Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 24 January 1944

Total Pages: 2
1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 22 1 The Syonan Shimbun Office 140/146 Cecil Street, Syonan. Telephone No. 5471. NO. 357 MONDAY. JANUARY 24. KOKI 2604. SYOWA 19 SEVEN CENTS
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  • 196 1 D«mel. RANGOON, Jan. 21—Latest field dispatches revealed that a Nippon Army air unit shot dcwn a total of 20 enemy planes, of which ten are probables, in an engagement over Maungdaw on Jan. 20 when a formation cf 30 enemy fighters were frustrated in
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  • 75 1 HANOI, Jan. 21.—An enemy formation, comprisir z four P-40's of the United States Air Force in China, again attempted to carry cut a raid on Jan. 20 over Monday, located in the north-eastern part of French Indochina near the French Indochina-China bor•der. One of
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  • 126 1 BUENOS AIRES, Jan. 21.—The difficulties being encountered by American troops in New Britain is one of the most commented subjects by American war correspondents, according to dispatches received. One correspondent has cabled that the supplying of the troops pressing the attack
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  • 615 1 THOROUGH discussion of the various problems calling for solution marked tbe first meeting of the Syonan Tokubetu-si Banji Kai (Advisory Council), the range of subjects dealt with clearly reflecting, firstly, the determination of the authorities to leave nothing undone to ensure final victory in the war and,
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  • 562 1 PREMIER MAKES VITAL DECLARA TION IN LOWER HOUSE Dome!. TOKYO, Jan. 22.—The assertion that Nippon will maintain an economic open door policy in Dai Toa (Greater East Asia) was made by Premier Gen. Hideki Tojo today before the initial hearing
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  • 463 1 "EXTREMELY careful measures have been taken for the control of labour with a view to freeing labourers from any worry," declared the Malai Gunseikan at a Press conference on the morning of Jan. 22 when, in a statement, he dealt with such
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  • 394 1 "WHEN the time comes for the greatness of your undertaking to be fully realized, then all the people of Malai will have gcod reason to thank you and feel everlasting gratitude for the work you are gcing to do." So
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  • 509 1 VIGOUR OF NIPPON INTERCEPTION STRESSED A NIPPON BASE in the South Pacific, Jan. 22.— The enemy air force lost eight more planes in its costly raid on Rabaul on the morning of Jan. 20 in addition to the 38
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  • 114 1 Doaaei. A NIPPON BASE, Jan. 22 Nippon naval air units effectively raided enemy positions in the Cape Merkus sector and also Arawe Island on the morning of Jan. 19. Many direct hits were scored en enemy targets which were blasted to smithereens. Enemy ground
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  • 142 1 A SPECIAL TREAT for the Chinese community be provided by the Syonan Orchestra at a Chinese New Year Concert at the Kokaido tomorrow from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. The program has been specially arranged by Mr. Oerentaer,
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  • 50 1 Domei. BUENOS AIRES, Jan. 21— The resumption of anti-Axis air attacks on Nippon positions on New Guinea has been followed by increased Nippon air activity, indicating that Nippon has strongly reinforced her air power there, says a dispatch from the anti-Axis headquarters in New Guinea.
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  • 182 1 D*meL RANGOON, Jan. 22.—Enemy dead numbering 901 have been found. whil 3 35 have been taken prisoner by Nippcn forces stationed in the Hukaung sector on the northern Indo-Burmese border during the 2»/ 2 months since the commencement of the fighting in the
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  • 546 1 TOKYO, Jan. 22.—Premier Gen. Hideki Tojo replying to interpellations by Representative Fusanosuke Maera urging an aggressive diplomatic offensive, during last afternoon's plenary session of the Lower House, declared Government is firmly convinced there can be no realization of the Joint
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  • 617 2 The application form for applying for admission to the Malai Giyv-gun. ENROLMENT for the Malai Giyu-Gun (Volunteer Army), an organization extending- the privilege of participating; in the defence of their own country to local youths, has begun in Syonan. Applications can be made in Syonan
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  • 175 2 FOR COMMENDABLE services rendered, Mr. Lim Beng Quan, Auxiliary Police Assistant, Section 2, Division D, was guest cf honour at a tea party held at the Great World Cabaret on Saturday artemocn. The party was given by the Auxiliary Police personnel under Mr. Lim Beng Quan
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  • 414 2 BY SYONAN SHIMBV.V STAFF KCPOKIBR. A HILLOCK, 76 feet high, and overlooking the low-lying portion of New Syonan, reserved for padi cultivation, has been selected as the site for a temple, a school, a hospital, a church
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  • 506 2 BOXING KEEN scrapping was witnessed at last night's boxing at the Great World Arena with Baby Mendiola and Kid Carpentier heading the card. All seven bouts were closely contested affairs with the exception of the second fight of the evening when Chia Mun
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  • 57 2 TCACHSHB of the Syonan Tokubeto. Bt Shlhma Gakko Hunku Futu Ko O*kko, Braa Baaah Road. Bjanmn, htff made a donation of $100 to the Nippon Wounded SoMtan* and Sfkilon* Fund through the Syonan Shimbun (KncUah Bdltlen). The usual arranfemente are bebng made for this amount
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  • 47 2 A CERTIFICATE (ran Premier Ctos. BMeU T*ia thjMUiw mML booiWn ef the tUM fer their eo-e»era-ttM te cntaUnc iiaitliM to Ike Oraw itaaf m« ff«r the Ibm Mtar* (OyfTt Kit) to Ik. moM k*«i reecired by the Cajjtaetia* A««aele« of the Stobmi
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  • 285 2 DmmL SEREMBAN, JaiL Thoroughly rtvolutionhdni the economic structure of Negri Sembilan, the numerous agricultural colonies that hare eprung up throughout the State have not only stabilized the lives of thousands of families but also are estimated to produce, in the not distant
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  • 137 2 CONSIDERING the wide use of the Malai language throughout Indonesia and Malai, which will officially be second in Importance to Nippon-Go, standardization of the language was stressed in a special meeting held here recently by the Malal-Go Chcsa SanglIln (Malai Language Research Body) which was formed
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 165 2 MANILA ROPES FOB SALE About 500 pikuls In stock for sale. Sizes ranging from *4" up to He" thick in diameter. Apply to "James Laurence Reddy," c/o Box No. 386, Syonan ehlmbun (English Edition), 6/onan. At Last! A Brillantine is a Brilliantine "LAVENDER BRILLANTINE de Luxe" De Luxe in the
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    • 104 2 A CONTRIBUTION of $20 to the Air Defence Fund comes from Mr. Tan Tye Guan, 181 Tranquerah Road, Malacca, bringing the total received by the Syonan Shimbun (English Edition) to date to $10,620.58. PJAWAWEBB COLLABOmATIOW DJAKARTA, Jan. 21.—An inquiry by the Commander-in-Chief of the Nippon fore*, on which the comin*
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    • 833 2 PUBLIC NOTICES SYONAN TOKUBETU-SI REINo. 11. KE: KCGULATION IN RESPECT TO THE CONTROL OF FISHES AND Tus RBOULATIOIf In connection with the control of fishes and shellfishes is now being enacted as follows: 1. The definition of fishes and shellfishes in this Regulation covers all fishes, shell-fishes, shrimps, prawns, lobsters,
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    • 445 2 SITUATIONS VACANT E*™?, y°«* **r derk/typtt. Indian preferred. Good salary. Apply personally at 14. Cuff Road, between Sto p.m. T.T, WANTED HOUSEKEEPER. Apply persona Hr to Mesas. TOzan NOJI KAISHA, (tod floor) Mayor Chambers, between 930 and 10.30 ajn. (T.T.) WANTItn twt>tan mtojtr ahi* wahtld Indian clerks. Abie Bahru preferable.
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    • 396 2 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE: Complete set The Encyclopaedia Britannlca eleventh edition. Apply to Box No. 396. c/o Syonau Shimbun (English edition). Syonan. FOR SALE: One German Piano (August-Porster) in almost new condition; also, one "Singer" Sewing machine (treadle type). Inspection at 151. Tembeling Road, Syonan. TOR SALE: One complete 4 cu.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 211 2 TODAY'S PROGRAM 6 p.m. musical selections; 6.30 p.m. news in Nippon language for children; 0.40 p.m. Chinese Children's Hour; 7 p.m. Cantonese music; 7.15 p.m. "A Message to the Straits Bom Chinese* by Mr. O. H. Kiat m Bigliah; 7.50 p.m. Teochew music; 7.50 p.m. Nippon melodies; 8 p.m. news
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