Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 17 January 1944

Total Pages: 2
1 2 Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun)
  • 23 1 The Syonan Shimbun Office 140/146 Cecil Street, Syonan. Telephone No. 5471. NO. 391 MONDAY. JANUARY 1 L KOKJ 2G04. SYOWA 19 SEVEN CENTS
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  • 931 1 'New China A Fulfilment Of Dr. Sun Vat-Sen's Dream' DosaeL TOKYO, Jan. 15.—An earnest appeal to Marshal Chiang Kai-shek to "take the helm of your nation as a liberator of Asia and not as an
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  • 142 1 I>otnel. SOMEWHERE IN BURMA, Jan. 14.—Sub has Chandrc Bose, head of the Provisional Government of Azad Hind, announced today the appointment of the Chairman of the Indian Independence Cctmm.ttee in Europe, Shiri Nambiar, as Minister without Portfolio. Shiri Nambiar succeeds Lieut. Col. A. D.
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  • 200 1 I>omei. BUENOS AIRES, Jan. 14.— Dan ,er.i against the anti-Axis forces attempting an invasion of western Europe in the ne« futur3 cont.nue to be expressed in the United States, according to reports recelv2d. The Philadelphia Inquirer in its editorial today, for instance, a.kej
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  • 210 1 Oomei. NANKING, Jan. 16.—President Wang Ching-wei's message exhorting members of the National Economic Council to exert their utmost for the expansion of production as their contribution towards the successful prosecution of the war was read by Chairman Chou Fo-hai at the third plenary meeting
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  • 341 1 POLITICIANS the world over cannot help attaching the utmost significance to the recognition extended by the Vatican to the newly-born Republic of the Philippines. A Manila Domei message states that this recognition took the form of a telegram expressing the sincere thanks of Pope Pius XII
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  • 130 1 Damn. MANILA, Jan. B—The newlyborn Philippines Republic was recognised by yet another sovereign State, Pres dent Jose P. Laurel having received a message from the Vatican expressing the sincere thanks of Pope Pius XII lor the receipt of a communication on the occasion of
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  • 461 1 BY A SYONAN SHIHBUN STAFF KKTOBTKK JANUARY 8, 3604, will lons be remembered in Endau as it marked a major step in the progress of New Syonan. Promptly at 9.15 a.m. on that day, the Shin Syonan Zaimu Dairi Sho (New Syonan Finance Agency)
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  • 132 1 THE SECOND prize of the eighth-term Konan Saiken (Lottery) was won by Mr. Chokiro Hisakai, a 28-years-old seaman of the Hayashikane Shokai in Sycnan, according to t*ie Syonan Shimbun, Nippon Edition. Immediately after lie had received hie money from the Nampo Kaihatsu Kinko on
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  • 80 Enemy Planes Destroyed In South-West Pacific Sector: Smashing Raids By 'Wild Eagles'
    • 129 1 Domd. TOKYO, Jan. 16.-Nippon Army air units in the New Guinea sector raided Madzab, Marawasa, and Tenibi, Dai Honyei announced as 3 p.m. today. In aerial combats which took place over these airfields, the Nippon Air Force shot down six enemy planes, while 34 enemy
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    • 115 1 Domel. TOKYO, Jan. 15.—Dai Honyei at 4 p.m. today announced firstly, our Imperial Naval Air Force on the morning of Jan. 14, intercepting approximately 160 enemy planes which raided Rabaul, shot down 47 and probably 18 more. Three of our planes failed to return.
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    • 362 1 TOKYO, Jan. 15.—The primness and severity of the air sKJV&r? 1* ow **b-i, wasV*£h£ally told by a major commanding a Nippon air unit in the Rabaul area upon his return from the fighting sectors. Attesting to the frequency of air combats over Rabaul,
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    • 389 1 TOKYO, Jan. 15—Eight leading writers from Nampo (Southern Regions) are now in Tokyo to make a thorough study of Nippon's wartime structure, with emphasis laid in the publicity field. The writers, who hail from the Philippines, Sumatra, Djawa, Malai and Burma, will
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    • 296 1 Domei. A NJPPON BASE in the Central Pacific, Jan. 14.—Persistent enemy air attacks on Taroa Island in the Maloelap Atoll. Marshall Group, are being blast3d back by our naval garrison units there. On the night of Jan. 11. ten large enemy planes attempted
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    • 136 1 ESSAYS on "The Importance of Savings" and "War and Savings" are being invited for a prize competition. Essays must be written in Malai. English or Chinese. Essays written in English and Malai must not exceed 1.000 words, and those in Chinese are tot'to
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    • 69 1 Domei. BUENOS AIRES, Jan. 15.—1t is renorted from Washington that White Hcuse announced that Lieut. Gen. George Kenney, Commander of Allied forces in the South-West Pacific has arrived for a conference with the High Command and also Roosevelt. Kenney'.'. visit follows only a few
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    • 40 1 Domel. LISBON, Jan. 15.—1t is reported from London that the Air Ministry admitted that German aircraft swept over London early last night to inflict damage an > cause an undisclosed number of casualties, some of which proved fatal.
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    • 243 1 THE SYONAN Sanji Kai (Advisory Council), which was established on the eve of the second anniversary of the outbreak of Dai Toa Senso, will hold its first sitting on Jan. 21 at the auditorium of the
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    • 321 2 A CAPACITY crowd enjoyed an excellent program of boxing at the Great World Arena on Saturday night, all six congests fulfilling expectations. The results were: Johnny Mortell (124 lbs.) outpointed Tiger Asian (119 lbs.) over 12 rounds; Fighting Hassan (117 lbs.) outpointed Ong
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    • 437 2 THE PRIVILEGE of helping to defend their own country against enemy attempts to once again make them their slaves is now open to local inhabitants, and all youths imbued with enthusiasm for the cause of their own freedom are advised
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    • 261 2 By Syoiutn Shimbon Staff Reporter INSPIRED by letters and messages received from their comrades and relatives in Bahau, the second batch of Catholic pioneers left Syonan on Saturday night for their settlement, confident of making their Colony one big area of food-producing
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    • 41 2 ■MM BUENOS AIRES. Jan. 12.—Members of the Pacific War Council met with President Roosevelt in the chair toda* i for the first time since his return from the Cairo and Teheran conferences, I a Washington dispatch said.
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  • 554 2 TOKYO, Jan. 14.—The unshakable, steel-bound unity among Dai Toa nations was stressed in fiery speeches made by representatives of Nippon, Thailand, Burma and India at a fellowship rally held at the Imperial Hotel today under the auspices of the
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  • 57 2 THE SYONAN SHIMBUN (English Edition) takes pleasure In acknowledging receipt of the following donations to the Nippon Wounded Soldiers' and Sailors' Fund. Arrangement* are being made for the amounts to be re-forwarded to the proper quarters. Syonan Woodworking Factory, 136 Nam Lock Street, Syonan $10.00 Mr. Sim
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  • 51 2 uaenei. BUENOS AIRES. Jan. 14.—An earthquake shook the area of Long Beach, California, early this morning, according to a dispatch from Long Beach. No damage has thus far been reported. Long Beach was the scene of a serious earthquake to March, 1993 when many people were
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  • 105 2 Domei. MALACCA, Jan. 15—The Malacca Fu jin-Kai Malacca Women's Association was formed at a meeting at the To* Enbuzyo of prominent women of all nationalities from all over the State, held under the presidentship of Mr. H. Kitiknni, SomutraTyo. Women present comprised 26 Chinese, 11 Malais,
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  • 78 2 Reverend TAY BEX TIN at No. 43, Ouu-am Road, on Saturday (15th January, 2604). Deeply mourned by his beloved wife, 5 sons (Soo Chang, Soo Woon, Soo Keng, Soo Boon and Soo Lan), 6 daughters-in-law, 2 daughters. 2 sons-in-law (Tan Lee Wan and Tan Cheong Kng) and 16 grandchildren.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 262 2 SITUATIONS VACANT VACANCIES OCCUR for an Amusement Park in Syonan. Park Superintendent. Accountant Publicity-man General and Accounts clerks Electricians Ticket fellers and collectors Cinema operators Jagas Appointments will be open for both males and females. Male applicants must be over 35 year& of age. Applications should state briefly, personal history,
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    • 415 2 PUBLIC NOTICE SYONAN TOKUBETU SI NOTICE NO. 9 RE: RECRUITMENT OF STUDENTS FOR SEAMEN'S TRAINING SCHOOL. APPLICANTS AS STUDENTS for the Seamen's Training School are invited to be present at ROH-DOH ZIMU KYOKU (Labour Office) at 10 a.m. on the 20th aay of January In accordance with the following referential
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    • 944 2 PUBLIC NOTICES TOKUBETU SI NOTICE No. 7 B«: RECRUITMENT OF SPECIAL TECHNICIANS THE UNDERMENTIONED Special Technicians are invited to apply for following positions to ROH-DOH ZIMU KYOKU at 10 a.m. on the 19th January:— L TYPISTS (FEMALE) A certain number of female typists who are able to typewrite in Nippongo.
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    • 303 2 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE: Portable Air-condition plant—General Electric—3% h.p.—ln running condition. Apply to Box No. 3P7, c/o syonan Shtaibun (English Edition), Syonan. V^anted TO BUY one second-hand Child s Perambulator In splendid condition. Apply to T. B CHI7A, 539 Oeyfcing Road., after 6 p.m. POR SALE: Renowned VICTOR, fire-proof certified
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 324 2 TODAY'S PROGRAM 6 p.m. music; 8.38 p.m. news in Nippon language for children; 6.40 p.m. Chinese Children's Hour; 7 p.m. talk in Tamil: 7.20 p.m. Tamil religious songs; 7.50 p.m. Nippon melodies; 8 p.m. news in Hindustani; 8.15 p.m. news ta Tamil; 8.30 p.m. news in Cantonese; 8.45 p.m. news
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