Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 28 January 1944

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1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 22 1 The Syonan Shimbun Office 140/146 Cecil Street* Syonmu Telephone No. 5471. NO. 361 FRIDAY. JANUARY 2S. KOKI 2604. SYOWA 10 SEVEN CENTS
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  • 177 1 TOKYO, Jan. 26.—Kazuo Aoki, Oai Toa Daijlij (Minister of Greater East Asiatic Affairs), in reply to interpellations by Masaki Kishida in the course of yesterday's general meeting of the Budget Committee of the House of Representatives declared that Government
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  • 171 1 Dome! LISBON, Jan. 26.—President Roosevelt today definitely revealed that he is seeking a fourth term when he sent a special messago to Congress demanding, in strong language, a simplified method of voting to permit nine million members in the United States armed forces to vote
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  • 216 1 D»ime»A NIPPON BASE in China, Jan. 26.—The tctal lack of Hunting spirit on the part of •American Air Forces in China was clearly shown on Jan. 23 when a formation of nine Ncrth American B-25's escorted by more than 15 P-40 fighters
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  • 29 1 Darnel. LISBON, Jan. 26.—Argentine today severed diplomatic relations with Germany and Nippon after the relentless pressure of the United States, according to a dispatch from Buenos Aires.
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  • 498 1 OFFICIAL replies to questions asked In the Diet, which Is now in session, are being followed here in New Malai with keen interest, especially those answers which apply to Nampo (Southern Regions). One of the most interesting statements came from the Dai Toa Daijin, Kazuo Aoki.
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  • 139 1 TOKYO, Jan. 27—In reply to ma interpellation at the subcommittee meeting of the House of Representatives this morning with regard to Government stand on the enemy's frequent attacks on Nippon hospital ■hips, Mimoni Shlgemitsa, Gaimn Daijin (Foreign Minis. ter), voiced Nippon's determination
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  • 223 1 TOKYO, Jan. 26— The spokesman of the Mombu Sho (Education Ministry), testifying before the Lower House Committee on Education Affairs, revealed that substantial changes had been and are being made in Nippon's educational facilities in view of the increasing demand for capable Nippon
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  • 94 1 A NIPPON BASE in the South Pacinc, Jan. 27.—Our Naval Air Force and ground batteries brought down a total of 58 enemy bcmbers and fighters out of a formation of approximately 200 planes which raided Rabaul in the morning on Wednesday It is revealed
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  • 35 1 m.^S 01*'. Jt n 26—Wei Tao-mtog. Chungking Ambassador to Washington has return to Chungking for consultations, according to a Chungking dispatch. Wei is expected to return to Washington after the consultations
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  • 377 1 Domei. SOMEWHERE IN BURMA, Jan. 26.—Adipadi Ba Maw, declaring that he was speaking as an Asiatic to Asiatics, stressed that Burmans and Indians are one, "fighting the same battle, sharing the same fortunes and pursuing the same cause," during the Indian independence mass
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  • 245 1 Dcaaei. m LISBON, Jan. 26.—German fighter planes attacked enemy ships off the beachhead at Anzio en the west Italian coast, south from Rome, on Tuesday and scored hits on two ships of medium size, according to Berlin reports. The Luftwaffe also effec- < tively bombed
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  • 48 1 Demet TOKYO, Jan. 27—it Is revealed that the Mombu Daijin Minister of Education) Viscount Nagakage Okabe, has been named President of the Philippines Society, succeeding Marquis Torlsada Tokugawa who recently resigned from the post Major General Kaname Sato has been appointed Managing Director of the Society.
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  • 49 1 LISBON, Jan. 26—An official announcement from Asuncion said that police have crushed an attempted revolution against the Paraguayan Government. One was killed and several captured in the abortive revolt. The announcement said the police are investigating in an effort to establish the responsibility.
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  • 530 1 Attention Being Focussed On Sinkiang Province DntneL CANTON, Jan. 27.—Caught in a trap of its own making «ind faced with a steady growing pressure applied by Nippon forces from the continental coast and south-west China, Chungking is today looking for a second ca»ei gency
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  • 159 1 LISBON, Jan. 26.—From Washington, it is reported that Secretary of State Cordell Hull announced at a Press conference that the Scviet Union has rejected the United Statss' offer to employ its "good offices" in restoring diplomatic relations between Poland and the Soviet Union. It will
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  • 71 1 MALANO, Jan. 20. —The Premier Tojo Employment Society here has decided to set up a ceramic factory somewhere in the Province and open a spinning mill in this city, as part of the Cociety's work-providing scheme tliis year. The ceramic factory will turn out various utensils and hardware,
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  • 224 1 DonwL LISBON, Jan. J«t—A Melbourne dispatch *aid"' that sectional strikes in various Australian industries, including coal and transport, have, reached such serious proportions that Prime Minister Jchn CurtJn today described the situation as "lawlessness, naked and unashamed," and issued a final warning to strikers
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  • 159 1 ENTRIES axe pouring in for the second exhibition of new products to be held at the Kyoreiken, Great World, on Feb. 11. Kigen Setsu. In view of the large number of entries, reservations have been made for the exhibition. Some of the exhibits
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  • 70 1 OODKI NANKING, Jan. 27—It is officially revealed that Masayuki Tani, Nippon Taishl (Ambassador) to China, returned here today from an extensive Inspection trip in South China which be has been making since Jan. 10. It is disclosed that in the course A the trip, he conferred
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  • 154 1 TOKYO, Jan. 27.—1t is learned that President Wang Chiac-woi of tbe National Govenuncat of China haa conferred the Second Class Order Of Tungkuang on Dr. Kazoo Kurokawa, of th«- Tohoku University for coring the President of chronic neuralgte «Mse4 by a revolver shot received at
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  • 279 1 SOMEWHERE IN BURMA, Jan. 26.—A sharp increase in the desertions of Chungking troops in India under the command ol United States officers was revealed by Chao Chen-shan, sectlcncommander of the newly-organ-ized 38th Division of the 112th Brigade, who voluntarily surren--dered to the
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  • 55 1 LISBON, Jan. 26.—A bomb was thrown at the entrance tc a large textile mill in Bombay Just when the morning fhift vas coming on, according to a dispatch received here. Pour persons were injured. As it was still dark, the person who threw ttie bomb succeeded in
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  • 107 1 RESULTS of the lyric contest for Songs of Reconstruction sponsored by the Senden-bu of the Gunseikan-bu, have been announced. The first prize for the secend category of th? contest—melodies goes to Mias Chang Ann Lai of >No. 38, Dhoby Ghaut, Syonan while the first prize
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  • 168 2 THE FIRST aeroplane purchased through donations made fey the Syonan Chine?* community to the Nippon military authorities in August last will be duly christened on Feb. 8, the 26th observance of the Imperial Rescript Day, in a simple ceremony to be held in Syonan,
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  • 273 2 MORE THAN 30,000 Indians in Syonan on Wednesday evening reaffirmed their determination to go all-out to attain their Independence at a mass rally-held at Fairer Park on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of their Independence Day. Highlight of the meeting was a
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  • 252 2 DomeL SOMEWHERE IN BURMA, Jan. 26.—Subhas Chandra Bose today declared he is happy that Ceylonese in free countries, particularly in Toa" (East Asia), have seized the gclden opportunity for liberating themselves and are now working for their freedom, hand in hand with patriotic
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  • 330 2 TOKYO, Jan. 2*-Indian rodents of Tokyo ftnd Yokohama held a mass rally yesterday at 3 p.m. at the Indian Independence League's central office In observance of the 15th Independence Day. The following pledge was adopted after singing the Indian National Anthem. "On the
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  • 133 2 PENANG, Jan. 27.—1n a stirring address at a mass meeting of Indians here yesterday in observance of independence Day, N. Raghavan, prominent Penang Indian, remarked that his three million compatriots in Tea (East Asia) today are united in thought and deed, and have pledged themselves
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  • 356 2 TOKYO, Jan. M.—Because Nippon has pledged herself to enable each nation and each race to find Its proper place and enjoy common prosperity, Nippon is as; interested in the welfare of Moslems as any other group of people, declared Kazuo Aoki, Dal Toal DaUin
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  • 123 2 MANILA, Jan. 25 —A significant trend in Philippines education was brought to light yesterday with the reshuffle of three highranking Otovernment official occupying key positions in the educational field. The shifting of Sogundo Inf antado from the directorship of the Bureau of F"*TnfM°" and
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  • 80 2 Surabaya Plans LargeScale Castor Planting Dome! SOLO, Djawa, Jan. 26—The Sultan of Solo personally handed diplomas to 20 graduates of the Solo Agricultural School at the commencement exercises yesterday. Twelve of the graduates were given leading positions in the current castor oil output increase program fcr the entir« Sultanate. Meanwhile,
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  • 50 2 Dome! TOKYO, Jan. 26.—At it* plenary session this morning, the Budget Committee of the Upper House unanlmousl) passed the extraordinary supplementary War Appropriation Bill amounting t< Yen 38 billion for the fiscal year 9004/ 2805, following explanations made bj Okura Dai Jin (Finance Minister i Okinori Kaya.
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  • 164 2 DJAKARTA, Jan. 27.—Eight points for agricultural output increase were arreed upon by representatives of agricoltaral iipiilsiiiMit stations in Nampo (Southern Reffioms) at the conference which ended here on Jan. 23. The points are:—(l) Early popularisation of mere fertile species of rice plants which
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  • 109 2 MANILA, Jan. 26—Wholehearted support to the present administration was pledged by leaden of various women's organisations who attended a luncheon given by President Jose P. Laurel at the lfalacanan yesterday. Bptt»»itg on behalf of all women s crganlsaUons, Mrs. Pura Kalaw. bead of the
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  • 434 2 LATEST letters pourinf in thick and fast into the editorial ■eettaai of the Berita Malai, Syonan Malai language journal, reflect the keen enthusiasm displayed by the average Malai man-ln-the-street to enlist in the Malai Giyu-Gun (Volunteer Army) and Gtyu-Tai (Volunteer Corps),
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  • 409 2 By BISAO SAITO, Bwia( C«Mk to the B.S.A. MANY YEARS ago, several Nippon-Jin boxers including Sato and Natori came to Singapore, but, I understand, they were not very impressive. Professional bcxiag in Nippon at present, however, has made great progress ever since, and the science of boxing
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  • 118 2 BEREMBAN, Jan. 27.—With the aim of making Malai self-suffi-cient in textUes, preparations are under way tot establish a large textile factory here which is to be operated by the Shlkishima Boeeki K.K. early in March. The machines thai are being installed In
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  • 93 2 I BANDOENG, Jan. 25—Forestry experts here are mapping out plans to grow more DJamoedjoe, trees meat suitable for matchwood, a substitute for bottle corks, and other wood wcrks. r>jamoedjoe trees which can be grown only 1.000 metres or higher above seaterel are found to
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  • 193 2 DomeL TOKYO, Jan. 26.—The firm belief that absolute unity among the fighting services, Government officials and the general public of Nippon as well as the traditional, unique spirit cf loyalty of the Nippon nation is certain to thwart any enemy machinations and propaganda aimed
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  • 174 2 NANKING, Jan. 25—It is learned that the Executive Yuan yesterday approved a measure calling for the floating of national construction bonds totalling Yuan 600 million, to be used to carry out construction projects fcr three years starting from 1944. Funds raised
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  • 77 2 TOKYO, Jan. 26.— The lint ertitioE of the my n tine "Nippon-Tbal Culture' is out today, In eorrmemaratton of th< anniversary of Thailand^ dcctentioo of war eg Britain and Amertca which rCfl 7C8888Qa%7- lot BCW flftS^BJntlC B issued by the mn»B-TtMkOand Oulturai tortltutc. Tha Imm oootains MC
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  • 78 2 MANILA. Jan. 27.—The first annua oratorical con teat, sponsored by U* Camla Cultural Management, was hek at the Metropolitan Theatre. Alfred* Oonzales of the National Universitj won the lint prise. Be was awarded i gold medal presented toy President Joee P. Laurel. Tb« second prise went to Jom
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 945 2 PUBLIC NOTICES MISCELLANEOUS BUT KONAN SAIIT.KM TICKETS FOR SALS: Two airoondttlonin* carritre complete Capacity 4,000 to Since the First tasue of the Konan 5.000 aq. ft Condition as new. Orient Saiken Um demand far tickets has in- Trading Co., 78. Robinscn Road. creased. The Tenth Issue will be a com-
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 197 2 TODAYS PROGRAM pjn musical adecttons; S.SO p.m. news to Nippon language for beginners; 6.40 pjn. Malal Children's Hoar; 7 p.m. Teochew drama; 7.29 p m. H*ln*ne*e drama; 7.50 pjn. Nippon music; 8 p.m. om In Hindustani; 8.15 pjn. new* to Tamil; »*> P m news In Onfiwesr; «.46 p.m. newsii
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