Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 22 January 1944

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1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 24 1 The Syonan Shimbun■-flfif iff" iClf < Office 140/146 Cecil Street, Syonan. Telephone No. 5471. NO. 356 SATURDAY. JANUARY 22. KOKI 2604. SYOWA 10 SEVEN CENTS
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  • 309 1 "DAY BY DAY it becomes more apparent that the present war is a war of production and supply, and the key to victory or defeat depends entirely en how we set about increasing production," declared the Minsei-bu Cho at the Sanji Kai
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  • 187 1 fJwsfel TOKYO, Jan. 20—The Rikugun Sho (War Ministry) announced at 4 pm. today that the citation accorded AirSergeant Satoshi Anaboki for valorous action in singlehandedly shooting down five enemy planes out of a formation of IS bombers and fighters over Rangoon on Oct. 8 last
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  • 621 1 NEW SYONAN and Bahau are very much in the public mincl nowadays, but all the same it is impossible for us to over-emphasize or exaggerate the importance of the fullest possible public co-operation in making the twin food-produc-tion schemes a success. Almost two years
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  • 265 1 THE NECESSITY for economy in the use of water, gas and transport facilities on th» part ot the public was emphasized by the ;it?yo-bu Cho in the course of his address before the Sanji Kai 7/hen he proposed the adoption u measures to promote th.3 coperation
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  • 160 1 THE OBJECT of this is the destruction of enemy espionage, strategem and propaganda work, and the suppression of disturbances by anti-Nippon Communist elements," said the Keimu-bu Cho, in Introducing the proposal dealing with measures to induce the public to exert themselves positively towards defensive operations
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  • 348 1 'Axis Positions Remain Firm As A Rock 9 —Shigemitsu Confidence In Victory Voiced Jan. 21.— The Gaimu Daijin (Foreign Minister) Mamoru Shigemitsu, addressing the 84th ♦session of the Diet, declared that the present year will be "an important year to decide the major trend of the global war." Expressing utmost
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  • 160 1 A MASS meeting will be held tomorrow at Kyo-ei Gekijo starting from 8.30 p.m. with the object of stimulating interest in the collective farms schemes at Endau and Bahau. The meeting is sponsored by the Syonan Toku-betu-si with the joint collaboration of the
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  • 750 1 Premier Tojo Addresses Imperial Diet Session 'VICTORYv LIES AHEAD' Pom el. TOKYO, Jan. 21.—"The enemy is in a fit of impatience. Now, when the, enemy is in such a state, a golden opportunity not to be missed, is offered to us to
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  • 299 1 A NIPPON BASE in Burma, lan. 21.—Close en the heels of he remarkable war results jchievsd on Jan. 18 in the course ->f a daring attack on enem* olanes plying on the Burma-In-lian air route, in which five large enemy transport planes and
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  • 78 1 THL second-terra Heiho Kyclku Tai (second-term Heiho Training Corps) of a certain Butai was inspected yesterday by Inspecting Officer Nagoshl after three months' training. Educational courses and. military training were closely examined by the Inspector, who pave an address on the progress and results attained. The
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  • 133 1 GRANTS HONOURS TO IS AVAL MEN DoraeL TOKYO, Jan. 21—The thirteenth conferment of honours by Tenno Heika to a party of officers and men of the Imperial Navy who rendered distinguished services and died gallantly in Dai Toa Senso (War of Greater East Asia) In the period from
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  • 517 1 4IT is vitally essential that the pesition of foodstuffs and clothing bo studi-d," stated the Keizji-bu Cho when he proposed the concideration of ways and means to improve economically th 3 present daily livelihood of the public to cooe with prevailing conditions, particularly with
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  • 362 1 SOMEWHERE IN BURMA, Jan. 21.—"The formidable forces which Subhas Bose has organized in Toa (East Asia) are steadily converging on the enemy in India. These forces will close in on the enemy from
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  • 2008 2 BY SYONAN SHIMBUN STAFF REPORTER. A HOST of suggestions, many of which are practicable and, if adopted, will undoubtedly enhance the successful execution of official policies, were contributed by the Sanji Kai lin, (members of
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  • 606 2 The application form for applying for admission U the Malai Giyw-cvn. ENROLMENT for the Malai Giyu-Gun (Volunteer Army), an organization extending the privilege of participating in the defence of their own country to local youths, has begun in Syonan. Applications can be made in Syonan
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  • 113 2 PROMOTER Nai Kim Lin's live-wire program at the Great World Arena this evening should supply fight fans with a night of thrills. All the scrappers taking part are in fine fettle. The big fights on the program are Kid Carpcntier vs. Baby Mendiola. C. Y. Yin vs. Little Sencio.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 204 2 WHY 9 a t t•• ti CUPID A Brillantine is a STILL LEADS Brillianiine "LAVENDER BRILLANTINE d*e Luxe" 118 km !>* Luxe in the real senserV^ I Ir^r^'^^rf* Test nrove li Tourse*f- It Its quality and Scent are un1. m. HB^lr%^V rivalled, proving that it is definitely the BEST and
      204 words
    • 802 2 MISCELLANEOUS SITUATIONS VACANT FOR SALS: One complete 4 cu. ft. WANTED URGENTLY experienced Refrigerator In excellent condition, fitters. Oood salary offered to right Apply to Boot No. 395, e/o Sycnan applicants. Apply personally to Nanpo Shim bun (Engliah Edition), Syonan. Sangyo Kabushiki Kalsha Oarage, 3-A T? Coleman Street, between the
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