Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 5 February 1944

Total Pages: 2
1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 22 1 The Syonan Shimbun Office 140/146 Cecil Street, Syonan. Telephone No. 5471. NO. 368 SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 8. KOKI 2004, SYOWA 19 SEVEN CENTS
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  • 328 1 Fierce Fighting Goes On, Says Dai Honyei 126 AIRCRAFT DESTROYED OVER PORT OF RABAUL CorneL TOKYO, Feb. s.—Dai Honyei announced at 11 a.m. today: Firstly, the present war situation in the Marshall Group sector is as follows: (1) A powerful enemy task
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  • 223 1 THe SYONAN Ika Daigaku (Medical College) which, on April 27, celebrates its first anniversary, will shortly be transferred to Malacca, it was announced today by the authorities in Byonan. says Domei. This medical institute will henceforth be known as Malai Ika Daigaku and will
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  • 107 1 Domel LISBON, Feb. 3—All Madrid newspapers interpreted the Ang-lo-American agreement suspending oil shipments to Spain as a move to force %he country to abandon its neutrality, according to a dispatch received here. Some newspapers printed attacks on the suspension, mainly against Britain. All newspapers asserted
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  • 43 1 DwneJ SUCHOW. Feb. I—With the necessary arrangements completed under the direction of first Governor Hao Pengrchu, Huaihai Province was formally created today. It is understood the new government will temporarily place under ifs jurisdiction the former Suhuai special administrative district.
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  • 316 1 EXCELLENT RESPONSE REPORTED DECLARING that Malai youths were fired with but one idea, that being participating in the defence of their country in time of emergency, and that eiaouncnt for the Malai Giyu-Gun (Volunteer Army) is progressing at high speed in every state
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  • 95 1 THE CHRISTENING ceremony of the plane presented by the overseas Chinese in Syonan to the Nippon Government will take place at the Kallang Airport at 11 a.m. on Feb. 8 (Imperial Rescript Day). The plane costs $100,000The general public as well as those
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  • 403 1 A SIMPLE, fundamental fact which all Asiatics should clearly fix in their minds is that this war is being waged to settle the all important issue of whether Asiatics are to remain forever the slaves of the Anglo-Americans, both economically and politically, or come into their
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  • 197 1 Domel. LISBON, Feb. 3—A Seattle dispatch said that the threat to vital war production caused by the spread of picketing to the Grays Harbour lumber industry has forced the 12th Regional War Labour Board to appeal for the second time to the Government
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  • 217 1 DomcJ. LISBON, Feb. 2.—The antiJewLsh campaign, which has increased in the United States during the past few years, recently assumed violent forms in New City, Boston and elsewhere, gangs of so-called Fascist hooligans attacking hundreds of Jewish ycuths, and desecrating synagogues and cemeteries, according to
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  • 153 1 A FEATURE of the exhibits forming the State of Johore's Contribution to the forthcoming Tropical Products Exhibition at the Great World, starting from Feb. 11, Is the wide range of rubber articles which will be on display. Pneumatic bicycle tyres and tubes, motor-cycle
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  • 95 1 Domel. LISBON. Feb. t—The inability •f the British forces to make headway in their so-called oun-ter-offensive against Nippon forces on the Burma front, is attributed by the United Press correspondent with the British 14th Army on the Arakan front, to the stubborn resistance of
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  • 173 1 Dmbcl. LISBON, Feb. 3.—A Stockholm Sr^S 1 Was QUoted as saying that the Vatican Scandinavian Telegraph Bureau spokesman announced that four bombs by antiAxis planes were dropped in the grounds of the Pope's Summer residence. It said that two of the bombs exploded, destroying a
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  • 257 1 INDICATIVE of their enthusiasm to participats in the celebration of the second anniversary of the Birth cf New Malai 30 educated Malai girLs of the Malai Kosei Kai (Malai Welfare Association) will clean up the Chuereito on Feb. 15. These girls will do away with
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  • 299 1 Dont«f TOKYO, Feb. 4.—Dai Honyei at 3.30 p.m. today announced that our Army Air Force and other units m a series of operations in China, Burma, New Guinea and other sectors, during the month of January accounted for a total of 373
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  • 102 1 THE SYONAN Symphony Orchestra's delightful rendition of the repeat Chinese New Year concert at the Kckaido yesterday drew an appreciative and a very large audience. J^>ccially arranged for Chinese music lovers, the program feature "Shanghai Dresnis," a selection of popular Chinese songs, and "In
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  • 474 1 BY A DOMEI WAB CORRESPONDENT A NIPPON BASE in the South Pacific, Feb. 3.—For about two years since the Nippon landing on New Ireland Island in the Sismark Archipelago, Kavieng, chief town on that island, was one of the mest picturesque and peaceful
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  • 231 1 IN CONNECTION with the eel©brations from Feb. 11 to Feb 21 commemorating the Fall of Singapore and the Birth cf New Malai tha Malai Gunseikan-bu Yusei Kyoku, through the kindness of the Eiga Haikyu Sha, will distribute to the Post Office Savings Bank Depositors,
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  • 336 1 T, PRIZE, 255.6W (in Syonan allotment). CONSOLATION PRIZES ($1.00« S&7.*"* tlCketS): 2556*S aOSECOND PEIZE ($20.000): 244,59* (in Syonan allotment). T"IRD PRIZE ($10,000 each, three tlckeis.: 157.455 (fa, Perak alJotment); 019 606 (in Perak allotment); 398,090 (in Syonan allotment). FOURTH PRIZE ($5,000 each, tour HS-VSl'- 2ZZ-3"9
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  • 469 2 Historic Film To Be Shown At Shimbun Lecture-MovieMeeting INCLUDED In the Feb. 11 fllm-end-leeture meeting program, sponsored by the Syonan Shimbun (English Edition) and timed to start from 7 pjn. (Tokyo Time) is one of the most important documentary films yet made. It is a record cf the
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  • 742 2 KAMPONG YOUTHS ENTHUSIASTIC TO JOIN NEW VOLUNTEER ARMY THE vast tracts of virgin jungle which today accommodate thousands of acres devoted to the growing of food crops and the unbounded enthusiasm displayed by village-folks in remote parts of the peninsula
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  • 238 2  -  R. SOMASUNDARAM. The views expressed in letters to the Editor are those of the correspondents, and in publishing the letters, the Syonan Shimbun does not necessarily concur with those views. Letters must be short (about '00 words), and to the point, Nippon-Go Lessons To the Editor, Syonan Shirabnn. Sir,—ln
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  • Article, Illustration
    95 2 New Promoter Making Debut At Great World FIGHT fans are reminded that Jos Hansen makes his debut as a bcxing promoter tonight at the Great World Arena with an all-star card. Figuring in the big fights are Little Bernal, Golden1 Boy, and Kid Carpsntier who clash in 12, 10
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  • 696 2  -  B. WILMOTT DE SILVA When S.lence keeps our thoughts control!'d Which act like restless waves that roU'd, Within our souls sad tnem'ries creep. Languishing thoughts where comrades weep I And in that brief, brief space of time, We gaze upon thy deeds sublime.
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  • 99 2 THE SYONAN BHIMBCN (Entlish Edition), in connection with the forthcoming celebration of the second annivetwuT of the Birth of New Malai, naps— (feint the widest possible publicity to new Malaian products, with special emphasis on dally necessities. With a view to havlar as
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  • 232 2 IN ORDER to further popularize the purchase of lottery tickets, the authorities are providing for a special prise of $1 fcr every ten tickets bought in the tenth issue of the Konan Saiken (lottery tickets) which will be on sale
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  • 132 2 Darnel. PENANG, Feb. 4—Expressing gratification at th 2 formation of the two associations, Penang Governor itami Masakichi, in his address at the opening ceremony ol the Penang Vegetable and Fish Contrcl Associations at the Central Market, declared that the control prices of vegetables and
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  • 114 2 ■Api MALACCA, Feb. 3—That the Malacca Bunkycka is keeping abreast of the times in the educational and cultural sphere Is borne out by the steadily increasing number of Malacca students who have returned here after graduating in the Jokiu Shihan Gakko, Syonan. Six graduates have
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  • 287 2 TO STIMULATE interest in savings among lccal inhabitants, the Savings Encouragement Department of the Malal Bankers' Association is offering prizes to depositors. Ob liW iipuUm asaonntinr t* more than fIM for a period «f one year, every aaH «t fit* win be tfvea
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  • 187 2 APPLICATIONS are now being invited from able-be died men to work at various Military Corps, stationed in Syonan, states an official notice. Intending applicants, who must be between the ages of 16 and 30 years, are requested to call at the Roh-Doh Jirou Kyc<ku
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 313 2 SYONAN TOKUBETU SI NOTICE NO. 18 Re: Recruitment of workers at Military Corps. APPLICATIONS are invited for workers at Military Corps in accordance with the following information. Applicants are requested to be present at ROH-DOH ZIMU KYOKU on 10th February at 10 a.m. 1. Qnalifirataon: Male youths between the ages
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    • 692 2 PUBLIC NOTICES SYONAN TOKUBETU SI REI NO. 14. Be: ti— Governing the DtstrßNitlofl *f Petroleum. Notice is hereby given that Regulations Governing the Distribution <■* Petroleum are hereby enacted as follows: 1. The distribution of Petroleum for the use of the general public within the jurisdiction of Syonan Tokubetu-Si shall
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    • 359 2 PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE THIS is to inform the public that JOHN TAYE is no longer connected with the Rising Sun Library. 1M Middle Road, as from Ist Feb., 2604. Sd. A. P. M. DANIEL Sole Proprietor, RISING SUN LIBK.V&Y. RE GREAT UNION COMPANY The Public is hereby notified that as
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 102 2 TODAY'S PROGRAM 8 p.m. musical selections; 6.30 p.m. (lews in Nippon language for beginners; 8.40 p.m. Indian Children's Hour; 7 p.m Comical sketches in Malai by the Melayu Truna Party; 7.50 p.m. Nippon music; 8 p.m. news in Hindustani; 8.15 p.m. news in Tamil; 8.30 p.m. news in Cantonese; 8.45
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    • 141 2 r"\J?^^^JfrW~~-rsl 4- X oSs KYO-EI A STOW A: "BORO NO KSSSHXTAI" 3—6—8.30 p.m. and 3.30—6.30 —9 p.m. respectively. Tomorrow: Morning show at 12 and 12.30 respectively. USHDiO BCNKA EIGA: "NIPPON KEN BUN Xl" features in new programme, 3—5.30 —7.30—9 pjn. To* morrow: 1 —3—5.30 —7.30 —9 pjn. DAISEKAI BUNK A
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