—Our garrfson units at Rabaul intercepted a total of about 160 enemy bombers and fighters which attempted to raid our positions and shot down one B-25 bomber. On the following day, the enemy again attempted a raid with a total
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  • 320 2 With Local Administration APPROVED BY MAYOR OF SYONAN BY SYONAN SHIMBU N STAFF REPORTER A SYONAN Indian Welfare Association, a liaison organization separate from the Indian Independence League, has been formed to represent the Indian community in Syonan and to establish close contact
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  • 167 2 Domei. KLUANG (Johore), April 12.— Kluang today presents a clean bill of health with malaria and other infectious diseases almcet completely wined out. Malaria, which at one time was the scourge of the district in pre-war days, is today well under control, the few
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  • 142 2 Oomei. MUAR (Johcre>, April 12.— Successful experiments in growing a variety of Indian cotton have been carried out by Dato Osman bin Buang, District Officer, Munr, and 'by a Sikh concern in Tangkah. The cotton plant grows *o a height of about six feet and
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  • 160 2 AS A FURTHER step towards the extention of postal facilities to members of the public, the Malai Gunseikan-bu Yusei Kyoku, bam completed arrangements rvith the Railway Authorities for the re-opening of certain Postal Agencies at Railway Stations in Malai. These Postal Agencies will transact
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  • 138 2 EVEN children in Sycnan are daL, PlavinK "ieir full part in the "Grow More Food" drive and JS« aaX !uously en^a«ed in the cultivation of private plcts adjoining their homes after school nours. Thousands of these young farmers strapping lads from the
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  • 250 2 MEMBERS of the Queen Street Nippon-Go Old Students' Union have produced the first NipponGo school magazine "Wakaki Hikari" or Young Light ever to be published here which will make Its debut this Saturday, says Domei. The magazine contains many Interesting articles written Id higher
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  • 419 2 MASS RALLY BRINGS TO CLOSE NATIONAL LIBERATION WEEK BY SYONAN 3 H IMB UN STAFF REPORTER CLIMAXING the Indian National Liberation Week, a mass SH£ a In^ii^? s!, numbering several thousands including units of the Azad Hind Fauj, and detachments of the Rani
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  • 163 2 Interesting Card Arranged For Tomorrow Night A FIRST-RUN match between Sarban Singh and Slogger Ang heads promoter Razak's boxing card at the Great Wcrld Arena tomorrow night. In addition another big fight between Fighting Hassan and Johnny Mortell is being arranged. Little Bernal was originally scheduled to meet Hassan,
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  • 77 2 By Syonan Shimbun Staff Reporter THREE Syonan doctors, Dr. S. I. M. Ibrahim, president of the Syonan Medical Association, Dr. C. J. Paglar, Syonan Eurasian leader and Sanji-Kai lin and Dr. M. Gaus, Sanji-Kai Iln left Syonan at noon today for Malacca.
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  • 754 2 WORKERS EXPRESS VIEWS AT INFORMAL ROUND TABLE TALK GREAT satisfaction over the fact that their change of occupation in every instance has brought in its stead more lucrative employment and that every member of the public given employment through the Labour Office
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  • 210 2 THE INCREASE In prices of cigarettes, which became effective from April l, is due to the increased tax on tobacco as explained in a Gunseikan-bu notice issued fecently, says the Syonan Shimbun Nippon edition. The new rates of tax on tobacco were
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  • 181 2 Tomorrow's Hockey Gate Goes To Endau, Bahau Settlers PLENTY of interest Is being taken in tomorrow's classic hockey match at Jalan Besar Stadium between Boeki-Ka and Wanderers. The match, which is being sponsored jointly by the Syonan Sports Association and the Syonan Shimbun, with the approval of the Kosei-ka
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  • 181 2 THE comradeship prevalent today among Nir^on-jln and Indians net only on the battlefields on the Indo-Burman front, where their blood is mingling in the glorious cause of India's freedom, but also in other parts of Toa was revealed on the occasion of a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 392 2 SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED five Motor Car drivers. Good salary and prospects. Apply In person to Messrs. Furukawa Kogyo K.K., sth floor, X.P.M. Building. WANTED: Accounts Clefts, only experienced people with some knowlodge of "Kanji" preferred. Apply to Box No. 424, c/o Syonan Shimbun (English Edition), syonan. WANTED: Chinese clerks of
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    • 732 2 PUBLIC NOTICES SYONAN TOKUBETU SI NOTICE No. 54 Re: Recruitment of students f or Ui# Dresser's Training Institute. JS^ Jr? SEST ot st«dent s to be admitted into the Dresser's Training S^iS 6 ?W taJte pJar^ ta accordance with the following particulars1. Number of recruits: 30. 2. Qualification: Male youllis
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 190 2 TODAY'S PROGRAM 6 p.m. musical selections; 6.30 p.m. bews in Nippon language for beginners; 6.40 p.m. MaJal Children's Hour; 7 p.m. Teochew drama; 7.35 p.m. Pekln selections; 7.50 p.m. Nippon mutic; p.m. news In Hlnrtn»r<ml; 8.15 p.m. news In Tamil; 8.30 p.m. news in Cantonese; 8.45 p.m. news In Hokki.-n.
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    • 148 2 5vonfln5Hirn_un NIPPON-GO LESSONS' LESSON 18 Ano chiisai rruse de mannenhitsu Do you think they TS +ic?4 t* 7-* "»v*yfcy sell fountain o uru desho ka? pens At that 9 &r 7***& jk small shop? Uranal to omoimasu I don't think »9i-4 r they do. Empitsu o ni-hon katte nlte kudasai
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